Father and Daughter Reunited

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Every man loves his daughter – the apple of his eye!

And daughters usually love their Daddies.

But sometimes their love has more depth than you might have expected.


My wife and I migrated to Australia back in 1967 and we initially settled in Brisbane. We’d only been married for a week before we caught the boat to Australia, so although we already often enjoyed one another sexually; socially, we hardly knew each other; a true recipe for disaster, as it happened.

My sweet little daughter Sandy was born late in 1968 in Brisbane, Australia. She was a nicely proportioned, attractive and healthy baby and as she grew up into a toddler, she was tall and active for her age – both my wife and I were very proud of her.

But being a girl she was naturally drawn to the male side of the family and even as a baby, I was obviously her favourite parent, despite her mother breast-feeding her and generally looking after her and perhaps that sowed the seeds of hate that eventually grew between my wife and me.

At the time that this story begins, we’d moved up to Mackay in Northern Queensland – into the tropics, where I was to take over a vast sales territory for a national company – I’d be away from home quite a bit but the money was good and we didn’t consider the consequences of my absences.

My work went well enough, but as the years passed, my wife and I found that we’d become two totally different people – not really a couple at all. Increasingly we found ourselves to be at loggerheads and I began to find excuses for not coming home. I engineered extended sales trips that kept me away for up to six weeks at a time. Then I’d come home – spend the weekend sorting out all my paperwork, laundry and post – having a good row or two and then I’d be off again. My office room soon became my bedroom too – the guest bed was now mine.

But much as I didn’t really miss my wife, I certainly missed seeing my daughter growing up – and she obviously missed me.

Every time that I came home it seemed that she had grown another couple of inches – she was going to be a tall lady – hopefully she would have a suitable figure to match, one day. And it seemed that the more my wife and I fell out, the closer my daughter and I became. We certainly seemed to get on well and I don’t mean anything sexual. I mean that we could chatter and laugh together; read books together; go for walks together; play on the beach together – we even had the same interests – we simply got on well together.

And now, at the age of around nine or ten she was developing nicely into a very peasant young lady who liked nothing more than to be allowed to sit on my lap – even though we’d eventually get all hot and sweaty in that hot climate. Just to be close together was lovely and somehow, despite her glorious youthful feminine scent I managed to put aside all matters relating to sex, even though I was increasingly frustrated through lack of activity at home.

And Sandy could obviously see how unhappy I was – her concern showed in her face. One day matters came to the surface therefore; I was having a few days off work and my wife had gone out shopping with some friends. Afterwards they were off to the local pool, so they were making a day of it – probably to keep away from me; not that I really cared – and Sandy and I were alone.

Once we were on our own, we settled down on the sofa so that she could watch some kids’ program on TV. The sofa was one of those deep soft comfortable types – the kind you sort of sink into. As usual, Sandy jumped onto my lap and leaned back against my chest.

“Daddy,” she said, her voice full of care, “You don’t get on with Mummy, do you?”

I wondered if I should simply avoid the matter and change the subject but then I realised that Sandy had correctly observed our problem, so there was no use in hiding it from her.

“No, darling, your mum and I don’t seem to get on,” I said sadly, “We’re just so different nowadays.”

I signed, because the friction between my wife and I wasn’t very pleasant at times…and Sandy continued.

“You sleep in the spare room, don’t you?” asked Sandy and I nodded – it was common knowledge.

“Do you get all lonely then?” she asked and I nodded again.

‘Fucking right I get lonely!’ I thought, ‘Not that I can tell you just HOW lonely.’

“Oh Daddy,” she replied, squeezing me tight, her voice all broken up, “I don’t like to see you lonely and unhappy – it’s not fair!”

“One of those things, I guess,” I said, hugging her back, “Happens everywhere I’m afraid.”

“Yeah but you don’t deserve to be unhappy,” replied Sandy sagely, “It’s Mummy who deserves to be unhappy ‘cos she’s mean and nasty to you!”

I laughed and ticked Sandy and she laughed with me.

“Don’t be rude about your mum,” I said, “Perhaps it’s not all mum’s fault. Don’t forget, she’s a long, long way away from her Mummy and Daddy – perhaps she feels lonely too.”

And that indeed oral seks porno was part of the truth – my wife was homesick for Britain and her parents – and she certainly took it out on me.

Sandy seemed to understand and nodded her head in a very grown-up way for a ten year old.

“So are you and Mummy going to keep on living together?” she asked, leaving me to ponder over the matter.

We had indeed talked about a divorce or of returning to Britain but I wanted to stay in Australia. I loved it here and I was happy – but if my wife went back then she’d take Sandy with her…

“I really don’t know,” I admitted but inside I just knew that we just had to do something…

“I’ve a feeling that we’ll go back to Britain,” I said, “Perhaps we can start again back there.”

“Wow – go and live in Britain!” exclaimed Sandy, “Isn’t it all cold over there?”

I laughed while tending to agree with her assessment.

“Certainly will feel cold for a while – especially to you. But if it makes your mum happy then that’s what we’ll have to do,” I said rather sadly.

“You’d better come with us!” said Sandy, her voice cracking up, “I don’t want you to leave me!”

And with that she burst into tears on my lap and I spent the next ten minutes wiping her eyes – and mine and cuddling her – by which time we were once again very hot and sweaty.

I stood Sandy up and looked at her – a cute little lady with remarkably grown-up words.

“You are a darling,” I said, “But don’t worry – I’ll always be there for you.”

“Thank you Daddy – I love you – you promise you’ll be there?” she asked, still wiping her eyes.

“Of course, sweetheart, for you, always,” I answered.

“Well, I’ll always be there for you too,” replied Sandy, “Just because Mummy doesn’t love you, I do, so there and one day I’m going to love you properly!”

I had no idea exactly what she meant by “love me properly” but I guessed she just meant that she wouldn’t have to be concerned about her mother being a bitch to me. I leaned forward and kissed her brow, giving her a gentle push.

“Get on with you, little one – go and play,” I said, “I’ve got some paperwork to do.”

Eventually my wife came home from her outing – well laden with goodies for herself and Sandy and bugger all for me as usual. She started griping at me almost at once and eventually I went outside and began cleaning the car. A while afterwards, Sandy came outside and turning towards the house she stuck out her tongue. Then she turned and hugged me.

“Don’t forget – I still love you Daddy, even if Mummy doesn’t,” she said.

“Thanks sweetie – and I love you too,” I replied

“And don’t forget my promise – I’ll always be there for you – and one day…!” said Sandy as she bounced back indoors.

I shook my head, appreciating my daughter’s loving sincerity and feeling my eyes fill with tears once again – I just wished that there weren’t a lot of more serious things to think about.

And that was the way things remained – Sandy and I remained the closest of friends while my wife and I remained as far apart as ever. And while I never had sex with my wife again, I never had another chance to even so much as cuddle with Sandy either because almost immediately after my wife’s return from her latest outing, she started on about “going home”.

Well, she didn’t so much start on about it – she brought back a planned itinerary – she’d as good as organised the selling of our home and the buying of tickets back to Britain already.

Work still called and by the time of my next return home, things had progressed. A cash buyer had been found; many of our household possessions had been sold off and we were booked on a return flight just three weeks hence.

My life now was even more sad – I had to give up my very enjoyable job; say goodbye to so many friends and say farewell to Australia; that wonderful country. I hated my wife with something like passion now…

The marriage was obviously over and so it proved – once back in Britain my wife said that she was off to live with her parents and that I could go and stay with mine. Sandy, with many a tear, obviously went to live with her mum while I stayed briefly with my parents before finding myself a flat and a job. The divorce papers followed quite soon afterwards…and I found myself cut off from my soon-to-be ex-wife and my daughter – letters I sent were returned unopened.

But one little letter did reach me – from Sandy.

My eyes were so teary as I read it that it was hard to make out the words – but basically she just professed her love for her Daddy and repeated her promise that she’d always be there for me. I just wished I could send her my love too…


Many years passed. Towards the end of the 1980s I had settled with my second wife and we’d had time to chew over my past. I hadn’t seen, written to or spoken to my daughter since her mother playboy porno and I parted when she was ten and as she reached twenty-one I decided to take the bull by the horns and try to contact her. It had been on my mind for years but I’d waited until she reached a mature age before making my move.

I wrote a long letter to ‘explain’ (apologise) for my absence. Basically; apart from being cut out of my ex-wife’s life, I’d also kept away to avoid friction – I wanted a new life and it was obvious that my ex-wife would have her own life to lead – without me getting in the way.

I heard nothing and thought it best that I just forget the matter, but then, some year or so later, to my pleasure and surprise, I received a letter back from my daughter. It was full of anger and sadness – her mother had told her that I’d gone away and that I didn’t want anything to do with her – which was so far from the truth. We communicated back and forward by letter and gradually sorted out the facts from the fiction and finally we actually had a nice long chat on the phone. We actually found so much to talk about that there were a number of long phone calls; including ones between my daughter and my wife – the contents of which were kept secret from me, however.

Sandy was now starting out on a business career. At 18 she’d left college with decent qualifications and had soon moved away from home – which was why my letter took so long to reach her – and moved into a shared house. She was working hard; she’d bought her own car already and was planning her life ahead – and it didn’t include a husband or babies as yet. It didn’t really include her mother either, whom Sandy now found to be very bossy and puritanical and on top of that, Sandy didn’t think much of her rather idle step-father either.

So, with the summer holidays coming up, we now began considering the prospect of a meeting and eventually a momentous plan was decided – Sandy would come down to our home in Devon from her home in the Midlands, with plans, if all went well, to stay overnight or perhaps for a few days.

We booked her a bed-and-breakfast room locally in case she didn’t want to stay with us – but our spare room was ready in case things went well. My wife and I were allowing Sandy as much manoeuvring room as she needed.

The day got closer and closer – I was really on edge!

I was going to see my much-loved daughter after over ten years apart.

I was like a school-kid – bubbling over with excitement!

Eventually my wife threatened to call the whole thing off if I didn’t behave and then packed me off to the pub to relax and to get me out of the way.

Finally the day came when Sandy was to visit. She gave us a call to say that she was leaving so we knew pretty well when she’d arrive and I’d given her detailed instructions as to how to find our rather remote home so I didn’t expect Sandy to have any problems – and she didn’t. Right on time, her red Renault pulled into our driveway. And from inside the car a tall, utterly gorgeous, fantastically stacked, blonde bombshell emerged – like a beautiful butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.

‘How the hell did my genes produce such a beauty?’ I wondered as I gazed at her.

My wife and I were dumbstruck. But Sandy wasn’t!

“Dad,” she yelled and the next moment she was in my arms and we were kissing and hugging like the long-lost lovers that we never were.

Talk about sexy! She was any man’s wet dream! She must have had a 38D bust and her tits ground into my chest as we hugged. Her face was truly beautiful – her hair was long, blonde and gorgeous. Her body was one of the most fantastic things I’d ever seen on two legs! And her legs just went on forever! Her lips were full, hot and wet and she smelt like honey. She was easily as tall as I was and her pelvis, encased in blue denim jeans, which squirmed against my groin, prompting an immediate reaction. I had an instant hard-on to beat all hard-ons – and Sandy knew it!

“Oh I’ve missed you so much,” we both said, almost together.

She might have been my flesh and blood but she was all hot woman to me at this moment!

Thank heavens that my wife understood how long-lost parents and children feel – she’d been through it with one of her children who’d been away for ten years or so and for now she’d left us in peace for a few minutes.

There were many other small amorous words as we cuddled – until Sandy snapped me back to reality. She whispered softly, “I’ve been waiting for you Dad, and you’ve been waiting for me too, haven’t you?”

I could only go “Mmmmm” in reply – I was too overcome to say anything.

“And now Mummy’s not around any more and I’m an adult, so I’m going to do what it was that I wanted to do so long ago…and I’m going to do the job properly,” she breathed in my ear; her groin rubbing in small circles over my erection.

“Oh God – what’s that?” I asked, still so overcome with emotion that my pornhub porno brain hadn’t caught up with what was happening ‘down there’, “What job?”

“I’m going to love you like I promised; I’m going to make love to you Daddy,” she said simply, “And you’re going to make love to me.”

I was shaking as we pulled apart – had I really heard her words properly?

Eventually Sandy and I pulled ourselves apart and I was able to introduce Sandy formally to my wife (they’d spoken on the phone) and to the cat and the dog and then we gathered her bags and went indoors. While my wife was getting cups of tea organised, I phoned the guesthouse and cancelled the room we’d booked for Sandy – it was pretty obvious that Sandy would be staying with us.

I needed a pee – the tension and excitement had tensed up my bladder so I headed to the bathroom and there I realised that I had a large damp patch on my jeans!

Had my wife noticed? Had Sandy noticed?

My cock was still partially erect and as I pulled back my foreskin to pee, another tear of pre-cum dribbled out. Christ Almighty – I was going to have trouble while Sandy was here! My wife made me horny enough – now I’d got two hot ladies under my roof. I managed to piss – and found a clean pair of jeans in the airing cupboard too and I was respectable and at least temporarily under control when I left the bathroom.

But actually I wasn’t too worried about my wife seeing Sandy and I in a sexual embrace – as I’ll explain.

I’d always told my new wife of my love for my daughter and I think she could see that my feelings were perhaps deeper than they should have been but she quite understood. And the reason was this – my wife was a very exciting woman with a high sex drive and with a very open mind about sex. During our courtship and even once we’d married, we’d shared orgies with friends – we’d had foursomes and threesomes – we’d also even had same-sex sessions with friends.

And in similar fashion to my own circumstances, my wife had enjoyed a sexual relationship with one of her sons. My wife’s second eldest son had an unhappy marriage and despite fathering five kids, he and his wife never saw eye to eye, so we used to invite him to come down alone and spend the occasional week with us. He simply loved the peace and tranquillity and once he found that he was welcome to visit and stay with us, he began to come down quite frequently.

One night when he was with us, I teased my wife about him. He was in the spare room and was probably having a wank, I guessed – I’d heard the pages of a magazine rustling as I passed his door. What a waste of cock, I told her. What a waste of spunk! Wouldn’t she like to get fucked by him? Over quite a few nights I taunted and teased her until finally she consented to having him in our bed – not that she took a lot of convincing as he’d always been her favourite boy. I went and knocked on his door, finding him getting ready for his night-time wank; his erection partially visible under the bedclothes. I sat down and explained the situation and it took him mere seconds before he was leaping out of bed; his hard-on waving before him! A few moments later we headed to our bedroom and as we returned my wife was writhing on the bed, totally naked and just in the middle of enjoying a powerful orgasm.

Her son and I joined her and his eager cock was up inside her juicy cunt in moments. On this first time together my wife came in seconds and came again and again with the excitement of the situation. Her son didn’t last long either and he pumped her full as he fucked her vigorously. It was only after he’d cum that we considered that although I’d been snipped, her son hadn’t – she was now full of potent seed from her own son. It was too late to worry but from then on, until she could get on the pill again, her son shot all his sperm over his mum – and then I licked it up. Actually I tell a lie – she just couldn’t resist having him shoot inside her occasionally and if they got sufficiently excited as they fucked, then his load would be deposited inside her if she could prevent him from withdrawing. The risk simply added to the excitement.

We had some fantastic sex sessions and eventually the fucking and sucking became totally mutual – we all sucked or fucked each other…but the memories of those events are the subject of another story.

This one is about my daughter and me.

Getting back to that first day with my daughter – as I came from the bathroom, my wife and Sandy were arm-in-arm in the kitchen with huge smiles on their faces. It was instantly obvious that they both got on well and, from the looks on their faces, they’d already been talking about me!

“Here comes super-stud!” said my wife – leaving me red-faced as they both burst out laughing.

We left Sandy to unpack in her room while my wife and I stayed in the kitchen to get dinner organised. In the kitchen my wife turned round and embraced me. As I returned the hug, one hand slid down between us to rub my cock through my jeans.

“I saw what happened,” she said.

“What do you mean?” I countered, feigning innocence.

“Your hard-on – the damp patch – you were leaking like crazy! She really turned you on, you horny old goat!” she said, kissing me on the cheek.

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