Moms , Lovers Ch. 06 Epic Photo Shoot

Beach Sex

Talia, Mary and crew produce photo audition


By R A Rae, Writer

At my last writing, Talia Grant and Mary Williams met to further their chances to win places for them in the Moms & Lovers Saga of stories. Mary and her son drove home to her house in Florida to pour over the written agreement that lawyer Talia presented to them at their dinner meeting. Talia and her son drove to the lake where they made love once again before returning home to the difficult task of confronting Talia’s husband about his infidelity with her daughter.

Talia left a written dissolution agreement and a copy of the incriminating video of her husband, Bernard, screwing their eldest daughter. She did not relish the thought of the confrontation, but knew it was necessary and immediate. When Talia pulled into the garage, Bernard’s SUV and her daughter’s car were gone.

“Well, Jeff, I see your dad and his fuckbuddy have left the building,” spat Talia.

Jeff walked past his mother to open the door to the house. He wanted to be sure that she still felt special in his eyes if no other. “That’s probably a good thing, mom, I may have wanted to confront dad myself.”

Graciously, Talia stepped past Jeff to enter the family room on her way to the kitchen. Everything seemed in order. The packet of papers along with the memory stick holding Bernard and Janie’s sexcapade were missing from the counter. There was a note pad on the kitchen counter with a simple note for Talia:

“Tal, I am sorry it has come to this. Don’t blame Janie for any of this. I read your proposal and I agree with some of it. We will certainly negotiate certain points. Janie has gone to live with a friend for now and I have gone to a hotel for a brief stay before finding another place to live. I will call you in a week. That should give us time to allow the dust to settle. I see you drained our bank account of money, not a problem for me. — Bernard”

“Sniveling coward,” muttered Talia to herself and then out loud, “he didn’t want to face the music live. Hey Jeff, go turn off the power to the garage door opener, deadbolt the doors and follow me up to my bedroom,” instructed Talia. “It’s late, I’m exhausted and I need a bath.”

By the time Jeff had double locked all the doors and turned off the power to the garage door opener, Talia had already started her bath. His soft knock on the bathroom door was met with Talia saying, “you can come in so we can talk if you wish.”

Jeff looked around his mother’s bedroom and found his mother’s camcorder hidden atop his dad’s dresser. It was recording. Jeff turned off the camera. He knocked on the bathroom door before entering. Talia was neck deep in a soothing bubble bath. “You won’t believe what I found on top of dad’s dresser. Your camcorder was set up there and recording.”

Opening her eyes, Talia intoned, “that prick is trying to catch me cheating. I trust you turned it off?”

“I did, but I am going to reset it and turn it back on when you are ready to go to bed.” Jeff sat on the floor next to his mother’s tub as they talked about the night’s meeting with Mary and her son. “I thought Mary was kind of attractive, what did you think of Drew?”

“Well, I … ,” Talia paused, thought and came back at Jeff, “are you jealous?”

“Yes I am. I know your plan is to have the four of us pose naked for pictures to submit to the author. And I was okay sitting next to Mary showing her the pictures of us au natural, but I felt you were much too close to Drew. It looked to me like he was peeking down your dress while you were absorbed looking at the photos of Mary and Drew in varying stages of undress.”

“Jeff, he was leering down my dress and I made sure he got a good view. I am wicked, you know. You weren’t averting your eyes from Mary’s boobs, either.” Talia grinned at Jeff and intoned, “I think it’s cute that you are jealous of me being admired by another man.” Talia sat up in the bubbles and lifted her exposed breasts for Jeff to see and teased, “all this concern over some other man admiring these little things.” Talia went on, “after all, we were all looking at rather revealing photos of each other. Did you see the one where, I am sure, Mary was enjoying an orgasm?”

Talia dropped back into the bubbles and went on, “you should not be too concerned about this, Jeff. After all, if all of our plans come together, you are probably going to be intimate with Mary. On top of that, and don’t go nuts, I am probably going to entertain Drew’s erection in my own selfish way. Get your head around this now and go with the flow. Here’s what I have in mind.”

Talia elaborated her plan for some time as Jeff sat on the floor next to the tub. Jeff continues to be amazed at how thorough his mom can be in her planning and execution. When she had finished outlining what she had in mind, Talia turned to face Jeff and asked, “mind washing my back before I get out?”

Jeff could not have moved faster if he had been on fire. The mobil porno thought of lathering his mother’s smooth, tanned back side was the stuff of which dreams are made. Talia sat forward and raised up to allow Jeff access to her entire back. He applied her fragrant body wash to her scrubbie and commenced his task. Lightly, Jeff covered Talia’s back all the way to her sumptuous bottom. Talia leaned her head down to allow Jeff access to the nape of her neck. Jeff couldn’t resist as he gently scrubbed her back he reached around to hold Talia’s breast saying, “I need to brace you against pushing you too hard.”

“Good thought,” Talia responded with a slight smile on her downturned face. “Thanks, honey, but you can release me now so I can finish up and dry off.”

“May I do the honors?” It was Jeff’s turn to grin as he stood to offer his hand to help Talia out of the tub. “After all, I am your ‘full service’ lover, you know,” he teased.

Talia stepped from the tub to be enveloped by the fluffy bath sheet Jeff held for her. Without words, Talia allowed her son to pat her dry. He did seem to spend an inordinate amount of time drying her hoo hoo. “That’s enough for now, sweetie. I need some rest and you need to recharge your batteries for the vigorous activities this weekend. By the way, did you have any further thoughts on what we should accomplish at Mary’s this Saturday?” Talia pulled on her robe before leaving her bathroom.

“Yup,” responded Jeff and started to elaborate on his vision. “I think your idea of shooting scenes from the ‘Moms & Lovers’ story are great, but you should toss in photos of the two girls at the mall and, maybe, where they are in the pool, naked, together. I think a shot of you two exiting the pool, side by side would be great. Seeing your butt with those incredible dimples on your lower back would be …”

Talia interrupted, “my dimples? You think my dimples are a turn on?” Reconsidering her statement, Talia added, “well, I do have a nice back.” Smiling, she added with a smile, “my front’s not bad either.” Talia opened her robe to reveal her nudity to her son. A quick flash and it was back to business. “What else did you have in mind for our photo shoot?”

A bit flustered, Jeff responded, “hmm, lost my train of thought. Anyway, we could go to the mall for a couple of action shots with you and Mary in shorts and blouses. You don’t need to flash some teenagers, but a shot of you two reflected in a shop window would be great.”

Talia sat on her bed, “don’t bother to reset my camcorder. Your dad will just have to use his imagination if he wants to catch me naked ever again. Sit so we can continue my plan.”

Across town, Mary and Drew were discussing the night’s events.

Mary strolled into the kitchen leading Drew to sit while she made lemonade for the two. She sat across the kitchen table from Drew, looked over the top of her glass with a sparkle I her eyes.

Drew observed, “Mom, you’re really pumped up about this thing with Talia and Jeff.”

“Oh I am”, cooed Mary. “Our dinner went well, even better than I imagined.” Mary laughed, “when Talia spotted me sending you off to the restaurant ahead of me, she seemed really tickled that I brought you along. She should have, since she brought Jeff along.”

“Do you like him?”

“Oh, Drew, don’t go all possessive on me now. I know you feel protective, but you are the one who brought up the idea of posing and auditioning. Besides, I think Jeff is kind of cute,” teased Mary. “If all goes according to plan, my dear, you might just have a new garage for that ‘hotrod’ of yours. Goodness, I am more wicked than the moms from your story.”

“You are not wicked, mom. I just feel protective and don’t want you getting hurt by anyone.”

“I am certain Jeff feels the same way about his mom. If it makes you feel better, I won’t fall in love with Jeff as long as you don’t fall in love with Talia, okay?”

“What? I’m confused, what?” Drew was confounded by his mother’s statement.

“Drew, you were leering down Talia’s dress tonight and she knew it. Matter of fact, she winked at me when she caught my eye. She had a faint smile on her face and indicated Jeff’s attention to my boobs by moving here eyes in his direction. So, I smiled back, winked and made sure Jeff had a clear shot at my boobs while he continued with his slide show. Not only that, my dear son, I placed my hand high on his thigh just as he was finishing. Drew. I felt his cock and it was hard. So there!”

“Mom, for crying out loud, I didn’t need to know that,” exclaimed an embarrassed Drew.

“Oh, honey, it’s okay. Talia and I seemed to hit it off right away when we first met in the parking lot. Besides, she suggested that we explore how interested our sons would be in the other’s mom. I do believe Talia likes you and that will certainly make for a better shoot this coming Saturday.” Changing the subject, “we need to look over the agreement Talia gave me.” alman porno Mary pulled the single sheet of the typewritten agreement from the envelope.

“Wow, this is really straight forward. What Talia wants is quite simple. Talia and I will be equal partners in a corporation for the sole purpose of negotiating and executing a contract with the author of any publication or media based on the story ‘Moms & Lovers’ by R A Rae. We will retain rights to effect creative changes to the story presented in pictures and offer creative input to the producers. I think this is a good agreement, what do you think?” Mary handed the agreement to Drew to read over.

Mary started to get up, “I’ll be right back. I am going to my room to get ready for a quick midnight dip in the pool while you read this.” Mary left the kitchen and reappeared shortly in her bathrobe and sat back down. Mary felt especially wicked by now. To think that in the past few days she had sex with her son, sex with her great nephew and was touching the hard-on of a young man she had never met until tonight; yup, she though, “I am a wicked woman.”

Drew noticed the wide grin on his mother’s face. “What are you thinking?”

“Are you done with the agreement?”

“It seems straight forward, but where do Jeff and I fit into this,” he asked?

Mary stood up and opened her robe to reveal her nudity. “Right here!” Mary pointed to her shaved pubic mound and dropped her robe. On her way out for a skinny dip, she giggled and called over her shoulder, “if you can catch me, you can have me!”

Drew was up like a shot and was almost naked by the time he got to the door to the pool. Mary dove into the deep end just ahead of her son. They surfaced together in the shallow end to embrace in a passionate kiss. The moonlight shimmered on the water as their tongues dueled. Mary took Drew’s hand and stepped out of the pool headed for the grotto. The warm water of the whirlpool beckoned Mary. She turned to Drew and ran her finger tip over his chest down to his loins, “think of me as Talia and do to me what you want.” Acting out, Mary whispered, “oh Drew, I really wanted you in me the first time I saw you in the restaurant. I’ll be gentle with you, Drew, but know that I am a tiger in bed. You may have trouble keeping up.” That was enough to challenge Drew to new heights in love making.

Drew passionately devoured his tigress with kisses starting at her throat and passing between her breasts while he thumbed her erect nipples. Next, his lips engaged her belly, paying special attention to tonguing her navel and then to the narrow trail of pubic hair at the top of her swollen lips. Mary stood beside the whirlpool bracing herself against the low ceiling of the grotto. In the darkness, she moved her feet apart slightly to allow her lover access to her anxious womanhood. He did not disappoint. Drew’s tongue flicked up the hood on Mary’s clit to expose the pink, throbbing protrusion. Mary shuddered as his tongue circled her clit and his teeth gently nibbled. Drew’s hand abandoned Mary’s breast to caress his mother’s butt from between her legs. As he withdrew his hand, his thumb found her pussy. Drew pushed his thumb into the slippery opening. Mary opened her legs more to accommodate her lover’s penetration.

Drew eased his mom to sit on the edge of the whirlpool while he stepped in. Mary, gasping with anticipation, leaned back on her elbows with her butt on the edge of the whirlpool. Mary, playing the part of Talia, challenged Drew, “do you think you can handle a tigress as wild as me little boy?”

Much to Mary’s surprise, Drew plunged his erection deep into her pussy without warning. Mary gulped in air as she responded and wrapped her legs around Drew in a desperate effort to hang on to his renewed passion. Drew lifted Mary off the deck. Her arms held tight around her son as her Drew drove deeper! Never had Mary had such a penetration and a ride like this. To say Drew’s orgasm exploded in Mary would be an understatement. He would have squeezed the breath out of her if she hadn’t pushed back a bit. Catching her breath, Mary gasped, “I do believe you like fucking Talia, don’t you!”

Chagrined and still coupled with his mother, Drew lowered the two of them into the swirling water of the pool. They seemed joined at the pelvis and Drew was still as deep in his mother as his cock could go, “yup, but I made love to my mom, not Talia.” He kissed Mary as he sat on the underwater bench with Mary’s legs and arms still holding tightly around him.

Mary purred into her son’s ear, “that was delicious, dear, even if you were thinking about Talia when you impaled me on that weapon of yours.” Kissing him again on the lips, “we should go to bed, it’s after midnight and we have big plans for this weekend. You should probably rest up.” As an afterthought, “mind if I tell Talia of how you plugged her tonight in the whirlpool?”

“You wouldn’t, would you?” Horrified, Drew stammered, “how alexis texas porno would you feel if she told you that Jeff had fantasized about screwing you? I mean, you’re my mom.” Realizing his justification, Drew relented, “Geez, I think I have a double standard.” Thinking out loud and with raised volume in his voice, accusingly, “hey, were you fantasizing about Jeff making it with you in our whirlpool?” Accusingly, “you were, weren’t you! Oh, this is way more than I expected.” More thought and more calm, Drew continued, “seems fair, why are you grinning while I’m accusing you of cheating on me? Geez!”

Mary laughed out loud. “Come on studly, let’s go in and get some sleep. If you behave, you can cuddle with mommy for a while.” Mary teased more, “maybe you can think of me as Talia.”


Friday morning, Mary dialed Talia’s phone in hopes they could spend some time on the phone before Saturday. Talia picked up the phone on the third ring.


“Hi, Talia, it’s Mary, can you talk?”

“Sure, I thought I’d call you later, but this is good. What’s up?”

“I wanted to arrange the time that would be best for our, ah, project. How does 12:30 Saturday work for you and Jeff? I think that will give me a chance to clean up after breakfast and put together a nice lunch for the six of us.”

“Six of us, oh, yah, I forgot about Lisa and David. Just what will they provide and should I put her into our agreement?”

Mary responded, “Lisa will run the camera and, sort of, direct the shoot. David will be there to help in any way needed. I think that my Aunt Lisa will require the carnal services of her son in order to get through the shoot.”

Mary continued in a serious manner. “Talia, Drew thinks you are very pretty and really sexy.” Quietly over the phone, “I pretended to be you and teased him into chasing me into the pool. By the way, I told him I was the tigress Talia and challenged him to keep up with me.”

“You didn’t! Oh, I’ll bet you did! How did Drew take it? Was I really that good? We should talk about this in person and not on the phone.”

Talia could almost hear Mary’s smile over the phone and went on, “tell me true, were you thinking about my Jeff at the same time?”

“Why, Miss Talia, would I do a thing like that? Yup! I sure did and he was great, too. Let’s get back to the shoot before I require satisfaction, so to speak. I was thinking of having Lisa take shots of each of us alone and with one another in the pool, at a restaurant and at the hair dresser. What do you think?”

Talia responded, “are you sure you haven’t discussed this with Jeff? He suggested that we go to the mall for shots in shorts and see through blouses. He seems to think we are both natural beauties. Imagine that, my son thinks I’m pretty. On top of that, he thinks you’re really nice looking, too. I believe his word for you is ‘delicious’.”

“Tell him thanks for me and let him know there is a big full-on hug and kiss waiting for him right here.” Mary thought she may have gone a bit too far, “you know I’m just teasing, right?”

Reassuringly, Talia came back, “You’d better make good on that. Mary, realistically we are going to be too turned on to, well, be inhibited once we get into the depths of the shoot. I think there may actually be some full on banging of each other’s sons. If you have a problem with that, say something now.”

“Oh, I am counting on something like that. Since I was introduced to ‘Moms & Lovers’, I’ve had my sex drive kicked into high gear and I like it. Okay, being the nosey me, how is your sex life and would you mind if I took your son as a lover, temporarily so to speak?”

“Hadn’t given it much thought, but fair is fair and I don’t think the boys would object. Do you suppose your aunt will be able to hold her act together during the shoot? Frankly, I remember her flirting with the other attorneys at my firm when she worked there. Is she still the same way?”

“Talia, I didn’t know she was a flirt then, but it figures with the on-line lingerie business she started. You should check out her website. A lot of the more revealing stuff is on her body. She doesn’t show her face, but I recognize her figure.” A thought occurred to Mary, “some of the shots in her catalog show a male posing with her. I wonder if that might be David, her son? No, couldn’t have been. I think I’ll ask her.”

Mary went on, “give it some more thought. Drew and I will be looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. Remember to bring a couple of swim suits for each of you. I’m going out to buy extra bath robes just to be sure that we are covered before the pool shots. Gahd, I don’t know why I’m worried, the neighbor lady would probably be thrilled to see the six of us naked right next to her back yard. Think I should invite her?”

Talia thought, “depending on your relationship with her and her current partner status, you might want to ask her to participate in some capacity. Does she have a window overlooking your pool? That could offer a great photo op.”

“Great idea, I think I’ll go over and talk to her later today. She’s a little older, but I’m certain she is open minded about a lot of things. I’ll let you know. See you Saturday,” and Mary hung up the phone.

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