Birth Simulation Kit 01: Instructions

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Author’s Note: This story involves a fictional company with a fictional website.


Having a major pregnancy fetish, but not wishing to find a man and become pregnant, I found the following pregnancy simulation kit on the internet. I was highly aroused by the idea. It was more than I wanted to spend, but my fetish won and I ordered anyway.

Only 2 days later, the box arrived on my doorstep, large and heavy. I bought it in, ripped it open, and was instantly overwhelmed by the contents. Fortunately, I found the instruction book right away. I began reading.

Birth Simulator Kit

“I’m having a baby!”

Thank you for your purchase of Birth Simulator Incorporated. We pride ourselves on top-quality, pregnancy-simulation kits that can be enjoyed over and over with or without a partner for a most rewarding and erotic experience. Our medical grade products are thoroughly tested and 100% safe for use as directed. Please read the instructions completely before beginning. Please familiarize yourself with the contents of your kit. Instruments have been sterilized and individually packaged. For your safety, do not open each item until ready for use. We at Birth Simulator Incorporated trust that you are about to embark on a wonderful and greatly fulfilling experience. Please see our website to learn about our complete line of products or to contact us.

Day 1. For the most realistic experience, it is recommended that you start by familiarizing yourself with your menstrual cycle calendar. The first day of your last period is known as Day 1. You will be expected to ovulate around day 14. Around that time, instructions will guide you through steps for impregnation. Until then, it is recommended that you read the stories in section two of this book and select several fantasies you will play out at that time. It is highly recommended that you refrain from masturbation or penetration until then. “Saving yourself” will greatly heighten the experience.

Domination Kit. A popular add-on, available for purchase on our website, is the Domination Kit. This kit includes a special booklet of a dozen new stories, as well as a collar, paddle, skin clips with randomized low-level power, a pager which is preprogrammed to randomly issue various commands and punishments, and much more. This kit can be enjoyed before, during, and after the Pregnancy Simulation experience.

Ovulation. Beginning first thing in the morning of day 13, locate and open one of the ovulation tests from your kit. Your kit will contain 3. If you require more, they can be ordered from our website. These are REAL ovulation testers. Simply urinate on the tip (see illustration A1). The symbol in the window will indicate if you are ovulating or not (see illustration A2). If it is negative, retest the next morning. After 3 days, if the test is still negative, proceed to the next step. When the test becomes positive, plan on the impregnation to occur that evening, unless otherwise directed by your chosen fantasy. Waiting until evening will again heighten the anticipation and improve the experience. Do NOT wait until the next day or longer, even if ovulation tests remain positive.

Set up. In your kit, locate and open the package labeled “Set up kit”. For a more realistic experience, place the unopened semen cartridge into a small bowl of very hot tap water (100-130 degrees Fahrenheit) for 10 minutes. A thermometer is provided for your convenience. Next, unscrew the head of the penis and insert the semen cartridge (see illustration B1) then replace the head. Be sure to listen for the click. This sound will indicate that the cartridge has been pierced and semen is in a semi-liquid state inside the penis, ready for ejaculation. Do NOT reopen the penis to check. Note: this is NOT real semen. It is medical grade saline with all-natural ingredients that create a realistic appearance, color, scent, and taste. It is completely safe to consume if that is what your chosen fantasy requires. Lastly, the setup kit will include a strap for the base of the penis, in case you need to attach it to a piece of furniture as directed by your chosen fantasy, for rear-entry positions (see illustration B2).

Insemination. Refresh yourself on your chosen story. Set the scene, prepare all your props, and do all you can to make it as real for you as possible. For some, this includes costumes and acting. For some, this is simply closing your eyes and recalling the story. When your story calls for penetration, insert the penis into your vagina. It is highly recommended that you use a second source for stimulating the clitoris, as an orgasm will lead to a more realistic fertilization. The penis will not vibrate, but your kit contains a small vibrating device to be used for this purpose which can be attached to the base of the penis if desired (see illustration C1). Alternately, you can use your fingers or whatever method you prefer. The moment you orgasm, press the button on the base of the penis which will cause it to forcefully expel the semen almanbahis adres into your body. See illustration C2).

When intercourse is complete, you are encouraged to have a second orgasm before removing the penis. Encouraging additional orgasm will force your cervix open and allow a maximum amount of semen absorption into your womb. Lastly, it is highly recommended that you remain laying down for at least an hour, preferably with your bottom raised (see illustration C3). Your kit will come with a total of 3 semen cartridges and it is highly recommended that you repeat the insemination process for the next 2 evenings while you are most fertile, without skipping days. This is a good opportunity to try different stories. Additional semen cartridge can be ordered from our website.

The test. The morning after your third insemination, you will wake and take the pregnancy test found in your kit. Simply moisten the tip and the indicator in the window will show positive. This is NOT a real pregnancy test. This test can be activated by placing the tip briefly in a glass of water. However, some women prefer it under their tongue, and some activate it by touching the tip to vaginal fluid. We recommend the more traditional approach: urinating on the tip. (see illustration D1) Once you receive a positive pregnancy test, we highly recommend that you refrain from orgasm or penetration until after the birth of your Bundle of Joy.

Prenatal vitamins. In your kit, locate a bottle labeled “prenatal vitamins”. This is a 30 day supply. If you require more, they can be ordered from our website. Although completely optional, it is highly recommended that you swallow one now and first thing each morning with a large glass of water. These are NOT vitamins. They are an all natural herbal treatment which will cause users not to have a menstrual period. They also have the side effect of growing hard fingernails and thick strong hair. Furthermore, the supplements also increase thirst level, resulting in increased urine output. Additionally, when taken early in the morning, on an empty stomach, some women report mild nausea or “morning sickness”. Complete studies of test subjects indicate symptoms were not bothersome enough to discontinue use, although individual results may vary. For a most realistic experience, we highly recommend all women working through the Birthing Simulation Kit take the supplement. Because negative side effects tend to be mild, many women choose a double dose each morning for a more realistic morning sickness experience.

The bra. In your kit, you will find a band made of comfortable spandex and adjustable for all sizes. This is to be worn across the breast, fastened in the back and adjusted for comfort. Your breasts will need to be manipulated through the openings which will create slight pressure at the base of each breast (see illustration E1). This will help give the realistic sensation of engorgement. Do NOT over tighten. It is recommended that this is worn for the entire experience, even in the shower. Over this, you will wear your own bra as normal. Also, locate the breast pads that you will line the inside of your bra with (see illustration E2). They are lined with a rough material which will brush against the nipple realistically simulating the discomfort of nipple sensitivity. The breast pads create a highly recommended part of the experience.

Breastfeeding. If you have chosen to breastfeed, it is at this point where you will begin following the directions from our Lactation Kit, available for purchase on our website. This will involve a second herbal supplement as well as regular breast pumping until the birthing occurs to encourage real milk production. This add-on is highly encouraged and is in much demand because of its weight loss effects. Additionally, the washable Breast Pads mentioned above will absorb any leaks, if your milk comes in too early. Because they are washable, they can be used again and again, but note that each time they are washed, the material will become more course, leading to greater nipple discomfort. Additional pads are available for sale on our website.

The belly. In your kit, locate the strap-on belly labeled “the first trimester”. Fit it snuggly, low around your waist (see illustration F1). It may take some time to become accustomed to the 10-pound weight. It is preferred that the Pregnancy Simulation be performed without interruption. For this reason, we highly recommend users take a few weeks off of work to totally dedicate themselves to this meaningful experience. Do not take the belly off. Do not wear any of the bellies in the bath or shower. After 3 days, switch to the belly labeled “the second trimester”. Again, you’ll need to adjust to the 20-pound weight. After 3 days, switch to the last belly labeled “third trimester”, which will also have straps that cross between the breasts, and go over the shoulder for additional support of the now 35-pound weight. This belly includes internal moving parts which will simulate random almanbahis giriş types of pressure and movement against your own skin at various times and degrees. The motor does not require a battery and does not have an on-off switch. It responds to body heat and is sensitive to movement, or lack thereof. As a result, users may feel “kicking” while trying to sleep. Wearing this is an extremely important part of the experience. Due to the weight of the belly, we recommend ibuprofen and rest for the discomfort you may feel in your back and legs. Also, see illustration G1-9 which offers suggested techniques for rising from a chair, or other low station.

Seeing your baby. After 3 days with the large belly, it is time to start preparing to deliver the child. In your kit, find packages called “sensation jell” and “bundle of joy”. When you open the Bundle of Joy, you’ll find an inner package containing a 3-centimeter ball representing the child you’ll soon deliver. Do NOT remove the ball from the inner package. In your kit, locate the pump. Attach the pump hose to the ball where shown on the diagram on the back of the inner packaging (see illustration H1) Next, using gloved hands, inject one full syringe of all natural Sensation Jell deep into your vagina (see illustration H2). Be careful not to allow the jell to touch your labia, hands or eyes. This will not only lubricate the delivery but will aid in a more satisfying sensation of “contraction”.

Additionally, when the birth is complete, you will experience a residual sensation of warmth and mild inflammation for a more realistic effect. Your kit will contain 10 syringes. More can be purchased on our website. Do NOT use if you have a ginger allergy. After the Sensation Jell is introduced, proceed by inserting the unopened ball into your vagina. Using the applicator, push the ball as deep as it will go. If you can, lay flat for this for a deeper more gratifying experience. Hold the applicator firmly so the ball remains in place (see illustration H3).

Next, use the pump to blow up the ball until you start to experience some discomfort. You may hear the inner packaging tear away from the ball within your body. This occurs along a pre-established perforation. We recommend inflation of at least 5-7 centimeters your first time. The gauge on the pump will display the accurate diameter of the ball (see illustration H4). Remember that birth is uncomfortable, so don’t be afraid to challenge your body. Pause to allow your body to adjust. At this point, you can still increase or decrease the size of the ball as needed. When you are satisfied with the size, hold the ball steady with the applicator, and give a slight tug on the pump hose. It should disconnect easily and the ball will remain the size you selected.

Now you can remove the applicator. The inner packaging will come out attached to the end of the applicator. With hands still gloved, carefully wash the inner packaging to reveal your keepsake ultrasound image. The image will have a tear-away strip if you wish to reveal the sex of your child. Besides being the ultrasound image, the inner package has two more functions: installation as described above, prevents you from seeing the Bundle of Joy until it has a chance to grow, and the package protects the slight film of powder on the ball. The powder is an all natural product that, when comes in contact with the Sensation Jell, now in the depths of the vagina, will cause it to adhere to the inside of your body. This will make your “first” labor last longer, as is often the case in real birthing events.

Pain. At your core, you intensely desire what you are about to endure. Birthing isn’t supposed to be fun, but it will be highly rewarding in other ways. Spend some time considering what you are about to go through, and try to shift your perspective from the possibility of hours of intense pain to appreciate the amazing thing that your body is capable of. And what’s more, you get the privilege of experiencing it again and again, under a controlled setting, completely directed by your preferences. Yes, it will hurt, but from pain comes healing. From torment comes relief. From agony comes a calm. Your body will recover. It was made for this. It wants this. Nothing else matters than this. Enjoy it. Savor it.

Hospital Kit. For a more realistic experience, we recommend purchasing the add-on Hospital Kit from our website which you will use as directed when it is time for delivery. It includes a hospital gown, mock-IV, baby heart rate monitor for your belly, ID bracelet for you, bedpan, stirrups that will hold your thighs open with a locking spacer bar, receiving a blanket, a birth certificate, and much more.

Labor and delivery. With the ball in its highest position, you should soon feel cramping and a strong urge to expel it. You should resist. The cramps will become harder and closer together. Hold off pushing as long as possible. Some save their strength by taking a nap at this time. We recommend you go for a long walk almanbahis yeni giriş away from home where you will be unavailable to satisfy this need. Once you feel you can take no more discomfort, and you have returned to the privacy of your home, make yourself comfortable on the floor in front of a large mirror. Set up the items included in the Hospital Kit, if desired. Next, prop yourself up with pillows, or with arms behind you. Your knees will be spread wide so you can watch in amazement as your body is pushed beyond anything you’ve ever experienced, enabling you to slowly deliver the Bundle of Joy(see illustration I1). Depending on the inflation size, and the build of your body, this process can take a few minutes or several hours. When the ball finally “crowns”, your urge to push should be stifled so you can turn the ball face-down(see illustration I2).

At this stage, you will likely experience some burning. This is normal. When the birth is complete, reward yourself with an orgasm. Do NOT remove the bra and belly yet. The next day and every day thereafter repeat the above labor and delivery steps, each time, push your body by going to the next greater size. Do NOT skip days. The ball will max out at 14 centimeters, but we don’t recommend going more than 10 unless you are a member of our “Best Birthers” Club. Each day, as the size increases, so should your ability to withstand the painful cramping and stretching. Try napping or cleaning the house to pass the time. When it is time to push, you will be highly uncomfortable and anxious for the birthing experience to be over. You may likely experience emotional outbursts due to the build-up of hormones or by sheer exhaustion. This is all normal. Screaming through the pain and frustration can be a very healthy stress reliever. As the urgency to push continues, however, remember: rapidly expelling a Bundle of Joy of this size can cause damage to the vagina.

Birth Simulator Incorporated highly recommend that you slow down, breathe through the pain, watch and appreciate the miracle that your body was built for and allow the experience to happen naturally. When the birth is over, you will be able to identify the sex of the child, if you chose not to reveal it at the time of ultrasound. When the birth is over, always remember to reward yourself with an orgasm. When you are satisfied that you finally delivered a child of the healthiest full term size, remove the “third-trimester” belly. Relax and be proud of yourself. Soak in a bath and use ibuprofen and ice packs as needed. Put the “first-trimester” belly back on until your body has completely recovered. Allow time for complete recovery before returning to sexual activity or repeating the process for a second child (recommended: 4-6 weeks).

Twins. One out of every 20 kits that we ship contains a bonus Bundle of Joy. It is recommended that IMMEDIATELY after birthing your first full term Bundle of Joy, that you insert the second, blow it up to full term size as you did with the first, and immediately return to the stage of gentle pushing. It is not recommended that you wait longer than 10 minutes after the first to install the second. It is not recommended that you birth each child at each delivery. Only birth both the day of final “full term” size. Remember that your second Bundle of Joy will remain in its inner packaging until this time, and as a result, the adhesive powder will become activated once it is in place. In the event you did not receive a second one but wanted twins, you can simply deflate the first, reinsert it, and proceed with another delivery, though it will lack adhesive properties. Additional Bundles of Joy can, of course, be purchased on our website. All unopened Bundles of Joy contain adhesive powder. Do NOT insert and inflate both balls at the same time.

Emergency delivery. Do not allow delivery to last longer than 48 hours (per child). In the event, your Bundle of Joy is too big to deliver, seek out the kit for a package labeled “emergency delivery”. Begin by reading the entire Trouble Shooting Guide. Invest ample time attempting various positions illustrated in the guide such as “all-fours”, and the “squatting” technique. If you have become too exhausted to continue pushing, further action might be required. In this package, you will find a large speculum to open and stretch the vagina. Most times, you will reach success with this step alone. However, sometimes, you’ll need more help: Using the applicator and a hand mirror, rotate the ball until you see the inverted nozzle. Feed the tube of the pump into your vagina and attach it to the nozzle(see illustration J1). Once attached, remove the speculum and use the buttons on the pump to reduce the size until you are able to expel it. Do NOT attempt to pierce the ball, as you may hurt yourself and the ball will not be viable for future uses. Occasionally, despite all the care you’ve taken, because the ball is under great pressure by the muscles of your vagina, reattaching the pump to the ball at this stage carries a greater risk of damage at the nozzle. If proper pump reattachment fails, you may feel the ball burst and your body will easily expel the remnants. If an emergency delivery becomes necessary, do not discount your birthing experience as a failure. Simply try again when you are ready.

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