Flight to Submission Ch. 13


Stephanie awoke with golden sunlight bathing her face. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table. Its dial showed the time was approaching 6am. She stretched luxuriantly, relishing the feel of the quality sheets against her skin. Her body felt supple and relaxed and she felt more alert than she had in years!

On the dot of 6am, the door opened and David walked into the room and smiled to see his sub already awake. Stephanie raised her eyes to her Master’s and smiled, the action giving her a luminous beauty. David’s breath caught in his throat as he was struck yet again with the potential of the young woman in front of him.

Carefully schooling his face so as not to betray his thoughts, he moved to Stephanie’s bed. He swiftly pulled back the covers, revealing her naked body. The welts from yesterday’s use of the cane were still visible, although lighter than yesterday.

David was gratified to see that Mistress C had been considerate of his wishes, using the cane with only a light hand. He had no doubt, however, that to Stephanie, the bite had been harsh.

As a sub, Stephanie was going to have to learn to accept pain and punishment without protest as it was an integral part of her training and a reinforcement of her position as a submissive.

Indeed, he had planned her first serious punishment session for this morning, introducing her to the intensity of sensations that can come from the application of pain. It was not something he relished doing, but it was a necessary part of her training and he was nothing if not thorough.

It would do her no favours if he were to go easy on her. Indeed, he intended to be perhaps a little more harsh with her to ensure that anything she was subsequently exposed to would be well within her capability to endure.

He did not intend to turn her into a pain slut (oh how he hated that designation!), but he did intend that she be capable of enduring punishment with the necessary acceptance and obedience of a perfect sub.

He undid the wrist cuff from the bed, attached a leash to Stephanie’s collar and gave a gentle tug to encourage her to get up. She almost bounced out of bed, so eager was she to obey her Master.

She immediately assumed Position 1, with her legs spread wide, hands behind her back, pelvis tilted forwards, exposing her bare mound & pussy, breasts thrust forwards for her Master’s inspection.

David ran a light finger over each of her breasts and nipples, pleased to see how quickly they responded to his touch. Stephanie licked her lips as a surge of desire shot through her. He moved one hand down to her exposed pussy and was pleased to feel the moistness and heat emanating from it. Stephanie was responding beautifully to her training!

Giving another gentle tug to her leash, David led Stephanie out of her bedroom and into the bathroom. She was by now becoming accustomed to the fact that she would have to perform her most private bodily functions under the gaze of her Master and without demur, she followed as he led her over to the toilet.

“Assume Position 1 and straddle the toilet,” David commanded.

Stephanie obediently followed his orders and placed herself in position. She looked to her Master for his permission, and when he nodded, she let herself release a golden flow. He waited until he was sure she had finished and then wiped her clean before leading her to the shower. She felt slightly humiliated to be wiped off like a child but knew better by now than to protest.

David withdrew a set of neoprene cuffs from his pockets and secured them around Stephanie’s wrists and ankles. He moved her into the shower and had her kneel on the floor with her ankles spread wide.

He took 2 clips and secured the cuffs to bolts in the shower’s floor. He then took 2 smaller clips and used them to secure Stephanie’s wrists to her collar. He pushed gently but firmly between her shoulder blades until her head was resting on the floor of the shower and then secured her leash to yet another bolt, holding her firmly in position.

Stephanie heard his footsteps echoing around the bathroom and the sound of running water. She knew what was coming next and had to bite back a groan of dismay. David’s footsteps drew close and then she felt him smooth lubricant around and inside her asshole and her dismay turned to desire as his actions started to stimulate her. She could feel her pussy start to throb as his fingers massaged her hole and once again she was amazed at how quickly her body responded to her Master’s touch!

All too soon his fingers were replaced by the cool metal of the enema’s nozzle and warm water started to flow into her back passage, continuing until she felt her abdomen start to swell and the pressure build in intensity. Just when she felt she could take no more, the flow of water stopped and David eased a plug into her back passage, ensuring there would be no leakage.

He left her in position and moved back into the bedroom to lay out some items that would be in use throughout the day. He kept ankarakazan.com alert for any sounds of distress coming from the bathroom. He knew being filled by so much water could be a trial, but it was essential that Stephanie become accustomed to being completely clean in every way. Indeed, he would be furthering her conditioning in that respect this morning.

When he noted that 15 minutes had passed, he returned to the bathroom. He could hear Stephanie’s breath was starting to come in pants, a clear indication that she was finding her situation hard to bear. He released her from her restraints although he kept her wrists secured to her collar, and once again led her to the toilet and commanded her to assume Position 1 over it.

Gratefully, she complied and waited patiently although she was in some discomfort, for her Master to withdraw the plug from her ass. David stood in front of her and captured her gaze with his.

“Remember, sub, you may not release until I give you permission to do so,” he told her.

As he had not given her permission to speak, Stephanie instead nodded her head to show she understood. David nodded in approval and moved his hand behind her, gently easing the plug out of her back passage.

“Hold it,” he barked at her as a tiny amount of liquid flowed out in its wake.

Desperately, Stephanie tightened her sphincter until there was no further leakage. David made her hold it for a further minute, although to her it seemed infinitely longer, and then gave her permission to release. She was so grateful to be allowed to do so that she completely forgot any inhibitions she had previously experienced in performing this most private of functions in front of another.

David was pleased. He was certain that by the time her week of intensive training was complete, Stephanie would have shed most of the unnecessary inhibitions that would have held her back.

When he was certain she had finished, he led her back into the shower and once again repeated his actions, this time without tethering her in place as she would only be filled for a few minutes. He also chose not to replace the butt plug, instead insisting that she maintain control and not allow any liquid to escape.

Stephanie tried desperately to obey her Master, but despite her best efforts, could not prevent a small trickle from escaping from time to time.

“Not good enough, sub,” David told her firmly. “You must learn to have complete control over your body so that you may obey any command your Master gives you, immediately and completely! This inability to obey a simple command will be added to your list of infractions and taken into account in your punishment session later. You WILL learn to be completely and utterly obedient to every command you are given!”

Stephanie shivered slightly at the implacable tone in her Master’s voice. She hated to disappoint him and in her current position, she couldn’t see the compassion in his face that his voice concealed. He knew she was trying her best but couldn’t afford to be lax at this early stage in her training. If she was to reach the heights he foresaw for her, he had to be strict and thorough in his training. Anything less would do her a disservice!

He waited a little longer until he could see Stephanie trembling with the effort of obeying her Master’s command and finally told her she could squat and release. Trembling from the intense concentration she had needed to obey her Master and gratitude at his permission being given, Stephanie once again released the contents of her back passage, this time in a clear flow.

Her Master then surprised her by insisting she once again kneel, with her head on the floor and started to shake. She couldn’t face being filled a third time but didn’t know how to tell her Master.

David noticed her reaction and bent down, gently stroking her naked back and murmuring quietly to her.

“Do not worry, little one,” he reassured her. “You will not be filled there again today.”

Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief at his words. Her Master seemed to be able to read her as clearly as she could read a book!

“Now spread your legs as wide as they will go,” David commanded.

Without thinking, Stephanie did as he commanded and waited, her pussy completely exposed and open in this position. All of a sudden she felt his fingers, slippery with some kind of liquid, start to work in and out of her pussy.

He started with just 2 fingers but slowly added 2 more, also slippery with liquid. Stephanie moaned. Never had her pussy been stretched so wide but although she was uncomfortable at first, David’s experienced ministrations soon had her squirming with a very different reaction. She was, therefore, startled when he brought his other hand down hard on her ass.

“Keep still, sub,” he commanded.

Stephanie compressed her lips together and tried to obey her Master but his fingers working inside her pussy were stimulating her and stoking her desire to be fucked. Finally he withdrew from her and once again she was startled as a strong jet of water gushed into her pussy.

She moaned in response to the extraordinary sensations this created but managed this time not to squirm. Finally the water too, was withdrawn and David allowed her to regain her feet. As she did so, warm water trickled from her pussy down the insides of her thighs, bringing a flush to her cheeks.

Her pussy was throbbing in desire and her nipples were hard and erect. David looked at her consideringly and decided he could not trust her to wash herself today. There was too much of a risk that she would listen to the demands of her body and end up disobeying him without meaning to. While he wanted her body immediately responsive to every command, he did not want to give her any unnecessary opportunities to disobey him. It would be counter-productive to her training!

Commanding her to maintain her standing position in the shower, he moved out of the bathroom and down the corridor to the bedroom he shared with Sue.

“Would it be possible to borrow Kristy?” he asked. “Stephanie has been aroused by the addition of the pussy cleansing and I don’t want her touching herself so soon afterwards,” he explained at Sue’s enquiring look.

Understanding and sympathy dawned on Sue’s face. “Of course you may borrow Kristy,” she said, and rose, moving out of their bedroom towards another door. As she opened it, she smiled to see Kristy sprawled on her double bed, tethered to it by one ankle but nevertheless managing to take up the entire space.

She clapped her hands sharply and Kristy blinked sleepy eyes as the sound woke her from sleep. As soon as she recognised her Mistress standing in the doorway, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and rose to her feet, automatically assuming Position 1 and awaiting instructions. Whilst the household were all early risers, it was unusual to have a 6:15am start!

“I have been asked for the use of your services to assist with Stephanie,” Sue told her. “She has apparently reacted very strongly to some of this morning’s actions and her Master wishes to prevent any inadvertent disobedience on her part. You are to report to the bathroom as soon as possible.”

With that, she unlocked Kristy’s ankle from the bed and gestured for her to exit the room. At an enquiring look from her sub, sue advised that she could walk to the bathroom, as long as she maintained a suitably appropriate demeanour.

Kristy immediately lowered her eyes and placed her hands behind her back before gracefully making her way to the bathroom, her body swaying sexily, a gait that was by now, instinctive and ingrained. Sue paused for a moment to appreciate the beauty of her sub before returning to her bedroom.

David had, of course, moved back to the bathroom as soon as she had left, so she snuggled back down between the silk sheets for a few more minutes rest before facing her day.

David’s request had surprised her. She had known that the new sub was responsive but had not realised how quickly her body was becoming conditioned to want, no crave, sexual gratification. David was wise to put some safeguards into place!

Back in the bathroom, Kristy entered quietly and demurely, moving to stand before David, her eyes lowered, her whole body indicating openness and obedience.

David quietly murmured instructions in her ear and she moved into the shower, turning on the water, which was already set to a suitable temperature. When Stephanie realised who was standing in the shower next to her, her mouth dropped open in surprise. She was getting used to her Master’s presence in the bathroom every morning, so much so that she no longer had any qualms about performing her morning rituals in front of him, but she slightly shocked when Kristy appeared beside her. Her eyes flew to her Master’s for reassurance.

“Kristy will be bathing you this morning, Stephanie,” he said quietly but firmly. “Whilst I am happy with your progress so far, you appear to be slightly overstimulated this morning. It will be safer for you to allow yourself to be bathed by someone else this morning as you are not allowed to touch yourself sensually yet.”

Stephanie flushed in mortification. She knew she had been turned on when her Master was cleansing her pussy and was embarrassed that she was unable to control her body’s reactions.

David, ever observant, reached out and tilted her chin until his eyes captured hers.

“Don’t worry, little sub,” he reassured her gently, “this is your body’s natural reaction to the training you are receiving. I want you to be highly responsive but you have to have extreme control too and at this point, you don’t have it. I am not willing to risk a set back at this stage of your training and therefore I have asked Kristy to assist. She will do this every morning until you can bring your body’s reactions under control.”

“This is not a reflection upon you, Stephanie,” he assured her as a trace of tears appeared in her eyes. “I am merely taking measures to ensure your training proceeds in a way that gives maximum benefit to you without risking setbacks that might damage your confidence.”

Stephanie nodded, to show she understood what her Master was telling her but she was still mortified that her body had betrayed her! Kristy leaned towards her and murmured in her ear.

“Don’t worry, honey,” she whispered. “It happens to us all at first!”

Her words, following so closely upon her Master’s reassurance, helped Stephanie to regain her equilibrium and she stood quietly as Kristy proceeded to soap her body and wash her hair. It felt strange to feel another woman’s hands on her skin but once again, she could feel her body respond to Kristy’s touch. She firmly put a clamp on her emotions and concentrated on her Master, who stood in front of the shower, impassively watching the proceedings.

Kristy was very thorough, knowing that nothing less than complete attention to detail would please the Master. Finally she glanced at him for confirmation and received his nod of satisfaction. She turned off the water and stepped, dripping wet, out of the shower.

David indicated that she could dry herself off but made Stephanie wait until Kristy had exited the room before handing her a towel. He allowed her to dry herself off and dry and style her hair, before clipping the leash once more to her collar and leading her back to the bedroom.

Once there, he instructed her to lie face up on the bed. When she did so, he secured her wrists to the bedposts and then drew her legs up towards her head before securing the ankle cuffs to the same posts to which her wrists were attached. Stephanie now lay with her ass and pussy raised and completely exposed. She had no idea what was going to happen next but trusted her Master and no sound of protest or enquiry escaped her lips.

David massaged her mound for a few moments, teasing her clit until he could see moisture glistening at the entrance of her pussy. He reached across to the bedside table, retrieving what he had placed there earlier. One by one, he slowly inserted 4 kegel balls into her pussy, pushing firmly to ensure that each one was deeply embedded into her. When he was satisfied that they were securely in place, he released both her ankles and wrists from their bonds and helped her to a sitting position.

Stephanie gasped as the action set the balls moving inside her pussy, creating an incredible sensation!

“You will keep these inside you until I decide to remove them, sub,” David told her. “You will be expected to use them every day this week as they will help to strengthen your muscles, thereby giving your Master a more intense experience. They will also tighten your pussy, again something that I desire. Do you understand?”

Stephanie nodded, trying to adjust to the feeling of the 4 balls moving around inside her every time she shifted her body.

“Good!” David said, removing the now soaked collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, patting the skin underneath dry before replacing them with leather ones.

“You will tell nobody of this and if they notice something is different, I shall be extremely disappointed. As a sub, it is incumbent on you to conduct yourself with grace no matter the circumstance. I will be lenient with the first instance of someone noticing anything, but any instance after that will incur punishment. Do I make myself clear, sub? He paused.

“You may answer, sub,” he said.

“Yes Master,” Stephanie said meekly, wondering how on earth she was to prevent herself from giving away the fact that the balls were constantly stimulating her!

He attached the leash once again and led her out of her bedroom and into the dance studio, where she found Samantha, the yoga instructor, waiting for her. Stephanie was somewhat distracted by the movement of the balls inside her pussy but nevertheless smiled a greeting as Samantha indicated she should take a place opposite her.

David unclipped the leash and left the room, after bestowing a warning look on Stephanie to reinforce his command to her.

Samantha’s voice was like smooth caramel as she started the session, talking Stephanie through the various warm up poses. However, she soon became aware that Stephanie’s mind was only half engaged with what she was doing. She had a distracted look on her face and was constantly shifting when the poses required absolute stillness.

She placed a gently hand on Stephanie’s hand and was startled when the woman jumped.

“Is something wrong, Stephanie?” she asked and wondered why the young woman’s face flamed bright red.

“It’s n-nothing, Samantha,” she stammered. “I’m sorry, I promise I’ll focus properly!”

Stephanie’s heart sank. She hadn’t even completed the warm up exercises and already she had given herself away! She knew that the next time she gave herself away, she would incur a punishment. She gave herself a firm mental command to ignore the sensations the balls were generating in her pussy and concentrate on the task at hand. With a supreme effort of will, she managed to get through the rest of the session without incurring any more questions from her instructor.

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