The Event (The Survivalist Theory)

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Author’s Note: I kicked this one out quick, so it’s probably loaded with errors, but I’m in the process of editing a beast of a story, so this will have to do for now. This one’s pretty wacky and can certainly have more chapters, so I might poke at it here and there in the future if people want. Enjoy!


The Event happened, coincidentally, on Valentine’s Day of 2018. A meteor smashed into the Nevada Desert, sending a rippling effect that stretched the globe. It left a green, foggy haze hanging in the atmosphere and took several days before finally evaporating. However, there was no escaping it while it was in the air. Everyone had been infected.

This may sound crazy to any future civilization reading this, but I assure you, everything is true.

The moment The Event took place, rumors spread of people dying off from unknown carcinogens or turning into zombies. If only we had been so lucky. It was about a week after the haze lifted when some people began experiencing the effects of The Event. At first, we weren’t sure how to handle it.

Men were fucking women in the streets at random, ravaging whomever they pleased. Even the police and community leaders engaged in this behavior; the only ones that didn’t were the children and young adults. In fact, we discovered it didn’t affect adults until they reached the age of 24 or 25, sort of a second puberty as it were.

Within two weeks it was happening to all adults, myself included. We simply had no control over it. When the mood to fuck strikes, we must, and we’ll grab the nearest partner we find. Even gay men fuck women when they experience an “episode,” as there is no other way to describe it. The women, perhaps surprised at first when this first started, never objected though. They were willing sluts to every man’s desire.

It took a month more before society realized we were going to have to live with this condition. Humankind is resilient, even when faced with insurmountable problems. Everyone went back to work and resumed life as usual, albeit with the constant, random fucking. It was consensual, if sometimes awkward, as often it occurred in public places, sometimes between people who hated each other. Divorce Court could get very interesting, for instance.

It wasn’t until the Spring of 2019 that we realized no one was getting pregnant from these consummations. Not one single pregnancy. It seemed the haze had made us sterile, yet we weren’t in the technical standards. Fertility tests became mandatory and by all accounts, everyone was healthy. The vast majority tested virile, statistically the same as before The Event.

It was I who hypothesized the Survivalist Theory. I’ll recount the time I first introduced this theory to the International Science Board. It had been three years since The Event and I was a guest at their annual conference. I was on stage, fucking the hostess as she leaned over the podium, allowing me to angle my cock deep inside her.

I spoke loudly and clearly, “It is my theory that The Event triggered a biological inhibitor in our brain or body that in some way prevents pregnancies from occurring. We are by all other accounts, able to reproduce. Fertility tests prove this. I think, in fact, The Event was an attack on our entire species. Whether intentional or not, it is irrelevant. The result is the same. Nature is seeking bursa escort an answer to this crisis.”

I continued, bending the hostess over a bit further. “Humans are built for survival. In fact, we are the ultimate survivalists. I think there may be a ‘perfect match’ out there; a couple that can cancel the effects of this infertility caused by The Event. In essence, nature is trying to find a vaccine, and because the odds are so against, we are racing against time. Somehow, we subconsciously understand that we must find this match, hence society has granted these actions permissible.”

I began pumping the hostess even harder and she squealed in response. The audience was captivated by either my speech or actions, I was unsure.

“Considering it’s been three years now and no one has yet been impregnated, we can only assume finding a perfect match is exceptionally small. With each passing year that we don’t find a match, I believe our actions will only occur more often.”

I unloaded my semen inside the woman and she began quivering. I felt her vaginal muscles tighten against my cock as she climaxed. At least I pleased them when I fucked them, I thought. Some guys weren’t as lucky.

I pulled my pants back up and faced the audience. “This means, ladies and gentlemen, that we should consider sending thousands of men and women across the globe mingling with new people. The reason? People tend to stay tethered to areas. Initiating a program to increase our odds in finding this perfect match is the best course of action.”

A deep voice boomed from the back of the room, “You want to create a ‘Sex Coalition,’ you’re suggesting?”

I squinted to see who was speaking, but because so many lights were on me, I could only make out that he was being straddled by a middle-aged woman with fairly large breasts and wide hips. They bounced as she rode him.

“I suppose so, yes.”

“And who would lead this coalition?” asked the man.

All eyes were on me. “I… uh… I guess I could do it.” I hadn’t even thought about it, actually.

“I’ll fund it myself!” he boomed. Even from the back, everyone in the theatre recognized he was cumming as he unloaded into the woman, who was now moaning in pleasure. She continued slamming down on his still-hard cock.

After the presentation, it was discovered the man speaking was Cameron Davis, a multi-billionaire tech mogul. True to his word, he funded every penny of the massive, global project.

It was only two weeks later, following the conference, that I found myself heading up the team and beginning what was essentially, a new career. We were getting ready for our first trip while I was allowing my new secretary, Janice, to suck my cock. She had only been with me a few days, but I liked her a lot. Curvy, and professional, it was clear she would make my life easier.

I was reviewing a report, but felt an episode coming on, so allowing Janice to lick the tip of my penis would help prepare her for the inevitable fucking.

We kicked off our campaign with a messaging mission, announcing our purpose to the world. It was educational, explaining the Survivalist Theory to the world. It also served as a plea for volunteers, while proposing that all people should embrace the episodes, rather than treating them as inconveniences. Enjoying sex was escort bursa critical in increasing odds of pregnancy, even before The Event took place. We wanted people to make it a point to try to get pregnant.

“So you said my mother was stopping by the office today, before we head out for London?” I asked, looking down at my secretary.

Janice stopped licking, but held my cock firmly in her right hand.

“Yes, the plane doesn’t leave until 3:30 and she said she might have to come before noon, depending on her schedule.”

“Damn it, I told her not to come between 11 and 1, ever. I almost always have an attack around that time.”

By now, Janice was well aware of this fact, as this was our eight go-round since she started working with me a few days ago. My routine was beginning to show: first thing in the morning, sometime between 11 and 1, and right after dinner. She swallowed my cock deep, and I felt it thicken in her throat. I quickly bent her over, lifting her skirt, revealing her bare ass. I dove my fingers into her.

“You really do have a very nice cock, Doctor. I don’t mind you using me. However, I am eager to move forward with this trip so we can discover if your theory of survival is accurate. We’ll fuck so many strangers! I’m not yet sure I feel about it, yet I am hopeful.”

“Well, once we get to London, we have a three-week window to select 1200 of their finest men and women to come back to America with us and mingle for six weeks. We’ll repeat this challenge from country to country. If need be, we’ll double or triple efforts in the future.”

I shot my load inside her, making sure to hold it in tight. It wouldn’t be too long before the two of us probably wouldn’t find the time to fuck each other. I wanted to take every opportunity to increase the odds of impregnating her, should we be the perfect match.

A few hours later, nearing 1 o’clock, I still hadn’t experienced another episode. Janice came in at noon and stripped down to nothing, spreading her legs before me, perhaps hoping to trigger an attack, but to no avail. We worked diligently, checking off our lists and reviewing our schedules. At 1:10, I was suddenly hit with the urge and walked over to Janice, turning her over and going straight for the finish. I was hoping to get it over with before Mom showed up. She usually wasn’t late.

We had just started to get into it when Mom and Cindy came barging in. Cindy was a successful attorney for being so young. She was also my twin sister. Ever since the first time I filled her pussy with my cum, we only communicated by phone or text. Personally, I didn’t want to risk getting off on watching her bounce those spectacular breasts in my face again. No matter the insatiable drive to fuck, I still knew what we were doing was kind of gross. Yet nature took over, as it were, and we fucked until I came inside her. After that, Cindy and I agreed to eliminate the risk of it happening again and kept our distance.

“Damn it, I was hoping I would never see that cock again,” said Cindy as she straddled in. The cab driver was fucking Cindy in the ass, probably until he was ready to release his load inside her pussy. We always ended in their pussies.

Mom walked over to Janice and asked, “How many times has he fucked you today?”

“Just once, ma’am, earlier this morning” she responded. bursa escort bayan

“Well, I can take over. I need to have a word with my son.”

Mom stripped out of her bra and panties and bent over. Her breasts were hanging and her pussy enticing me to do my business. I obliged.

“So you know, I waited until after 1, even though I could have been here earlier,” said Mom.

“I know,” I said, pumping slowly.

“You said…”

“I know.”

“Well, I just wanted to see you before you left, really. I wanted you to know that your father and I are rooting for you. I had to beg Cindy to come and see you. Since it’s only for a few minutes, I convinced her it was unlikely something like this would happen. Guess I was wrong.”

Right now, Cindy was bent over accepting the gift the driver was donating. Her tits had slipped out of her top and they were just as nice as I remembered. It didn’t take me long to climax inside my mom while enjoying the view.

“Thank you, dear,” she said. “Why don’t you put that huge cock away and let Cindy and you catch up. You haven’t seen each other in so long.”

“Of course, Mom,” I said.

Moments later, Cindy and were having a sibling moment and began to say our good-byes. Mom, standing before us with cum still dripping out of her pussy, wiped a tear from her eye.

“I am so glad you got to see each other,” said Mom. “I know this whole thing has been terrible… for everyone… but no mother wants to see their children grow distant.”

“Tell you what, Mom. When we get back, we’ll all have dinner together. Is that okay with you, Cindy?”

“Yes, of course. It’s stupid what we agreed to, Tim. I miss you.”

We had always been a close family before The Event and it had certainly taken its toll on our family dynamic.

Janice spoke up. “You could always have me come along when you guys get together. That is, if you want.”

“Why would you do that?” asked Mom.

“Well, if Tim gets an episode, I could be his slut. You don’t have to worry about awkward situations.

“I suppose that would be fine with me if that’s what Cindy wants,” I said. “What are your thoughts, Mom?”

“It’s okay by me,” she said.

“Oh please,” said Cindy. “It’s not necessary. Are you two a couple or something?” Cindy winked at me.

“No, afraid not,” I said. “Janice is smoking hot, but probably not my type, right?”

“Well, I do have a boyfriend,” Janice said.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” said Cindy. “I just want to see my brother again. Promise we’ll stop avoiding each other when you get back?”

“You got it, sis,” I said.

“I have a better idea,” said Mom.

We all turned to her.

“Why don’t you go with them?” Mom asked, looking at Cindy. “Your legal services would benefit the project, too. In fact, I know they would. I spoke personally with Mr. Davis and he’s agreed to take you on.”

Silence. What Mom dropped was a bombshell. To go from avoiding each other for months to being intimately involved in the same work was a stark difference.

“Mom, you never cease to amaze me. You planned this all along, didn’t you?” Cindy was laughing as she asked.

Mom smiled slyly. She always was crafty. Growing up, every birthday, Cindy and I were subjected to elaborate experiences. Once, she took us to a concert to see our favorite band, when she had us convinced we were going to a funeral. Not only that, we met the band backstage.

“Well, I’m okay with it, of course,” I said. “What do you say, Cindy? Want to join this adventure?

“Guess I better get packed.”

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