Bank Teller Turned Hooker Ch. 02


Chapter 2 – A NEW JOB

Tuesday was the big day. I was starting my new job. Not that it was a career or anything, but it was better than some of my previous jobs. I had worked at Carl’s Jr. (Hardee’s in the rest of the U.S.) when I was in high school and the previous summer I had worked in the customer service department at a department store. The only thing that came out of either of those jobs was when a customer left her driver’s license behind at the department store. Customers were doing that all the time. There was one driver’s license that the photo looked close enough that it passed to be me; the licensee was Asian (specifically, Vietnamese) but to some people Asians all looked alike. Most importantly, the holder of the license was 22 which meant I had an ID to go to clubs. I was never a much of a drinker, but I have always loved to dance.

But, I felt this bank opportunity was a step up from what I had done before so I appreciated the opportunity.

As always, my last class ended promptly at 11:30. I caught a bus and the route to the bank was pretty direct; I only had two transfers and I made it to the bank 25 minutes early.

Terry said he didn’t expect me to wear a dress or skirt to school. He had let me know that I could change when I got to work.

I walked into the bank and looked for Terry. He saw me immediately and one by one he introduced me to the staff. The bank was pretty big and served a district of San Jose that is called Willow Glen. As I met the various staff members, I recognized that it was top heavy with women; there were eight women and four men excluding Terry. Of the women, four of the eight were Asian, I made it five. Not to say that San Jose does not have a large Asian community, because it does. But, I would not have expected so many Asian women.

Terry introduced me to Mae. Mae, as it turned out was from the Asian persuasion. She was Vietnamese. I learned that she was 28 years old.

I was directed to the ladies room so I could change. The skirt I wore was what I considered to be modest, but professional. I wore short heels because I guessed I would be standing quite a bit. Mae would later suggest taller heels indicating that women look more professional in taller heels and not to worry about standing because we each would use tall stools at each teller window so standing could be kept to a minimum.

I was given a general tour of the bank. As I toured the bank I noticed that all of my female counterparts were wearing skirts or dresses except for one who was in slacks. I immediately thought to myself, ‘we all have to deal with the curse’.

After the general tour Terry teamed Mae and I together. Mae would be my trainer. We went directly to the training room so the torture could begin. There was a flip sign on the door that she changed to “Meeting in session. Knock before entering.” Truth of the matter was, it wasn’t really that torturous, but some of it was mundane. The bank used a lot of DVDs for their training. Mae was good enough to recognize the boring stuff and she used the boring episodes to break the ice and gave us time to bond.

Mae said, “So Terry said he met you walking your dog. That’s gaziantep bayan escort pretty funny.”

“Yeah, I never thought I would find a job that way. Pretty lucky, I guess.”

“Terry’s pretty good that way. He has brought a number of people on board that he has met outside the bank. He says people tend to be more genuine when you meet by chance instead of in an interview.”

I asked, “Have you worked here awhile?”

“I’ve been here almost four years. It’s a good part time job.”

This surprised me. I presumed she worked full time. “You’re only part time too?”

Mae said, “I work here two afternoon shifts and two morning shifts. I’ll be working the same afternoons as you. Just twenty hour weeks. I have a second job which is where I make most of my income.”

“Really? What else do you do?”

She said, “I do massage therapy. It’s mostly a cash job and working here looks more legitimate when I do my taxes and for credit.”

“Wow, you’re a massage therapist too? Terry’s wife, Karen, said she also does massage therapy. I have never thought of it, but I guess that must be a pretty good job.”

“Actually, Karen helped me get the job here. She and I used to work at the same place together. We don’t anymore. She had me meet with Terry a few times and he offered me a position here.”

I asked, “Do you think you can give me a massage sometime? I’ve never had a massage at a spa before.”

Mae said, “I don’t know, the places we work at are pretty exclusive, we’ll have to see about that.”

I noticed Mae had a wedding band. “How long have you been married?

She said, “Only two years. My husband is white. You’re not one of those Asian girls that is opposed to being with a white guy, are you?”

I laughed and said, “Believe me I have been with my share of guys and Asian was never a requirement.”

She laughed too and said, “I’m with you on that one.”

She asked about my relationship status and I let her know I was single, “but always looking”.

She said, “What do you think of Terry?”

“Oh, he seems really nice. I think I’m pretty lucky to have met him. I wouldn’t be sitting here right now if I hadn’t met him.”

She said, “No, I mean do you think he’s attractive? I’ve always thought he is good looking. I mean I know we’re both married and he’s little older than me, but it doesn’t mean I can’t admire him right?”

I asked, “So, you have a crush on him?”

She laughed and said, “I guess I do!”

I laughed with her and said, “Believe me, I’ve noticed what you’re talking about. When I first ran into Karen and him, my first thought was she was pretty lucky to have him.”

Mae said, “Too bad he wasn’t younger and single”.

I said, “To be honest I think his age makes him more attractive, but too bad he’s married.”

We ended our personal discussions and got back to training. It was obvious I clicked well with Mae.

After work Terry, as promised, gave me a ride home. During the drive he asked if my first day went well. I assured him it did. He asked if I was ok being trained by Mae. Again I assured him that I thought Mae was great.

Two days later, I was back at the bank for training. Again the videos were more than boring but we livened it up with more personal conversation.

Mae really opened up about her personal life. She didn’t get too deep into details, but she left no doubt that she’d gotten around. At one point she said she had actually lost track of how many guys she’d slept with. At first I thought she was kidding, but after a while I was fairly certain she really had lost track.

In response I told her, “I haven’t lost track, but I’m working on it.” We laughed together. She said, “So, if you haven’t lost track, how many guys have you been with?” I answered, “Fourteen. That’s pretty bad, isn’t it?” She said, “You’re practically still a virgin”. We laughed so hard again that there was knock on the conference room door. It was Terry. He peeked in and said, “You two are training, aren’t you”. We obviously needed to tone down our laughter and giggling.

And such was the beginning of a new friendship. We ended up having a lot of girl-talk conversations and we shared our individual exploits. She had me beaten hands down; but, of course, we weren’t having a contest because she already had a head start on me.

A few weeks into the job, she and I arranged lunch together before we were due into work. During that lunch I asked her if she had ever cheated on her husband. She wasn’t hesitant to reply and simply said ‘yes’. Based upon some of the things she had told me I wasn’t that shocked, but considering that they had only been married two years it was still a little bit of a surprise. She didn’t try to justify anything. She said she enjoyed sex and sexual attention. I assured her I knew what she meant. She told me, “Vanessa, you should enjoy every minute of sex you can have and with as many men as you can. Right now men will want us, but when we get older they won’t want either one of us anymore. So, as long as we’re desirable we should take advantage of it. I guarantee you, men will fuck as many women as they can, but since we hold the keys to the treasure chest, we’re the ones who can say yes or no. So, say yes whenever you can. If a man can fantasize about having three women in bed why can’t we be in bed with three men?” I started to laugh, but could see in her eyes how serious she was. I had to ask, “Have you done it?” She simply smiled and said, “Yes”.


“Yes, really.”

“Did you like it?”


“How old were you?”

“You mean the first time?”

“Wait, you mean you’ve done it more than once?”

“Yes. I was about your age the first time.”

“Was it exciting?”

“It has been some of the best sex I’ve ever had. When I’ve done it I never wanted it to stop.”

She wasn’t shy about telling her stories. She was proud of it. And I was eager to hear about it. She went into detail about how the first time happened by chance. But subsequent times were more planned than not. She didn’t tell me how many times she had done it but she did tell me that one time she had sex with five guys in one night. But, there was something in her tone that told me either the five in one night was either an understatement or it was not just a onetime event. And just like that she glanced at her watch and said we should get back to the bank.

But before we went to the bank, I excused myself to use the restroom. After I peed, I wiped myself and discovered that I was very wet. Her stories did more than just intrigue me.

Once we returned to work, we couldn’t really continue our conversation because I was shadowing Mae and other tellers. But I did tell Mae I wanted to have lunch again (because I wanted to hear more).

At the end of the day, Terry gave me a ride home again. I remember him making a comment about the dress I wore that day. He said, “You look really nice in that dress.” He reached over and patted me on my leg. Maybe it wasn’t appropriate, but it was flattering.

The following week, Mae and I had lunch again. The lunch was all about sexual experiences. Mae asked me the wildest thing I had ever done. Although I had a juicier story, I held back and told her that I had sex with two different guys within a 24 hour period. One was a date on Friday night, the second was on a date the next night. Mae said, “There’s no way you’re telling me it was just them that wanted sex. Obviously, you wanted it too.” She was stating the obvious, and I told her so.

She said, “I think we’re a lot alike. But more likely, we’re just honest with each other. I think most women just are in denial about what they really want and enjoy. Non-stop sex is the best and we should just admit”. I couldn’t deny what she was saying and nodded in agreement.

She changed gears slightly and asked: “Have you ever been with a girl?” I certainly knew she wasn’t asking if I had gone shopping with a girl, especially considering the current topic. I said the only answer I could, “No. Have you?” She grinned and said, “Yes.” I said, “Wait, so you’re bi?” This brought a laugh from her and she said, “No, I’m not bi. It has always been experimental. Except for one time, it has always been fun. No regrets.” She looked at the expression on my face and said, “Does it gross you out?” I told her no, I was just a little surprised. Well, maybe not that surprised after things she had told me.

Mae said, “The first time I was really nervous when it happened. But within a few minutes I lost all inhibitions. One thing I figured out is why so many guys like to eat pussy: it can taste really good.”

I didn’t say much. I just listened. She continued, “All I can say is, if you ever find yourself in that rare opportunity you should embrace it.”

I simply said, “I guess I never have given it much thought”. She carefully chose her words and stared into my eyes and said, “But you’re giving it thought now, aren’t you?” I looked at her and realized she was very pretty. Her lips looked so moist. And yes, I suddenly imagined kissing her lips, but I didn’t dare say it or act on it. I lied and said, “No, not really”.

We switched back to heterosexual relationships. She went into detail about having her first foursome. She was the girl, it was with three men. As she shared her story, I realized that I completely idolized her.

When she finished reminiscing, it was time for us to get to the bank. I excused myself to use the restroom. It wasn’t that I really need to pee, but I needed to wipe myself. I could tell my panties were soaked.

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