Accidental Phone Call

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Brandy was running late, and this would not be a good day for tardiness. A new manager had been hired, and the owner of the Emperor’s Kitchen restaurant chain was going to be at the staff briefing to introduce him. Though Brandy and her husband Rick had recently moved much closer to her work, she always seemed to cut it close. She was never late when she was driving in from La Mesa, but now that she was only 25 to 30 minutes away it seemed she always cut it close. She turned left onto Garnet Avenue, cursing the slow drivers in front of her. Fortunately, most of the late afternoon traffic was traveling east, so she was able to speed. If there were no traffic cops running radar, she thought she just might make it.

Brandy turned sharply into the restaurant parking lot with about a minute to spare, but she still had to change. She hurried through the kitchen, where the chefs were preparing the seafood, chicken and steak they would be cooking on the teppan yaki grills, and quickly changed in the ladies locker room. She was scheduled for cocktails on this shift which meant she would be wearing a short floral print aloha dress. This was good because she could put the dress on in two minutes. If she was waiting on tables the kimono worn by food servers would take a lot longer.

The owner, Kenji, was just beginning to speak when a breathless Brandy joined the group. She immediately noticed a middle aged black man was seated next to him. He was a good looking guy, nicely dressed in an expensive navy blue suit, and he shot pleasant smile Brandy’s way as she took a seat at the bar. Brandy had worked at Emperor’s for 9 years, and they had always had Japanese managers. She wondered to herself how this was going to work out.

After a some talk about plans for the upcoming Christmas party, and good news about how well the restaurants were doing, especially the Pacific Beach location, Kenji introduced Steve and invited him to say a few words.

Steve began by assuring everyone he was very happy to have the opportunity to work with everyone in Kenji’s world class restaurant operation. He had an interesting background which included being born and raised in San Diego and twenty years as an Army Ranger. After the Army, he spent some time in Paris learning French cuisine and pastry at the Ferrandi School. He had worked as a chef and managed two restaurants in Manhattan, but longed to return to California. After a chance meeting with Kenji at the New York Athletic Club, he was able to make that happen. He told everyone that over the next few days, he would set aside some time to talk to each of them.

Steve made a favorable impression on Brandy. He seemed like the kind of person who knew how to run a business, and, with his Army experience, he would probably know how to deal with some of her co-workers who were troublemakers.

Steve spent the first week observing the operation and asking a lot of questions. He complimented Brandy when he watched her calm down an angry toddler, and jokingly asked her if she had ever taught pre-school. All and all, he made a favorable impression on just about everyone.

Steve’s second week started off with some excitement. One evening when Brandy was walking in from the parking lot, the back door burst open and a visibly upset bartender stumbled out. On her way to the to the locker room she passed the bookkeeper’s office and ducked in.

“Barbara, what’s up with Bill? He just left here all pissed off.”

Barbara shook her head, “Steve discovered Bill was stealing from the till. Apparently he marked a fifty dollar bill and put it in the cash register and audited the cash. When Bill closed out his register last night, the register was short over $100, and the marked fifty was missing. Steve also saw him selling drinks and putting the cash in his pocket. Apparently Bill had his own bottles of whiskey behind the bar and when customers were paying for their drinks in cash, he would mix the drink or pour the shot out of one of his bottles and just pocket the cash. Steve called him in early and confronted him, and Bill went off on Steve…took a swing at him. That’s when our new manager threw Bill out the back door by the scruff of his neck. One of the chefs saw everything…said it was pretty funny.”

Brandy laughed, “Good. I always thought Bill was an asshole. This doesn’t surprise me one bit.”

During her shift, Steve finally got around to meeting with Brandy in his office and began by asking her to tell him a little bit about herself.

“Well, I’m originally from the Philippines. I married an American whom I met over there and came to the States when I was 19. The marriage didn’t work out, and we were divorced after just a few months. I started working as a waitress in coffee shops near San Diego State, and I when I turned 21 I started dancing downtown at the Carousel Bar on weekends. That’s where I met my current husband. One morning the manager from Emperor’s Kitchen was in the coffee shop for sakarya escort breakfast with Kenji, and they asked me if I’d be interested in working here. He said I would do a lot better at a dinner place. That was nine years ago, and I’m still here. I’ve been married for four years, and my husband works for the county as a probation officer. I go to school part time at San Diego State. I would like to become a city planner and work for the city some day.”

Steve listened attentively and nodded approvingly when Brandy mentioned her school and professional goal.

When she finished he said, “Well Brandy, that’s a worthy ambition. Be sure to let us know about your class schedules as they change, so we can accommodate you. I want you to know Kenji thinks very highly of you, and I enjoy watching you interact with our customers. You really give them a good dining experience, and we really appreciate your efforts. Kenji authorized me to give you a $1.10 per hour raise, and that will be reflected on your next check. Please don’t mention this to anyone else. Only a few of our top performers are getting these raises, and we don’t want to cause any morale problems.”

Brandy wanted to wrap her arms around him and give him a big kiss, but she stayed cool and business like.

“Oh thank you, and please thank Kenji for me. I feel so appreciated.

Steve stood, indicating their meeting was over, and replied, “Yes, of course I will pass that on to Kenji. You keep up the good work Brandy. By the way are you still working as a dancer? I don’t have a problem with you doing that on your days off.”

“No…think that’s in my past. I did like it though, and the money was great. But I gotta jealous husband. He’d never approve.”

Steve nodded in agreement, “Yeah, I can understand that.”

When Brandy got home at the end of her shift, Rick was still up, and she told him all about her new manager and the pay raise. Rick was happy for her and seemed pleased the new manager was taking control of the business. He did have one concern though.

“Brandy, how’s a black guy gonna fit in running a Japanese restaurant? I would think people going there for dinner would expect to see Japanese running the place.”

Brandy had to laugh at that, “I wondered about that too…I don’t think this guy will have any problems at all. He’s real good with the customers, and he has already gotten rid of that goofy bartender, Bill, I’ve told you about him. Past managers were letting him get away with murder. Steve ran him off today. And besides, do you know we only have two Japanese food servers? All the rest of us either Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, or Filipino, and we have a new girl coming to work who’s from Mexico. These California people don’t know the difference…just wanna eat.”

The next few months flew by. Brandy joined a health club with some of her co-workers, courtesy of a group discount arranged by Steve, and got into a regular crossfit routine. She finished her finals, and with only one class during the summer session, she was able to take on some extra shifts. She enjoyed working for the new manager and often stayed late to hang out with him and some of her other friends.

On the Sunday after the Fourth of July, Brandy, Steve, and some of the others were sharing a pitcher of beer after a very successful holiday weekend. It was close to midnight when Barbara left, leaving Brandy and Steve alone at the piano bar. Brandy thought she would call Rick to let him know she was still at the restaurant and would be home soon. She entered Rick’s number into her cell phone, when she became aware that Steve was looking at her. She knew he was interested in her because she had been getting these looks from him from time to time. Ever the professional though, he never hit on her directly.

Brandy decided the call to Rick could wait and set her phone down. In doing so, she inadvertently swiped the screen, initiating a call to her husband.

Rick was watching a late night movie when his phone rang, and he saw the call was from Brandy when he answered. There was silence at the other end, but he could hear what sounded like background conversation. Then he heard Brandy’s voice…it was definitely her, and she clearly asked someone,”Why are you looking at me like that?”

Rick muted the TV and could hear a man’s voice, but he could not make out what he was saying. Then he heard Brandy again, “Yeah, but I don’t know if we should.”

There was more silence on the line, and then Rick heard more giggling, and she said, “Oh, you’re so bad.” This was followed with giggling, and he heard her say, “Okay, but are you sure no one will come in?”

The man’s voice said something that sounded like, “Up on the piano bar,” and there was the piano sound of several keys being hit at once. Rick heard Brandy say, “I wanna strip for you,” and he didn’t need to hear more. He grabbed his cell phone, got in his car, and headed for the Emperor’s samsun escort Kitchen as Creedence Clearwater’s “Suzy Q,” began to come through his Blue Tooth.

Meanwhile, at the Emperor’s Kitchen, Steve sat down for the show as Brandy took her place on the bar. Brandy looked down at Steve, and gave him a stuck up smile as she unfastened the obi and let her kimono fall open. She began to move to the music, teasing him with glimpses of her body by manipulating the kimono. Occasionally, she would turn her back to him and slip the kimono down to bare her shoulders.

The second time she did this, Steve saw she had unhooked her red bra. By deftly and subtly manipulating her arms and shoulders, she was able to remove the bra without taking her arms out of the sleeves, and it dropped to the floor. Brandy kept her back to Steve and let the kimono fall, baring her back and hips, revealing a matching red thong panty. She kept her back to him and rotated her hips slowly, at times giving him glimpses of her ass. The looks she was getting from Steve were what she missed most about stripping…she already had him drooling, and she had just gotten warmed up.

Steve wasn’t exactly drooling, but he was very satisfied with how the evening, and now early morning, was going so far. He had been planning this night and orchestrating his seduction of Brandy since he laid eyes on her that first day. Now he had her almost naked, dancing for him, and soon he would have those toned brown legs wrapped around him while he fucked her silly.

When the music transitioned to “Proud Mary,” Brandy picked up the pace. She opened up the kimono and showed her breasts to her appreciative audience of one, and Steve let out a whoop. Brandy’s tits were small and in proportion to her petite body, but her nipples and areolas were lovely, dark brown in color and almost perpetually erect, they stood out prominently, and she knew how to show herself.

Brandi picked up on Steve’s reaction and squatted down in front of him, rolling her nipples between her fingers, “Oh, you like these? You wanna taste?”

She offered her breasts to Steve, but just before he could get his hands on her, Brandy stood up laughing, “Not just yet…you gotta watch the whole show, and I’m gonna get real dirty just for you.”

Brandy put her hand in her panties and grasped her genitals, “Oooo, I’m so hot and wet. I need something to make me feel good. Have you got something for me…something big?”

Brandy was prancing and skipping, barefooted, back and forth on the bar; then she paused with her back to Steve and removed her panty thong. As she stepped out, she snatched it up with her toes and tossed it to him with a flick of her ankle, “Souvenir for you Steve.”

Brandy had been thinking about Steve too. She always thought he was good looking and a flirt, but then there was that time she walked in on him while he was changing in the chef’s locker room. She needed some paper towels for the ladies locker room and thought it was empty with all the guys gone for the night. But Steve was inside, changing for an after work, late night jog, and she saw him naked. He was an average sized athletic guy, with a lean physique, but his cock was anything but average. He was leaning over, pulling up a jock strap when she came around the corner, almost bumping right into him. He was startled, but made no attempt to cover himself. His flaccid cock was at least seven, maybe eight inches in length, and uncircumcised. A thick foreskin covered his glans giving his penis a hooded black cobra like appearance. She stared at him for a long moment before hurrying out and apologized profusely the next day. Steve just laughed it off and told her to forget it, but she was not about to. When she masturbated, it always involved a “Steve fantasy,” and tonight was gonna be her night.

Suddenly Brandy stopped dancing and let the kimono fall from her body. She stood naked, looking down at Steve, breathing heavily from her exertion. A sheen of sweat made her glisten in the dim light, and she was far from through. She placed her hands behind her head, and slowly pirouetted a full 360 degrees, showing herself to him.

“So, you like what you see? You want some of this?”

Brandy ran her hands over her body, as Steve stared. Her nipples were hard, looking as if they could scratch glass. She had a toned and softly muscled stomach with a diamond belly ring and pendant, and a narrow waist that flared as her hips widened forming a cute little heart shaped ass. A thick growth of trimmed, curly black hair covered her pubis. As she stood naked before him, she parted her legs and touched her vagina, “You want this? You want this? Show me your cock?”

Steve reached for Brandy, but she stepped away…”No, watch me. This is what I do in private when I think about us laying in bed together. Get undressed…I wanna look at you while I do this…I wanna see your black dick.”

About this time, Rick finally urfa escort arrived and parked his car around the corner from the restaurant. He quietly made his way through the hedge that surrounded the bar and lounge section of the building. The dim bar lights were still on, and he crept through the bushes to get to a window. He could see Steve standing nude at the bar but not much more. He moved around the corner of the building, and then he saw her.

Brandy was naked and laying on top of a piano. She had her legs spread open, and she was masturbating in front of Steve, moving her hips rhythmically with both hands on her cunt. He seemed to be talking to her, but Rick couldn’t see her face. The phone connection was still good, but he could no longer hear anything.

Rick watched from outside as Steve moved to the piano and climbed on the bench. He could see the guy was fully erect, and Brandy was staring at him. He was stroking his cock and appeared to be urging her on. Rick could see her clearly now, and she was shaking her head violently with a contorted facial expression as her pace quickened. Suddenly her head and shoulders came up off the piano, and she drew her knees up to her chest, with her toes curled, feet twisting, and hips bucking, as she climaxed. Rick heard her screams through the closed window…her orgasm seemed to go on and on.

After Brandy recovered, Steve helped her down off the piano. His hands were all over her, and she was all over him. After some heated kissing and touching, Brandy squatted and began to use her mouth on him. Steve had big, thick cock, at least nine inches, and his scrotal sack was distended, hanging loose and holding a pair of large testicles that appeared to be the size of hens’ eggs. Rick could see her massaging his balls while she ran her tongue up and down the underside of his penis, occasionally taking it into her mouth. She was on her knees now, and Rick could see her fingers in her pussy…she was masturbating again, and when she wasn’t sucking his dick, she was bathing her face with his genitals.

At this point, Rick had to undo his trousers and adjust himself as his own erection was causing him a lot of pain. He knew he should be angry…friends of his had divorced their wives over a lot less, but the sight of Brandy’s petite body, her cute little ass, wet cunt, and that tight little brown anus, while she performed fellatio on her boss was hypnotic and compelling. He had to see this through.

After a few minutes, Brandy stood and led her boss by his balls to one of the sofas in the lounge. They were right under Rick’s window now, but completely oblivious to his presence. She put Steve on his back and mounted him, positioning his cock between her thick dark labia, and slowly took him in. Rick watched as Steve’s penis disappeared inside of her, and then she began to fuck him. Her wet, swollen pussy, with Steve’s hands holding on to her ass, was furiously working the entire length of that big cock. Her back was arched, and Steve was sucking her nipples. At one point Brandi squirmed when Steve put a finger in her anus and seemed to protest briefly.

Brandy rode him cowgirl that way, grinding her clitoris and taking that big cock all the way in and almost all the way out, for several minutes before Steve flipped her on her back and began to pound her hard. She had her arms around his neck and her legs were wrapped tightly around his waist with her feet locked together. Rick could see she was going into another orgasm, and again there was that primal scream. Steve appeared to be ejaculating too as they wildly fucked each other at a frenetic pace. And then it was over.

The two of them lay together for several minutes, and then Brandy, with her hand over her cunt and sperm dripping down her legs, made a dash for the ladies room. Steve got dressed quickly and gathered up her clothes. The bar was empty now, and Rick wondered, “Okay, what’s next?”

Brandy suddenly reappeared with Steve, and Rick watched as she pulled her cell phone from her purse. He was wondering who she could be calling at a time like this when his cell phone, with its distinctive “William Tell Overture” ringtone went off…loudly.

He answered quickly, hoping they didn’t hear that inside of the bar.

“Yeah Brandy, what’s up? You have to work late?”

He could see Brandy smiling at Steve as she replied, “Yeah, we had a meeting after work, and then a couple of us stayed and had a couple of drinks. I’ll be home soon. Hey, if you’re up for it, turn on the hot tub, I’m feeling real horney, and I wanna fuck.”

Rick smiled, “Yeah, I can do that. Drive safe Brandy, I’m gonna take good care of you.”

Both Steve and Brandy looked toward Rick’s window when they heard the sound of dry leaves and twigs cracking as Rick left his position and dashed to his car.

Steve hurried to the window, “What the fuck was that? I thought I saw a pair of legs outside that window.”

Brandy agreed, “Yeah, me too. You think someone was voyeuring us?”

Steve shrugged, “Yeah, that’s a possibility. I’ll walk you to your car and follow you for a bit…make sure you don’t have a stalker watching you. So you’re really gonna fuck your ol’ man for a night cap?”

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