The Order: Don and Caitlin

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The fertility health clinic was bustling when Don and Caitlin arrived for their mid-morning appointment. One harried nurse behind the counter was registering patients and dispensing medication, while happy and anxious couples variously sat or paced in the waiting area. Don quickly joined the short queue to check in while Caitlin found an open seat.

Caitlin was a familiar face at the clinic as she was scrupulous about her regular check-ups. She cast her eye around the room. It was not unusual to spot the occasional teary-eye at a fertility clinic, but today everyone seemed largely content to be there. She smiled at two young ladies who sat next to each other murmuring sweetly, hands clasped. One of them was visibly pregnant. They nodded a silent greeting in return, then retreated to their own private bliss. Caitlin mulled over the marvel of modern medicine that allowed so many to achieve the fulfilment that they desired and deserved. She too had reason to be thankful.

On the other side of the room, Don had reached the front of the queue.

‘Donald Mercer, I’m here for my first post-operation appointment with Dr Andrews.’

‘Perfect, I have your booking right here. And I also have you down as a pre-payment? How will you be paying today?’

Don lowered both his head and his voice. ‘The Order provides.’

‘Yes, I see,’ the nurse replied without any hint of confusion or hesitation, ‘please wait over there.’ She indicated the far end of the counter. As Don moved away as instructed, the nurse picked up a grey telephone receiver and spoke into it immediately.

‘There’s one for you. First post-op.’

As he stood by, Don caught Caitlin’s eye and dipped his head slightly, indicating that she should join him.

The pair did not wait long. They were soon met by another nurse who appeared out of the labyrinth of consultation rooms and introduced herself as Miss Connor.

Miss Connor had wavy hair that was of a deep burnt umber and matching hazel eyes. The dark features set off her pale, unblemished skin, which gave her a dignified and even haughty appearance. A bright red lip completed the look. Miss Connor’s elegance seemed slightly out of keeping with so quotidian an outfit as a nurse’s gown, though the garment seemed to hug her hip that little bit more than usual, and Don’s eye was drawn to the top button that sat two inches below her clavicle.

‘Donald and Caitlin? Come with me.’ Miss Connor looked Caitlin in the eye as she spoke but paid Don no mind.

Don and Caitlin followed Miss Connor as she turned this way and that down the snaking corridors. The facility was a lot more cavernous than its façade let on, and after the first few clearly signposted rooms, the couple found themselves speedily bypassing row after row of unmarked white doors.

Suddenly, Miss Connor halted.

‘In here,’ she indicated.

Don and Caitlin entered behind their guide into a spacious doctor’s room. There were the usual fixtures — a desk, a cheap foldable chair, an examination bed pushed against the wall. More unorthodox though was a sturdy metal chair in the middle of the room affixed with wrist and ankle restraints, which sat facing a large wall-mounted flat screen television.

‘Make yourself comfortable Caitlin. And you, clothes off, over here,’ Miss Connor directed, tapping on the high back of the steely seat.

Don stripped off his shirt, shoes and socks, jeans, underwear, and let them lie on the floor where they fell. He crossed the room to sit on the metal chair. Its uncomfortable iciness which made him jump at first soon turned into a kind of clingy warmth on his bare skin. The cold also caused the semi erection that he had been walking around with to deflate slightly, but he soon started to rise again, unable to contain the effect of two weeks of total abstinence.

Miss Connor busied around him, doing up the restraints. Don’s arms rested away from his body on the armrests, and his knees were splayed at an obtuse angle. His cock on display continued its ascent as he breathed in Miss Connor’s luscious perfume and scrutinised her swaying body.

‘I see you’re partial to…’ Miss Connor checked her clipboard, ‘the cowgirl. Of course you are. Not man enough to do any of the work.’

Still, she switched on the television and brought up a hardcore pornographic video showing a woman sitting astride a man’s hard cock, riding vigorously.

‘You like that? You like that don’t you?’ Miss Connor cooed softly, suddenly saccharine and mellow.

She ran her hands down Don’s neck, chest, abdomen, then back and forth on his left thigh as she knelt by his side. Don tried to look down at her but she directed his face back to the television with a single finger on his cheek.

The man in the video had his hands on the woman’s hips and he was directing her movement, slamming her down, his face contorted into a look of macho rage. His little show was evoking numerous confusing images and emotions in Don’s head. Don yearned for that exquisite feeling türkçe bahis of suction on his penis. He also lingered on the actor’s masculinity, how other males, his friends, brothers, father, assumed he was like them, manfully pumping into a sweet pussy every night but no one knew… The up side was that the jumble of thoughts was only further magnifying the tightness in Don’s own genitals and he pushed his hips forwards once, exhaling sharply.

Without warning, Miss Connor leaned in and took Don’s manhood into her mouth. She bobbed her head, sliding her lips firmly over his shaft and bumping the tip against the soft palate of her mouth.

‘Oh yes!’ Don called out, his voice shaking at the gratification that arrived just in his moment of need. ‘Oh yes oh yes oh yes!’ His tone continued to rise as Miss Connor pushed on with her forceful sucking and brisk motion. The muscles in his lower body tensed instinctively. Release would be in short order at the rate that Miss Connor was pleasing him.

Then as suddenly as she had begun, Miss Connor mouth released its hold on Don’s hard rod.

‘Huuh!’ A shocked sigh escaped Don’s lips.

His cruel custodian stood up composedly and turned to Caitlin who had been observing the scene from a corner of the room.

‘Dr Andrews will be with you shortly. You can help me while I’m gone but just a little, and not just yet.’ Miss Connor smiled at Caitlin only, then left.

Caitlin waited for Don’s heavy panting to slow before remarking: ‘Be strong babe. You have to try your best.’

Don nodded slowly.

‘Are you scared?’

‘No. Only… I’ve never done this before. I don’t think it should hurt too much but…’ Don trailed off.

‘Oh hun. You know the worst was over when the procedure was completed. And we’re doing this so that we can be together. You want us to get married don’t you?’

‘Of course! I love you so much babe. I only did this to be deserving of you.’

Touched, Caitlin rested a small hand over her heart, then crossed the room to stand by Don’s side.

‘I love you too Don. You’re better for me now. You’re so much better for me now.’ Caitlin leaned over Don, stroking his hair as he looked up at her affectionately.

With nothing left to say, they then focused on the television together in amiable silence. As the on-screen mating progressed Caitlin reached down to leisurely pump his shaft in time with the action.

The lull was broken by two smart raps at the door and the doctor came strolling in, followed closely by Ms Connor. Dr Andrews was a tall black man. Slim, but with a naturally strong and sturdy form. He was young, very accomplished for his age, and highly sought after. A small, rakish goatee and hi-top fade were the only concessions to the professional look and air that he considered was owed to himself and his patients.

‘Caitlin,’ Dr Andrews winked, flashing his white teeth in a crooked smile. ‘I’ll be with you shortly. Why don’t you hop up on that bed for me?’

Caitlin did as she was told, propping herself on the edge of the examination bed, her legs kicking girlishly.

Dr Andrews was his usual friendly and enthusiastic self, and he greeted Don heartily while pulling up a chair. His tall form obscured Don’s view of the television, which the doctor paid no mind to except to point the remote over his shoulder to lower the volume slightly.

‘How has it been? Any pain or discomfort?’ Dr Andrews asked, snapping on a set of gloves and taking a flashlight from Miss Connor.

‘Minor shooting pain in the first twenty four hours, but nothing since,’ Don replied.

Dr Andrews pointed the flashlight at Don’s testicles which he held up in one hand in order to inspect the surgical sites. He made no comment about Don’s stiff cock.

‘You didn’t need the pain meds we gave you at all?’

Don shook his head.

‘Mmm. Looks to me like you’ve healed well.’

Dr Andrews lightly bumped the stitches with his fingertips and felt around for swelling. Then, he peeled off his rubber gloves and beckoned to Miss Connor, indicating that he had finished with the patient.

‘Mr Mercer as we have previously discussed it can take between fifteen to twenty ejaculations after a vasectomy for a man to become fully impotent.’

He stood up as he spoke, moving away to make room.

‘Miss Connor here will assist with taking a specimen for testing. Please do be co-operative. If she is not able to collect a suitable sample the process will need to be repeated.’

Miss Connor walked over holding the necessary equipment in a kidney dish, and took the vacated seat in front of Don.

‘I am going to collect a sperm sample from you in this,’ Miss Connor took a sterile specimen container from the dish and waved it before Don’s face. Then she leaned away, stretching and placing it on a short shelf that was just within reach.

‘So you need to tell me when you are going to come, and you are going to ask for permission to come, because I need iddaa siteleri to get it ready. If your ejaculate doesn’t go in there, it’s not a viable sample.’

She next pulled out a small rubber ring that had to be stretched to fit the circumference of Don’s penis, and snapped it in place at the base.

‘That should keep you in check,’ Miss Connor declared sharply.

‘I… I’ll do whatever you say Miss,’ Don ventured. ‘I was told that I would be allowed to come today. I’ll come as hard as I can for you.’

Miss Connor seemed to find his comments highly amusing and she tossed her head, laughing.

Before Don could stammer out a reply, he was distracted by Caitlin crying out in mock outrage.

‘Oh Dr Andrews!’

Don turned his head to his left in the direction of the sound, and saw that Dr Andrews was playfully grabbing and squeezing Caitlin’s right breast.

‘That’s right,’ Miss Connor encouraged. ‘Look at them. Look at your fiancée.’

Dr Andrews stood off to Caitlin’s side so as not to block Don’s view. Dr Andrews and Caitlin were kissing now. While Caitlin had shut her eyes, losing herself in the devastatingly soft lips, Dr Andrews was kissing with his eyes open. He rewarded Don’s stare with a wink, and looked Don straight in the eye as he pushed his tongue into Caitlin’s eager mouth.

‘Oh she’s a spicy one your fiancée. She’s so ready and so willing to be fucked. But you haven’t had her have you? You’ve been a good boy?’ Miss Connor toyed delicately with Don’s ear as he spoke.

‘No… no I haven’t…’ Don tried to turn to face Miss Connor but he could not tear his eyes away from the rapturous scene.

‘That’s right. It wouldn’t be safe until I am done with you.’

Miss Connor pinched his chin cruelly to get his attention. She made sure that Don had his eye on her before she brought a hand up to her chest to slowly undo the buttons of her gown. Her large bust strained out of a laced-up black corset that ended below her ribcage. Below that was a lacy black thong through which Don could see a pair of perfectly plump and bald outer lips. She seductively disrobed one shoulder first, before letting the rest of the outer garment slip off and flutter to the ground.

‘You like what you see?’ Miss Connor ran her hands down the side of her body.

‘Uh huh.’ Don replied, spellbound. The semi that he was sporting was slowly coming back to life.

A pump bottle in the dish of accoutrements yielded a generous quantity of lube which she warmed between her palms.

Miss Connor approached Don languorously and teased in a sultry voice. ‘Are you going to give me your cum? Are you going to show me that you are a big strong man?’

Abruptly she was upon him, both hands twisting in opposite directions at first then as Don got harder, dropping the lower one to cup his balls which were bulging like two large plums.

‘Mmm, you have a nice big load for me in here?’

Don had his head thrown back, eyes closed, fully immersed in the relief of human touch on his genitals inflamed by two weeks of unanswered craving. He gave a powerful groan when he felt Miss Connor suck on his balls and take each one in turn whole into her mouth. She rolled them around, licking the skin taut. The bottled tension in Don’s loins began to rise, but just as it did Miss Connor drew back to undo her progress.

And so it continued, with every new style of arousal Miss Connor worked Don up only to back away just as he was sensing the edge. His moaning grew ever more disconsolate but Miss Connor rebuffed every plea and shameless thrust into her deserting grasp.

‘Oh god what are you…’

‘Quiet. You come when I say you come.’

Miss Connor’s technique was impeccable. It was as if she had her finger on the pulse of every roiling ache and stir in his being before Don even felt them himself. His yearning soared and plummeted turbulently as Miss Connor maintained her pump and release, pump and release, never catching the tail of the last high.

‘Hnnnggghh… I want to come! I want to come!’ Don pleaded.

‘Hush!’ Miss Connor leaned back in her chair, composedly studying her nails whilst waiting for Don’s urgency to subside. Only when she approved the angle of his droop did she rise lazily to her feet.

‘Miss Connor’s got one more present for you. Unwrap me.’

Miss Connor straddled Don’s legs and brought her chest to his face, tickling his lips with the end of the ribbon that was holding her corset together. Don took the string within his teeth and pulled. The pressure of her overlarge bosom unfurled the firm material and she heaved at the reprieve. With both hands Miss Connor peeled the corset away, and pressed Don’s face into her exposed breasts.

‘Go on,’ she murmured. ‘Do what you want.’

Excited at the indulgence that was being offered to him, Don motorboated the pillowy breasts like a teenaged boy, then nipped delightedly at the delicate pink tips. Miss Connor ran her fingers lazily through his deneme bonusu veren siteler hair, allowing him to have his way. As he continued to play, she reached between her legs to caress Don’s cockhead with her fingertips, thumbing the ridge on the underside.

‘Maybe this little guy wants some fun too…’

Pulling away, Miss Connor first reached into the dish for a small bottle of body oil. She drizzled this over her chest and rubbed it in, putting on a show for Don’s benefit. Then she knelt at his feet and pushed her breasts against and around his length, ensconcing it completely within her slippery flesh. She set out slowly, first bouncing her body up and down, then started in with sidelong caresses by jiggling her creamy breasts, cold nipples tickling Don’s lower abdomen.

Don was completely mesmerised by the sensual visuals, and the long overdue sensation of being so thoroughly buried and enfolded on all sides. He began to move his hips unconsciously, drilling into the vise-like channel.

Don had no words when he felt the surge start to rise and swell.


‘Don’t you dare…’

Miss Connor let go of her breasts immediately to release their hold on Don’s cock. The febrile shaft bobbed forlornly for about ten seconds, then a tiny amount of thin, white fluid dribbled out.

‘What? Is that cum?’

Everyone in the room gawped at Don’s pathetic plight while he sat gasping, unable to comprehend his body’s reactions. He thought he had come, it looked like it, but his balls still felt to be in a state of excruciating suspended animation. Don’s forsaken penis discharged no more fluid but continued to flounder, unable to resolve its merciless frustration.

‘Are you kidding me? Is this all that you’ve got?’

‘No… no … I’m sorry Miss… I have more… I have more…’

‘That’s what I’m really worth to you?’ Miss Connor scoffed as she stared at the few droplets on the floor. ‘Well, we wouldn’t have been able to do anything with that pathetic amount anyway.’

She continued to mumble in irritation. ‘After all that I have done for you too… I really should be punishing you… I wonder why we even left you with this,’ Ms Connor asked as she gripped Don’s shaft painfully and gave it a few forceful strokes, causing him to squall incoherently. ‘Why did we doc?’

Dr Andrews was sucking on Caitlin’s breast, and he pried himself away to reply.

‘I’ve been told that he’s proven himself to be quite obedient. So he opted and was approved for one of the less invasive procedures.’

‘Humph. Well he hasn’t been today and I’m out of ideas for dealing with him.’ Miss Connor replied in an unimpressed and spoilt tone.

Don had forgotten about Dr Andrews and Caitlin until he heard the baritone voice. Twisting his head to seek his beloved, Don beheld Dr Andrews worrying Caitlin’s nipple with his thick lips and tickling its companion with a dextrous finger.

‘Oh alright.’ Miss Connor rolled her eyes. ‘I know you love Caitlin. That’s what you really want to see.’

She teetered Don’s chair on one leg and swivelled it around to face the examination table.

Whilst Miss Connor and Don were otherwise engaged Dr Andrews and Caitlin had been engrossed only in each other. When the kissing had lured her in sufficiently Dr Andrews’ exploratory hands slipped from her neck to slide the straps of Caitlin’s yellow dress down her petite shoulders. And it was Caitlin herself who impatiently reached around to undo the clasp and shrug off her unwanted bra.

That was how she had come to be sat naked from the waist up and lost in Dr Andrews’ fondling. It fulfilled a deep carnal desire within Don to watch Caitlin give herself up so easily to a black man with a big cock who could gratify her acute sex drive. Miss Connor resumed her dextrous tugging when she saw the effect that the lascivious couple had on Don.

Further titillated by an audience, Caitlin started to grind herself against the edge of the bed that she was sitting on. Dr Andrews took the hint and he directed his attention further downwards, hitching up Caitlin’s skirt to reveal a chaste pair of white panties.

‘Spread your legs girl’,’ Dr Andrews commanded Caitlin as he slapped her thigh.

She complied instantly.

Don’s eyes were glued to the valley between Caitlin’s legs and he felt like the whiteness of her undergarment and of her pale legs was burning into his retinas, erasing all else in his field of view except that celestial vision.

‘Don,’ Dr Andrews was speaking very slowly and directly at him. ‘You said that you have not had penetrative sex with Caitlin. We believe you of course. Caitlin has now also told me that you have not even seen her naked below the waist. Is that true?’

‘Yes.’ Don replied just as firmly, still fixated on the open legs before him.

‘Well we’re going to let you have a look now OK?’ Dr Andrews made to seem kind, generous, like he was talking to a child.

Dr Andrews turned back to Caitlin. ‘We’re going to show him.’

So attuned she was to her new lover that Caitlin immediately leaned backwards to rest on her elbows and widened her stretch to expose herself more. When Dr Andrews pulled at her underwear she graciously lifted her bum to assist with its speedy removal.

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