Sister Needs a Hand Pt. 02


Everyone having sex is at least 18. This is fiction, I made it all up. Warning: this is a self-edited story. Special thanks to goducks1 for his help.


Chapter 9 – Home

I pull up into my driveway. They can’t wait to go inside and see my place.

I hand my keys to Vic, “Go have fun. You can talk honestly between yourselves without hurting my feelings. Come back for me when you finish laughing.”

They eagerly run inside and check out the place. My place is … unique. Each room is a distinct color and only the ceilings are white. The colors are very soft, like pastels. No bright flamboyant colors to shock you. My kitchen looks like a building inside my house. It’s painted to look like bricks. And a tile roof. The living room has a mural of a park that goes all the way around. Otherwise, the house is normal.

Lots of wood furniture. Nothing silver, painted, or laminated. I like real wood, it has character. My towels match the rooms and my bedspread and sheets match the rooms. I have two bedrooms, one for guests. They were here yesterday morning, but they weren’t paying attention to my place. Now they are really looking hard at it.

My master bathroom is my pride and joy. White and blue marble tile, no tub, and a six-way shower. His and her sinks, huge mirror and a large window looking out the backyard. I had cleaned up just in case they came over, but I can’t change my style. My bi-weekly maid was in on Friday. The fridge is empty, I need to go shopping.

Damn, what is taking them so long, it’s been twenty minutes. Another twenty minutes and Pat comes out for me.

Pat takes my hand and says with a smirk, “You sure are full of surprises. They have questions for you.”

As soon as I walk into my house Vic unleashes on me, “What did you do to the walls in this living room?”

I smile, “Yeah, I thought you would object. I wanted something fun. No condo beige for me or bland white. I wanted something fun and that made me feel a part of something on lonely nights. Surprisingly, it helps.”

Vic continues the interrogation, “A kitchen that is a separate building but isn’t. It looks like it is though. Huh? Why? Why make it appear to be a free-standing building INSIDE your house?”

I laugh at my logic, “I go out to eat a fair amount, so I decided that even when home, I would eat out. It has encouraged me to eat at home more often. I don’t understand the psychology, but it works for me.”

Vic looks at me pleadingly now, “Why is every room a unique color? Your house looks like a dropped bucket of Legos.”

I smile again at my logic, “Women color coordinate their fashion. Red dress means red hat, scarf, nails, shoes, purse, and jewelry. You might have red on Monday, blue on Tuesday, Green on Wednesday. Well, I did the kitchen in yellow, my bedroom in gray, my guest bedroom, in blue. I consider them matching colors in that their all soft pastels, none are bright and vibrant.”

I stop the question, “I knew it is weird, that’s why I sent you in here first, so you could have your fun. I like it, it suits my needs.”

Vic moves closer and kisses me softly on the lips, more like two lovers than brother and sister. That was interesting.

Vic starts attacking me. “First thing dear brother, we love the place. I wasn’t harassing you, I wanted to know how you arrived at this look. It’s new, it’s fresh, it’s unique. I love it, we all do. How can you not want to sit in this living room? I love the color choices. As you said, a woman likes to match colors in how we dress, and it seems so natural doing each room different and decorating with the given color. Builders go cheap and spray one color everywhere. This is awesome.

“Lynn will need to come back with lighting and her good camera, so we can do a series on your place. I don’t want to like the kitchen, but I can’t help loving the whole idea. It’s ridiculous yet superbly executed. I have never seen these things before. I would add a ceiling fan, corner lights in the ceiling with dimmers. That allows you to add a wind effect for realism and shadowing.”

Pat screams, “That would be so cool. Then add white noise and you have a perfect day at the park while it is 120 in the shade or -50 and snowing.”

Lynn smiles at me, “Then we cuddle up with any available men that we have handy and enjoy a nice quiet evening.” She pushes me into a chair and then sits on my lap.

She pulls my head close to her and we share a soft exotic kiss where time stops for a few moments.

I can’t forget the others, “Well, you have a choice. I can drive you home or we can drink a nice bottle of red wine I have. You have me for the weekend, there are three hours left.”

They all look at Vic and she says, “If we stay both mom and dad will know what we did or will do if we stay. I can’t do that. Not yet. None of us want to go now but I need to. You three are old enough, I can’t stop you.”

The other three are near tears but follow Vic. I take them home. The car is silent gaziantep zenci escort bayan all the way. Only a muffled sniffle is audible. We are all full of tears when I drop them off and I give them a hug goodbye. They all say thank you for a wonderful weekend and then run inside. I drove home in my SUV, much lonelier than I have ever been.


I stayed home on Monday, called in a sick day. At noon I awake to knocking on my door. I slip on some boxers and shorts. Still half asleep, I make my way to the door. I open it and mom is there. That’s a heck of a surprise, she has never been to my place before. I bring her into my kitchen, a small table and chairs are in there and I start some coffee.

Mom must be first to start talking, “So, how did it go? Where did you go? What did you do? Did you get paid? Were they pretty? Did you get laid? Did you meet anyone famous?”

Yikes, I reply, “Holy shit mom. I just woke up. They wore me out. I am exhausted and need some coffee. Why the hell are you here? Read the blog and you will get it all.”

Mom smiles, “You lucky dog. You fucked them all. Your chest is black and blue?”

I laugh, “Oh yeah, I got beat up in a fight.” Mom catches her breath in fear. “It’s ok, the bouncers were there and quickly stopped it but one of the girls got drugged.”

Mom smiles, “So you did have sex?”

I roll my eyes, “Yes, but not with her. We tied her up for the night, so she could not have sex. I had sex with her later. I also met up with Tanya again and had sex with her.”

Mom looks very confused.

I tell mom, “How about I start some eggs and give you the mini version of everything.” She gave a sigh of relief.

It took an hour to relay most of what happened. There were some parts I left out. I can’t tell mom about fucking Vic and a few other things I don’t care to discuss.

When I finished mom asked, “Are you going to see any of them again? Which one is your favorite?”

I think about that for a moment before answering, “I don’t see anything working out without Vic’s blessing. She has control when she wants. I don’t think I could date one very long. I like Vic a lot but technically she is my sister.” I sigh. “No, I don’t see me calling them back. I had a fantastic weekend but, in the end, Vic is a blocker.”

Mom looks terribly sad. She gets up and gives me a big hug.

Shyly mom admits, “My current husband is a great guy and we have lots of fun. However, you might be the most perfect man I have ever known. There were many a night I thought about you, but being your mom stopped me. You are kind, good-hearted, sweet, thoughtful and cute as a baby kitten.

“Vic is just barely related to you and her mother has a questionable history with fidelity. You left out several key pieces of information. I am your mother, I know when you lie and when you gloss over things you don’t want to discuss or want me to know. That’s ok, I can guess close enough. No man their age can compare to you and now that they have had a real man, they will crave you and want more. They will all be back.”

Now my mom has a naughty look on her face, “I promised your dad I would call him, and we would compare notes. Do I tell him the truth and what I suspect happened, I mean know, or do I play it dumb like you told me nothing?”

I was frank, “If dad called me I would have told him the same thing I did you. No need to hide anything, I have nothing to hide.”

Mom smirks at me, “Ok mister open book, how many different women did you fuck this weekend?”

I smile at mom, “Oh wow. That hurts.” She continues to look at me. “I don’t know exactly. It’s at least four, possibly a fifth. I woke up, it was dark, someone was already on me, I don’t know if it was Vic or someone else. All of them are tight, unlike my last several girlfriends.”

Mom stands up, hugs me, says bye, and is gone. She has her yoga classes and can’t miss that even for her favorite son.


A month has gone by. Nothing from mom or dad. Work is normal. Nights are quiet. I have not gone out. No calls from any of the four either. No email. No text messages other than for work. I am bored, and I guess even a bit depressed. At work, they noticed my mood but nothing they can do. I go out for a pizza but it’s no fun alone. I go dancing, it’s no fun alone. I go home.


The following weekend I have just put away my groceries when there is a knock at the door. I answer and its mom. I let her in and we sit down in my living room.

Mom looks around at the walls and smiles, “When I first saw this room I thought it was weird. Then I saw the pictures that Lynn took and the way they talked about it. I had to experience it. I understand it now. I sense the mood as they did. So… Anyways… I came over here to warn you ahead of time. They have been mixing in blogs about their time with you between their normal stuff. Their followers have tripled.

“They gaziantep escort bayan have been smart. They will be able to milk that weekend with you for a year. The posts are all about you though. Women want to know more about you, your tastes. Their adventure. The fight, the way you saved them, and your house. Yesterday, your living room went up and their web hosting company went down for a while. They exceeded its capacity. They won’t show your picture, but the fans are demanding to know that you are real.”

Mom takes a deep breath.

Mom collects herself, she seems shy now, like she is unsure of her words, “They are stars and are used to being in the spotlight. You are not. Not everyone responds well to that amount of fame so quickly. It’s also fleeting, just as quick it can go away. If they ask I don’t know how you can say no. I just worry how it will affect you.”

She is in tears now. I move so I am sitting next to mom. I hold her tight.

I use logic, “Mom, can you really see me going out and partying with a hundred young women that want me, getting drunk and fucking all of them? What’s much more likely is I hide in my house and order a pizza. I miss those four women and only those four. Work will be annoying, shopping will be annoying. Then in two weeks, someone will say, hey, I saw you on the internet, right? I am older, more mature, and really don’t give a shit about that stuff.”

Mom hugs me back, stands up, and leaves. She is now in a terrific mood.


I have a beer in hand, am watching my team lose once again, and sure enough, someone is knocking on my door once again. I put the drink down, lower the TV volume, and answer the door after making sure I have enough clothes on. I do.

I open the door to Vic standing on my doorstep looking extremely nervous.

Before she says anything, I say, “Yes, it’s ok to show my picture on your blog.” Her jaw shatters on the ground as it falls.

All she can reply with is, “How the fuck did you know?”

I giggle at her, “Mom left here an hour ago. She had to experience the living room and then explain all the reasons why I should tell you no. Would you like to come in and sit in the park?”

Vic smiles and walks past me and into the living room. She sits on a chair and watches me sit on the sofa nearest her.

With considerable excitement she rushes her words, “We teased the readers with a story from Saturday and one from Sunday. Then I ran four of my normal posts. Immediately we got lots of posts and questions about you and ‘is there more?’ We assured them we have a ton more from a packed weekend but want to sprinkle it within my normal posts. I didn’t want to change the whole blog to my loyal fans. The post about getting drugged was chilling and blew up social media.”

Vic is calculating her words now, “That post brought out lots of horror stories about rape, depression, and suicide. It was a dark post, but fans loved that I took on a subject like that and brought it out to the open, so others don’t fall for it. The number of my followers skyrocketed. For me, followers’ equal money due to advertising. Anything involving you generates enormous numbers. A growing minority think I made you up. They assure me I don’t have to show your face but if you didn’t mind, they were ok with that as well.”

Vic seems genuinely concerned now, “You are so sweet and innocent. I worry about what effect this might have on you. Since both your mother and I feel the same way, you better take this seriously.”

I set her straight, “Mom was more concerned that I got laid than anything else. She has been here twice now checking if I got together with your friends again.”

Vic points out, “You didn’t call them.”

I point out the issues, “Which one do I ask out? The two not asked out will be jealous. Would you treat her the same, knowing that I am fucking her until long into the night? No, that would not affect your group at all. Would it?”

Vic asks, “What if they came over one at a time? What if that person didn’t tell the others? Then there are no problems.”

I point out the obvious issue, “Isn’t that lying to your best friends? Oh sure, that will never cause an issue.”

Vic knowingly smiles, “What if a certain group of women already discussed a ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ set of rules and agreed to only see you once every four days.”

I almost fell out of my chair. Vic giggled at me. She has more surprises still.

Vic gets up, “I need to run but I have one last question. Can you write good enough to do a blog on your own?” I am speechless. She smiles at me. “Think about it. Tonight, your life changes. I don’t know if it will be good or bad, but it changes.”

She leaves in a whirlwind.

Chapter 10 – Now My Life Gets Weird

I wake up for work like every other day. Take shower, put clothes on, have breakfast, drive to work, fight traffic, walk into the building and about a hundred people are staring at me. Creepy. Use the elevator to the 19th floor. I walk to my office and log on to my computer. There is a knock on my door.

I yell, “Come in.”

My secretary and a dozen other women are there to see me.

Jackie asks, “Is that really you in the blog?”

I ask, “Does it look like me? Is it written by my sister Vic?”

They shudder and hold their hearts. Oh my, this is terrible. Then the questions started.

“Did you really make love all night long?” “Is that really your living room.” “Guys really use those drugs?” Then came my favorite, “Which one are you going to marry?”

With as much compassion as I could muster, I politely say, “GET OUT NOW!”

I turn back to my computer, 450 messages in my inbox. Swell.

My phone rings, I gruffly answer, “Hello?”

Kate, the owner’s secretary tells me, “Get up here now.”

Swell. I use the stairs to go up two flights to the top. I walk into the conference room filled with senior management. No hello or greeting.

The owner looks me in the eyes, “Did you fuck your sister?” “No!” “Did you fuck her three friends and save one from a date rape pill?” “Yes!”

The owner looks relieved, “All the wives of senior management, including mine, read your sister’s blog. They all remember you from the Christmas parties over the years. The name Steve and your picture were enough for them. They want previews of future blogs and to have lunch with all of us. No, with them and you, they will tolerate us. What are they talking about?”

I try to explain, I write the blog URL on a whiteboard, “My sister has a huge following on the internet where she blogs about fashion and lifestyle. She is semi-famous. She has three cute lesbian friends, so their world is all female. She was losing viewers and asked me to spend a weekend with them. I did. We had a wild time. They are writing about it. One of her friend’s drunk from a glass spiked with a date rape drug and I saved her. I understand it was an emotional read and thousands of comments followed. Late last night they posted my photo.”

They dismiss me, and I go back to my office where I lock the door and put up a sign, “Do not disturb, writing a blog.” Now I can get some work done. I ignore my email; my secretary will handle it. The rest of the day goes by like normal. My loyal friends ignore my newfound celebrity status although, for fun, one asks me for an autograph for his mother.

By Thursday large crowds are everywhere I go. it’s annoying. Too many people point me out. I find myself staying at home, ignoring email, and turning off my phone. I am not what these people think I am. I do get online and check out my sister’s blog. She covers a wide range of topics but her policy states: No Politics, No Religion, and No Hate. I like that.

I ignore all capital letter posts, swearing, and anonymous posts. I ask a few questions and reply to the intelligent responses. Then I got to her posts about me. Truly amazing some of the hate in people. Vic is smart though, she encourages differences of opinions as everything she has is an opinion in the first place.

Wow, some of the hate I got back was incredible. Some of it was thoughtful and constructive. I again post some replies to intelligent and well thought out posts. I made the mistake of saying “I” once and people caught on right away. They went ballistic that I would make an appearance. I admitted this was my first time on the site, I can’t go out so thought I would see what was affecting my life.

I only responded to the nice people. Some hated my living room and kitchen, but they were nice about it and I admitted Yeah, it’s different. But, so what. It’s my house. Everyone is free to do as they please. I encouraged everyone to do something that makes them happy and report back. Anything short of hurting someone else that is. I didn’t want a mass shooting on me.

I thanked the people for being nice, intelligent, and civil, but I work tomorrow so logging off. I watched for a while and a lot of OMG he is as sweet as they say. I stayed on longer than I should have but right before I turned off my PC someone posted they made chocolate chip cookies for their kids because it made her happy. I went to bed happy that night. I wish someone made cookies for me!


I wake Friday morning to the smell of coffee and bacon. When I moved in I gave my parents a key to my place. My guess is mom is here. I use the washroom and shower quickly. Sure enough, at my dining room table is mom, coffee, orange juice, scrambled eggs, sausage and Vic.

Mom starts on me first, “Why don’t you answer your damn telephone?”

Without coffee I am grumpy, “It’s turned off, so I can sleep. Damn thing keeps going off. Do you want it? It’s in a bowl somewhere.” Pause. “Hi, mom. Hi Vic. I didn’t expect to see either of you this morning. Am I in trouble?”

Vic offhandedly says, “No, you gave me the morning off today by writing my post for me. My shortest ever, I quoted my brother, ‘do something that makes you and others happy and report back.’ Over 4,000 posts before I even logged on this morning. People are posting all kinds of cool things. I posted that instead of writing a blog this morning I am baking cookies for my brother and having breakfast with him and his mother.”

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