The Secretary’s Tail Ch. 03


Trent typed feverishly on his older desktop computer keyboard, reminiscing about that lovely night years ago when his cock creamed deep into his ex-wife’s asshole, and sighed.

Man, what I wouldn’t give to go balls deep into Astrid’s tight little butt, he thought. Or front door. It didn’t really matter to him, at this point, he just needed some relief.

He pressed “enter” to save the file he was working on to disk, and reached his hands up and over his head to stretch. Groaning, he slid his office chair backward on it’s tiny wheels, and opened up a file cabinet drawer to withdraw the Peterson file.

This case was ready, he thought, now onto the next one.

He wasn’t sure how he had ended up working as the branch manager of a small insurance company for all these years, other than his lazy nature. The branch was one small part of a large corporation, and he had been managing this rinky dink branch, located in a suburb of St. Paul, MN called Merryville, for more than nine years. With the new help of Astrid, his secretary who had just started this job as she began her first year in college at the U of M, he supervised his small staff, which included the receptionist Tara, and his two insurance agents, Mike and Laura. Mike, Laura, and Trent were a tight knit group after working together for ten years. Tara was a young, somewhat dumb blond, who had just started at the desk this year, while attending her senior year of highs school. Mike was a tall dark-haired, amiable guy, with the sort of boyish charm that kept his customer’s wives signing up for more insurance. And Laura was an older woman in her late 40s with short red hair, still radiating a hint of the beauty and vitality of her youth, since she worked out over three times a week and ate healthy foods.

Trent knew about her health regimen because that was all she ever talked about. She was kind of a fitness nut, as opposed to Mike who subsisted on vending machine lunches and diet Cokes. Every few days Trent would smell some exotic new smell from the breakroom, and wonder what kind of new ethnic wonder food Laura was into this time. Last week, she was really excited about falafel, and the deep fried chickpea balls definitely had a distinct smell wafting around their tiny office, situated on a lonely intersection across from the town’s meager old grocery store.

Well, Trent thought, here I am. I don’t have a lot to complain about. Maggie didn’t try to ream me dry, since I didn’t own anything. She just kind of up and left with the babies 4 years ago. Tallie was 1 1/2 at the time, and he remembered her questioning eyes underneath her whispy Anadolu Yakası Esmer Escort blond hair as her mother packed her bags on their bed, and told Trent that this was it, that she just didn’t feel the love anymore, and he was a worthless lazy man, who never did the dishes or the laundry, and had never done a single nice thing for her for the last two years. He remembered that she had tears running down her cute cheeks as she raged, and that he hadn’t really understand what was going on. Not until later did it all sink in.

Their little boy, Baron, had just been born a couple months prior. Apparently, his birth had given Maggie occasion to think long and hard about what kind of father Trent would be to a little boy, and finally she had realized that he would not be a good one. He was not a good role model for her son, she decided, without consulting Trent, and made arrangements with her mother to leave their shared home.

I still don’t know what I did wrong, he thought as he got up from his chair to bring the completed file to Astrid. He shook his head as if to clear the memories from his mind, and walked out his door. He had the only office in the building, and the other workers were scattered about in the one room, separated by gray cubicle partitions, and illuminated by flickering fluorescent lights.

God, I fucking hate those lights, he thought. They drive me crazy.

Astrid sat with her dark, almost-black, hair up in a sort of loose bun, with a knitting needle stuck through it to keep it together.

“Hi Boss! You got that Peterson claim all ready for processing?” He had always thought her smile lit up the room, her teeth white and her eyes bright.

“Yep, Astrid, here it is. After much turmoil and struggle, I got the damn thing filled out. Can you get it into the system by the end of the day, please? Maybe get us, I mean you and me, some coffee? I think I want to bust out a few more case files before the end of the day. It’s Friday, and I would love to have a clear conscience over the weekend, and not think about my loose ends, if you know what I mean?” Trent handed her the file and smiled.

Astrid whisked the file away to her inbox and tuned back to him. He couldn’t help but notice her cleavage, deep and mysterious, her breasts pressed together by her tight beige sweater vest, the whiteness of her shirt contrasting with her tan breasts.

He knew he was ogling her goods, but couldn’t help himself for a moment.

He looked up to see a knowing smile play across Astrid’s face.

“Um, would it be possible for you to, say, stay a Anadolu Yakası Eve Gelen Escort little late today, so that we can get those things done before the weekend, Astrid?”

She cocked her head. “Of course not Trent, anything for the ‘World’s Greatest Boss’!”

Astrid giggled and swiveled her chair around to get back to work. Trent’s eyes dropped down to stare at her thick thighs laying heavily on the plush seat. The skin showing just below the hem of her blue pleated skirt drove his blood pressure up and through the roof. He gulped.

Good god, he thought, look at that ripe, young flesh.

I would give anything to touch that thigh.

Astrid turned swiftly with a complicated smile on her pixie face, and caught his gaze.

“Anything else, boss? I’ll go get those coffee in about 20 minutes, so that I get there before the coffee shop closes at 5.”

“Thanks Astrid, I hate that swill that we have burning a hole in the pot in the breakroom.”

“No problem, boss!”

It was after 6 when Trent realized he had gotten all the case files filled out that he wanted to for the day.

Getting all that work done before the weekend will allow me to relax for two whole days, he thought. Then the corners of his mouth turned downwards when he realized he didn’t have anything fun planned at all.

God, he thought, sometimes being a divorced dad is the worst possible thing. This isn’t my weekend with the kids, but I don’t have anything else to do. So, either I have a bittersweet wonderful weekend with my offspring, or a bitter sad lonely couple of days by myself. What a drag.

There was a knock on his glass door and Astrid slowly entered. He dragged his gaze away from her curvy yet lithe form, the temptation of which was driving him mad today.

“‘Bout done, boss? I had a dinner date with a girlfriend at about eight o’clock. Just have about enough time to get home, shower, and start up the stove. Waddya think?” She gave him a questioning, hopeful glance.

Trent nodded. “Yep, it is that time. I am goddamned done for the day, can’t take another form to sign, or address to enter. I think it is finally time for some R&R! TGIF!” He mock roared the acronym for “Thank Goodness It’s Friday” and Astrid laughed at his silliness.

“Oh, you’re such a goofball! Well, take care, boss, and see you next Monday!” With that she turned her perky body around and pranced out of his office door. He couldn’t help but watch helplessly as her two buttcheeks battled eachother in an erotic fight beneath her short skirt.

What a true Anadolu Yakası Evi Olan Escort marvel, he thought. The glorious form of a woman’s behind is the only proof that God exists that I know of.

The emptiness of the weekend overcame him for a moment and he grimaced and turned back to his desk to tidy up and get ready to leave.

A quiet knock on his door startled him.

“What!” He barked before realizing it was just Astrid once again.

She poked her cute face through a crack in the door and pouted at him for a moment.

“I just had a thought, boss, I know it isn’t your weekend with the kids, and so I wondered if maybe, possibly, you would be interested in joining Sarah and I for dinner? I kind of half live at her apartment, so that was where I was heading after this. Takes me about 30 minutes on the bus. You interested?” She twirled her hair with a ruby tipped finger.

Was he interested? Trent laughed inside. His eyes inadvertently traveled over her tight little body, with curves in all the right places, and he sighed as his cock twitched in his pants. Oh, yes, he was interested.

“Is this some kind of charity thing, Astrid? I’m flattered, but I’m quite alright on my own, you see. I have plenty of plans for the weekend.” He thought of his lonely apartment and big screen TV waiting for him. Maggie had taken Benjy. The thought of his little Boston Terrier frowning up with innocence and loyalty at him sent a pain of sadness though his heart.

Probably just going to inhale an entire pepperoni pizza and 6-pack of beer while watching Die Hard 2 tonight, he thought. Good old bachelor life.

Astrid shook her head emphatically.

“No, silly, we just like company, that’s all! You’re a funny guy, and kinda cute! Maybe you and Sarah will hit it off!” With that Astrid let out a howl of laughter, as if that was the funniest thing in the world.

“Well, I guess I could be persuaded. I don’t see any harm in that.”

“Oh, come on, party pooper, come pop a bottle of wine with us and talk about insurance claims!” She laughed again and winked at Trent. He gulped and he could feel his penis hardening, thickening into a rod of lust.

“Alright. I’ll come. But we don’t need to take the bus, obviously, I’ll drive. Let me get my coat and let’s get the hell out of here.” Trent nodded at the door and Astrid popped her head back out.

“Yippee!” He heard her exclaim as he shut down his computer and grabbed his coat from the rack near the door. How could she have so much energy after such a long boring day at work?

His heart fluttered as he shut his office door.

Obviously it would be morally wrong to try to hit on Astrid, he thought. But maybe this Sarah girl was pretty? Maybe she was loose. Or better yet, a serous slut.

He chuckled as he headed toward the exit, where Astrid was waiting expectantly, shouldering on a small leather jacket that emphasized the slimness of her waist and impressive hips.

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