Happy Holidays Ch. 02

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I knew going on this ski trip was a bad idea when the bus refused to start. My parents had bought me the holiday package as part of their Christmas present, but it was showing every sign of turning into the Ski Trip From Hell. Here I was, stuck in an old Greyhound on the top of the Coquihalla Highway with a busload full of drunks. Night was falling, it was snowing, and the outside temperature was already –45 degrees Centigrade and dropping like a rock. Oh yeah, and the guy in the row behind us wanted to kill my best friend.

If Billy Riggs hadn’t been such a good guy, I might’ve hated his guts, too. Billy was a tall, red-head with a charming “Aw shucks” attitude, and the fact that he had a distinctive Aussie accent only made him that much more popular with the girls. Just opening his mouth made him score faster than Wayne Gretzky playing one-on-one against a brick. But to give him credit, he was a stand-up guy and a reliable friend. I just knew that no girl would look at me twice with Billy around.

Case in point: the cute little brunette who was supposed to be our trip coordinator. That is, before she started her sixth beer. Her drunken come-ons towards Billy were getting more blatant as the trip wore on. Right now, she was staring at Billy with bedroom eyes, running her tongue around the rim of her empty beer bottle.

That also explained the animosity coming from the row behind us.

“Aussie fag,” the guy with the bowl-shaped haircut slurred from where he sat, kicking Billy’s seat for good measure. Billy, Steve and I ignored him, as usual. Bowl-Cut was dumb, ugly, drunk and clearly looking for a fight. And we weren’t about to give him one. He looked like a gorilla and his two buddies were almost as big.

The diesel engine finally coughed to life, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Another three-plus hours of driving and we would be in Penticton. That is, if the driver could negotiate the twists and turns of the icy mountain highway without sending us over a cliff, and if Bowl-Cut didn’t decide to assault my best friend. Fun, fun, fun.

I saw the bus driver bite off a curse as he tried to release the brake. He looked around before sliding out of his seat.

“Hey, buddy,” I said to the driver. “What’s going on?” Everybody else was too busy getting drunk to notice the drama at the front of the bus.

“Nothing,” he said, smiling to hide the worried look in his brown eyes. “Just a minor inconvenience. Nothing to worry about.”

He opened the door, wincing at a blast of cold air from outside. He jumped down the steps and into the snowdrift that already accumulated outside the bus.

Steve leaned over to me. “What’s happening, Rick?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good.”


Ten minutes later, the driver pulled himself back into the bus. Ice crystals had already formed in his brown moustache. He did not look happy. He sat down in his seat and turned on the CB radio. I edged forward to hear what he had to say.

“No, we’re not going anywhere,” he was saying. “The brake lines are frozen, there’s no methyl hydrate in the emergency kit . . . yeah, I know I’m responsible for making sure everything was okay, but this bus was a last-minute replacement when the first one broke down and we were already running late . . . No, there’s no way I can get it moving again, the lines are stuck but good . . .” He waited for several seconds. “You get on the horn, see if you can get some SAR people from the ski hill. I’ll try and control this fucking zoo until they arrive . . . thanks, Phil. Over and out.”

I scooted back to my seat before the driver noticed me and raised my hand, forestalling Steve and Billy’s questions.

The bus driver stood. “Listen up, people!” he boomed through the din. “We have a minor problem here: the brake lines are frozen and there’s no way we can get them moving. We have a couple of Search and Rescue people coming from Big White who are going to help out, and the guys in Penticton are sending up another bus if we can’t get this one to start. So just sit tight and relax, all right?”

Just then my heart leaped. Ali Jenson worked for the Big White SAR team! I might get a chance to see her! I still had her panties with me, a souvenir of our first encounter in an airplane bathroom. I prayed to God, Allah, Cthulhu, anybody I could think of, hoping that Ali would be one of the people they sent to pick us up.

“Hey, Buck,” Bowl-Cut said between sips of beer. “Whaddya call a dead Aussie?”

“I dunno,” one of his friends slurred back. “What?”

“A good start. Haw, haw, haw!”

Billy, Steve and I exchanged worried glances. Everybody else was oblivious.

The next ten minutes were a strain. Bowl-Cut was getting more and more aggressive, thumping the back of Billy’s seat on a regular basis. Little brunette cutie was also getting more and more aggressive with Billy. She was finding more and more excuses to talk with him, leaning over the seat in front to show off her cleavage. Nice tits, but she bingöl escort was dumb as a post. Of course, that only got Bowl-Cut angrier. I think he had his eye on her, and the fact that she obviously preferred Billy didn’t sit well with him. I could’ve cheered when I saw a set of headlights pull up in front of the bus.

The bus door hissed open and two women stepped inside. They both wore black ski pants and red SAR parkas. The first one pulled off her black toque; a wealth of curly, blonde hair fell to her shoulders.

“Hello, Nurse,” Billy murmured, one red eyebrow climbing up. “What have we here?”

Steve elbowed me in the ribs. “Fifty bucks says Billy gets in the blonde’s pants by this time tomorrow.”

I grinned. “You’re on.” I watched as Ali surveyed the bus. Even in ski pants and a heavy parka, she was still painfully beautiful. Her pale cheeks were flushed from the cold and her full lips were dark. I could feel my cock growing, just looking at her.

“All right, people!” she barked out. “I’ll need you to sit tight for just a little longer while we see what we can do with this bus. You got that?”

The brunette tour guide wasn’t happy. She knew Ali outclassed her and she was jealous.

I tried to inconspicuously catch Ali’s eye as she looked around. She stared straight at me for almost a second, then one eyelid slipped down in a wink. She looked away.

“Excuse me, ma’am?” Billy’s hand went up. His Australian accent was thicker than ever, the slick bastard. “Do you need our help in any way?”

“‘Do you need our help,’ you faggot,” Bowl-Cut mimicked from where he was sitting. “You offering to stick your tongue up her ass?”

“Do you have a problem?” Billy turned around, his temper finally fraying. He ducked as a beer bottle rebounded off the window next to his head. Glass shattered.

Bowl-Cut and his two buddies all lunged for us. Steve went down, grappling with the one in the middle. I got in a lucky punch on the one going for me, my fist connected with the soft tissue just below his ear. He dropped like a rock, cold-cocked.

I heard something snap. Billy screamed. Through a red haze, I saw his face connect with Bowl-Cut’s elbow. Billy’s head flew back as his nose exploded; his right arm was dangling at an impossible angle. I went for Bowl-Cut’s throat.

The other SAR woman was there. I heard a sizzling sound and Bowl-Cut bounced off his seat and collapsed to the floor, twitching. She then leaned over Steve and the other guy. I heard another zap and a groan.

“Back off.” She spun around, glaring at me. The blue flash of a Tazer sparked in front of my eyes. “No problem.” I raised my hands, showing peaceable intent. I could smell urine. Bowl-Cut had pissed his pants.

“Good,” she said, her green eyes flat. “Make sure it stays that way.”

Ali was holding Billy’s broken arm, helping him back into his seat. He was holding the bridge of his nose to stop the bleeding. Billy’s face was red from his upper lip down.

“Shit,” Ali said. “Sue, this is a bad break. We’re gonna have to take him to the Med Center ASAP.”

“Okay. I’ll take over here, while you get the kit and some splints,” Sue said, pocketing her Tazer.

“Sure thing,” Ali replied. “I’m gonna need some help though.” She looked around the bus for a couple of seconds. Her eyes settled on me.

“You!” she snarled. “You’re a part of this mess, you can help me clean it up.”

I nodded. I wasn’t sure what Ali was up to but I played along. She stood up and walked towards the front of the bus. The other passengers were silent, stunned at the sudden violence. I zipped up my ski jacket as the door hissed open and followed Ali outside.

I tried not to stare but I couldn’t keep from watching Ali’s heart-shaped ass swaying in front of me. The sun was gone and snowflakes were falling harder now, whipped by the icy wind. We picked our way through the mounting snowdrifts. The only illumination was from the bright headlights of the red pickup truck, and the yellow bulbs of the old bus.

Ali opened the left rear door of the extended cab, leaning in to grab some flat steel rods. “Is anyone watching?” she asked.

I looked over at the bus. “No.”

“Good.” She pulled me to her, her left hand cupping my ass as her lips met mine. We kissed for several seconds, her tongue flicking against mine, her breath hot against my cheek. I could feel snowflakes melting as they landed on my face. I was amazed they weren’t sizzling.

“God, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw you on that bus,” she panted when we finally disengaged. I could see the gold stud in her nose gleaming in the night. “Do you know how much I want to fuck you right now?”

My hands cupped her buttocks, pulling her hips closer to mine. “Almost as much as I want to fuck you?”

“Mmm, I can tell.” She rubbed her pelvis against my cock, getting me even harder. “Play it cool, follow my lead and you’ll get your chance. Understood?”

“Understood.” bodrum escort I squeezed her ass for extra emphasis.

Her breath hissed through her teeth and her eyes were heavy-lidded with lust. “Let’s go before I fuck you right here and now.”


“Good things come to those who wait.” Ali grinned as she handed me the big red backpack with the white cross in the middle. She held onto the splints as we walked back to the bus. Ali stumbled on her way up the steps. I caught her before she fell. I’m sure that her hand brushing my cock was accidental. I think.

Sue worked quickly on Billy, splinting his arm and giving him a sedative for the pain. Steve was starting to regain consciousness: he was starting one hell of a black eye and he was testing if any teeth were loose. Ali gave him a quick reflex test; I could see her lips thinning as she nodded back at Sue. Steve had a minor concussion. Bowl-Cut and his pals were still out cold.

“Listen up, everybody,” Sue said, standing up. “Thanks to these fucknuts over here–” She indicated Bowl-Cut and his friends. “We’ll have to head to the Med Center right now. There’s a bus coming in twenty minutes to pick you up, so sit tight and don’t get into any more stupidity.”

“You friends of his?” Ali asked Steve and I, motioning towards Billy. I nodded. “Okay, you’re gonna have to ride with us. Separate the combatants and all that.”

Sue snorted. “It’ll be tight but there’s enough space in the truck. Get your things.”

Steve and I grabbed our daypacks, hauled them out of the bus and deposited them in the bed of the red 4×4.

“You think Billy will be okay?” Steve asked me, his voice slurred.

“I think so,” I said. “Those girls seem to know what they’re doing.”

“I hope you’re right,” he said. “Hey, what were you doing with the blonde? You were out here for a while.”

I winked. Steve’s mouth dropped open.

“You slick fucker,” he finally said. “You know her?”

“Uh-huh.” And, because I couldn’t resist, “I hope you have that fifty bucks ready.”


“Okay, you’re gonna have to sit in front and support your friend,” Ali told Steve once she and Sue had maneuvered Billy down the steps and through the drifts. The snow was falling even harder, if that was at all possible. “You think you can handle that?”

“Sure, I can do that,” Steve replied. His eyes were a little unfocused.

“Good,” Ali said. “Rick and I will ride in the back.”

I could see Sue stare at her co-worker, a suspicious glint in her eyes.

We bundled Steve and Billy onto the front bench seat of the GMC next to Sue, who was driving. Ali and I slid the driver’s seat forward, crawling into the rear of the king cab. I tried not to sigh with relief when the pickup was moving and the bus headlights disappeared into the blowing snow. I was sitting behind Sue, with Ali to my right.

“Did I mention how much I missed you?” Ali breathed into my ear.

“No, I don’t think you did,” I whispered back. She shuddered as my warm breath touched her ear in turn. My cock was straining at my jeans.

“Do you know the saying: Actions speak louder than words?” Her fingers glided over my pelvis; I just about jumped in my seat.

“Sssshh,” she said softly, licking my earlobe for emphasis. Her fingers slid between my opened fly, grasping my pole. “Be very, very quiet and I’ll show you exactly how much I’ve missed you.”

Her head sank down. I looked around the cab. Sue was busy driving, the diesel purring as she negotiated the hairpin turns, the windshield wipers slapping as snow blew on the glass. The heater was on its highest speed, clearing ice and steam from the windows. Next to Sue, Billy was dead to the world, his head lolling sideways. Steve was staring ahead, supporting Billy.

Ali’s tongue touched my cock. I looked down at her, smiling up at me. Her brown eyes still gazing into mine, she rubbed my stiff cock all around her cheek, her tongue flicking the flap of skin just below the head. I stiffened, trying not to make any noise. Still watching me, she bathed my helmet in her saliva before sliding her lips over it. I gathered her hair in my right hand, keeping it out of the way. She smiled in thanks. Her head sank down, my rod sliding deeper into her mouth, touching the back of her throat. I shuddered with the sensation, trying not to say or do anything that would direct anyone else’s attention to what was happening in the back seat of the GMC.

Ali’s fist wrapped around my shaft, stroking up and down as her head rose, staring at me. “I love watching your reactions as I suck you off,” she whispered in my ear. “It turns me on so much.” Her head sank down, her lips enfolding my cock again. I was fighting to keep my breathing regular as her mouth slid up and down my penis, her left hand stroking the shaft as her right hand caressed my balls. I could feel the familiar tightness growing, the waves of pleasure swelling up my body. Sweat broke bolu escort out on my forehead. Ali’s head was pumping up and down on my cock, her right hand squeezing my shaft. My hips were rocking back and forth as I began fucking her mouth. I could feel hot saliva dripping, running in rivulets down my penis, pooling between her fingers as she brought me closer and closer to orgasm.

The pressure in my balls was building; I was close. I gritted my teeth, gently pulling on Ali’s hair to let her know I was about to come. Just then, Ali took my entire seven inches into her mouth, the back of her throat opening to accommodate my length. I closed my eyes, tilting my head back as my cock started pumping. I could feel Ali swallowing my semen, taking it all down her throat.

When I could, I opened my eyes and tried to will my breathing back to normal. Ali was rolling my cock around her mouth as it spasmed for the last few times. She then silently tucked it back in my pants before zipping up my fly. She laid her head in my lap, smiling up at me, licking her lips.

I tore my eyes away from Ali and looked into the rear view mirror. Sue was staring back at me, her eyes wide with shock and her mouth making an ‘O.’ I looked over at Steve and Billy. They hadn’t noticed a thing.

Ali pulled herself upright, pretending nothing had happened. “Was it good for you?” she whispered to me.

“You have to ask?” I leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Your friend saw us.”

“Really?” Ali was serene as she sat next to me in the back of the truck. “I hope she was taking notes.”


After a couple of minutes, we pulled up to a set of darkened buildings. “All right, kids,” Sue said, killing the engine. “Here’s where we get off.” We all opened the doors, jumping out of the truck. “Unless you already have,” she muttered darkly, glaring at Ali and myself. Ali looked like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

A couple more Search and Rescue types were waiting for us. They quickly took Billy and Steve away with them into the low building. Billy could barely walk, and even Steve had problems with his coordination.

“This marks the end of my shift,” Sue said when she had rejoined us. “Are you still going up to the Hut tonight?”

“I have no choice,” Ali said. “Tony told me to go up there, even though Christine, Tanya and Derek are all off sick.”

“That means nobody is going to relieve you until 7 am at the earliest. It’ll be even later if that system comes in.” Sue was looking flushed. “Why are you putting up with this? You know there’s going to be nobody on the slopes tomorrow with that big storm coming in. Why are you letting Tony do this to you?”

“I have no choice.” Ali shrugged. “Regs say there has to be somebody in the Hut at all times. Besides,” she grinned, “I can think of a few ways to spend the time.”

“Are you taking your boy here up with you?” Sue asked archly. “You know there’ll be hell to pay if Tony finds out about it.”

“Tony can’t do a thing,” Ali replied. “If he gives me any hassle, I just let management know how he’s been working the schedule so that he can get in Lisa Ciccarelli’s pants while they’re both on duty. Besides, he’s in deep trouble if anyone finds out that someone was alone up at the Hut.”

“What’s this Hut you’re talking about?” I asked. “There’s a hut for SAR just above the treeline,” Ali answered. “Ski hill regs say there has to be at least two people up there at all times, even though we don’t do any good up there. Anyway, three of us are down with the flu and we can’t find anyone else, so I guess you’re deputized as Search and Rescue. Think you can handle it?”

“I got my Bronze Cross when I was in high school,” I said. “Will that do?”

“Like I don’t know exactly what you’ll be doing,” Sue said dryly. “All right. If you two are crazy enough to go up there tonight, I’m crazy enough to drive you. Give me a few moments to get the keys to the Cat.”

“Thanks, Sue,” Ali said. “I appreciate it.”

The shorter woman snorted. “Hell, you owe me one and you know I’ll collect.”

“I look forward to it.”


The Cat was a red flatbed truck mounted on a pair of tank treads. With Sue behind the wheel, we got up the hill in record time. The snow was falling even faster and it was harder to see. The windshield wipers were smacking back and forth and the fan was going full-blast to compensate for the ice forming on the windows. With the two of us sitting with Sue on the front bench seat, we couldn’t get up to much but occasionally Ali’s right hand would drift over my thigh.

We pulled up to a small A-framed house just below the tree line. Sue kept the engine running just in case. I could see snowflakes whipping past the beam of the front headlights. The wind was whistling through the trees as we hopped out of the Cat; the door nearly smacked me in the face as the wind caught it.

“Be sure to stay inside, Ali,” Sue was saying. “It’s getting really bad out there. I doubt anyone will be on the mountain in this weather so you just stay put, understand?”

“No problem,” Ali replied. “Are you sure you can drive in this? The clouds look like they’re coming lower.”

Sue shook her head. “I’ll be fine as long as I get to one of the major ski runs. But pull your stuff out so I can get out of here quickly.”

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