Lesbian Neighbors


Heather was gone, no two ways about it. But that was okay, thought Jolene, we need to get away from each other once in awhile, if even just to heal a little. She laughed out loud. But still, Joli was a little sad. This girl that was gone was becoming very important to her. Not in a real sense but in a “I need you right now” sense. But Joli was going to welcome Heather back with a wonderfully sexy surprise. And Joli stayed happy because she knew the joy and passion Heather would show upon her return and knowing she made Heather happy made Joli so very happy. Heather was going to be gone for three days, and “I haven’t had much time with her lately anyway, just quickies.” thought Joli. I’ll welcome her back with such a wonderful surprise, she thought and she began her day.

First she went to work and worked furiously, into the night “I must have a clean slate” she thought so as not to worry about work and concentrate on my “sweet pie.” At two am she left the office and went home. “Just two more days” she smiled and fell into bed, dreaming of Heather. The next morning she looked through her closet and drawers, and made a few mental notes. “Gonna have to be really special” she thought. With that thought she went off to work, dressed a little sloppily. “After all” she thought, “there is nobody I want to see today or to bother me, must finish work” Joli again worked until almost ten that night. She changed her voice mail message, saying she would be off Friday and not returning until Monday. She smiled a huge smile when she left the message.

Friday morning Joli leaped out of bed excited that Heather was coming home. She brushed her teeth, showered, got dressed and was off for a day full of errands. For Heather. For love.

First she went to Bed Bath and Beyond and picked up a few items. Then she went to Victoria’s Secret (blushing), but it was at the salon that it sunk in. She was reading Woman’s Day waiting for her turn. “Jolene honey, you’re next” Joli got up and went and sat in the chair. It was still warm from the last customer (whom Joli had watched come in and go out she was very lonely. Joli thought “ohh I forgot how cold my ass has been it feels so better warm” and a wicked, evil grin pursed her lips.

She stopped by the liquor store on the way home and began the preparation. She put out many many candles in the living and bedrooms. Cleaned the house immaculately, even making sure pillows were fluffed and just so. She put on her favorite love songs and programmed her CD player to play them in just the right order she imagined the evening would be. Now it was six PM. “She’ll be here by nine I think and I’ll be ready.”” she smiled. Joli went to the bathroom and began primping and preening. “…Combed my hair in thousand ways,” she sang, thinking of an old Rod Stewart song as she did comb it so many ways. She applied a little mascara thinking “careful girl don’t want to look like a raccoon or whore” and just the littlest bit of rouge to bring some color to her winter paled cheeks. Now it was seven thirty. Joli was so excited. She wanted Heather to be so happy and excited to be back. She went to her Victoria’s Secret bag and pulled out the laciest white teddy she’d ever seen. “Cost me a fortune” she thought “but well worth it. (Snaps at crotch)” She than suddenly noticed she was a bit chilly and her nipples were rock hard and put her short robe on, ready to rip it off seconds before 9 PM.

At nine PM Joli was ready hot and willing. She opened a bottle of Shiraz to let it breath, lit all the candles, and dimmed the lights. She lit the fire and stood on tiptoe so exposed looking out the window for her soul mate. At 9:30 Joli poured herself a glass of wine and smiled wickedly “she’ll be here any minute” and had a sip.

At 10:00 PM Joli poured her second glass and smiled “all travel is unpredictable” she thought and went to look at herself again, to make sure she was perfect. At 10:30 Joli poured her third glass of wine and threw another log on the fire. She curled up on the soft white rug in front of it, drawing her knees into her body “she’ll be here, she loves me I just know it” and silently drank her wine.

At 11:00 she turned on the CD player and sat in her favorite chair, killing the bottle, missing Heather and singing along with the songs, softly. At 11:30 she blew out the candles and turned off the CD player. She put another log on the fire, and went and got her emergency cigarette, for when she was sad. She sat by the fire on the hearth, smoking and no emotion just a blank stare, smoking when the cigarette was spent she threw it in the fire and left the room.

She went into the bedroom, took off her teddy (folding it ever so neatly, almost with love) and put on her big red baggy “I’m Red Hot For You” T-shirt and went to bed. Not sad, not angry not anything just…

She was awakened with a start. It was 3 am from looking at the clock. “Whom the hell is banging on my door at this hour” she thought. She crawled out of bed, jousted her hair, pulled her T-shirt down and went to the door. She cracked it open, peeked out and than threw it open “Heather Esenyurt Escort oh my love” she cried out and leapt into her arms. “Oh I missed you so much I love youumumum ” covering her in kisses. Heather held Joli tight and kissed her full on the mouth passionately, never saying a word. Faces pressed together in the most romantic kiss of all time. But as Heather kissed Joli, she felt Joli’s lips get warm, softer and quivering. Heather felt wetness on her cheeks and a salty taste on her lips. Heather pulled back and looked at Joli, “are you crying sweetheart?” Joli had wet eyes and a tear running down each cheek, mascara just starting to run. With a half crooked, trembling smile, Joli started to explain the plans she had and how it went wrong and how much she had missed Heather, and wanted to make it special, to show her how much Heather meant to her, and then just hugged Heather as if to say “don’t ever leave again.” Heather held her tight, caressing her, reassuring her that her love for Joli would never fade, and walked her back into her house, all the while kissing her softly. “Oh Heather I feel like such a fool it’s just that I love you so so much and I wanted tonight to be so special.” Heather looked in her eyes, love and passion shooting out like sparks, and said” Joli there’s always another time we can do this. Now go clean up, your such a mess” she teased as she kissed Joli. “Okay Heather, I’ll be back in a second. I’m sorry I was so emotional” “Hush dear, I’ll be here for you” Heather cooed as she brushed Joli’s hair.

Joli went into the bathroom, feeling like such a child and a fool. She wiped the mascara off her cheeks, dried her eyes, looked in the mirror and softly whispered ” she loves you don’t let this get to you, there are other times we can do this” and gave herself a halfhearted smile. Joli took a big sigh and opened the bathroom door… and was stopped dead in her tracks, There in the bedroom, all the candles were lit. It was beautiful, so romantic. Joli looked across the room and there in the middle of it was Heather. In a full-length sheer satin nightgown, slit up past the hips on both sides. “My god” though Joli “she is a goddess, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!”

Heather reached out to Joli, pursing her lips, hair behind both ears, and growled “come here, I want to give you something…”

– Come here sweetpie…. Heather says as she passionately embraces Jolene holding her by her trim waist. – I hope I’ll be able to make it up to you… I mean… I got stuck in Pittsburgh. That damns US Air! Heather explains and gently pecks Jolene’s lips. She feels her nipples getting real hard and looks with love & tenderness into her lover’s eyes. – Jolene I’m sorry I spoilt your evening. I’m sorry I made you unhappy…. I’m so sorry I made you cry! Heather feels her eyes get wet and her voice is almost a whisper, voice fainting on the last words, almost losing it completely. The least thing Heather would like to happen would be to make her lover unhappy. She can’t contain a sob and with glazed eyes kisses Jolene’s lips passionately. Her mouth covering Jolene’s lips fully. Slowly moving aside and pecking all the way through Jolene’s cheeks and nose. Holding Jolene’s face between her 2 hands, she nibbles at Jolene’s nose and starts to laugh and sob at the same time, but feeling really happy for her decision of going directly to her neighbors house.

– Oh my love forgive me please. I never meant to make you sad. I love you so much. Please forgive me, you know how much I love you!

They abandon themselves on each other’s arms and let their love flow between themselves connected by their mouths. Their tongues teasing each other, fighting for space, like two serpents in heat. The desire for each other boiling in their loins as they cling each others bodies in a vain attempt to make it just one. To be united forever as a sole individual.

Heather’s hands were all busy caressing Jolene’s back. In the mean time Jolene’s hands squeeze Heather’s buttcheeks. They break the kiss and smile to each other. Knowing instantly that bygones should be bygones. Heather’s wet eyes feel a teardrop dribbles down her cheek. Jolene picks it up with her nail and licks it up with love in her eyes. Jolene drags Heather to the couch in front of the fire and sits on it. Heather lays her head on Jolene’s lap and they savor that moment. The quietness. The intimacy of lovers. Not a word is spoken. The silence was not torturing, on the other hand, it was an ally. – Jolene, love, I had a terrible day. All my customers want are discounts & discounts and I have a budget to follow. Heather smiles sadly. – It’s so comforting to be here with you, feeling loved & cared! Heather cuddles herself on Jolene’s lap and feels her comforting hands toying with Heather’s hair. Happy, Heather sighs and starts to doze up in Jolene’s lap. Jolene looks at Heather with tenderness and thinks about waking her up and inviting her to bed, but thinking twice, and watching her tired lover sleep so peacefully on her lap, Jolene goes on caressing Heather’s head till she also dozes up and they İstanbul Escort sleep together. Jolene is in that between worlds where she is half awaken and half sleeping, but she looks at Heather, smiles confidently, and starts to recall the first time she saw her neighbor. Her lush body, mainly her round ass called her attention. She had bad thoughts about Heather’s ass, even before they met each other formally. She grins, yawning. She recalls how her heart raced the first time they exchanged some words. Her grin gets wider, as she recalls their first lovemaking with the strap on, and how good it was to fulfill a dream. Now, looking down, her lover sleeps peacefully on her lap. Her blonde hair disheveled. Jolene picks gently Heather’s hair and stick it behind Heather’s ear, knowing how much she likes to have it that way. Joli starts to think that a month ago, a moment like that would be a wild dream. But now it’s reality. Just to make sure it’s no dream, Jolene moves her hand down and pats Heather’s ass, she grins widely and thinks of everything she had planned for her girlfriend that night. – Ooh Heather, you get me so hot just looking at you love! She whispers avoiding waking up her lover, however, Heather opens her eyelids lazily and her brown slit eyes turn to Jolene and she grins. – I thought I overslept. I’m sorry lover, but I’m so tired. I hate getting stuck in planes & airports. Heather feels her lover’s hand on her butt and grins mischievously. – Missing me love? Jolene grins back and moves her hand inside Heather’s slit opened satin nightgown and touching her, realizes she’s wearing a g-string inside. – Heather! You’re such a naughty girl! Jolene laughs as she caresses Heather’s asscheeks… her finger moving to Heather’s pink asterisk and probing gently. – Does it answers your question lover? Heather exclaims – Oooh my love! Please not now. I’m really tired and you know that if you go this way we won’t sleep at all! Jolene moves her finger outside and pats Heather’s butt again. – Sure love, just wanted to check how it was! Jolene smiles crookedly and winks at Heather. Heather blows Jolene a kiss and exclaims. – It’s missing you my love always. After saying that, Heather’s eyelids start to get heavier again and she turns to sleep in Jolene’s lap once more.

Jolene kisses her own fingers and brushes it gently on Heather’s lips and says. – Sleep well sweetpie… I hope you dream of me!

“Oooh God I love this club’ Jolene thought as she danced in Heather’s arms. The song was “Have I told you lately” and in truth Jolene and Heather weren’t really dancing, it was more of rhythmic caressing. Jolene had her arms lazily around Heather’s neck, caressing it, and Heather was cupping Jolene’s ass and their crotches were pressed tight together while they rubbed their mounds together to beat of song. Soft wet kisses being exchanged, with just slight hints of tongue, both with eyes glazed, both whispering, no purring “I love you” to each other, both hoping this was extended dance mix, and dance would never end. Jolene so wanted this night at the club to never end. The song ended and Jolene grabbed Heather’s hand and said “let me buy you a drink, hottie” and smiled and pulled Heather’s hip to her, slowly walking over to bar and dogs barking. Dogs barking what dogs barking getting louder dogs Jolene opened her eyes and squinted, even through closed blinds sunlight was hitting her in face. “ooh” thought Jolene, “where..” and looking down she saw Heather still asleep, head in her lap (drooling a little). She could hear dogs barking outside and silently cursed them for waking her out of her “dream date” with Heather. Jolene smiled and finally knew in her heart, without any doubts, that Heather truly completely and wholly loved her. coming right from airport at three AM exhausted and that Heather had tried to salvage a date in her state of exhaustion. Jolene just smiled and softly stroked her hair not wanting to wake her up yet, just to gaze at her, Jolene thought “she is so beautiful when she is sleeping” and whispered “I love you sweet pie.”

Jolene gazed at her for 30 minutes, lost in fantasy and admiration and awe at the beauty so peacefully slumbering on her lap. But Jolene also knew her legs were asleep and starting to ache so she started cooing, softly, gently, lovingly “sweet pie” “hi sweet pie” “Heather honey” then stopped as Heather started to move. Jolene began caressing her hair again, ever so softly, so as to not make her wake up to abrupt. Heather slowly turned her head up and with puffy (but beautiful brown)eyes said “hi Jolene I missed you” and smiled. Jolene swooned, pushed her hair behind her ear and said “Hi sweet pie I missed you too. Jolene kissed two fingers and put them on Heather’s lips. Heather said in sexy poutty deliberate way “still mad at me?” and Jolene smiled. “No honey I never was mad, I cried because at that moment, you at my door, I finally knew, knew beyond anything that you love me as much as I love you.” “Those were tears of pure joy, tears of one of the happiest times of my life, tears of love.” “I couldn’t ever be angry with you.” Jolene Beylikdüzü Escort just looked at Heather and smiled, brushing her face with her hand.

Heather sat up and looked at Jolene “you know, love of my life, we look like shit” and started laughing. Jolene tousled Heather’s hair and said “now you do” and laughed with her. Heather woke up for a few seconds, and said “I’m sorry, it sounded so sexy and I know I would have appreciated it and probably have cum 30 or 40 times, (smiling). Thank you so much I wish I would have been here.” Jolene said (with hands in her own lap, folded, still sleepy herself) “its okay Heather, I think we are going to have a long time together, and we can try that again some night. In fact, plan on it!!” Heather smiled, then saw the clock “oh shit it’s nine thirty did we really sleep this late??” “yes we did” Jolene smiled. “Honey I have to go and get these orders in can I see you in a few hours, I really have to do this? ” Jolene smiled “girls gotta make a living” she said. “Yeah go I don’t mind” I’ll see ya later?” Heather kissed her “count on it”.

Heather grabbed her overnight bag and ran across the yard hoping no one would see her in her sexy gown. “AAAAhhhhhh” Jolene sighed, hit play on the CD player and made a cup of coffee. She drank about half of it, super happy and listening to the songs from the night before, now very happy. She got up, wiggling her hips in time to the music and headed for the shower. She turned it on took off her baggy tee and felt the water to see if it was right temp. It was and she went in. Jolene soaked for a minute or so just getting wet and waking up. she washed her hair and washed herself all over (washing her breasts longer than usual) humming the whole time “Maybe I’m Amazed”. she shaved her legs and as her second leg was up on stool felt water running down her crack, deliciously. No way she thought, gonna save myself for later. she turned off the water dried herself off and wrapped the towel around her head. she brushed her teeth and went to the bedroom. “Heather” she screamed, as Heather standing there, still tousled and scruffy had scared the shit out of her. Heather held her arms out and growled “come here, lover”. Jolene was stunned. she had never seen this look on Heather before, pure lust, pure nasty, pure “fuck me” look on her face. Jolene thought as she ran to her “god she is hot” Heather grabbed Jolene and jammed her tongue in her mouth spit flowing both sucking it down Heather pushed her away and said ” I brought you a present cause I missed you”. Heather took out a nine inch dildo covered with little bumps “I call it love nubs” she grinned. Than she put a strap on on Jolene, tenderly adjusting the belt “fuck me ” she whispered in her ear, “and watch it go in and out I know you want to.” and stuck her tongue in Jolene’s ear. Jolene was so hot. Heather pushed her on her back on the bed and threw three pillows under Jolene’s feet. Holding the dildo, she put her ass, facing Jolene’s feet, on her face, and said “make my ass wet” while leaning forward to tongue Jolene’s. Jolene spit in her ass moaning and worked it in with her finger and tongue bucking her hips. Heather took a handful of KY and greased the strap on, Jolene’s ass and her own in seconds. “Fuck me” she screamed and started to lower herself on the strap on. At the same time, Jolene could feel the dildo pushing into her own ass slowly. both girls were moaning and the movement was slow, careful and deliberate but with one final result in mind, to cum together. Jolene was in ecstasy, and seeing Heather’s ass slowly slide down onto the strap on was so hot. Heather’s ass was taking it and sucking it in. Jolene was relaxing and letting it slide into herself. UMMMM extra bonus, Heather is eating me she thought as juice started gushing. Jolene was rubbing Heather’s ass cheeks in soft round strokes with little slaps here and there. Hard to concentrate because of stubbed dildo almost all the way in her own ass. “oh god” thought Jolene, not much longer. Heather had taken it all and was riding it up and down. Jolene was fixated at the in & out motion making her so close to cumming. Heather was screaming and fucking Jolene’s ass like there were no tomorrow, but could eat her no longer as close to cumming herself. Jolene could actually see the wet hanging off Heather’s pussy. Jolene screamed “fuck me I’m cumming” Heather screamed “me too baby”. Heather just sat down, grinding her ass on the strap on, and Jolene screamed as Heather had shoved it all the way in and was shaking it around. Panting, sweaty, Heather lay forward on Jolene’s feet, ass quivering whole body shaking panting and grunting. Jolene was sweaty, panting and rubbing Heather’s ass cheeks. “Heather what happened most incredible ever??” “Why baby, thought you had to make orders?” Heather, in grunting panting laugh “cause I love you, had to make it up to you, and still not done yet.” Heather reluctantly got off the strap on turned around and slid up next to Jolene. Kissed her and licked her ear. “My love, I was so moved, so touched by your efforts to please me, to show me you love me, that I sneaked in to surprise you. Surprised? “She laughed. Jolene just grabbed her face and kissed her. “I love you sweet pie but go do your job, make your orders.” After another half hour of making out, Heather got up, slid her robe on (oh so sexy) and said “dress up pretty girl, I’m taking you out tonight!!

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