Penny and Megan Pt. 07

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Sunday, July 6, 2014, And just a little bit more

I came into the living room and found her, again, sitting in front of the TV, but this time watching children’s cartoons.

I’d woken up in my bed, nude, freshly bathed, and with my hair done. I not at all clear on what happened after Penny helped me out of my office. I firmly put aside any thoughts that she might have taken advantage of me while I was out of it.

I did clearly remember her tucking me into bed, kissing me, and leaving the room. Several minutes later she leaped up on the bed, waking me up. She had her kitten things on. She licked my face then curled up on the foot of the bed. When I woke this morning she wasn’t there.

And now here she was watching cartoons. She was nude, wearing her cat things, and using her “regal” cat pose. Back more straight, head up, breasts thrust out more. She didn’t seem to have heard me. I watched her for a few seconds, then looked to see she was watching Sylvester and Tweety Bird.

I memory drifted back to me. I said, not too loudly, “I taught I thaw a puddy tat.”

Apparently loud enough. She turned to stare at me, her mouth open in surprise.

She shut her mouth for a moment, then said “A joke. You mad a cat joke.”

But she wasn’t smiling. “Well, yes. I saw you there, your ears, your tail out behind you, and, well, I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offended you.”

“‘Offend me’? No, I’m just in shock. I love it! I’ve been here for weeks and it’s the first time you’ve made a joke. Have you ever made a joke before?”

I answered, “Not one that was funny.”

She replied, “You still haven’t, but it was cute. Thank you.”

She considered me for a moment. “Not all jokes are funny, Megan.”

I said, “Some of them are pretty mean.”

“Yes, but I didn’t mean that. I mean some jokes say things or are ironic or, well you know.”

“I agree with that. So what did that joke tell you?”

She smiled and turned back to the TV, and once again, in that sing song voice, said “I’m gonna win!”

I sighed at her and turned to the kitchen. I said over my shoulder “Do you want breakfast at the table or in your bowl?”

“Bowl, please.”

I prepared scrambled eggs and sausage. Cut hers up into her bowl and put it down. Then filled my own plate and put it at my place at the table. Filled her water bowl. Gave her a small bowl of milk.

I turned to call her then though about it. How did I call my cat? Mostly he never came, no matter what I tried, so I wasn’t sure what Penny would respond to. Then I figuratively slapped myself on the forehead. She’d respond to anything I used. I usually just yelled “Penny, breakfast.”

I smiled and called, “Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.”

I heard the TV go off and her four footed run coming. She pushed the door open and looked up at me smiling.

“Breakfast, dear.”

She stropped herself around and between my legs than ran over and started eating.

I sat sipping my coffee watching her.


[“Just a minute, dear.”]

I waited a few seconds then starting eating. It took about three minutes.

[“Yes, dear?”]

[“If Penelope started painting again, could you get them out to the art community without giving away her location?”]

[“Of course. Get her to sign an agent’s contract with me. She still wants to?”]

[“I’m pretty sure she will, if I can guarantee she won’t end up dragged back into the public eye.”]

[“We’ll have to be careful with shipping and so forth. And if paintings start showing up in my gallery, someone is going to look into my family. Can you keep her out of sight at your end?”]

I gave her a view of Penny.

[“Would this do it?”]

[“Or get her humiliated if anyone made the connection that your “cat” is Penelope Connors.”]

[“Mother, I think this woman is incapable of being edirne escort humiliated.”]

She hit me with what felt like a change of subject. Later on, I wasn’t so sure it was.

[“Have you decided to keep her?”]

I said, [“How can I?”]

[“Not the answer you gave me the last time, dear.”]

I said, [“No, it isn’t. It’s hard to argue with how happy she is like this.”]

[“Or how happy you are with her there.”]

She continued, [“Put aside your prejudices, dear. Did you know that she’s worth fifteen million dollars?”]

[“She’s not broke?”]

[“See, there you are, dear. If she were anyone else you’d have check her background the day after you met her. You’d have known. You want her. You’ve wanted her from the start.”]

I struggled with the idea for a moment, then gave in, [“I guess you’re right.”]

[“When you can say “Yes,” instead of “I guess,” you’ll know you’re ready.”]

[“I see that. But I can’t just yet.”]

[“I know. But you might let the girl be a cat while you’re working it out. She’s so much happier that way.”]

I corrected her, without thinking bout it, [“Kitten, mother.]

Then, after thinking for a few seconds, I added, [“I will, mother.”]

[“You’re a good girl, Megan. Just a bit pig headed.”]

Before I could reply, she went on.

[“Oh and about that money. She hasn’t touched it in three years. But she has called her lawyer regularly to direct how it’s handled. You said she wasn’t stupid. From what I hear, she’s a clever financial planner.”]

[“Thank you, Mother.”]

[“Any time, dear. When you’ve settled in with her, bring her around. I’d like watch her play with a ball of yarn.”]

I smiled, [“You’re evil, mother.”]

[“Surely you hadn’t just now figured that out? Gotta run, dear. Good luck.”]

[“Thanks again, see you later.”]

I’d finished eating without even noticing it. Penny wasn’t quite done yet. I sat there smiling at her.

She glanced back at me, as she often did, then looked over her should again looking at me intently. She’d stopped eating.

I said, “Finish your breakfast, Kitty.”

She started chewing again then gradually looked away, her attention on her food.

I found myself unable to control my smile. I could suppress it for a few seconds, but as soon as I relaxed a bit it came back. A gentle smile of contentment and anticipation.

She finished her milk then sat there grooming herself. I got my brush out of my purse.

“Here, kitty.”

She came over to me. I signed her to turn around then slid forward on my chair, my knees to each side of her shoulders, and started brushing her hair. She purred. If I closed my eyes it sounded just like a cat purring. I brushed far longer than it made any sense to. I was enjoying it, and so was she. She never stopped purring. I touched her lightly with my attention. She was thoroughly satisfied with life.


“Yes, Megan.”

“You’ve convinced me you’re happy this way. You can drop the girl time, if you want.”

I thought she’d be excited and maybe worried. And I could sense she was, but she showed no sign. No body language, no quickened breath. Nothing.

“Thank you, Megan. Do I have to leave now?”

“Of course not. This is your home for as long as you want it to be.”

The worry went away.

“I think I’ll still be a girl sometimes. I like spending time with you that way.”

She looked up at me over her shoulder.

“Only with you.”

I was excited.. Fortunately, she didn’t have any Attention.”I know. That’s fine, baby.”

“Are you going to claim me?”

“Not just yet, Penny.”

She waited

“You didn’t correct yourself this time. You really mean “not yet,’ don’t you?”

“Yes. I need some time, Penny.”

She turned to face away from me again, settled into elazığ escort “regal cat.”

“I can wait. Pet me, please.”

I put the brush aside and patted her. Stroking her hair from between her cat ears as far down her back as I could reach. She continued to purr.

We sat there for quite some time. Might have been a half hour. Maybe more. It took me that long to work up to the next step for me.

“Penny, how does a kitty girl make love to a woman.”

She gasped.

“It would be easier to show you.”

I took a deep breath and held it.

“Go ahead.”

I could Sense that she was yammering around inside her own head she was so excited. Her thoughts were thoroughly disorganized.

She continued to face away from me. I continued to stroke her hair.

“Are you wearing panties?”

I was wearing a skirt and blouse and sandals. And, yes, panties and a bra.

“Yes. Should I take them off?”

“Please. And pull your skirt up around your waist.”

“Should I just undress?”

“If you’re alright doing that. I thought you’d feel more comfortable with some clothes on.”

“You’re right. I’ll keep my blouse on.

I stood up, pushed the chair back and stepped clear of her. She still hadn’t moved. I pushed my panties and skirt down around my sandals and stepped out of them. I kicked them aside, the sandals rattling across the floor. Removed my blouse, then my bra, then put the blouse back on, but didn’t button it.

“What should I do now, Penny?”

“Sit in the chair, please. Scoot you ass forward to the edge. Or would you be more comfortable on the couch?”

“Yes, I think I would.”

“Go ahead, I’ll be right there.”

I walked into the living room. For a moment I stopped looking at the huge uncovered picture window. But the street was hundreds of yards away, on the other side of a row of big trees. I could hardly see any pavement from here. And the few houses I could see in the distance were tiny. Someone would have to point a telescope in here to see me.

I shrugged and walked to the couch and sat down as she’d told me. The kitchen door flapped open and I watched Penny circle the room before heading towards me. It was a turn on just watching her move. She rubbed her face against my inner thighs starting at my knees. She moved up rubbing from side to side as she got closer to my pussy.

“Megan, would you like me to trim this for you?”

“You can’t un un…”

“Yes I can, but we’ll both enjoy it more if I trim this first.”

She looked up at my face,”Or even take it all off.”

I bit my lips for a second then said, “Go ahead.”

She smiled then leaned forward and kissed me on my slit.

“‘Yes,’ which, Megan? Trim it or remove it?”

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes. “Remove it.”

She left me there but was back quickly. I fidgeted the whole time. I couldn’t look at my own body, I kept looking at the ceiling, the fire place, the TV, anything but my own body.

She knelt between my legs, had me lift up to put a towel under me, then started working shaving gel into my bush.. I watched her with real interest.

“Penny, are you a cat right now?”

“Kitten, yes. Why?”

“How do kittens use tools?”

She smiled at that. “That’s up to you, Mistr… Megan.. I can be whatever kind of kitten you want. If you say I only have paws, then I can’t use tools. Is that what you want?”

“No, I just wondered.”

“Assume I’m a very clever kitten.”

She purred as she started shaving me. With a straight razor. I’d never seen one used in real life. I watched her face, I touched her with my Attention. There was love there. And joy. And care. She loved me, she cared about me. And I knew I felt both for her.

She did little bits at a time. There was no pain. I didn’t even feel the hair coming off. She erzincan escort frequently wiped the blade on a towel she had over my left thigh. In a few minutes I was bare.

“Megan, do you want to do the full job?”


“Put your feet upon the couch.”


She wanted me to expose my ass hole to her.

She gelled me from the bottom of my pussy and up to above my rear hole. She continued shaving me. Soon she was done, she wiped me clean with the other side of the towel.

“How does it feel?”

I ran my hand over it. This was much smoother than the time I’d done it for my boyfriend. Another thing she was good at. She leaned forward to rub her face on my nude mound. I moved my hand out of her way, then patted her as she snuggled into my mound.

She said, “I could stay here forever.”

I said, “I could have you do it forever. Do you want skip the sex part?”

She sat up straight, “Oh, no. You said I could and I’m going to. Are you ready?”

I said, “No, not really. Go ahead.”

“You’re very brave in a scared little mouse kind of way.”

She started licking me on my smooth bump, just touching on my pussy lips. She opened me slowly, and found me already wet inside. She was slow, gentle, and it felt like something inevitable was finally happening. I knew from the first lick that I was going to come hard. I was going to be her bitch while she had her hands and tongue inside me. And only a tiny part of me cared. And that part stopped nagging me after a couple of minutes.

It took a long, long time. Well over an hour. She brought me slowly up to a boil. Making me move my ass just by sucking on my clit or biting my labia and pulling. She eventually inserted her fingers and probed around to find the best spots. Her tongue never stopped, but didn’t stay on my clit the whole time. She traveled around inside my folds. Even licked my ass hole.

She got me closer and closer, not teasing, not edging, just a slow steady climb to the mountain tops. Then while I already had my butt off the couch, straining to push myself into her mouth, she hit me with a dozen or so very quick and very hard licks while she sucked my clit into her mouth. I went off like an explosion. I screamed once, then switched to growling and groaning. Reaching for her with my pussy. She kept working and brought me off twice more.

Then she brought me down slowly. Three was no abrupt end, but rather another ten minutes of diminishing sensations until I landed gently back on the couch.

I went out to the pet store that afternoon and bought her a new collar and had a new name tag made up for it. This one with my name and cell phone number on the back side. Mother was right, I’d wanted her from the start.

She usually was a girl for breakfast, and our little ritual of her carrying my briefcase out to the car, but she no longer bothered with the robe if it was warm enough. Our kiss good bye became far more passionate. My staff noticed I was more cheerful mornings and, more often than not, left the office earlier rather than later.

We have sex about once a day. Usually I’d bring her off, often in that same pose in my office chair. Then after she’d recovered, she’d do me the same way she had in the living room, but in my office chair instead. She shaved me every morning while I took my morning shower.

I broached the idea of her painting again a few days later. She was frightened, but I told her that I was pretty sure I could shield her. I’d be her lawyer and my mother her agent. She readily agreed, and on her own came up with ideas on how to hide the shipments.

We set up a studio in a nearly unused room upstairs. And she started to paint again. And people did try to find her, but my mother stonewalled them very well. Nobody got past her.

I still hadn’t formally claimed her, but we both knew it would be soon. We were living in a very odd sort of domestic bliss.

But there was my still my now ex-boyfriend, who had not taken well to my breaking up with him. He was to turn out to be a problem.

(Don’t you just hate it when they say, “To be continued…”?)

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