Dinner and Then Some Ch. 01


By Paris Waterman & I. M. Guess

Way back in 2000 or so, I read a short story by I. M. Guess that absolutely intrigued me. It cried out for more chapters. I contacted Ms. Guess and relayed my thoughts, but she demurred, inviting me to do the addition if I chose too. I did and this is the result. I made only modest changes to Chapter One, then completed the story, with the approval of Ms. Guess.

Chapter One

It was their fifteenth anniversary and Leigh wanted it to be a celebration. However, persuading her loving husband, Michael to travel into the city beyond his practice and the never-ending series of lectures he gave weekly at the medical center and the nearby University was posing quite a problem for her.

She was just emerging from the shower. Glancing in the fogged mirror she saw reflected a good-looking, light-brown-haired woman, perhaps thirty-five years of age returning her stare.

Leigh walked into the bedroom still toweling her hair. Michael lay on the king-size bed waiting for her, his fat cock lolling on his belly.

He smiled at her, and she responded with one of her own. Then she did a slow pirouette.

“Like it?”

“Yes of course I like your body. I always have, and I always will.”

His cock stirred, as if awakening from a deep slumber.

“You’re so sweet . . .” Leigh giggled. “And I see your friend is waiting for me.”

Michael maneuvered himself to the edge of the bed and reached for her. Taking care not to hurt his testicles, Leigh sat on his lap.

He buried his face in the hollow of her throat, murmured, “You smell of soap, so fresh and ripe.”

Leigh laughed nervously as he nibbled at her ear lobe and then her throat. Then, unable to contain her rising lust, she began to squirm.

“You’re doing that on purpose,” he said.

“I want to see how hard I can make you,” she tittered.

Wanting to say something to commemorate their anniversary, Michael said, “I’m so glad we met.”

“And you made an honest woman of me too,” she said and tweaked his left nipple.

“The way you shop? I’m not so sure of that,” he said returning the compliment.

“What?” Leigh said caught off-guard by his words, not knowing if he were kidding or serious.

“Still,” he continued, ignoring her, “I wouldn’t trade you for the world.”

“Oh, Michael,” she said, relieved at his last words, “I love you so much . . .”

They kissed, enjoying the ritual of exploring each other’s mouth for the ten thousandth time.

A few minutes later, Leigh lay anxiously on her stomach, her legs apart, providing Michael with his favorite view of her body.

He was languidly caressing the small of her back, working his way to her buttocks. Leigh shivered when his fingers lightly meandered over her twin globes, already anticipating what was to come next.

With the first touch of his tongue on her anus, she felt a rush of excitement from her toes to her clitoris, and then to the tips of her breasts.


Her hands blindly clutched at the sheets and finding them, entwined her fingers in them as she sobbed: “Michael, I …Oh, Oh …I love you!”

Then he was kissing his way up her back, lavishing wet kisses on her shoulder blades and then the back of her neck. Leigh couldn’t lie still any longer and sought his mouth with hers, as Michael’s hands roamed her body. She thought his hands felt like vibrators, leaving little electronic stimulation’s wherever they went. She was totally relaxed now. The kiss ended, and Michael moved down her body, returning to her ass. Leigh sighed as his hands drew the cleft of her ass apart.

“You have the most beautiful ass, my darling.”

“You really like it Michael?”

“Oh, yes. I’m fascinated with it. I’ve always been fascinated by it.”

“And why is that?” She asked, knowing he loved to look at it, and more than look, especially just after she’d washed it.

He didn’t answer her; instead he flicked his serpentine tongue along the tiny pleats of skin surrounding her anus, causing her to groan with pleasure. Then his tongue was exploring her tight anal channel, relentlessly probing, as she writhed before him, the bed sheets clenched tightly in her fists.

And, when Michael ended his assault, she raised her rump up high, presenting him with a more favorable view, and to her delight, Michael began anew, this time licking a wide swath from her anus to her mons before returning to her rectum again.

Leigh groaned as his fingers feathered across her dampened labia; then ever so slowly, parted those delectable folds and entered her, making lazy circles as they moved deeper.

Her hips responded, jerking in rhythm to his movements as if she were a puppet on a string. He continued licking her, listening carefully as his wife’s breathing rate increased dramatically.

“Jesus, Michael . . . that’s unbelievably good.”

“Anything for you, lover.”

“Make me come soon . . .”

“Soon, my love.”

“Ohhhh, Ümraniye Ukraynalı Escort Michael . . . you’re going to make me wait?”

“Patience, Leigh. Just think of all your friends.”

“My friends? What do my friends have to do with anything?”

“Everything. Every other Saturday night, maybe they get five minutes of missionary-style grunting in the dark. Meanwhile, you get nibbled on for hours; and it’s not every other Saturday night, either.”

“Ohhhh,” she wailed forlornly, as his finger left her pussy.

“Don’t pout.”

“I can’t stand waiting.”

“Bull! You’ve told Jenny about us; how you love the prolonged fucking I give you.”


“Yes! Why else would she mention that she just loves to be breathed on and nibbled during sex?”

“She told you that?”

“I’m not making it up.”

“That bitch!”

“So, you did tell her.”

“Well, maybe I hinted to her . . . .”

“You damn well told her how I tease you.”

“You’re right, I did,” she said contritely.

Michael held his finger up for Leigh’s inspection. “See how you glisten on my finger.”

“You’re not going to . . .?”

But the finger was already circling around Leigh’s puckered opening.


The finger gently entered her ass.

Leigh moaned each time he delved deeper into her.

With his free hand, Michael reached for the lubricant, and the smell of fresh strawberries filed the room as he massaged it into her opening.

“Lift up for me,” he said quietly.

Leigh raised her ass, and pressed her head down into the pillow.

She grunted as he entered her. The pain if one could call it that was negligible, and soon he was deep inside her, glorying in the tightness of her membranes as they clutched his cock. His strokes were long and slow at first, but he was gliding easily in and out.

Michael sighed then whispered, “Ah, you feel sooo good, love,” then increased his pace and changed the angle of his thrust. He laughed when he felt Leigh’s hand seeking out her clit and soon after he emptied himself into her anal channel.

After taking a brief moment to collect his breath, Michael moved silently over the mound of her belly to her second, smaller mound, decorated with light brown hair, and after spreading her dampened labia apart, began to flick his tongue over her swollen clitoris.

Leigh felt her orgasm approaching and groaned, holding his head tightly against her. Michael rolled her clit between his tongue and palate; the sweet pressure hastened her climax, and when Michael began to suck on it while squeezing her left breast, she shuddered and came.

A few minutes later Leigh opened her eyes to find Michael hovering above her. She smiled, and licked her lips. He kissed her lightly.

“Another?” He asked, his voice sounding husky and virile to her.

“What? She said groggily, then, realizing what he was proposing answered, “No, that was wonderful, thank you.”

A moment later, she said, “Michael?”

“Yes dear?”

“You know our anniversary is coming up?”


“Oh, nothing, forget it.”

“No, darling, what is it?”

Leigh had, from the beginning of their marriage, accepted the trials and tribulations of being married to a well-known plastic surgeon. Accommodating his rigid schedule meant little time for nights out in the city. But Michael had made the mistake of asking what she really wanted to do this year. Now that the door had been opened, Leigh seized upon it.

“How about taking in a show and getting a bite to eat in the city on our anniversary? What do you say, Michael?”

Michael somewhat distractedly, looked at her, as she continued.

“You know, away from everything and everybody. Just the two of us, a wonderful idea, don’t you think, dear?”

Seeing his expression, Leigh mentally clicked her heels in delight. ‘A picture is worth a thousand words,’ she thought, ‘and his goes way beyond that. I’ve got him!’

Michael, loving her as he did, could only muster a weak, “Wonderful idea Leigh, I can’t wait. I’ll make some calls in the morning.”

Leigh smiled radiantly, knowing damn well he hated the idea, but she’d known he’d accede to her request. He really never could refuse her.

Several days later, their anniversary arrived. It was a perfect lazy fall evening, somewhat warm and humid for September. The clear night sky unveiled thousands of stars that shone brightly in the northern sky, and the oppressive humidity seemed lessened by the soft breeze blowing in from the nearby water.

Leigh, wearing a black negligee walked into the bathroom, sat on the toilet and peed. Michael was across the room shaving and cut himself as he peeked at her as she wiped herself. He loved watching her pee and told her so.

She flushed the toilet and sauntered over to him.

“Turned you on, did I?”

He grunted.

She reached to his front and jiggled his Ümraniye Üniversiteli Escort cock. It wasn’t quite hard, but it was getting there.

“Save it for later,” she said, lewdly licking her lips for emphasis.

Michael watched her image in the mirror as she headed into the bedroom to dress. Leigh surprised him by closing the door behind her.

Peeling off the negligee, Leigh stood nude and looked pensively into the full-length mirror. She lifted her breasts up for inspection. They weren’t large, but men had always made a fuss over them, especially her nipples, which jutted out a half-inch and were not fully aroused. Leigh had a smirk on her face as her thumbs flicked them to their fullest and admired them. More than adequate, she decided. Pouting, she idly searched through her lingerie, tossing items aside until she came up with a white lacy garter belt.

The memory of her first time wearing a garter belt flooded her consciousness. She’d just turned eighteen and wanted desperately to impress Chester. God, she thought, I actually had the hots for a guy named Chester. Well, she told herself, he was Chet today, and a very successful writer.

Leigh smiled at the memory. She’d worn the garter belt over frilly white satin panties and put a white dress on over them, not realizing that in certain lighting the dress was almost transparent. She’d caused a sensation at the bar when she walked in to meet him. Leigh giggled as she recalled how quickly Chester had whisked her out to his car and away from what appeared to be a frenzied group of his friends.

That had been the first time she’d been eaten and she was delighted with the experience. They had rutted like rabbits for two months, then when her period was late Chester showed his true colors and deserted her. Two days later she began to spot, but she never called him again. On her nineteenth birthday Leigh met Michael while walking in the park and the rest was history.

Leigh decided to wear the garter belt, and hooked her hose to them just to heighten Michael’s interest later on then she donned a black cocktail dress that revealed just a little cleavage. Selecting the right earrings took longer than any other part of her dressing. When she’d finished she wandered into the kitchen for a glass of water. Moments later, Michael walked in to ask her if she approved of his attire. He wore a three-piece gray pinstripe suit and held a bouquet of pink gardenias out to her. He was grinning.

Leigh thought of him as her big bear and gazed into his cheerful blue eyes.

“Thank you, kind sir. They’re lovely. And you are lovely too,” she said adjusting his tie. She reminded herself just how lucky she was to have him as her man. She truly loved him.

The limo arrived on time, and Leigh felt drawn even closer to her husband as he insisted on holding the door open for her over the mild objection of the driver, who scooted back behind the wheel.

They found themselves in their own little world as the greenery from their humdrum suburban surroundings whizzed by. Leigh thinking ahead had insisted he leave his cell phone behind, and after agonizing over the dire consequences that could befall him without its availability, he’d tossed it onto his pillow before heading for the front door.

Leigh leaned her head onto Michael’s shoulder, thinking, no phones, no stress, no problems; we’re definitely taking advantage of the moment.

But apparently, Michael had other ideas, for to Leigh’s chagrin, he began talking with the driver about the game the previous night. The driver was only too happy to respond and valuable time passed before it occurred to Leigh that grabbing Michael’s penis might just get him back on track.

She ran her fingernail along his length, somewhat smaller than a few minutes earlier, and half-circled the tip of his cock. Michael got the message and ended his conversation. They looked at one another, that special look both knew so well. Their eyes met and conveyed the message of a deeper love. Leigh was reminded of their very first time, thinking that she seemed a little hornier than usual this evening. Gradually both realized the driver was paying them no mind, and their hands traveled lightly over the linen that each wore, whispering erotic promises to the skin beneath. Michael’s long fingers continued to gift Leigh with soft, fleeting touches that stirred her. He’d always been able to do that. And she was ever grateful for it.

“You and your magical hands,” she whispered into his ear as he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer. In turn, Leigh’s hand toyed with the silky hair at the nape of his neck while the other crept tantalizingly along his inner thigh. She sensed his unease at her brazenness. God, she thought, how I wish Michael wasn’t so damn reserved at times, but maybe I can persuade him to get playful in the backseat. We’ve got all this room. It would be a shame to waste it. And so what if the driver takes a peek or two.

Their eyes locked Ümraniye Vip Escort and Leigh smiled while rubbing the palm of her hand up and down his just discovered hardness. Michael groaned and she squeezed him harder. Leigh realized he was going to give in to her seconds before their lips touched. Softly, merely brushing across the others a series of little licks followed, then with open mouths, the kiss deepened. Leigh tugged Michael’s fly open, extracting his rock hard manhood. Just as she was bending to pay it the homage it deserved, the driver interrupted to announce they had arrived.

A grumpy Michael carefully replaced his cock and shyly attempted to cover the lump in his pants as he got out of the limo. Giggling like a schoolgirl, Leigh’s hand brushed against it as she emerged from the limo, causing Michael to turn crimson with embarrassment.

‘If only he knew, I’ve merely just begun. This is going to be a very enjoyable evening,’ she told herself. ‘Oh, you lug, I love you so much. I feel guilty about tricking you into taking me out, but how else could I have managed it?’

The plan was to take in an early show and then grab dinner at one of the many restaurants in the district. “Rent” turned out to be a fabulous show, and when Michael realized it was based on Puccini’s opera “La Boheme,” even though set in New York’s East Village, he was captivated. Leigh found herself humming one of the tunes as they exited the theatre, and felt good about having gone even though the tickets were $120 each. They agreed it was a tragedy that Jonathan Larson died before being able to see the opening performance of his smash hit.

Around them, people poured out of the theatre. Everyone was talking, gesturing, or shouting with laughter as they tried to hail a cab to whisk them into the next part of their evening. Michael and Leigh were no exception. Although unlike those around them, they decided catching a cab was impossible, put their arms around each another’s waist and idly made their way from West 41st Street to 53rd Street and Etrusca’s, a marvelous Italian restaurant, totally lost in the feel of one another.

Needless to say, there was a small group of people ahead of them, but they found seats and waited patiently. Leigh couldn’t help but notice one particular man. Tall and slim dressed casually in black, but very trendy. His salt and pepper hair, combed straight back gave him a rather distinguished look. But, it was his eyes that caught her attention. Leigh had always had this thing about eyes, as if one could gaze into the soul of a person through their eyes. The man’s were dark brown, almost black. She found something bewitching about them, but couldn’t pin it down. They weren’t sinister, but they were beguiling, almost hypnotic, at least that’s what Leigh felt when he met her eyes and held them for a moment.

Quickly, she broke the connection between them she had the strangest feeling that this “mystery man” was luring her closer and closer to him, to some mystical place that she might dare to venture. Leigh shivered from a sudden chill.

“Are you all right dear?” Michael asked with concern.

“Oh, yes. I must have got caught in a draft when someone opened the door.”

Michael returned to studying the Daily Specials on the blackboard in front of him, and Leigh struggled to regain her composure, and succeeded, managing a strained smile as the mystery man walked by, his face expressionless. Still, Leigh had an eerie feeling creep through her, and the hairs on the back of her neck rose.

“We should be called soon,” Michael said casually. He nudged her lightly with his arm.


“Look at the lovers.” Sitting to Leigh’s left were two young lovers who could barely keep their hands off one another, and of course, the “mystery man” stood close by. She looked over Michael’s shoulder at another, older couple, just entering through the door.

“Let’s be nice and give them our seats,” she whispered to Michael. “We won’t be standing long.”

“That’s fine with me,” he said, rising. After surrendering their seats to the older couple they stood near the entrance to the dining room. Michael was behind her with his hands on her waist. His body was very close to Leigh’s, which was unusual for him and surprised Leigh. She pressed back, feeling his bulge against the rise of her ass and derived great pleasure just knowing how well she was affecting him. With an inward smile, Leigh told herself that this was a pleasant surprise, recalling that Michael was always reserved and that it was she who always wanted more.

Had the young couple aroused him, she wondered. She pondered this for a moment. ‘I’m always trying to pleasure him and he doesn’t understand half the things I’m trying to do. For God’s sake, there are actually times he’s embarrassed with my sexual hunger.’ Then, in a moment of clarity, she understood. It was she who wanted him to take control at those times and he never did. ‘Except for my ass,’ she told herself.

The maitre d’ interrupted Leigh’s thoughts and suavely escorted them to a table. Leigh felt almost regal as she walked among New York’s elite then had her chair held out for her and sat down amidst some of the richest people in the world. The room was crowded with the usual blur of sounds expected in a place of this caliber in New York.

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