Jeff Thousandaire Ch. 01



The following is a sequel of sorts to “John Billionaire”. Familiarity with “Billionaire” and its characters will greatly enhance the reading experience of this story, although it is not a requirement.




It was just an ordinary day when I first saw her.

I stopped off at my usual little smoothie shop on the way into the office. Once I actually got to work, my admin would be bringing me regular doses of coffee caffeine every few hours, stimulating the creative neurons in my brain so that I would have a prayer of doing enough work to fulfill the sky high expectations senior management had of me.

But before getting into the office, I usually cherished the saturated sweetness of strawberry-pineapple, the closest I’d gotten to that Hawaiian vacation I never took enough time to go on. Or maybe the extra sizzle of something with Raspberry in it. And in the past couple of weeks I’d been splurging on the Açai mixes in the misguided hope that the extra antioxidants might actually improve my health. At least they tasted pretty good.

I noticed her the moment I walked into the shop, the same way any straight man notices the slender body of an in-shape young woman. Her back was to me, but the jeans she wore were tight enough to prove she had a dynamite ass and long legs absent of any cellulite. Above her flared hips was bare skin for a few inches, reaching to a trim waist before the tight baby-T she wore began to outline her upper torso.

I caught the swells of rather full bosom, which jiggled as she laughed musically from the cashier trying to flirt with her.

She paid for her order and then turned about to step away and let me place my own order. But when I caught her face, I just went rigidly still.

She was perfect. She had an exquisitely chiseled face with a perfect nose and ideal bone structure. Her creamy white skin was perfectly clear and she had a youth about her that made me think she might still be a teenager. Her electric green eyes sparkled and her fine blonde hair was perfectly done to complement her outstanding facial features. Her body was svelte and yet she had big, round breasts sitting high on her chest. And as I looked upon her beauty, lightning bolts shot up my spine as my tongue twisted in knots.

The blonde simply looked at me with mixed curiosity and amusement. She was probably used to seeing men completely fall apart at the mere sight of her, and her vermillion eyes danced with an internal laughter.

“Hey man, you gonna order?” The guy behind me poked me in the back hard enough to bruise. Typical New Yorker.

I blinked several times and then, embarrassed, I stepped forward hurriedly and gave my order to the grinning cashier. And when I was done and stepped to the side myself, I couldn’t help but keep glancing at her every five seconds or so. Just when I thought I had her perfectly memorized, I had to peek again.

She never looked at me once, but I’m sure I was in her peripheral vision and a little smile tugged at the corners of her mouth while she waited.

And then one of the smoothie makers dropped a standard 24-ounce styrofoam cup onto the counter and called, “Kaitlyn!”

Immediately, the blonde stepped forward and scooped up her smoothie and then turned around to leave.

But at the last moment, I swear she winked at me.


— CHAPTER 1: Booty Call —



“Taylor Brynn? As in the Taylor Brynn engaged to Jonathan Kwong?”

Melody nodded and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. Taylor Brynn had been one of the top international models known for her gorgeous blue eyes and her anatomically impossible body that put Heidi Klum to shame. I’d been in the middle of High School when she burst onto the modeling scene at eighteen. From then through college, the walls of my bedroom had been adorned with posters of her as well as more than a few of my own personal sketches.

And now the goddess herself was on the phone.

Melody, my assistant, looked at me through the plate glass wall separating my office from her desk and arched a nicely sculpted eyebrow. Her cute voice came through the speakerphone, “Should I transfer the call?”

“Uh… uh, yeah,” I managed to stutter, still in shell-shock.

Seconds later, my phone rang and I gingerly picked up the headset, hooking it over my ear. “Hello?”

Instantly I grimaced, hearing the squeak in my voice and realizing that hadn’t been a very professional greeting. I’d spoken with corporate CEOs and low-level International Royalty without feeling nearly this nervous.

“Is this Jeffrey Lee?” Her voice was cool, confident, and so unbelievably sexy.

“Yes…” My answer was the one word and monotonous. Dammit! Say something cool!

“Jeffrey Lee, the architect who designed the Pieterzoon estate in East Hampton?”

“Yes…” Still not cool.

I could hear the purr in Taylor’s voice. “My fiancé has recently purchased some property in Montauk and we would like you to build our house.”

“Uh, görükle escort bayan uh… I’d… I’d be delighted Miss Brynn.”

“Please call me Taylor. I WON’T ask you again.”

“Yes, of course, Taylor. I am at your convenience. When would you like to meet?”

“Would this afternoon be too soon?”

I frantically clicked through the programs on my laptop, trying to get to my calendar. Accidentally, I managed to close my calendar program entirely and silently cursed myself. “Uh… well…” I stalled. “How about three o’clock?”

“Perrrfect. I’ll see you then.” And with that, the line went dead.

I exhaled loudly, sagging into my seat. My eyes glanced around my office, taking in the various architectural sketches of my best designs as well as a couple of photographs. The Pieterzoon estate had been my crowning glory, both my largest project and the most expensive of my short career. And now, I just might be getting something even bigger.

I’d followed the tabloids as well as the respectable journalism surrounding Taylor’s whirlwind romance with the world’s richest man under 30, Jonathan Kwong. A part of me absolutely detested the man for grabbing her before I could make her fall in love with me. But a greater part of me felt happy that my angel had found her happiness. Really, what did I have to offer? I was three years younger and a few billion dollars poorer.

Still, I’d had my successes and Architectural Digest had me listed as a rising star in the design world. I’d accomplished enough to pay off my student loans and get myself into a Manhattan co-op, but my bank account was rather slim. But for all my successes, I was still just a junior Residential Architect at a firm full of legends.

The whole firm had known for months that the newly engaged Kwongs were scoping out real estate in the Hamptons. Just last week, the news broke on the property they’d purchased in Montauk; actually, it was three adjacent properties right on the Atlantic. Thirty minutes after that, every firm on the East Coast was trying to bang down Jonathan and Taylor’s door to bid on the design.

And Taylor had come straight to me.

I finally got a grip on my senses and sat up straight, re-opening my desktop calendar. I had a meeting scheduled for three o’clock. I jabbed the phone. “Melody, cancel the meeting with Anders and clear my schedule for the rest of the day.”

“Got it,” she replied. A moment later though, her voice came back on the line. “Uh, Sheldon’s coming.”

I looked through the glass wall, past Melody’s desk and sure enough, Theodore Sheldon was marching up the hallway. Melody tried to say something in greeting but the thin, balding senior partner just blew by her and pushed open my door.

My direct boss glared at me. “I understand that Taylor Brynn just called?” It was more statement than question.

I scrunched up my forehead. “How did you-?”

“Never mind that. What time is she coming?”

“Three o’clock.”


I nodded.

Sheldon shot the cuffs of his blazer and flipped his wrist, checking the time on his expensive Rolex. “You’ll have the Executive Conference Room. I’ll meet you there at 2:30. Stacey will send the research to your admin and I’ll figure out who else is competition.”

He was talking so fast I could barely keep up. “Right,” I replied.

“And Jeffrey, how the hell did you get her to call you?”

My blank look was all the answer he needed. Sheldon harrumphed under his breath and spun around, marching out my office.

It took me a minute to loosen my fingers from their tight grip on the armrests. My eyes were wide-open, my skin felt clammy, and my throat was dry. I felt like a tornado had just swept through my office in the last few minutes, leaving the furnishings untouched while picking me up, spinning me around a few dozen times, and then dropping me back into my chair.

And then Melody was coming into my office, pushing past my inert body and skillfully manipulating the computer and big-screen LCD mounted on the wall. “Here are the aerials Stacey sent over and the most recent landscaping survey. Sheldon’s already done some preliminary work in the past couple of days. He must have been planning his own bid.”

My unfocused stare at least pointed in the right direction.

My pretty blonde assistant then gave me a little smile and put her hand on my forearm. “You’ve got a lot of work to do.”


“Miss Brynn! So delighted to see you again!” Sheldon stepped across the conference room and warmly took Taylor’s hand.

In the past several hours, I’d gotten over my initial shock and managed to concentrate on my research, putting together a few preliminary concepts that I thought would fit the property and what I knew of Taylor’s design sense. But now that she was here, live and in person, I found myself about to start hyperventilating.

Intellectually, I’d known she was as tall as me and of course I’d memorized what her face and body looked like. But altıparmak eskort somehow, she was even more gorgeous and intimidating than I’d expected. Her dark hair was currently in some exotic cut, the back cropped short above her ears, her bangs long to her chin and parted, perfectly framing her face and calling attention to her bewitching blue eyes. With her high cheekbones and perfect complexion, Taylor looked as if she were on a runway instead of in a boardroom.

Her blouse was light, thin, and boner-inducing the way the material hugged her curves. Her skirt was scandalously short, showing off creamy tan legs that went on for miles and miles, ending in strappy 4-inch heels that she somehow managed to be graceful in.

I was in awe. After some twelve years drooling over her posters and masturbating to her magazines, I was seeing Taylor Brynn in person for the first time. I knew right then and there that I was about to faint.

Sheldon was just shaking her hand, beaming that such a wealthy potential client was in his office.

Taylor frowned at him and in the tone of a head cheerleader condescending to a simpering, acne-ridden freshman, asked bluntly, “Who are you?”

I snorted. Loudly. The sound cracked the silent air like a gunshot and then I was holding my hand over my mouth in embarrassment, still feeling the mirth rising up to my eyes. The dizzy feeling evaporated and I got my bearings.

“Ah, Jeffrey!” Taylor turned to me, dropping Sheldon’s hand and walking directly for me. “So good to finally meet you!” she said as she shook my hand vigorously, her eyes sweeping me up and down. “You’re much more handsome than your photo,” she purred enticingly.

My eyes went wide and I replied without thinking, “And you’re so much more gorgeous in person as well.”

I actually heard Melody giggle quietly behind me.

Taylor grinned happily at me. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

She then turned back to her only companion and gestured. “Charlotte Graham, my personal assistant.” The pretty brunette would have turned heads on her own if she wasn’t with a beauty like her supermodel employer. Charlotte wore long black slacks and a stylish blue button-down blouse that hugged her torso and emphasized her chest. She then stepped forward with rigid posture, her brown eyes sharp behind wire-rimmed glasses as she took in her surroundings with efficient detachment.

Following her lead, I gestured behind to my right, “Melody, my admin.” And by then Sheldon had circled around the room to stand beside me, staring daggers at me for daring to introduce my assistant before him. “Theodore Sheldon, senior partner of the firm and my boss. And then Stacey, his admin.”

Nods went all around and then we took our seats. Sheldon once again tried to assert control over the meeting. “Miss Brynn, we are delighted you’ve selected our firm for your design needs.”

“I haven’t selected anyone, Mr. Sheldon,” Taylor interrupted. “I will be seeing multiple proposals.”

“Of course, of course.” Sheldon was obsequious to the point of looking stupid. “I merely wanted to thank you for considering us.”

Taylor rolled her eyes at his exaggerated head bobbing. “I’m not considering you. I’m considering HIM.” She looked over at me with a smile.

I managed a smile back.

“I was most impressed with your Pieterzoon design, Jeffrey,” Taylor continued. “I hope you have something equally ingenious tucked away in that brain of yours.”

I smiled and looked over at Melody. She stood and began handing out packets of design concepts, really just very rough sketches and photographs of design elements we planned to include. It was all we’d managed to pull together in the last few hours: three were mine, but Sheldon had also added three of his own. Meanwhile, Stacey worked the monitor to call up our research aerials and landscaping surveys.

Taylor was immediately sifting through the concepts. “Not bad… no… hmm… this is crap… ooh… hmm…” She stopped at the sixth design, flipping it around and showing us the sketches and photographs. The concept was a sprawling Victorian, reminiscent of a British country manor and something that had been very popular in the Hamptons recently.

Sheldon was beaming. “Ah, yes, I thought you might like that one. I personally designed it. I think the building architecture will be very dramatic on the rolling landscape of the-“

“This is crap!” Taylor cut him off. “You did this?” She pointed one of the papers at Sheldon.

“Uh, uh, yes,” he stammered.

“I asked for Jeffrey’s designs, not yours. Why is one of your designs in here?”

“Well, Mr. Lee is only 25 and lacks any experience with a project of this scale. I thought some additional options-“

“Mr. Sheldon, if I cared what you think, I would have asked for your opinion. I haven’t. As for his youth, there is no age threshold for talent. HE has it. YOU don’t.” Taylor glared at him, her eyes a stormy blue as she pointedly tossed the file over nilüfer escort her shoulder where it clattered to the floor. Then she pulled out the third design. “Now THIS one… THIS one shows promise.”

It was a graceful, fluid design with soft colors, evocative of Santorini or some other Mediterranean beachfront city while still maintaining the size and grandeur befitting such a power couple. The color palette was muted and cool, blending with the landscape rather than trying to dominate it with an imposing edifice. “Let me guess,” Taylor turned to me, “Jeffrey did this one?”

I smiled and nodded.

“This is a good start. I want three more concepts in this direction, and we’ll go from there. I’ll be seeing some other firms, but this is promising, Jeffrey.” Taylor’s smile could have lit up half the city, and it certainly lifted my mood. “I think you’ll do an excellent design for us.”

“Thank you,” I nodded, my confidence growing with every passing second. Taylor, my dream, my Aphrodite, liked my work. I could have walked on air in that moment.

Twenty minutes later, we all stood and Taylor shook my hand. The preliminary paperwork and non-disclosures were signed and I was about to start the design of my life.

“I’ll see you in two weeks,” Taylor winked at me before whirling out the door.


“You should have seen the look on Sheldon’s face!” Melody was laughing uproariously, tears actually dribbling out the corners of her eyes as she re-lived the moment of Taylor slamming the door in his face, metaphorically speaking.

We were at O’Brien’s, our favorite pub to unwind at after work. I smiled and sipped a Guinness while Melody regaled our friends with the story. The six of us were all coworkers and we represented the younger generation, all of us between 27 and 24 and single. All six of us also hated Sheldon with a passion, which made Melody’s recapping that much more fun.

“And then- and then-” Melody was laughing too hard to finish. “When Sheldon tried to say goodbye in the lobby, Taylor just held up her hand in his face, rolling her eyes, and she actually muttered, ‘Do you have a tiny dick or something?'”

“She did NOT!” Frank, one of the draftsmen cried in disbelief.

“She did!” Melody replied in a high-pitched voice, tears now streaming down her face and she laughed so hard, she collapsed right into my side with my left arm around her. I automatically tightened my grasp around her waist.

“Nuh-uh,” Erica, another admin, scolded while wagging her finger in my face. “You two don’t want to get caught.”

“Caught what?” Melody giggled and snuggled closer into my side while I arched an eyebrow. But then she smiled and pulled away, sitting up straight. With both hands, she fixed her soft blonde hair back behind her ears. “Oh, you shoulda been there.”

The rest of our pub time was less eventful, just friends hanging out. But eventually, it was time to head home. Besides, we’d spent enough money already and drinks in Manhattan weren’t cheap.

“Are you seriously going back to the office?” Melody asked me as we got up.

“Yeah,” I shrugged. “Two weeks isn’t very long and I’ve got a zillion ideas running through my head right now. I want to get them on paper tonight before I lose them.”

Melody gave me a wry grin, “Oh well…”

The other four started heading out and I moved to join them, but Melody grabbed my hand first. “I need to go to the bathroom first,” she called to the group. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow?”

Our friends nodded and Melody dug her nails into my palm. My eyes went wide and a second later I gurgled, “Uh, me too. Catch you guys later.”

Erica gave me a knowing smile and headed out with the others.

“Melody!” I hissed to my assistant as she pulled me back through the pub. A small place like this only had two single bathrooms, ostensibly labeled men and women. In reality, they were just tiny rooms with a single toilet, sink, and a lock on the door. The men’s didn’t even have a stand-up urinal.

Melody tried the men’s room first, finding it locked and occupied. Two seconds later, she tugged me into the women’s, pushed the door shut, and locked it.

Two seconds after that, she slammed me into the wall. “Fuck me, Jeffie,” she husked from an inch away, her hands already busy at my pants.

“Now?” I looked at her wide-eyed.

“Just a quickie,” she growled, dropping my pants and shorts to my ankles and then tugging upwards at the hem of her pencil skirt. Once she got the tight fabric to her hips, she pulled the crotch of her thong panties to the side while her right hand started jacking my cock, quickly taking me from nervous flaccidity to aroused rigidity.

I spun us around and roughly pushed the smaller girl back against the wall, causing her to laugh happily at the dull thud of impact. “Mel, you are CRAZY,” I whispered as she lifted one leg and wrapped it around my hip.

Melody rubbed my mushroom head along the bare-shaven lips of her pussy, diddling her clit with my living dildo and spreading her own copious juices along her slit. Her eyes fluttered and her lower lip quivered as she gave into her lustful urges.

I heard the catch in her breath as the pleasure started to take over her brain, and on that cue, I dug both palms under her skirt and hoisted Melody up by her ass.

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