So this man asked me out Pt. 8

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So this man asked me out

by Vanessa Evans

Part 8

I again woke to the feeling of John’s cock sliding in and out of me and our lovemaking continued from where it stopped the previous night but I was up, showered and had breakfast just before Adam arrived for my thrice weekly home workout session which included absolutely everything that it had the previous Wednesday. I’m really getting to enjoy this running through the woods and along public roads naked and my pussy gets a nice tingling whenever we see other people. I keep hoping that we come across another dog that try to lick my pussy.

When I got back from the run John took me into the garage where I discovered an electrician who, when he saw the naked and sweaty me, looked more shocked than if he’d touched a live wire. John explained to him that it was me who was getting an electric car and that I’d be the one that needed to know how to charge it.

The poor man looked very nervous as he explained how to charge the car that I’d be getting. I guess that it didn’t help the poor man when I moved my right hand to my left tit and started idly playing with my nipple and the jewellery, and the fact that John had stood in his usual position and was fondling my other tit.

Anyway, there wasn’t that much to it and it didn’t take long for the man to finish and leave. When I said to John that it was cruel to keep embarrassing the poor man like we had all he could do was laugh.

After I’d had a shower John told me to put some clothes on because we were going out for lunch, then to the car dealers to collect the car. Lunch was at a pub near the car dealers and to be honest, it wasn’t that great, nor was the lighting so I didn’t have to worry (ha) about anyone looking up my skirt.

The car dealership was different in that two salesmen rushed over to us when they saw us walking in through the door. I’d worn an ultra short dress with a loose fitting top part and I got both salesmen to show me all the functions and the display information of my new car, and I just had to try out each seat, getting in and out in a very un-lady like way so that they both saw that I was knickerless. Whenever I was bent over one of the salesmen was behind me looking up my skirt and the other one was in front of me looking down my top.

When it came to doing all the paperwork they wanted my signature four times and I stood and bent forwards to sign on their desk knowing that my top would fall away from my chest letting them have a good look at my tits. They might only be small but those guys certainly liked looking at them.

I never realised that collecting a new car would take so long and involve the new owner having to bend over so much.

Finally everything was sorted and John and I were walking to my first ever car. John made sure that I was settled in okay and was happy that I knew what I was doing then he went to his car and I followed him home. As soon as we got home I put the location in to the satnav because I still wasn’t that familiar with where I was now living and if / when I went anywhere on my own I wanted to make sure that I could get back home.

I put the car in the garage not knowing when I would use it again.

That night in bed when we were both just laying there in post coital bliss I said,

“John, you’ve met my friends but you’ve never mentioned your friends, you do have some don’t you?”

“I do, and you are going to meet them next weekend.”

“Tell me more.”

“I’ve been holding off on telling you about my main group of friends until I thought the time was right but now that you’ve mentioned it I think that now is the right time.”

“What are you talking about John?”

“Well, I play rugby in the winter months and the pre-season meeting / party is next weekend and I would like you to come along and meet all my friends.”

“Will this be an all male party? Do you want me to strip for all your rugby player mates? Or do you want them to gang-bang me?”

“Yes, no and no, well not unless you want to.”

“It’s always been a fantasy of mine to be gang-ganged by a football team but I guess that a rugby team would be just as good but it’s always been just a fantasy to help me get off when I was frigging myself in bed on a night but would you really be happy to let all your mates fuck me John?”

“Yes, I would, but only if you want to, I would never put any pressure on you to do it.”

“After what you’ve made me realise about myself you won’t need any pressure John. So tell me about this party.”

“Well, the players meet up at the club and have a meeting to make sure that everyone is still around and wants to play in the next season’s games. There will probably, hopefully, be some new guys coming along who would like to join the team. We talk about the team, the fixtures, the training and anything else that needs to be talked about then the bar is opened and the team building starts.”

“You mean the drinking?”


“And where do I fit in with this?”

“Well I was thinking that you’d make a great mascot for the season.”

“You mean a naked mascot?”

“Do you see these army mascots wearing clothes?”

“They’re goats or something like that.”

“But are they wearing any clothes?”

“No, well maybe something on their backs.”

“Well there’s your answer Jade.”

“You’re not expecting me to run up and down the touchline totally naked at each game are you? It gets bloody cold in winter around here.”

“No, not naked, well naked under a nice warm coat, you could then open your flasher coat to the opposition to distract them or flash our team to remind them what they will get if we win.”

“Got it all worked out haven’t you John? And what’s this ‘what they will get if we win’?”

“Yeah, if we win, in the showers after the game you can let those who score points fuck you and those who don’t score you can just give them a blowjob.”

“So you’d want me to let players who scored gang-bang me and then me to give the rest of the team a blowjob? Is it League or Union?”


“So say four players score I’d be gang-banged by four players and then I have to give nine blowjobs?”

“You don’t have to do anything Jade, it’s all up to you.”

“Maybe I want to do it.”

“I know what girl’s mean by ‘maybe’, you’re thinking about doing just that right now aren’t you Jade?”

“I cannot lie to you John, I am thinking just that. Will you fuck me whilst I’m still thinking about it?”

Ten minutes later the conversation continued from where it was interrupted.

“So I can tell the guys that they can expect a pleasant reward if the team wins and a more pleasant surprise if they score then?”

“You can John but I hope that you score at every game. Hey, what about away games, will that be the same?”

“Yes, why not, assuming that the other team has good facilities.”

“And how do you get to these away games?”

“Coach, and yes, you can repeat your rewards on the way home if you want.”

“I love you John.”

“Don’t get too carried away Jade, we might loose every game.”

“And if you loose can I go and do the same for the opposition?”

“No, that’s their mascot’s job.”

“So do all the teams in your league have a mascot, a naked girl that does everything that you’ve just told me about for their team?”

“Not that I know of but you can start a new trend.”

“Well I suppose that that’s one way of making rugby more popular. Does the rest of your team know about your plans?”

“No, not yet.”

“They might not want a girl invading their testosterone fuelled environment?”

“Are you crazy? Of course they will, you should see them at the Christmas party when we get a stripper in, the poor girl is lucky to get out of the place in one piece and those girls probably can’t walk properly until the new year. No, my idea won’t take any selling, just me laying down a few rules.”

“Like what?”

“Like not pushing a rugby ball up your cunt, or not damaging your body in any permanent way, and, of course, any other restriction that you want adding Jade.”

“What about the other player’s wives and girlfriends?”

“You can let them fuck you if you want Jade.”

“No, I was wondering about their jealousy, would they get pissed off if their man scored a goal and he got rewarded by him fucking me?”

“Those girls are the wives or girlfriends of rugby players, they know what to expect. Besides gaziantep travesti it’s their beds that the players will go home to. So what do you say Jade?”

“I say take me to this meeting / party and let me meet your friends, but I’ll wear a dress when I go there.”

“What about when you leave there Jade?”

“Maybe my dress will end up in the trash can and you’ll have to buy me a new one.”



Well readers, that’s basically how my new life started, just a few things that I’ll briefly update you about because the start of them, or ideas for them, were mentioned earlier.

Jenny and Rose come round usually on a Sunday and they both strip almost as soon as they her here. John does fuck them both and our four-way sessions usually leave the poor man totally exhausted and he usually just watches us mess about in the swimming pool before Jenny and Rose have to go home.


John takes me to the Drunken Duck nearly every week, but not on the same evening. Both John and Ken like to vary the day so as to get expectant punters in most nights of the week. Things have progressed from just the customers groping me and then me frigging myself for them to watch, to me giving blowjobs to some of them and letting some of them fuck me, all whilst the other customers watch and I have to say that I’m getting to know some of the locals quite well. There’s even one of the younger local guy’s wife who comes in and she is happy getting naked and us doing a 69 for the other customers to watch.


I’ve modelled for two different photography clubs in the pub’s function room and outside in the woods for one of them so far. That’s the same one that asked me to bring a dildo and masturbate for them, them telling me that the wanted to capture my facial expressions as I orgasm.


So far John has only taken me to one meeting of the Multiple ‘O’ club and it was as John expected. All girls had to strip naked as soon as they arrived and we took it in turns to see how many times we could make ourselves cum in thirty minutes. They have these heart rate monitors that they put on the girls to make sure that they don’t fake and orgasms.

I didn’t win, one girl who was around my age managed to make herself cum eight times in the thirty minutes and John thought that she must be using some sort of drug to make that possible.

Having said that I didn’t win I did have a thoroughly enjoyable evening and I’m looking forward to the next meeting. Around thirty strangers seeing me naked and frigging away meant that John had a thoroughly enjoyable time when we got home, not that he doesn’t normally.


The Gym, yes, I go with John occasionally but now that I have a car I go on my own when John has to work. And yes I do workout totally naked and yes I do make myself cum on the exercise cycle with anyone who is there watching.

James has been really good and lets Sandra have time off so that she workout naked with me. Sandra decided to follow my routine and afterwards, in the jacuzzi, she told me that it felt really good to expose her pussy like I do. Her only reservation the first time that she went naked was that things would be different between her and her boss James because he had come and watched us some of the time but the next time that I went Sandra told me that James never even mentioned seeing her naked with her legs spread wide.

On the one hand I like having another naked girl with me when I’m working out with men watching, but at the same time it’s more of a turn on to be the only naked girl there. I suppose that I’m a bit jealous but at the same time it is okay for girls to be seen naked by men so I am slowly getting to enjoy it. It helps that the gym is getting more popular with male members, John says that that is my fault.

I’ve also seen that other girl, Ella, that was there when I first went there. The second time that I saw her she was just wearing a little tennis skirt and pedalling away. She was too distracted to see me for ages and when she did see me she smiled. The third and subsequent times that I’ve seen her she was naked too.

I’ve also seen another girl working out totally naked and James told me that membership numbers have shot up since I started going there.


John’s Rugby club, when I went with John to the pre-season meeting I was the only girl there but no one complained, possibly because the dress that I was wearing was quite sheer. I’ll admit that all the talking about members, training and the fixture was quite boring but things livened up once John suggested that the club have a mascot.

“If she’s dressed like she is now I’m all for it.” One guy said.

“No Jade won’t be dressed like that when she’s at games.” John replied, “Jade, would you like to show them how you plan to be dressed most of the time?”

“Well sort of like this,” I said as I stood up and dropped my dress, “but with a warm coat on, I don’t want my extremities to freeze and drop off.”

I looked around at all the eighteen or so guys there and all their eyes were staring at me make me tingle and get wetter.

“So what will our new mascot be doing?” One guy asked.

“Hang on a minute guys, we haven’t voted to determine that we want Jade as our mascot.” John loudly said.

“Don’t be so fucking stupid John, of course we want her, man look at her, if you weren’t here we’d all be queueing up to giver her one right now.” Another guy said.

“I’ll take all the cheering as you want Jade as the team mascot then.” John said when the cheering finally died down.

“Yeah, so what will our new mascot be doing?” The same guy asked.

“Do you want to tell them Jade?” John asked.

I took a deep breath the said,

“Well guys, John is going to buy me a nice warm coat and I will be waling up and down the touchline when you are playing and when I think that you need a bit of encouragement I will open the coat and let you see my front like it is right now.”

“Is that all?” Another guy asked.

“Oh no silly, after the game has finished, if you win, I will join you in the shower and give you all blowjobs. All of you except those who score, the scorers can fuck me while the rest of you watch.”

“What if we all score?” Yet another guy asked causing quite a few rude comments.

“Then I guess that I’ll have a very sore pussy when John takes me home.”

“When can you start Jade?” The first guy asked.

“Well, for the rest of tonight I think that I should come and see each one of you, get to know you better, after all I don’t want to be fucked by strangers.”

“And we can get to know what you feel like Jade.” Another guy added.

“Guys.” John shouted, “go gentle with her, don’t make her cum too many times, I’ve got plans for her tomorrow.”

As I went round the room every one of those guys felt my tits and got at least one of their fingers inside me. A couple of them went straight to my G-spot and made me cum and by the time I got back to John I’d cum four times and needed the drink that had appeared in front of where I had originally sat.

“No need to ask if you are okay Jade.” John asked.

“I’ve still got plenty of energy for when we get home John, this was just the warm-up act.”

John and the other guys at that table all smiled, one of them telling John that he was a lucky bastard.

Again I travelled home in John’s car totally naked then we had a long lovemaking session but my pussy was a little sore after all those fingers had been in it.

The first home game went well and I started to get to know the rules of the game. I kept flashing our team and they won 17-6, John being one of the ones that scored a try. John came over to me and asked me if I wanted to go through with it.

“Hell yes, I promised and I always keep my promises.”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to Jade.”

“Are you trying to say that you don’t want me to do it John?”

“No, no, I would never have suggested it in the first place if I didn’t want you to Jade.”

“Then it’s settled because I wouldn’t have said that I would do it if I didn’t want to. You have brought that big box of condom haven’t you?”

“Already in the changing room Jade.”

“You just make sure that everyone except you uses one.”

“I will.”

John and I were the last to walk into the changing room and I was greeted by twelve young men all in various states on undress, including two completely naked with boners pointing to the ceiling. I also saw that there was one of the bar tables in the middle of the room.

“So how are we going to do this guys?” I asked.

“For starters you can get that coat off Jade.” One of the guys said.

Smiling I opened the coat and let it fall to the floor where John picked it up and hung it on one of the coat hooks. I could feel my nipples tingling and trying to get bigger than ever before. My pussy was also tingling and leaking like someone had just turned my tap on and my clit was actually throbbing.

“Wow,” I thought, “the anticipation really is an awesome feeling.”

“So guys,” I said, “I’m glad that you brought that table in here, I’ve been thinking and it’s going to take hours if we do this one at a time, so I’ll lay on the table and the scorers can fuck me while the rest of you fuck my mouth. I don’t mind if you cum in my mouth, my throat or over my face or chest. Just one thing for you lucky scorers, wear a condom, I don’t want a gallon of cum inside me and it will be tighter for the next guy, I’ve been doing lots of Kegels.”

To a lot of cheering I climbed onto the table, spread my legs wide and shuffled so that my head was over the edge of the table.

Even before the first two guys got to me I heard some of the guys talking about my pussy, none of them had got a good look at it at the first meeting even though their fingers had explored all of it. I heard comments that I’d heard before, all of them about how young my pussy looked.

I felt good as the first cock touched my pussy then slowly slid in. I’d been looking at the guy who was fucking me and got a little surprise when a cock touched my mouth which automatically opened and sucked the cock in.

It seemed like eternity before the last cock shot it’s load into my throat and I’d cum three times. When I looked up all I could see was John looking down at me.

“You haven’t fucked me yet John.” I said.

“I was thinking that we could save that until we get home.”

“Oh, I was hoping that you’d show all these guys how to fuck me properly.”

“If that’s what you want baby.”

“I do.”

John got naked and stepped between my still spread legs. There was only a handful of the team still there and they watched as John and I very passionately fucked each other to mutual climaxes before going into the showers where I revived his wilting cock before I jumped up onto him and then lowered myself onto his cock so that we could fuck again with him holding me up.

When we were finally satisfied I looked around and saw that we were alone. We got dried and John got dressed whilst I put just my boots on. John carried my coat and we went out of the changing room intending to go straight to his car then home. As we entered the bar area we were greeted with lots of cheering and applause. We soon had drinks in our hands and I was soon getting asked questions about my skinny pussy.

Away games were more of a challenge. The away team changing rooms often left a lot to be desired but my team always got their rewards if we won but sometimes those rewards overflowed onto the bus ride back to our club and I could be found on the back seat either getting fucked or giving blowjobs.


My thrice weekly training sessions with Adam are still going strong and he keeps pushing me to do more of everything and that includes more orgasms on the exercise bike, I’m up to five now before he will let me stop.

I’m now up to thirty Kegel exercises whilst standing on one leg with the other up in the air. I’ve lost my balance a couple of times and Adam makes me start all over again, but I do like him watching as my pussy contracts then relaxes.

Thankfully, Adam’s violent finger fucking me after the Kegel exercises has only progressed to him making me cum twice because his violent rubbing of my G-spot whilst his hand and arm lift my butt right of the mat over and over, really does wear me out. Also thankfully, he’s started letting me have a five minute rest before we go off jogging round the woods.

I’m starting to wonder if the male dog walker in the neighbourhood have been talking to each other and told them when I go nude running because there seems to be an ever increasing number of men with dog leashes in their hands wandering around the woods when Adam and I are out there.

Thankfully, maybe not, Adam just says hello to them as we run and we don’t stop which would give the dogs the opportunity to sniff my pussy. I really must talk to John about getting a dog.


My Tuesday massage sessions are still going strong and Manuel continues to give me my very happy endings.


John has ‘encouraged’ me to sign-up to a website where we can upload some of the videos that John has made of me. A couple of times John has followed me during my workouts with Adam and videoed me when my legs are spread wide and when I’m orgasming. I watched the one where he got a close-up of me standing on one leg and doing my Kegel exercises. It was such a turn on watching my pussy contact then relax up on the big screen that I had to go and disturb John whilst he was working and demand that he fucked me. Thankfully he did.


John has also taken me to one CMNF dinner in the function room at the Drunken Duck so far. I didn’t really know what to expect except that John would be clothed and I would be naked.

We left home with me just wearing a pair of heels and John drove round the side of the pub where there were about twenty other cars and a van there. When we went inside we were met by a man called Rick who welcomed us and told us that he was pleased that I had arrived in costume. That made me smile.

Rick then told us that as we were the newest members, after the dinner the desserts would be served on me. I gave Rick a puzzled look then looked at John. Rick continued,

“Relax Jade, I can guarantee that you will enjoy it but I won’t explain until after the main meal.”

While Rick was saying that I looked round the room. Ken had set out some tables in a ‘U’ shape with a big table in the middle of the ‘U’. Along the three sides of the ‘U’ were place settings for about fifty people, the majority of whom were stood around in groups talking and drinking, and yes, all the women were as naked as I was. The only girls that had any clothes on were the catering staff, all girls around my age and they were all only wearing thongs or G-strings.

Rick led us over to the bar and handed us a drink. Ken was behind the bar pouring the drinks and when he saw John and I he smiled at us but didn’t say anything. Then Rick took us and introduced us to another couple who were standing nearby. Rick told us that we’d be sitting next to Alex and Tanya.

Tanya is shorter than me with long black hair above her neck and no hair below her neck, and tits that looked to be around a ‘C’ cup. She also looked to be younger than me whereas Alex looked to be older than John.

As we got talking I soon realised that both Alex and Tanya are really nice people. It was only their second CMNF dinner but they refused to tell me about the desserts, Tanya just saying that I would enjoy it.

Shortly after that Rick announced that we should all take our seats as dinner was about to be served. We found our place names and sat down, I was sat between Tanya and another girl, Elsa who’s partner, Mike, was sat opposite her. Elsa also looked to be younger than me and also has bigger tits.

I actually had a really pleasant time over that meal. I quickly discovered that both Elsa and Tanya get really turned on being naked around men, Tanya saying that it it okay for girls to be naked around men and both of them telling me that they were always naked at home and that they too enjoyed surprising the delivery guys.

The main course ended and was cleared away by the scantily clad girls then Rick asked for the newest girl member to go round to Rick who was stood in the middle of the ‘U’ of tables. I’ll admit that I was a little nervous, but very aroused, as I got up and walked round with something like sixty pairs or eyes looking at me. Rick told me to get up onto the table and lay down with my legs facing the bottom of the ‘U’. I did so, unconsciously spreading my legs wide letting lots of strangers see my spread open pussy.

The next thing that happened surprised me as all the serving girls brought out lots of desserts in big bowls and plates and started putting the desserts over my naked body. There was everything from trifle to cheesecake to jelly to apple pie to brownies to ice cream to profiterole. All of which felt weird, but nice, on my skin. I didn’t really understand what was going on until Rick announced that the desserts were served and were self-service.

About a dozen people got to their feet and converged on me, surrounding me with spoons in their hands. If I thought that being covered with desserts was weird then I don’t know how to describe watching and feeling a dozen or so people eating those desserts off me, but at the same time it was arousing me, especially when the spoons were on my nipples or pussy. I gasped a couple of times when spoons pushed my clit to one side and I really did moan when one spoon actually penetrated my vagina.

The original dozen people were replaced with another dozen or so and I looked up and saw Tanya looking down on me.

“I told you that you’d enjoy it, when it was my turn up there I actually climaxed three time.”

“I don’t think that it will be long before I climax.” I replied as Tanya got a handful off apple pie and held it over my mouth.

“I like apple pie.” I said before Tanya put the apple pie and her fingers into my mouth.

I was glad that pastry was soft as I did my best to chew then swallow but Tanya left her finger in my mouth so I sucked them like I suck John’s fingers and cock.

I gasped again a short while later as I felt something being pressed into my vagina. It couldn’t be a cock, physically impossible, and it was too soft to be a finger although it was followed by two fingers. I had to assume that someone was pushing some of the desserts up my vagina.

I suppose that I could have closed my legs and even got off the table but that wasn’t going to happen, I was enjoying myself too much.

Then some more food was pushed inside me, then some more. Then it stopped and the people were replaced by more people. Someone got one of those aerosol cans of cream and I felt first the sharp nozzle enter me, then with a big woosh my pussy filled with cream.

After that it was just people eating the food off me. When everyone had had their turn I thought that it might be over and I wondered if I could use Ken’s shower, but it wasn’t over, the original dozen people reappeared and they started licking me all over. Two of them went straight to my nipples and pussy and soon I was on the verge of an orgasm but they recognised the signs and stopped and the people moved away.

Then another dozen people did the same, again stopping just before I reached the edge. Then another dozen, then another dozen. I was feeling quite frustrated but clean. I remembered the food in my pussy, but I needn’t have worried because I heard Rick asking for volunteers to,

“Get the food out of Jade’s cunt.”

He was holding up one of those long handled small spoons and I instantly knew what was going to happen very soon. And it did. A man volunteered and taking the spoon from Rick he came round to me and I gasped as I felt the spoon enter me. Okay I’d had dildos, vibrators and cocks in my pussy but that spoon felt so different, it was hard and the way the man was pushing and turning it was making me feeling good.

Out the spoon came and I saw a mushy mess on it as he lifted it to his mouth and put it in. He smiled as he tasted the desserts mixed with my juices then out came the clean spoon.

The spoon went in to my vagina again and out came more mushy mess that the man then ate. This was repeated over and over until the spoon came out with only my almost clear juices.

“There’s still some in there but I can’t get it with the spoon.” The man said.

“Maybe sucking can get it out, any volunteers?” Rick asked.

I looked around and saw that the only men who didn’t have their hands up were Rick and John. Rick ***********ed three, Alex and Mike being two of them and they came round to me. Alex picked up my legs and pulled me so that my butt was just on the edge of the table then he lifted my legs right up and back. I Instinctively grabbed my legs to hold my feet that were touching the table behind my head then I watched Alex lower his face to my pussy.

It wasn’t just my hole that Alex was sucking, my clit was in his mouth and his tongue was flicking my clit in all directions. Unsurprisingly I quickly climaxed with me verbally, and loudly, letting everyone in the room know that I was cumming.

Alex kept going until my orgasm subsided then he stood up and a different man that I hadn’t met took over. He too was good with his tongue and it wasn’t long before the room was filled with my shouting letting everyone know that I was getting up there again.

Then it was repeated with Mike but when I came down from my third orgasm Mike stood up but he looked me in the face and said,

“Well done Jade.”

Rick announced that the meal was over, he thanked me then everyone in the room stared applauding me. I let go of my legs and got to me feet. For some stupid reason I did a curtsy before walking back to John. As I walked I realised that my sides that had been close to the table were still sticky and had bits of food stuck to me. John stood up and bent over and whispered,

“Go and ask Ken if you can use his shower.”

I kissed John then went over to the bar where I saw that Ken had been watching everything. He guessed what I was going to ask and he said,

“Follow me Jade.”

As I did so he turned and said,

“You were amazing Jade, John really is one lucky bastard.”

I wondered if Ken would lead me through the pub so that the customers could see me naked but he didn’t and I followed him up some stairs to his living quarters where he pointed to his bathroom and told me that I’d find a clean towel in the cupboard.

In the shower I unscrewed the shower head off the flexible hose and put it to my vaginal entrance and flushed myself out a couple of times before having a proper shower. Not only did the flushing feel good it did flush out some bits of food so I was glad that I did it.

After I’d got dried I left that bathroom and discovered that Ken had trusted me to be in his living quarters all on my own and I realised that I liked Ken. He was a sort of father figure for me but if he ever wanted to fuck me I would be happy to let him. I made my way back the way that I had come then went and thanked Ken before going back to John.

I found him with Tanya and Alex and Elsa and Mike. They were sat in a circle talking. I noticed two things, firstly that everyone else was sat around in groups and secondly, all the girls were sat on the front edge of their seats and laying back, all the girls legs were spread wide. I guessed that it was either some sort of girl’s newd etiquette or club rules. Whichever it was I was happy to conform.

For the next hour or so we all talked, the guys watching the girls’ pussies as we sometimes toyed with our clits for a while, only really stopping when we said anything. I didn’t cum and I don’t think that Tanya or Elsa did but it sure made me horny and I was pleased when the evening started to wind down. As we all got up to leave I saw John, Mike and Alex swapping phone numbers and I hoped that we’d be meeting up again soon.

Outside John gave me his car keys and told me that I was driving home because he’d had a few alcoholic drinks.

“I’ve never driven your car John, it’s so powerful and I’m totally naked, I don’t know if I can.”

“You can Jade, just take it nice and easy.”

All the arousal that had been building up suddenly evaporated as I started the engine and concentrated on slowly driving home, never going above 30 mph. I just hoped that if the police saw us they wouldn’t stop us for diving so slow. We made it home in one piece and as soon as I got out of the car John bent me over the front of the car and proceeded to fuck me. It reminded me of our first date.


When John told me that he had a villa in the Cayman Islands he wasn’t telling me the full story, what he actually has is a villa on the island on St. Martin, right on the edge of Ocean beach. When he told me that we were going there for Christmas and the next two or three months I did some research and discovered that Ocean beach is a famous nude beach where girls wander around the beach and the bars totally naked. I also found videos of naked girls walking around some of the nearby tourist attractions shops, I really am looking forward to going there and spending the whole time totally naked.

Maybe I’ll write about my fun there when I get back.

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