The Pool Game

Anti Feminism

A grin tugs at my lips as I walk into the private pool room and you lock the door behind me. Finding a small table off to the side with drinks, a bucket of ice and my favorite fruit and dips, my pulse picks up slightly. Grabbing a pool cue off the wall I chalk it up, looking at you with a competitive look in my eye. You rack up the balls and I gesture for you to break. I hear the crack of the white ball hitting the others and a striped ball goes down. You hike an eyebrow at me.

“You pick.”

I kick off one of my shoes under the table. Walking over to the table, I grab a drink and take a sip. You drop another striped ball and glance over at me with a smile. I kick off my other shoe. Walking around the table, I run my hand down your back as you lean over to shoot. You miss. With a slight chuckle I look at the table. Bending over the table to line up my shot, I slide my left foot up the back of my right leg, and sink a solid. Still bending over I glance up at you.


You also kick off a boot. I line up the next shot and sink another. I hear your other boot hit the floor.

Smiling I walk around the table to look at the angles, brushing against you as I pass, feeling your hand linger on my ass as I pass. Bending to line up the next shot and just as I hit the cue ball, I feel you finger run up the back of my leg and under my skirt. I miss

“No fair,” I murmur.

You just laugh. Still chuckling, you bend to line up the shot and I walk around the table opposite you and take a sip of my drink, pulling out an ice cube and rolling it across my neck.

“Is it hot in here?”

You glance up as you take the shot to see a trickle of water rolling down my neck to disappear under my shirt, following it with your eyes. You take the shot without looking away from me and it still goes in. You laugh again as I groan.

“You are soooooo lucky,” I say grouchily, but with a smile.

“What’s next?”

Putting my left foot up against the table, which slides my skirt up over my thigh, I start to slip my hands over my thigh and catch my garter, pushing it over my thigh, down over my knee and calf. Putting my foot back on the floor, kicking it off onto the floor and bending over to pick it up and using the elastic, flinging it over to you across the table. You catch it with one hand and put it into your pant’s pocket.

“Thank you.”

You study the table intently, trying to line up your next shot, but the angles are all wrong. You take the easiest of the shots but miss. Walking over to stand beside you, I can feel your heat. My pulse increases again. Anticipation a heady feeling. Glancing at you as I study the table. Leaning over I line up my shot and just before I shoot, you lean over me, molding your hips to my ass, your chest against my back, licking the back of my neck and whispering “Don’t miss”. With a slight shiver, I take the shot and sink a solid.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see you smile. You stand and I turn around to watch as you take off a sock and throw it into the corner.

“Chicken,” I whisper, but you just laugh again. I walk around the table and lean to take another shot, landing another solid into the pocket. Standing straight I watch as you take off your other sock. Nodding, I study the table again, noting you walking over to the small table with the fruit on it. I was out of the corner of my eye as you pick up a piece of apple and dip it into the caramel, swirling it around and then lifting it to your mouth for a bite. Licking my lips, I look down at the table, and take the next shot. A solid firmly lands in the pocket.

I lean back against the wall and look at you, eyebrows raised. With a resigned shrug, you start to undo the buttons of your shirt. Walking towards me as you do. One by one the buttons open to reveal tanned golden flesh, rock hard muscles underneath. Standing in front of me, you shrug out of your shirt you let it drop to the floor. I reach out a hand and slowly slide it over your chest, loving the feel of it against my palm, pushing myself away from the wall and closer to you, planting a kiss in the middle of your chest, licking your nipple, sucking lightly, hearing your intake of breath. “Good boy,” I murmur against your skin, licking up your chest to your neck. bursa escort bayan I feel rather than hear the chuckle you give with my comment.

Dragging myself away, I bend over the table once again, but my hands are now trembling slightly and I miss the next shot. You look me up and down and walk around the table to see the angles once again. I walk over to the table with the drinks and fruit. Picking up a strawberry, I dip it into the chocolate dip, feeling your eyes on me. I put the strawberry up to my lips, closing my eyes, and start to suck off the chocolate, biting into the strawberry, moaning slightly as the taste floods my mouth. I hear the ball drop into the pocket. Turning my head, I look into your eyes and you just smile.

“Anything in particular?” I ask.

“Top,” you reply.

With my back to you, I undo the buttons of my shirt, you can hear the whisper of material but don’t ask me to turn around, knowing that the waiting builds the moment. I peek over my shoulder at you when I have all the buttons undone and shrug one shoulder, letting my shirt fall down my back slightly, giving you a peek of a red strap. You stand up a little straighter and I drop the shirt off my other shoulder, slowly sliding it down my back. Putting my hands behind my back and letting my shirt fall to the floor. Bending from the waist, I put my hand between my legs and pick the shirt up off the floor, hearing your gasp, sliding my hand up my leg as I straighten and fling my shirt into the corner of the room. Turning around to reveal a very small red satin and lace bra, I walk over towards you slowly, running my index finger over my chest, tracing the edges of my bra. I feel rather than hear your pulse quicken.

“Do you like it?” I question as I reach you and stand in front of you. You reach out a hand and slide it back and forth across my chest. I moan slightly as you reply.

“Very much.”

I glance at the table and gesture that it is still your shot.

I watch your hands tremble slightly as you line up the next shot and pocket the ball.

“Ohhh, yes” you say grinning.

I just look at you with a slight grin and wait for the call. You gesture to my skirt. Arching my back slightly, I reach behind me and pop the button on my skirt. You hear the zipper going down as I lower it. I can hear your breathing increase. Grabbing the hem with my hands I wiggle my hips to lower my skirt, you can hear it rasping against my skin as it lowers over my hips and thighs, revealing a red satin and lace thong. I let it drop to the floor and kick it out of the way.

Hearing your groan I look up at you and lean close, sliding myself against you, sliding my hand over the front of your pants, feeling your hard cock through the material.

“Still your turn,” I whisper against your skin as I kiss your neck, sliding my tongue over it and biting your earlobe.

I feel you hand slide around my waist and pull me closer, molding my body to yours, your hand slide down to cover a cheek of my ass and give it a squeeze, you reply “I know” with a knowing little grin. You walk around the table eyeing the angles and shots. Finally you bend to line up the shot and as you do, I cross my arms and lean on the pool table edge to watch you shoot. As you glance over at me, I stick my index finger into my mouth and suck lightly, then trail it down over my chin, slipping it over my neck and down under the lace of my bra, circling my nipple with my finger you watch as it hardens under my touch. You miss. I chuckle as you walk around the table towards me and slap me on the ass.

“Cheater,” you mumble as you walk by.

Laughing I line up the next shot and pocket a solid.

“Oh yeah,” I say while grinning at you.

“Drop ’em mister,” I say while gesturing to your pants.

You put your pool cue to lean against the table and pop open the button of your pants. You moan slightly as the zipper rasps against your cock, making it harder than it already was, pushing your pants down over your hips and letting them drop to the floor, you step aside and move them out of the way. Walking over to me and pushing me up against the wall slightly with your body, thigh to thigh, hip to hip, chest to chest, you lean over and kiss görükle escort me, hard, passionately, deep, hot. When we are both panting for air, you break away and look down at me.

“Still your shot,” you murmur against my skin as you slide your tongue over my neck and I moan with the pleasure.

Taking a deep breath, I look to the table again. Realizing you only have one more article of clothing and knowing I need this shot, I try to concentrate fully on what I’m doing. It is not easy when you are stalking me around the table with a grin on your face. Finally I turn around and with my hands on my hips say, “Stop that.” You just give me an innocent look, which doesn’t look the least bit innocent and laugh. I line up my next shot and miss.

Dropping my head onto the table, I groan. I hear you laugh again. Without even looking up I hear the next ball drop into the pocket. I groan again. I feel you walk up behind me. As I’m bent over the table, you fit your hips up against my ass, I can feel your hard cock pressing against me.

“Allow me,” you say as you kiss your way up my back.

Bracing myself against the table, wiggling my hips against you, feeling you get even harder, I feel you unclasp my bra, letting it drop away from my body, your hands sliding up over my back and around to my sides, brushing your thumbs across the sides of my breasts, but never touching them completely. Panting slightly now, pressing back against you, I try to move my hands but you place yours over them, stopping me. You continue to slide your hands up and down my back, around to my stomach. I can feel your thumbs slip across the underside of my breasts

“Please” I groan.

You reply, “Please what?”

You press your hips to my ass again, a moan escapes my lips, as I feel myself getting wet.

“Hhmmmm?” you murmur against my back as you kiss the back of my neck and shoulders, your hands still sliding against my skin but not where I want them to be.

Finally, as your hands slide up over my breasts and squeeze, your fingers circling my nipples, finding them hard.

“Is this what you wanted?”

My moan of pleasure is answer enough. You back away from me and look at the table.

Oh look, it’s still my shot.”

Still braced against the table, my knees threatening to buckle, I just peek up at you. You grin that incredibly sexy grin that always turns me on. You take the next shot and sink another stripe.

“Ohhhhh god” I moan.

You just chuckle as you walk up behind me.

“Looks like you only have one piece of clothing left.”

You slide your hand over my back again, down across my ass, tracing my thong. My hips lift involuntarily. You slide your hands around me and lift me up, turning me in your arms and setting me to sit on the edge of the table. My pulse starts to race, knowing what it going to happen, wanting it, needing it.

With one hand you push me back softly so I am lying on the table with my hips over the edge. You lean over me and we kiss, hot, wet, deep, my hands sliding over your shoulders, down your back, grasping your hips, I spread my legs and pull you close to me. Rubbing against your hard cock through the material of your shorts and my thong. You start to kiss your way down my body. Lips, chin, throat, upper chest, first one breast, sucking, nipping at the nipple as I arch my back trying to get closer to you, then the other, down over my stomach, nipping at the skin, I can feel myself trembling, the muscles in my stomach twitching. Lower, lower, and finally when I can stand no more anticipation, I feel your mouth trace the edge of my thong kissing lightly. I bite my lip, but a moan escapes anyway. I want to lift my hips but my awkward position on the table prevents it. You kneel and brace your hands on my knees. Sliding your palms over the sensitive skin on the inside of my thighs. I’m trembling all over now. A fine sheen of sweat covers my body. Every whisper of a touch is a caress. You spread my legs wider still. Tracing the edge of the thong with your finger, sliding it over the satin material. I moan slightly and you look up at me “You’re wet”, you say with feigned shock. I drop my head to the table and shudder.

“Let me take care of that for you.”

As bursa escort bayan you kiss your way up from my knee to the inside of my thigh, I try to speak but can only moan. You reach your hands up under my ass and lift me slightly as you start to peel away my thong. I can feel the shiny material sliding across my skin, my hands clench into fists at my sides. I try to sit up, but you put a restraining hand on my stomach and tell me to relax. A shudder ripples through me again. You nip at the soft skin of my thighs, feeling my muscles jump under your mouth as you work your way up. I open my mouth to beg you, just as you cover me with your mouth. I cry out your name, arching my back, silently begging for more. Using your tongue and lips, you lick, suck, nip at my, making me wetter, hotter, needier.

“Please, pleaseeeeeee,” I gasp out, knowing you know what I want, what I need. I feel your tongue slide deep inside me and I try to push closer, but my position on the table prevents it. Panting heavily now, I feel a drop of sweat trickle down my forehead. My muscles tense and as you feel me edging closer to a climax, you stop and lean back.

“Noooooooooooooooooooooo,” I moan.

You lean over me, sliding yourself against me, your cock straining against your shorts, kiss my stomach, my breasts, my collarbone, my neck and as you kiss my cheek, whisper in my ear.

We’re not done the game yet.”

Still panting, you help me sit up. I give you a look that promises retribution.

As you bend to line up your next shot, you hear me behind you, a whisper of sound. You turn your head around and look at me. I slide my hand down over my stomach and lower. I can see your eyes following my hand. My other hand comes up and cups my breast, circling my thumb around the hard nipple. My hand dips lower and with two fingers I brush against myself. I watch your eyes as I slip my hand even lower, inserting a finger into my hot, wet pussy, rubbing, in, out. I can see your breath coming in gasps now. Your knuckles turn white with your grip on the pool cue. Removing my finger, I turn and dip it into the chocolate and stick it in my mouth. Sucking it clean, my eyes sliding closed. I hear the clatter of the pool stick as you throw it against the table, balls clicking together as the stick hits them and they scatter. And in almost the same instant, I hear you growl low in your throat, pick me up and toss me onto the top of the table. I squeal in surprise. You drop over me, and I press up into your weight. With a twist of my hips I flip you over onto your back, straddling your hips. With a smile of pure devil, I look down at you.

“You’re in big trouble now.”

You just smile and answer “Yes, please!”

Laughing I scoot down your body and over your thighs, I tug your shorts down and you lift your hips giving me better access. I stand up and tug them off your legs and toss them over the side of the table. Kneeling over you once again, I drop to my hands framing either side of your face. Wiggling my hips against your hard cock, I brush against you. As I lean down for a kiss, I push my hips back, taking just your head inside me. Rocking back and forth slightly, pushing my hips down. Forward and pushing back harder, taking you deeper. Slowly inch by inch, you slide into my wet pussy. Forward, back hard, forward, back harder, deeper. And with one final push back, burying you all the way inside me. Looking deep into your eyes, feeling your hands slide over my thighs and onto my hips, you press up inside me. Slipping my palms over your chest I lean down and suck your nipple into my mouth, rocking my hips back and forth. Creating a slow rhythm to start, your hands tightening on my hips, I continue to slide back and forth. Increasing the tempo slightly, both of us panting, gasping for air, sweat covering our bodies, muscles clenching, anticipation building.

I sit up straight, slide my hands back and over your thighs, my hands grasping your thighs, sliding up and slamming my hips down onto yours. Faster, harder, deeper. You move one hand around over my hip as you slide in and out of me, my head thrown back, back arched, you reach out one hand and press your thumb against my clit. In a burst of dazzling colour I explode, crying out your name, cumming hard, wave after wave crashing over me, muscles pulling you even deeper. As you feel my orgasm sweep through me, you thrust up one last time and cum deep into me, groaning. Collapsing onto your chest, ripples still pouring over me, I look at your face and smile, and with a kiss I whisper “I win.”

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