Prudish Robyn Teaches Me to Fuck

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Note: this is a stand-alone story, but it incorporates characters and storylines from my “Awakening” series. If you like this story and are curious about Kim, Robyn, Steve and Dean, it might be fun to get their backstories in those reads, especially regarding the “awakening” Robyn refers to (Chapter 2) and what “happened” between Kim, Steve and Dean on “that day” (Chapter 1).

Also – I really appreciate any comments, positive or otherwise. I’m new to this and need feedback in order to improve.


Prudish Robyn, my girl crush, on her back on the mid-century teak table: sweaty, her normally perfect hair mussed, her tits out, Steve’s cock in her mouth and his hand in her jeans. Me watching through the window. It happened about two weeks ago and that’s what I’ll always think of when I come up this walk.

I knock on her door.

“Hold on!…..Coming!”

I hear her sweet lilting voice and her footsteps. The door opens, and there she is; 5’10 and 135 lbs. of goddess. Robyn; my secret girl crush. I can finally admit that to myself. Sometimes just the thought of her makes my pussy wet.

To be clear, I’ve always considered myself hetero, but that’s been called into question by recent events. I haven’t acted on anything, but I sure am feeling curious lately.

I get a moment to take her in. Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. It’s a hot day today, so she’s wearing a light colored floral halter dress, like you’d wear to the beach over your bikini. but there’s no bikini under it, just Robyn. She’s barefoot. No makeup, which she doesn’t need anyway.

I’m casual today; I realize just now that I’m wearing the same outfit that I wore on “that” day (the day I graduated to “blowjob queen”); the hippie sarong and blouse, but my boobs are a little too big for no bra, so unlike Robyn, I’m strapped in. It’s a pretty lacy bra though, as are my panties because,….well, you never know.

“That” day is the day I sucked off Dean with Steve watching and then allowed, actually encouraged, Steve to jerk off, and cum in my hair and mouth, and onto my face and body. Steve is Robyn’s fiancé, and he was on “that” day, Dean is Steve’s best friend, and my best guy friend.

Things got kinda worrisome for me, when thanks to those hijinks, I thought I might have broken up the perfect couple; Robyn and Steve.

It looks like that didn’t happen, but I did decide to chill on the sex stuff for a little while, and focus on my music and preparing for freshman year at Berklee in Boston, which is coming right up. Lately though, Dean and I have gotten back into our FWB thing, although now he’s all into pussy licking, and guess who’s pussy he’s been licking? Still no fucking though, although I’m reconsidering that too.

Robyn gives me a big, wide eyed, beautiful dimply smile, and then is suddenly all over me. Her hug entangles me in her arms and body, and she pulls me in so closely that my face is buried in her gorgeous chestnut brown hair. I breathe in; I know her hair will smell delicious, and it does; all fresh and coconut shampoo and Robyn girly scent.

But that’s not my favorite part of our hugs, it’s what happens next; our tits smush together. It’s girly, and soft and so so sexy. She doesn’t know how excited it makes me feel – we’re just two friends hugging after all to her. But it’s foreplay to me. She also isn’t aware that every time we hug, what I really want to do is what I want to do now; reach around and grab two big handfuls of her amazing Jayne Mansfield ass. I want to, but I don’t.

Usually I’m the one that holds the hug extra long for my own lecherous purposes, but today I’m being held tight for longer than I would dare to try for. She “ummmmmm”s in my ear, and she’s grinding our tits together again. It’s my lucky day.

We pull back a little, but still embrace; our tits are sadly no longer “kissing”, but now I am entranced by her beautiful face; all huge eyes, naturally blushed cheeks, big full lips and adorable dimples.

“Hey Kimmie girl! How’s it going! Give me another hug!”

And then our tits are smushing again, and once again I’m in her aura.

Her hand takes mine, and leads me to the sofa.

“Sit! Sit! I made us iced hibiscus tea; I always see you order that at Taffy’s.”

I sit in the sofa facing the two cool mid-century teak chairs her beautiful mother found for her. She bends down to hand me the tea and the top of her dress opens a bit. I can’t help myself and look down at the view between those two gorgeous breasts, down to her sweet tummy, and a little farther down, just a hint of more chestnut brown hair.

She stays bent over and smiles. I try not to look down again and fail. She notices and also looks down, giggles, and gives me a big knowing smile. Was that intentional?

She plops into one of the chairs.

“Hey, is Steve here?” I inquire. “I need to ask him about that truffle oil he was going on about.”

“No, he and Dean are shooting pool down at Bud’s as usual. She gives a “harumph” look. “But listen, it gives me a chance Ataşehir Escort to tell you about a couple of things.”

She continues.

“I know you just went through the application process for Berklee; would you help me with my application to B.C.?”

“You’re applying to Boston College?” This surprises me. “I thought you were gonna take some time off.”

“Well, yeah, I was. To be truthful, what I planned to do was to just marry Steve and become a gorgeous housewifey type like my mom; you know, no college.”

“That’s no longer the plan?” I am curious.

“No, I kinda had an…um…”awakening” a few weeks back, and I realized…um…I guess, my potential?” She gives me a “go-figure” face.

“Robyn, that’s great! What are you gonna study?” I am so excited for her; she’s too smart and sophisticated to only be someone’s personal cook, cleaning lady, and baby factory.

“Well I’m gonna start in psychology or maybe sociology, but my real goal is to go to grad school after, and become a C.S.T.” She eagerly looks for my reaction.

“What’s a C.S.T?”

“It’s a certified sex therapist….um… a sexologist?” She blushes and gives me an embarrassed but adorable big smile.

Wait; formally prudish Robyn talking to people about sex and fucking every day?

“Wow…I wasn’t expecting that! I mean, – wait, that came out wrong. I’m really happy and…”

She cuts me off; “It’s a shock – I get it. Look; I know that my reputation has always been that I’m a “good girl”, who would never do anything naughty.”

“Well, there is that.” Is the best I can come up with.

She interrupts again.

“But listen, that brings me to the other thing I want to talk to you about; Steve told me about what you guys did; the blowjob and the jerking off on you and all that.”

Uh oh.

I blush a little, the warmth of shame rising up my chest to my face. I’ve been found out. My afternoon of sluttiness has come to light.

“Robyn, I’m so so sorry. I don’t know what came over me that day. Oh god; I’m so sorry!”

I search her face for mercy.

“It’s ok.”. She surprises me with that.

Wait, what?

She reads my confusion.

“Look; it’s really ok. In fact, I’m really glad “that” day happened. She is calm; she has thought this out.

“Robyn, I’m so sorry…..I never even touched Steve, and he never touched me,………”

“I know; he told me that, and I believe him, and I believe you too. And you can stop apologizing; I’m telling you; I’m really glad it happened.”

I don’t know what to say.

“Look, the reason I have the reputation of being a prude is that…..well, I have always been a prude. The way I grew up, that’s just how anyone would end up. My dad would go on and on endlessly about sluts, and making it clear he didn’t want any daughter of his to be one. I love my dad and was just trying to make him happy. Plus, I felt superior by being untouchable. So I was a prude”

“I didn’t get a cock into me until I was Twenty! Twenty! Look at this body! It was made for fucking!” She’s right about that; her big soft tits, teeny waist flaring into those gorgeous Jayne Mansfield hips and ass; pure hourglass. God gave her the perfect body for fucking.

“And cocksucking? Not until two weeks ago! I love cocksucking now, and Steve tells me I’m a natural at it!. Think of all the guys I could have made happy!”

Ok, she proved her point a while ago. Now I think she’s just continuing because she likes to hear herself talk dirty. I love to hear her talk dirty too.

She continues on.

“And unfortunately, I unfairly imposed that fake prude business on Steve too, and turned him into a nervous little boy around me regarding sex. He really loves me, so he just went along with it”

I began to see where this might be going.

“Look, I’ll admit that I was pissed when he first told me about “that” day, but then I realized that by you acting a little…….a little “slutty” around him…..” She gave an awkward “sorry” smile, apologizing for calling me a slut, “it kinda broke him open and woke him up to his own….um, lust, and then he came home a different man…and um, kinda broke me open….um…I mean…um, sexually….gave me permission to be a little…um…slutty myself.”

“But oh, – really?”. I give a weak response as my brain tries to put the pieces together.

“….And that’s why I want to become a sex therapist. I’m sure there are tons of people out there like I was, or worse, that have all kinds of problems and hang-ups around sex or being gay, or whatever. Maybe I can help them avoid what happened to me; missing out on a whole big chunk of life and of who they are because of stupid sex stuff.”

“….My life is so much better now; I keep thinking about that song you wrote a while back;”Good girl” – where the girl realizes that she has a naughty side that she is repressing, but she’s only half a person until she invites that other side back in, which she does and then becomes whole. It’s like you wrote that song about Kadıköy Escort me”

“So look; thank you.” She is all sincerity.

“Huh?, for what?”

“For the song, for being slutty, um sorry about that, with Steve and Dean “that” day. For waking Steve up. For waking me up, for everything. It all kinda came together to open my eyes.”

“I don’t know what possessed you to do what you did, but thank God you did. I might feel differently if you guys had actually fucked, but thankfully at least one of you was smart enough to keep that from happening. Steve told me it was you.”

It was, actually. I wanted to give Steve a thrill, but didn’t want to go too far. I didn’t want to hurt her or their relationship

“I don’t know what to say…” I’m struggling for words.

“Don’t say anything. Please don’t. Let’s move on.” She is calm.

She leans over for her tea. I look down her dress again. She takes a sip, starts to put the tea down, notices a water ring, takes a napkin to clean it up. This gives me more time to keep looking down her dress. She doesn’t notice this time.

She looks up at me, and my eyes dart back up to hers; “Listen, if you’re feeling guilty about it, don’t.”

“But if you are, there is something you can do for me as a favor…”

“Of course Robyn, anything…what can I do?” I still feel a little guilty and ashamed.

“Well according to Steve, you did some really um, interesting things…with your mouth…to Dean’s um….”

“….oh, fuck it! I want you to teach me to suck cock like you did “that” day!”

I have no response other than a shocked look.

‘C’mon Kim! Look, I never even sucked a cock until just a short time ago – “that” same day in fact. I have a lot of catching up to do! Steve told me you were so confident, so in control, so chill about the whole business of um…sucking dick! I want that! I want to know how to do that too.”

“….And if I’m going to be a god-damned sex therapist, shouldn’t I get a little knowledge myself first?. C’mon Kim, you owe me!”

So my girl crush wants me to teach her about sex, about sucking cock.

“Well I guess I see your point, but I don’t even know how one would go about teaching that. I mean I don’t really think about it, I kinda just do it.”

“Well then; just show me how you do it!” She is serious about this.

“Show you? Well, I’d kinda need a dick for that.”

“OK; I’ll get us one!”

She gets up and walks around the gorgeous mid-century teak table; the one I secretly watched her on; sprawled on her back, hair mussed up, tits out and sweaty, sucking Steve’s dick – later on “that” same day. Apparently the first time she had ever sucked a dick.

I watch her beautiful Jayne Mansfield ass sashay to the fridge. She opens the door and bends over at the hips. I take in the view of that ass under the clingy sheer dress. I touch my pussy a little on top of my skirt and panties. A wave of pleasure moves through me

She returns.

“I was hoping we’d have a big ol’ cucumber but all I found was this carrot.”

She holds it out to me. I guess it makes sense that someone who had been a prude until recently wouldn’t have a lot of blowjob materials around the house.

“Damn girl, this is pretty sad. We gotta get you a dildo.” I surprise myself with that remark.

“Well then we can add that to the list of stuff you can help me with. Dildo shopping.”

I look down at the sad wilty carrot. If this were an actual dick, it would be quite disappointing. Too thin, too tapered and a little limp and rubbery.

I unceremoniously put it in my mouth. I fight the urge to bite off a piece, chew, and then swallow. Because that’s what you do with a carrot.

I remove it. “Look Robyn, I……”

She is undeterred. “Suck!” is her command.

Back into my mouth it goes. I smell carrot, not dick. I feel refrigerator cold, not body temperature warm. It’s hard and rough, not smooth. I try unconvincingly to fake it. She watches closely.

She picks up her phone. Types a bit. Puts it back down on the coffee table.

“This doesn’t look very sexy.” She says.

“Yeah well I don’t feel real sexy right now.” Is my response.

“What’s the problem then?” She asks, maybe doubting Steve’s report of my blowjob finesse.

“Well I never thought about it, but I guess the problem is that I’m not into sucking cock. What I’m into is sucking guys.” Hmm, a new insight for me.

She looks puzzled.

“When I’m sucking a real cock, it’s attached to a real guy. What I really like about it is all the “guyness”; his smell, the look in his eyes, his sounds, his size–big or small, it doesn’t matter, his unique taste, what things work or don’t with him. This sad little carrot doesn’t have any of that.”

“Well can’t you just kinda show me what you do with your tongue and whatnot?”

I hold up the sad carrot and give her a “sorry” shrug.

The door flies open.

Steve first, and then Dean burst in. Steve looks worried

“What’s going on? Is everything ok?” Bostancı Escort Steve looks at me. “Oh, hi Kim.” He does a double take at the carrot.

They are both scanning the room frantically. I’m confused too.

Steve looks at Robyn; “You texted “get here quick!” we just left our game and our beers unfinished and got here as fast as we could. What’s going on?”

Robyn giggles, then belly laughs. “Oh my God you guys; nothing’s wrong. We just need a dick here.”

Steve’s mouth hangs open. Dean’s face is confused. My mouth is also open.

It’s quiet for a moment.

“Look, you told me about how Kim so masterfully sucked Dean’s dick…”

Dean looks to me for clarification. Apparently, he didn’t know Steve told Robyn either.

“….and since you guys were so sneaky, that’s how you are all gonna pay me back.”

Steve speaks up; “pay you back?”

“Yeah, pay me back; Kim’s gonna teach me how to suck cock like she does!”

Robyn is long on enthusiasm but short on details.

“She is….???” is Steve’s response.

“Apparently I am.” is my reply.

“Um – how’s that gonna work? And what’s with the carrot?” Poor confused Steve.

Robyn clarifies. “Well, we tried to use that, but apparently the “blowjob queen” here needs a real dick, so I texted you guys”

“You don’t have a dildo?” Dean is as surprised as I was about that.

“No; it’s on the list. But anyways, let’s produce a cock here guys. Time’s a-wastin’.”

Wow; there’s no middle ground here with her. All or nothing.

Dean chimes in; “Hey – leave me out of this! I was an innocent bystander – I didn’t talk Steve or Kim into anything!”

Robyn looks at Steve; “ok sweetie – whip it out!”

“Robyn! That’s so embarrassing! I don’t want these guys to watch you blowing me!”

“Um – who said anything about me blowing you?” She looks at me. Steve and Dean look at me.

I freak a little.

“Me? No way! I still feel awful about what happened before. I’m not gonna be the slut that Steve cheats with, right in front of you!”

“Well look – you guys all did something sneaky and you all owe me. And now someone’s gonna produce a dick, someone else is gonna suck it, and I’m gonna take notes!”

“I know! Kim can suck Dean’s dick again! How about that?” Steve has an idea.

We all look at Dean. He looks at me. He rolls his eyes dramatically. We have been “volunteered” for a demonstration of dick sucking.

“Fine, fine, ok! Kim can suck my dick again.” He glares at me. I give back a sheepish smile.

He plops down in the other chair. I get up. Apparently I will be doing some dick sucking now. Let the demonstration begin.

Steve takes Robyn’s hand and leads her to the sofa, and they sit down together. They want to have a good view.

Kneeling in front of Dean, I unbutton and unzip, then pull his shorts down and off.

“Take his shirt off too.” It’s Robyn behind me.

“What?” I turn and look at her.

“His shirt. That’s a dumb Vampire Weekend concert t-shirt. Great band, dumb shirt. Not at all sexy.”

I look up at Dean. He rolls his eyes again and pulls the shirt off.

I take hold of his soft cock in my hand.

“You too.”


“You heard me. Take your shirt off too. Steve told me you have really nice tits. I want to see them.”

I feel Dean’s cock suddenly start to get hard in my hand.

“Really Robyn? This is starting to get a little awkward.”

“Off. Now. You owe me.”

Dean’s cock springs to life. I look up and he’s smirking down at me.”

I give an audible sigh and pull the blouse up over my head, then add it to Dean’s discard pile.

I grab Dean’s cock which is now hard as a rock. I know it’s not me; it’s beautiful prude Robyn talking like a sailor in front of all of us.

“And the bra.”

Really? I let go again, snap off the bra, let it slip off my shoulders and add it to the pile as well.

“Much better. Now suck”

Dean laughs. I glare up at him, give a few strokes, and put his cock in my mouth.

Then I realize she threw me off my game. It’s not a job or a duty to me. It’s a joy.

I start again, this time my way. Pull back and stroke his cock. Look up at Dean and smile. We’re friends and I love him, love our friendship. I remember again my new realization; that it’s guys I love to suck, not cocks.

I begin gently rubbing his balls, hold the shaft out of the way, and kiss one than the other. I rub gently up and down and kiss first the head, and then run kisses all the way down the shaft and then kiss his balls again.

“Wow. She’s really taking her time. Going slow and starting with kisses. Interesting.” Robyn the amateur clinician voices her observations.

Her comment snaps me back to how strange all of this is.

I look back and smile, turn my attention back to Dean, and with my free hand start playing with his chest hair. His fingers run lovingly through my hair. When we started fooling around again recently, I made it clear that that would be mandatory from now on.

I refocus on his beautiful cock. I lick around and down. I swirl my tongue around it, all while looking up at him.

There’s movement behind me. Suddenly Robyn is seated beside me on the floor with her legs curled under; she leans on my shoulder. I turn my head to her.

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