Catheter for Hubby Pt. 01


My hubby has problems with the prostate, and retention for 10 years. When he finished on emergency medical assistance for the first time. they put a catheter and he carried it for 20 days. almost every time he had a catheter, he would get infection, UTI, or CUTI. After several times at Urology he would end up with UTI and catheter each time.

Everything calmed down and could pee in a natural way.

Sometimes things would get complicated and ended up on an emergency. I’ve always been with him on an emergency, and at that time I learned the procedure of catheterization. For a long time I put cath to my hubby, interment or permanent, Folley. This year he got the inflammation again and ended up on an emergency. He got the drugs. After that, he was in control of Urologist. Urologist examined him in just a couple of minutes and sent out.

As we cut the paperwork at the nurse, I started talking to her, Hubby got out. I asked why the doctor did not want to explain it anymore. She replied that they were not interested in treatment. but only for surgery because they were paid extra. I learned that nurse name was Diana.

Me: What Causes Hubby Infection?

Diana: This is a bit difficult to explain in a couple of minutes, I have a patient every 5 minutes I have to send 1 patient to the doctor and 1 out. I learned that nurse name was Diana. Then I invited her to dinner, she was very sinop escort kind to me.

For the weekend she came to us. Diana is beautiful, in her 50 years, short hair cut as a soldier, very kind and professional. First we had dinner, then I told her the story, and then I encouraged her to tell me about Infections, UTI and CUTI.

Hubby was there and mostly listened.

Diana: I emphasize that hygiene and sterilization are the first precondition for termination of UTI.

Diana: Is your Hubby now wearing a catheter?

Me: yes.

Diana: Can I see it?

Me: yes.

ME: DH (dear hubby) show the Catheter to the nurse.

Hubby blushed like a lobster. I slightly raised the tone and he came to us and stood there between us. I pulled his pants to his knees. Diana looked carefully and caught the catheter tube to look better.

Diana: it’s okay, everything is clear to me.

Hubby was embarrassed, disappeared into his room.

Diana: Can you show me the room where you put the catheter?

I reluctantly showed her to the bedroom. Diana looked all over as an inspector. By the way, I showed her the house. We got into the living room.

Diana: It would be a good idea to write down all that I’m going to say to you. Success will depend on how much you will accomplish what I say.

I took a note and started writing.


1. sinop escort bayan You must have a sterile room where you will put a catheter.

2. A medical bed, a gynecological hospital.

3. The room must be freshly painted and disinfected.

4. The floor must be kept every day clean.

5. The bedding must be sterile.

6. Your hubby must wear cotton panties, clean every day, preferably female, ladies.

7. Must take a shower every day.

8. You and he must have short hairstyles, like mine.

9. You must take off all clothes, fabrics from all the house and wash at high temperature.

10. Hubby must remove all pubic hairs, and preferably under the armpits. Torso shorter cropped.

11. Disinfect all door latches and all the items you touch with your hands.

12. Always use a hand disinfectant.

13. Remote TV controllers and similar disinfection.

14 wrap them in the nylon bag that you will change every two days.

15. Place the light sensor in the toilets and passageways so that you do not have to touch the switches.

16. Completely change the present style of life.

17. Put the bactericidal UV lamp in the medical room.

18. Dogs and cats. get out of the house.

19. Call a builder who will close all the cracks on the house and floor.

20. Place the bactericidal shoe cleanser escort sinop at the entrance.

21. Never go in the house with your shoes.

22. Make a dressing room at the entrance.

23 Treat the garden against insects.

24 Place mosquito nets on all windows.

Diana: Do you have a dildo?

Me: I did not understand what you wanted.

Diana: Well, artificial penis, more realistic and 1 catheter.

Me: Of course I have, I’ve bring

Diana explained to me the exact procedure for putting a catheter, penis hold, squeeze and all the details. She explained to me many more details about bladder discharge.

25. The Hubby must discharge the bladder every 2 to 3 hours.

26. Must sit while peeing.

27. You need to make a toilet bowl with backrest, so he can sit as in armchair.

28. Measure and write every amount of urine.

29. Write the exact quantity of liquids he drinks per day.

30.Write the temperature inside and out the house.

I wrote everything and many more details.

We’re still talking about everything. I have asked many more questions.

I asked Diana how to shave Hubby’s pubic hair?

Diana: Do not shave, have a spread with Veet, (Nair) then scrape, wash, then apply with a baby cream for the butt.

31. And most importantly, when the catheter is mandatory, the place of entry of the catheter into the urethra smear or rub with the appropriate cream.

32. Hubby has an allergy to the latex permanent catheter, replace it with silicone.

I gave her a big gift. We were greeted and she left.

Then I sat in the Living Room and thought: This woman is completely crazy.

End of part one.

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