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Big Dick

The cool breeze gently blowing across her nipples made them stand up very hard. Or maybe it was partly due to the excitement. She wasn’t sure why it excited her so much. Maybe because it was a little bit naughty. Jennifer couldn’t remember ever having been outside completely naked before. Maybe she had done it as a baby, but certainly never since then. And she didn’t remember even fantasizing about it. It just was an idea that had never crossed her mind before. Yet, here she was, a fully-grown woman, walking naked through the woods at night.

When her friend Susan suggested it, Jennifer thought she was joking. And maybe she was. But, somehow, they had talked each other into stripping down to nothing and walking the quarter mile or so down to the lake to go skinny-dipping. They had talked about it earlier in the evening. But the plan was to go down to the lake and then get naked. Of course, the bottle of wine they had with dinner may have had something to do with the change of plans. She was glad that the Summer season hadn’t started yet, because almost all of the other cabins on the lake were empty. After this weekend, even at one a.m., people just might be stirring about.

Susan didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get to the lake. It was obvious that she was enjoying the same excitement and feeling of freedom that Jennifer was. They were just casually strolling down the path to the lake, as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Like they were they only people in the whole world. Just the two of them, all alone. No classes to go back to, no problems with boyfriends, no worries about money. No problems, no rules and no sins. Just like Adam and Eve in Paradise. Well, Eve and Eve anyway.

Susan stopped and leaned over to smell some type of night blooming flowers. The moonlight on her skin made it seem almost iridescent. Susan had very white skin to start with, being a natural redhead. But, in the pale light of the moon, she looked almost like a ghost. A very beautiful ghost. Jennifer had always thought that Susan was beautiful. Her “China Doll” white skin, her long, thick sunset red hair, her small but perfect breasts, tiny waist, firm rounded hips and long shapely legs.

And seeing her naked made Jennifer notice Susan’s beauty even more. It was almost as if she was becoming sexually aroused at seeing her friend this way. But that couldn’t be. Jennifer had never had feelings like that toward any woman before. And even if she had, it wouldn’t have been Susan. They were like sisters. They had known each other for virtually all their lives. Their parents lived next door to each other. Their birthdays were only a few weeks apart. Their last names were close enough together in the alphabet that they ended up in almost all of the same classes in school, from kindergarten right on into college.

They had their first dates together. They almost always double dated. Hell, they even lost their virginity at the same time. It was at the old Starlight Drive-in, in Bobby Jackson’s ’57 Bel Air. Susan was in the front seat with Bobby and Jennifer was in the backseat with Mike Williams. No, it couldn’t be sexually arousal. It had to be just the excitement of being naughty and running around naked. And the wine probably didn’t help things either.

Even so, Susan was beautiful. But Susan had always thought of herself as too skinny. Jennifer looked down at her own naked body. She had always thought of herself as too fat. Her breasts were about three times the size of Susan’s. And, even though they were very firm, they were big enough that she almost never went without a bra. Her waist was a lot thicker than Susan’s too. It wasn’t fat, she did 50 sit-ups every night. It was just thick. And even if she starved herself to death, her hips would never be as small as Susan’s. Her Grandmother told her many times it was just because she was “large boned”. She had even shown Jennifer pictures of herself as a teenage girl. Jennifer had the same figure as her grandmother. The “German Barmaid” figure, as her grandmother called it.

While she had picked up most of her looks from her father’s German heritage, some things she had gotten from her mother. Her mother was Vietnamese. And what she gotten from her was dark hair and dark mysterious eyes. And one thing that made almost every other girl she knew (including Susan) jealous. Jennifer had almost no body hair. If she shaved her legs and armpits once a month, it was a lot. Her pubic hair always looked like it had been neatly trimmed, even though she had never trimmed it. The boys she had been to bed with seemed to like it a lot. And, even though she wished she was thinner, the boys bursa otele gelen escort always seemed to like her the way she was. She never had any trouble getting dates. Jennifer had never been “easy”. So, they must like her the way she was. Of course, they liked Susan too. And she wasn’t “easy” either.

But, then again, they weren’t nuns either. They had sex quite often. But they were never easy or cheap about it. A boy had to be willing to wait until they were ready. Maybe even take them out several times before they would even let it get to heavy petting. And even then, they never promised more. And they never teased the boys. They let them know the rules up front. If they didn’t agree, well there were plenty of other boys who would. Even now that they were roommates in college, the rules were still the same!

Neither Susan nor Jennifer would go to bed with a boy that the other one didn’t approve of. They never fought over boyfriends either. If it was a serious relationship, they gave the other one plenty of space. And if it wasn’t serious, they’d quite often trade. Most of the boys didn’t seem to mind, too much.

Suddenly, Jennifer realized that she had closed her eyes for a while and had been day dreaming. About boys, her body . . . and Susan’s body. Maybe it was because of the wine but, while she had been daydreaming, she had begun touching herself. Not really masturbating, just slowly moving her hands across her breasts, her belly, her butt and her thighs. She opened her eyes and realized that Susan had been watching her. Jennifer suddenly felt very exposed. And she tried to cover herself with the beach blanket she had been carrying. But it was tangled in the bushes where she had dropped it.

“Don’t be ashamed, Jenny” Susan told her “We’ve been roommates long enough for me to know that you masturbate. I can hear you sometimes, late at night. And I know you’ve probably heard me masturbating too.” Jennifer hadn’t notice until then, but Susan was touching herself also. She stepped toward Jennifer and helped her free the blanket. Then she spread the blanket on the ground in front of them. As Susan sat on the blanket she looked up at Jennifer “I’m too horny to wait until we’re back at the cabin. I’m going to masturbate right here and now! And if you’re as horny as I am, you’ll lay down here next to me and do the same!” Susan lay back and began to run her hands across her naked white flesh.

Jennifer hesitated. She tried to tell herself it was because she was afraid of getting caught by the people in the other cabins. But she knew that wasn’t true. She knew they were safe. She had to admit that she was embarrassed that anyone, even Susan, knew that she masturbated. It was wrong and it was sinful, but it just felt so good. Sometimes she just couldn’t help herself. But to do it in front of someone else . . . she just couldn’t. But, obviously, Susan could.

Jennifer watched as Susan began touching herself more and more. Susan’s hands first cupped her breasts, gently pinching her nipples between her thumbs and fingers. Then, one hand slowly moved down across her stomach and onto her pussy. Not entering it yet, just rubbing the fur-covered mound. Susan’s eyes were closed and her breathing was slow and heavy. Softly she began to moan, the way Jennifer had heard her moan many nights before.

Susan’s knees began to rise as her legs spread further and further apart. From where Jennifer was standing, she could see right into Susan’s pussy. The wetness of it glistened in the moonlight. And Jennifer realized that her own pussy was getting very wet as well. Almost as if it had a mind of its own, Jennifer’s hand slipped down and she began to touch herself. She stood there, frozen, unable to look away, watching Susan, the girl who she thought of like a sister, masturbating. And Jennifer began to masturbate too.

Jennifer knew that Susan was watching her, like she was watching Susan. But she didn’t care anymore. Neither of them did. Both girls began to masturbate faster, as if they were trying to stay in rhythm with each other. Passionate, heavy breathing and low animalistic moans now accompanied stiff fingers digging into hot wet holes. Faster and faster their fingers flew, each transfixed, unable to take their eyes off the other. Until finally, as if by some prearranged signal, they both achieved explosive climaxes. And, as they did, Jennifer’s knees gave way and she collapsed forward, onto Susan, leaving their faces only inches apart.

Without a thought or a word, their lips met, their tongues united and their arms and legs intertwined. What followed was escort bayan an embrace more passionate than either of them had ever experienced before. The orgasmic spasms, like the after-shocks of an earthquake, continued as the two women writhed against each other. Neither knew how long it went on, but both knew they didn’t want it to end. But, as all good things must, the spasms subsided and the embrace ended. Susan looked up at Jennifer and smiled. She was satiated, content and happy.

Jennifer’s face beamed at first, then suddenly contorted into a silent sob. Without a word, she jumped up and ran off in the direction of the cabin. Susan tried to follow her, but her legs were still rubbery from her orgasm. It took a few minutes before she could manage to gather the blanket and follow her friend. Susan found Jennifer lying on her bed, face buried in her pillow and sobbing hysterically. It took several minutes before Susan could get anything even vaguely coherent out of Jennifer.

“Jennifer, Jennifer! What is wrong?”

“Oh God, Susan, don’t you understand?!? I’m a . . . a . . . a . . . Lesbian!” Jennifer immediately fell back into hysterical sobbing. Susan tried and tried again to talk to her. But it was no use. Finally, more out of desperation than anything else, Susan slapped her across the face. Jennifer instantly stopped crying. She was shocked. “What in the hell was that for?!?” Jennifer demanded. Susan shrugged “Well, you’re supposed to slap someone who is hysterical! They always do it in the movies.”

“In the movies!?!”

“Well, it worked didn’t it!”

Before Jennifer could say anything else, Susan pounced “Now, what is all this crap about being a Lesbian?” Jennifer looked down at her hands “Oh, Susy. It’s what we did just now in the woods. That’s what it’s all about. I enjoyed it!” Susan seemed puzzled “I enjoyed it too. Why does that make you think you’re a Lesbian?” Jennifer looked at her “You don’t understand. I mean I really enjoyed it. I’ve never had an orgasm that good with a man.” Susan shook her head “I really enjoyed it too. I’ve never had an orgasm that good before either. But I still don’t think it makes either of us Lesbians.”

Jennifer was on the verge of losing it again. Tears were already leaking down both cheeks. She was looking everywhere but at Susan. “You still don’t get it” Jennifer told her “When I was watching you touch yourself . . . I wished they were my hands touching you like that. And I also wished that . . . you were touching me like that too.” Susan took Jennifer’s face between her hands “I do understand, because I was wishing the same thing. But having fantasies about each other doesn’t mean we are Lesbians.” Jennifer shook her head “Oh no? Then what would you call it?”

Susan thought for a moment. “Forbidden Fruit” she said flatly. “What?” Jennifer replied. “Forbidden Fruit. Wanting something because you know you can’t have it.” Jennifer shook her head “I had some. And now I want more.” Susan slid into the bed next to Jennifer. “No Jenny,” she told her “We only had a taste. Just enough to make us want more. The only way to get this out of our systems is to let go and have it all!” Susan leaned close and kissed Jennifer as passionately as she could. But Jennifer resisted “No, Susan, this isn’t right.”

“Jenny, how could anything that feels this good be wrong? Besides, if you don’t try it, how will you ever know for sure if you’re straight or gay?”

Without waiting for an answer, Susan resumed kissing her friend. Jennifer resisted for a few seconds longer, before giving in to her own desires. Slowly, at first, the two women began to explore each others bodies. First with their hands, then with their lips and tongues. Both women had become determined to hold back nothing. Everything they did seemed to give them both pleasure. And they did it all. They left no part of each others bodies untouched, unkissed and unlicked. Orgasm after orgasm washed over them, each one better than the last. Until finally, exhaustion over took them and they fell asleep in each others arms.

In the morning, neither of them spoke of the previous night for a long while. Finally, Jennifer broke the silence “What we did last night was like nothing I have ever experienced. No man has ever made me cum so much and so hard. How can you doubt that we are Lesbians?” Susan bit her lip and thought for several minutes before answering. “I don’t know, Jenny. I think if I were a Lesbian, I would know it in my heart. And I just don’t feel that. Yes, last night was good. It was Damn Good! But I still don’t think either of us are Lesbians.” Jennifer looked mudanya escort at her “Then how do you explain what happened? How do you explain away the fact that neither of us has ever had better sex than that?”

Susan thought for a moment. “You know, Sigmund Freud’s theory was that we are all Bi-Sexual. And that it is just subconscious pressure from our families, our peers and Society as a whole that forces us to choose one or the other. Maybe he was right. Maybe we were just tapping into our other half.” Jennifer still wasn’t convinced “I might buy that, if it wasn’t for the fact that none of the sex I have ever had has been anywhere close to what we had last night.” Susan looked up at her “Maybe that’s because, for the first time in our lives, we weren’t just having sex.” Jennifer looked puzzled “What is that supposed to mean?” Susan continued “We weren’t just having sex. I think last night, for the first time in our lives, we made love.”

Jennifer almost fell off her chair “What?!?!?” Susan suddenly knew she was right and she wasn’t about to give up “You can’t deny that we have loved each other for years. But did you ever love any of the boys you’ve been to bed with. I mean really love them?” She thought about it for a moment “Well, there were a few of them that, at the time . . .” Jennifer’s answer trailed off. She was so sure last night and again this morning. But what Susan just said seemed to make so much sense. And she wasn’t so sure anymore.

Susan suddenly hopped up and began to get into her bikini. Jennifer looked at her “What are you doing?” Susan tossed Jennifer her bikini “Look, we are either Lesbians or we’re not. Either way, we don’t have to have an answer about this today. We’ve got all summer to figure it out. In the mean time, I’m heading for the beach. This will probably be the last day we’ll have it all to ourselves. The summer crowds will start coming in tomorrow.” As usual, Susan was right. Jennifer slid into her bikini and headed out the door after her friend.

On the path to the beach, they bumped into Mrs. Anderson, the widow lady who lived a couple cabins over. She was a sweet old lady who got along quite well with the girls. Maybe it was because she was also a horny old broad. Over the years, the girls had caught her more than once in bed with a tourist or salesman who was just passing through. She wasn’t a slut, but if she liked a man she wasn’t shy about letting him know either.

“Jenny, Susy, hi girls. Oh, I had to get off that beach. I was getting over heated.” Jenny looked up at the sky “Really, the sun doesn’t seem too hot yet.” Mrs. Anderson shook her head “It’s not the sun. It’s that new life guard from the resort. He must have got in last night, because he’s down there on the beach working out right now. Blond hair, blue eyes and muscles on top of muscles! And he’s wearing the smallest pair of Speedos I have ever seen. Whew, I need to get back to my cabin and cool off. Before I lose control and rape that sweet young hunk! God, he’s got such a nice ass!” And with that she headed on up the path.

The girls were still giggling about Mrs. Anderson when they rounded the last corner before the beach. Then they saw him. And they both stopped giggling. “She wasn’t exaggerating, was she?” Jennifer said.

Susan shook her head “If anything, she was diminishing it. He’s absolutely gorgeous!” Susan started readjusting her suit, making it obscenely smaller. “Susan, what are you doing?” Jennifer shrilled. She didn’t even look at her “You know this whole Les – Bi thing we’ve been worrying about? Well, I’ve thought it over and I am convinced that I am, at the very least, Bi!”

The moist heat in Jennifer’s bikini bottoms was telling her the same thing. “Well, what do you want to do about it?” she asked Susan. Susan still hadn’t taken her eyes off the new life guard “Girlfriend – I’m going hunting. And I plan to have those Speedos hanging from my bedpost before dark!”

“Oh” was Jennifer’s only reply. Susan froze in mid drool “What’s the matter Jen? We’ll still have each other. I just want a little beefcake too.” Jennifer shook her head “It’s not that. I just . . . well I’m beginning to agree with you about being Bi. But that’s okay, I can wait until you’re through with him.” Susan raised an eyebrow and she was going to tell Jennifer that she could have him first.

But then a light came on in her head. “Jenny, we’ve already shared lots of guys, right? And now we’ve shared each other, right? But, the one thing we haven’t tried yet is doing both at once!” Jennifer caught on fast “You don’t mean . . .” Susan nodded “That’s right, we’ll each grab a leg, hold on tight and make a wish!” Jennifer though about it for a second “Oh, why not. I’ll already have to spend hours in confession for last night. I might as well add a few more sins to the list and get my money’s worth!” Susan put her arm around her “Jenny, I think this is going to be the best summer vacation yet!”

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