Tit For Tat

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Christy wandered from the sofa to the kitchen to make herself a mug of tea. She was in the mood for something herbal like those bedtime teas that help you sleep. She wasn’t sure if she was coming down with some bug or if she was just knocked out by the heat. Whatever it was Christy planned on getting a good night sleep tonight. As she waited for the kettle to come to a boil, she opened the cupboard where she stored her vitamins and a few other items and picked up the bottle of sleeping pills. Squeezing it in the palm of her hand she was undecided if she really wanted to take one.

‘What the hell.’ She thought to herself. ‘It isn’t as though I make a habit of it. I’ll try it, just tonight.’ And down went two pills chased by a cool glass of water.

With the mug of hot chamomile and honey tea in her hand Christy went to her room and walked over to the patio doors without even a glance at her haven of femininity. Her room was decorated in soft hues of pink and cream; pillows of satin, curtains of lace. Each item was hand picked and well thought out before it was purchased. Christy loved decorating this room but right now, she walked through it without a thought. Her patio doors were wide open letting in the cool evening breeze. She had central air but in the evenings she preferred it turned off in deference to natural evening breezes.

She took a deep breath wanting to capture the fragrances that wafted in on the breeze. Those same breezes wanted to capture her too. The night air pushed the long satin nightgown against her body molding it to her breasts and the V between her thighs. Her lacy cream curtains blew inward as if wanting to hug her the same way as her nightgown. Long straight blond hair was pulled from her pretty face letting the stars and the moon gaze at her delicate features still glistening from perspiration produced from the humid night.

The tepid tea and the pill were taking affect as Christy started to feel drowsy. Taking one last deep breath of the fresh night air, she turned from the windows and climbed into her bed. Enjoying the coolness of the satin pillow beneath her head, Christy sank deep into the clean smooth sheets. The big pink duvet was kicked down to the end of her bed knowing it would make her too hot to sleep. Heavy lids fringed with long black lashes fell quickly as sleep enveloped her in darkness and her full sensuous lips opened slightly to let her little breaths escape.

Deep in sleep, Christy unknowingly tossed and turned. Laying flat on her back for a time but then turning onto her side with her knees pulled up to her chest. Her slippery gown quickly became a tangle around her slim waist. Long tanned legs stretched out and then up, never really able to decide where they wanted to be. Finally, sometime during the night, Christy came to rest on her back with two of her pillows falling to the floor. Smooth pink sheets scrunched in waves at her feet with her slender arms circling her head like a sleeping ballerina.

As the lacy curtains billowed inward, a shadow appeared in the form of a man. Had Christy awakened she would have seen him but in her drug induced sleep she was blissfully unaware but the same could not be said for the shadow. The man standing there was very much aware; aware of the beautiful vision sleeping on pink satin sheets. Wanting a closer look, the shadow stepped in through the patio doors, no longer a shadow but a man.

“Beautiful”, he whispered, “just beautiful.”

The inside of her arms looked as soft as the satin beneath her as they framed her silky hair and sweet delicate features. He pulled his eyes from her reposing face to let it wander downward to see what other tantalizing gifts this sleeping beauty had to offer.

A long graceful neck stretched down to her chest with full milky breasts peeking from above the bodice of her nightgown. Looking closely he could just catch a glimpse of a pink strawberry nipple peeking out of it’s confines of satin and lace. His tongue slipped out to moisten his lips as his mouth went dry from holding his breath. Forcing his eyes from those luscious mounds his gaze followed a path down to her tummy. Folds of satin rippled at her waist with a hem scarcely covering what he knew would be the greatest treasure of all. One tanned leg was bent at the knee while the other stretched straight down; her painted toes barely concealed by the sheets that were bunched at her feet.

The ghostly shadow that had become a man was the Prince Charming this Sleeping Beauty deserved. He was as darkly complected as she was fair. He was strongly built with a square jaw. Black hair fell on his brow as he lowered his head to look more closely at his fairy tale princess. If Christy had awakened she would have thought this vision of a man had jumped off the cover of a romance novel. But she didn’t wake. She didn’t feel the look that would surely have burnt her skin from the heat of it had she been conscious.

The prince of her dreams came closer to the bed and his hand reached out topkapı eskort to touch her. Long fingers drew a line along her soft calf stopping at her knee to draw imaginary circles before sliding up her even softer thigh, stopping only when he touched the hem of her nightie. He hesitated only a moment before he let the soft material be pushed up and away, as snow on the spoon of a shovel, by his fingers. He stopped only when the material bunched at her flat tummy and well out of his line of vision. Burning dark eyes smoldered at the sight of her completely shaven sex. Without the cover of pubic hair, his eyes could see the plump baby soft folds that made her a woman.

His fingers twitched with the need to touch her where his eyes had touched her; to feel the softness he knew would be like no other softness. He couldn’t wait any longer; his hand reached out as if it had a mind of its own and touched her as softly as the wings of a butterfly. They glided across the soft bone of her pubis before letting them slide down to the folds of her velvet lips. Just as he had imagined her smooth skin was even softer than silk. His fingers unconsciously caressed her swollen lips, back and forth so slowly and lovingly. A moment later he felt a hint of wetness touch his skin. He looked down at his fingers and saw that her womanly honey had begun to flow.

The moonlight turned that honey into a glistening sparkle tantalizing him into wanting to see her jewel. His finger slid up to touch the most precious jewel of all as it was already peeking from its protective hood wanting to shine for him.

The dark stranger traced his finger along her slippery labia just as a soft sigh whispered in the room. Christy was still asleep but not as deeply as when he had entered it. As his finger followed her moistened slit he could feel it dampen more and more. A musky scent rose from her humid sex and he inhaled the bouquet deeply. His penis tightened in his jeans as the aroma passed from his nostrils to his brain working its magic as it has since the beginning of time. Aware of the power of her fragrance he was ready to experience the power of her taste. A thick finger slid between her moist pouty lips enjoying the silky slippery feel before he raised his digit to his mouth to suck her savoury juices greedily. The taste of her affected his brain as strongly as her scent.

He couldn’t believe that she was still asleep while he had never felt more awake in his life. But her state of gentle repose was just as arousing to him as her lovely body. His eyes wandered up to enjoy the sight of her lush breasts. The strap of her nightie had slipped to her shoulder when she unknowingly brought down her arm to rest at her side. Hooking a finger beneath the strap he gently pulled it down baring her breast with the pink tipped morsel waiting to be enjoyed. He cupped the plump underside of her breast and hefted it as if gauging its weight. His thumb lightly skimmed across the taut nipple making it pucker even more. Little bumps appeared on her areola as his thumb teased it.

Bending over his sleeping beauty, his lips captured the hard nub and he was happily surprised when he could feel it swell even more on his tongue. His appetite whetted now, he had to taste the other one. Gently pressing her to lie completely on her back, he tugged the strap lower to bare the twin globe. His mouth covered the beady tip and he sucked lightly and felt it grow just as the other one had grown. Staring down at her beautiful breasts he could see how wonderfully they had engorged.

Not only did he want to crawl into her bed; into her sex; into her life; he wished he could crawl into her dreams. He wanted to know what her dreams were right now as he touched her. Since he knew he could not join her in her dreams he decided to join her in reality.

Placing his big hand on her tummy, his fingers gripped her crumpled nightie and it felt cool but then he placed his hand flat against her belly and he felt her heat inviting him. Braver now, he sat on the edge of her bed and peeked into the core of her body. Glistening wetness painted her lips drawing him closer. Knowing he was arousing her in her sleep made him smile because unbeknownst to her, she was arousing him as well.

Bending forward on his elbow, he leaned in to inhale her scent. His tongue snaked out and trailed her smooth labia to find her oasis. Every little taste bud on his tongue exploded as his heart skipped a beat. Slowly and deliberately his tongue dipped into each little crevice exploring her completely. His tongue flicked against the peeking jewel watching his saliva as it spun a web tying him to her; trapping him. The pink nub turned white in the moonlight like a beacon showing him the way. His mouth covered her sex and his tongue shot deep inside her letting the honey flow on his tongue, swallowing fast to quickly drink some more. Instinctively, her legs opened wider in her sleep helping him get closer to the prize. Her hips rose from the bed pushing bayan escort up to the source of her pleasure. His hands gripped her bottom, holding it as it tightened and trembled as she came in his hands; came in her dream.

Quiet whimpers slipped from her mouth as her passion flowed from her body into the mouth and hands of a stranger. His throat constricted from holding back his emotions and his nostrils flared as they captured the scent of her passion. His penis was so hard it ached.

Still asleep but quieter now, Christy raised her arms to halo her head again. Her naked full breasts rose high and proud tantalizing him beyond his control. Standing, the stranger unbuttoned his jeans and slipped from them quickly. No shirt, socks or even shorts were worn in the event his dream might come true.

Naked, he laid down beside his Sleeping Beauty. His aching cock pressed against the soft skin of her thigh. He gently opened her legs wider and he carefully crawled between them. Holding his body weight off of her with is arm, he guided his erection along her lips smothering the tip in her juices. Finding the entrance to heaven, he waited. Beads of sweat popped out on his chest and arms from holding back and slowing entering her rather than just ramming it home. Stroking slowly, he felt her liquid fire burn him. The satiny friction was almost too much to bear and then he felt her hips rise to meet his. He lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on her lips. Still in slumber, Christy took his tongue inside her mouth unknowingly recognizing the familiar taste.

Sleeping Beauty’s inner walls convulsed and gripped his swollen cock so tightly that he could not tell if the pulsation was from her or him. Syrup ran freely from her to pool at the base of his cock and her soft moans pushed him past the point of no return. His moans mingled softly with hers as his seed spurted unceremoniously inside of her.

As his breath returned, his eyes looked up to see a slight smile on his Sleeping Beauty and he couldn’t resist placing a small kiss upon her lips but unlike the fairy tale, she did not awaken.

Reluctantly, he slipped his still erect cock from paradise and left her bed. Reaching for his discarded jeans, he slipped them on and buttoned them slowly still looking over at her. With one last longing look at ‘Sleeping Beauty’, he quietly turned and left the way he came.

Had Christy opened her eyes at that very moment, all she would have seen was the billowing curtains hanging in front of her opened doors, with the full moon casting soft lighting into her room. Moments later, Christy turned to her side lifted her knees as before and placed her hands between her legs to sleep away the rest of the night.

Bright sunlight streamed in the window dancing across Christy’s eyes forcing her awake. Dreamily, she stretched in her rumpled bed and brushed the sleep from her eyes. Looking down, she saw that her nightie had been pushed down to bare her breasts, and she blushed as she remembered the wonderful dream she had.

Thinking, “If that is what a sleeping pill does no wonder people become addicted!”

Slipping the straps of her nightie back up to her shoulders, she pushed the crumpled hem down to her ankles. She could feel the wetness between her legs and blushed again at how she must have orgasmed in her sleep.

The doorbell rang allowing Christy no more time to think about it. She slipped on her slippers and grabbed her robe. Walking to the front door, she felt a drip of wetness between her legs. She lifted her nightie and touched herself surprised again at how wet she was. She even brought her wet fingers to her nose and smelled it. Surprised again because she knew she did not smell like that. Her tongue slipped out to taste it, and she knew she did not taste like that either.

The persistent ringing of the doorbell would not allow her any more time to think about it. Grabbing a tissue on the way, she wiped her hand clean.

Ironically, she slid the chain off and unlocked the door opening it only a little as most people do when answering the door in their pajamas.

Surprised, Christy saw a dark lean stranger with a square jaw and dark hair falling on his brow standing at the door. A nice smile and bright eyes looked at her in a very familiar way.

‘Yes? Can I help you?’ She smiled in return.

Mr. Handsome replied, ‘Well, yes as a matter of fact, you can. Is it possible for me to use your phone? Mine’s not connected yet and the movers were supposed to be here hours ago.’

He could see her hesitance in letting a strange man in her home so he continued.

“By the way, I am Jake Morris and I just bought the house next door, so that makes me your new neighbour. I came last night but the movers weren’t due until today but even so, they are late.”

Feeling better after the introduction, Christy opened the door and invited him inside.

‘Thanks, you’re a life savor.’

After showing him where the phone was, Christy çapa eskort went into the kitchen to make coffee. Turning she saw him standing in the doorway watching her in that funny way again.

Noticing how she was reacting to his look he quickly explained. ‘I saw you last night, standing just outside your patio doors.’

‘It was so hot last night. I took a sleeping pill and went out to enjoy the evening breeze before it kicked in.’

Concerned, Jake asked, ‘Did you end up sleeping ok?’

‘Yes. Actually, I slept very well. Thanks for asking.’

Christy felt she almost knew him from somewhere; he seemed so familiar to her. Jake caught her staring at him.

‘Is anything wrong?’ He asked.

Embarrassed for getting caught staring at him, Christy answered, ‘I am sorry, it is just you seem so familiar to me. Have we met before?’

Laughing, he responded, ‘Maybe in your dreams, pretty lady.’

Part 2 His Dream (Part 2)

After pulling her little red sports car into the driveway, Christy opened the door and a long leg stretched out with its lovely twin following close behind. Her peach skirt slid up to her thigh as she stepped out and Jake did not miss a single second of it. Going to her trunk without even noticing him, she bent over to retrieve a few grocery bags. Jake was rewarded with a peek at her great ass as he strolled over to stand beside her just in time to grab the bag that almost fell from her grip.

‘It seems you too are a life savor, Jake. Thanks.’ She smiled up at him.

They walked side by side to the front door where Jake took the other bags from Christy’s hands so she could get out her key to open the door. He stepped in behind her and followed her all the way into the kitchen. Jake put the bags on the kitchen table and turned just as Christy slipped off her pumps and the matching peach jacket and placed it on the back of a kitchen chair. As she reached into the bags, Jake couldn’t help but notice the lacy teddy she wore beneath her white gauzy blouse. He thought that she looked as wonderful dressed this way as she had in satin nightie. Blood rushed to his cock reminding him of last night. Christy’s voice pulled him from his daydream but he didn’t hear what she said and he had to ask her to repeat it.

“I am going to pour myself a glass of wine, would you like one?” she asked a second time.

“Thanks, I’d love one although it has to be just one; I have some errands to run.” He answered absently. “I was watching for you,” he confessed “to ask a favour.”

Pouring two glasses of wine and handing Jake one of them, she answered, “Sure, what can I do for you?”

A little spark seemed to shock them both as their fingers touched when he took the glass of wine from her hand. They both grinned as they realized that they each felt the same thing.

“I was wondering if I left you my house key, could you let the telephone company into my house tomorrow. I have something I must do but I also need my phone.”

“Sure” she answered, “I have some paperwork to do and I had planned to work from home anyway so sure, I can do it.”

“Thanks again” He smile and looked as if he was going to say more but Christy jumped in quickly and said, “I know, I know, I am a lifesaver!”

They both laughed at their little joke. Jake finished his wine and handed her both the spare key to his house and the empty wine glass.

After a quick goodbye, Christy stood tapping the key against her lips and grinned. Running up the few steps to her bedroom, she absently undid her blouse and tossed it on her bed. Her skirt soon joined the discarded blouse and she stood for a moment in her lacy teddy. Grinning to herself she thought of how Jake was staring at her in the kitchen trying to peek and see her like this. Without wasting any more time, she stripped off the teddy and her stockings and took off to go take a shower.

“Hmmmm”, she moaned as felt the needles of hot water poke at her tired body. Grabbing the bottle of her favourite shampoo, she poured some out generously. She dug her manicured fingers deep in the frothy white bubbles and scrubbed her scalp. She inhaled deeply loving the scent of the almonds from her fragrant shampoo. Rinsing her hair she felt the squeaky clean strands slap her bare shoulders. She scrubbed her body with her big pink loofa ball frothing it up with her favourite body wash. As the hot water turned tepid, she stepped out of the shower and enclosed her clean body in her big terry robe. Taking a big thirsty towel she wrapped her wet hair turban style.

In her bedroom, she glanced through her closet and pulled out a pretty baby blue sundress. She knew the halter style showed her tanned back and that colour blue flattered her eyes. It was perfect. Returning to the bathroom she dropped the robe to slather her skin with moisturizer. Standing naked she pulled off the turban and blew dried her hair. Back to her room, she sat at her makeup table and applied just a hint of mascara to her lashes, a touch of blush to her cheeks and soft glossy pink lipstick to her lips. Standing in front of the mirror she slipped the dress over her head, turning this way and that to see how it looked sans panties. She slipped her pink tipped toes into her sandals and she was ready.

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