Captain Emrah Jackson Ch. 04

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This ongoing sci-fi series will contain non-consensual elements.


I woke up alone and naked. The memories of the night before came flooding back. The loss of my crew, and my treatment at the hands of Killian.

I remembered how he fucked me, over and over again, and how many times I had orgasmed. I felt ashamed and parts of my body still ached from the things he had done.

I was still in his bed, and there were nothing covering me. As I tried to reach out to pull the sheets over me, my hands couldn’t move. They were cuffed. Cuffed and attached to the head of the bed. I struggled at them, but they held firm.

The collar was around my neck again. It’s chunky metal digging into my skin.

Maybe this was going to be my life now. Bound to his bed, naked, available anytime he wanted to satisfy his desires.

There was no rumble from the engines. The ship was stationary.

As I looked around I realized the door to his quarters was open. Outside in the corridor there was the guard with the red beard. He was standing there grinning at me.

Suddenly I felt exposed. My cheeks reddened as I blushed involuntarily.

There was no where to hide. How long has he been staring at me, I wondered.

I sat up the best I could, and pulled my knees up to my chest. They only partially covered my breasts.

“Don’t be like that, pretty. I’ve been enjoying watching you sleep.” He called out.

I didn’t respond.

He was obviously acting as a guard for me. I imagined that his orders didn’t allow him to enter the room. He wouldn’t have waiting this long.

Leaning on the door frame, he pointed at a porthole above the bed.

“We’ve docked at a station.”

I couldn’t see from my position. I had to get up on my knees for a better look.

“Lovely.” The guard said, as he got a good look as my rear.

I didn’t care, I just wanted to see. He was right, we were docked. It looked like a collector station. It was made up of ships that would connect together to make a large single station. They could split apart and move to different systems, even land on a planet’s surface if they wanted.

“Where are we?” I asked, coldly.

“Open your legs, and I will tell you.” He smirked.

It didn’t really matter. We were probably well out of any area the UEN patrolled.

Maybe, this was my opportunity. With us being docked, I could slip off the ship unnoticed. If I got to a communicator, I could summon help.

I looked at the man still grinning in the doorway. He was tilting his head trying to get a better look at me. His lust might come in handy.

If I could just convince him to come over and undo my bindings. Sex was my only weapon.

There was no chance of me over powering him, but I could run for the door. Maybe grab a gun.

“I have an itch.” I said, coyly.

This perked him up.


I didn’t reply, I just opened my knees a little. He got the hint and smiled widely. Still, he didn’t step over the threshold.

“It needs scratching.” I said, opening and closing my knees slowly.

“Just untie me for a few seconds. I won’t tell.”

He grunted in frustration.

I pushed my feet towards him, till my legs were straight.

“You are so much stronger than me.” I said, arching my back, pushing my breasts forward. “I’m not going anywhere.”

It was cold in the room and my nipples were rock hard. Like pebbles.

I swayed my body from side to side. Pulling playfully at my cuffs while making a soft mewing noise

I saw the temptation on his face. “You little tease.” He said.

“Fuck me.” I mouthed silently to him.

There was a bulge in his trousers. His hand moved down to it and started stroking himself.

I writhed seductively on the bed. Spreading my legs for him. Giving a good look at my pussy. Tempting him to come and get me.

He was on the edge. About to break his orders.

Suddenly there was a noise in the distance, and he swore. He backed away from the doorway and I heard footsteps approaching.

I closed my legs as Killian appeared in the doorway.

“Let’s get you ready.” He said.


They got me dressed back into my uniform. The guard didn’t mention the little show I had put on for him, but he gave me a few knowing glances.

In addition to my hands being bound behind my back. There was a cord attached to the cuffs and my collar. It forced me to keep my back straight.

I asked where Talia and Dex were, and was told they had already disembarked. They told me I would see them soon. I had to accept their words, as the truth.

Killian and the guard led me off the ship and onto this strange space station.

It was big inside, and busy.

“It’s a bazaar.” I was told.

As we went further in, my senses were assaulted. There was a lot of noise from people haggling, and strong smells from spice dealers. Everything was being sold from small stalls. We passed one that was selling weapons and then one selling body armor. Drugs and other illicit items were also openly displayed.

I yeşilköy escort wasn’t paid much attention as I was marched through the throngs of people.

It seemed like a good idea to call out for help, but I doubted they would care. I got the feeling we were well out of UEN controlled space.

I saw a couple of security guards patrolling around. Their uniforms looked unfamiliar. I could be in any number of smaller, lawless systems.

That was incorrect. There weren’t lawless. They just practiced a different flavor of justice and law than I was used to.

We passed a few stalls that sold slaves. Ragged people in heavy chains stood in rows. They looked like they were laborers. Probably waiting to start their new lives in an ore mine.

Girls filled the next. Half-naked and frightened. Likely to serve in brothels or other entertainment establishments.

Killian said, I was going to a more upmarket place. I was worth more apparently. At the moment, I didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

Slaving under UEN was punishable by death. Many politicians had lobbied for an expansion of our territory. Taking control of systems like this, would put an end to this sort of thing, but the wheels of progress moved slowly.

Eventually we reached our destination. It was large clean section of the station. There were big advertising boards with pictures of beautiful half-naked people. They looked a lot better than some of the slaves I saw walking through the market.

“Come on.” Killian said, and took me into a building.

There was a sign over the door that said, ‘processing.’

I asked about my friends again. Killian told me not to worry. If anything, I was starting to do the opposite.

“Just the girl.” A man said. He looked to be twice my age. Balding, with wispy grey hair at his temples. He was wearing clean white overalls which made him look very officious. More like a kindly old man than anything else.

“You can meet us in the atrium later.” He said, assuring Killian.

My two captors left, leaving me with the old man.

“Call me Hogarth.” He said, coldly.

“Hogarth, I am a UEN officer. I need you to contact…”

“Quiet now.” He said, cutting me off. It was worth a shot, he didn’t look interested at all.

He gently took my arm. “Follow me, we will get those bindings off you.” He went on to tell me that everything was being monitored, so it would be unwise to try anything stupid.

I was led into a white room, there was a table in the corner and a large blue circle on the floor. He stood me in the middle of the circle. There were bright lights above me.

He picked up a small device from the table and walked over to me. As he did he pressed a button. The blue circle glowed bright.

“Don’t step out of the circle.” He said, ominously.

I didn’t know what it did, but he seemed to be able to step over it with ease.

“What does it do?” I asked.

“It’s keyed into your DNA, don’t walk out it.” He said, leaving its punishment a mystery.

He removed the cuffs and the cord that was attached to the collar. I rubbed my wrists.

“Now, lets get this off.” He said, and removed the collar.

He took them back to the table.

“Crude little thing this.” He said, examining the collar. “It gives pain and pleasure. Use it too much and it dulls the senses.”

I was glad to get it off.

“Remove all of your clothes.” Hogarth ordered, casually.

I did as I was told. He collected my uniform and boots, and put them into a hatch in the wall. He took the cord that was holding my hair up and tossed into a trash bin. My brown hair fell loosely onto my shoulders.

This whole thing seemed very clinical so didn’t bother me too much. I’d had medicals before, although not like this.

He came back with a scanner which he placed to my neck. There was a beep and suddenly my face appeared on the wall.

It was my UEN service ID photo. Next to it was a scrolling list of my service record. All my life achievements put into one document.

“This you?” He asked. “Captain Emrah Jackson?”

It looked a few years out of date though. They must have hacked a copy of our database at some point.

I nodded.

“You’re being sold as a special interest.” He paused for a second. “Slaves who have skills, or with an interesting background.”

“Is that a good thing?” I asked.

He shrugged. “It varies.”

“You’re thirty-nine. Too old to be a pleasure girl or a house servant.” He said, walking back to the table.

It was a little insulting, but somewhat of a relief.

“So what will someone want me for?”

He rubbed his chin. “Like I said, you have an interesting background. Your guess is as good as mine.”

I felt a bit more relaxed now. I thought about my skills. Maybe I would be sent to work on a ship. I could deal with that. Escape was something I still hadn’t ruled out.

“I’m going to do a more intimate examination now. It’s important that you don’t resist.”

I told him I understood.

“Put your yeşilyurt escort hands behind your head.” He ordered, and I complied.

He came back holding a long thin metal device.

My eyes were examined first. Then he asked me to open my mouth, so he could check my teeth. I wanted this over as quickly as possible so did everything he asked.

He used the device to take a sample of my saliva. It buzzed with a green light.

“Disease free.” He said, to himself.

He took a step back and slowly looked me up and down.

“You’re in good shape for a woman your age.” He said, and cupped my breast.

I stiffened. His hand was cold and bony. I tried not to look into his eyes, as he did it.

“Just making sure everything works.” He said, and started to rub his thumb over my nipple. It hardened under his touch.

He did the same thing to the other one, but this time gave it a little pinch. There was a slight grin in the corner of his mouth.

“Open your legs a little.”

This time I gave him a stern look.

“It has to be done.” He said, clinically. I complied and stood with my legs spread a bit more.

He put his hand on my pussy and started to make circular motions with his middle finger.

All the while his eyes locked on my face.

I tried to stay unmoved, but the feeling was nice, and he was very tender.

I let out an audible sigh.

This pleased him and he removed his hand.

“Like I say, just making sure everything works.” He said, and walked behind me.

His hands caressed my ass, and he gently squeezed.

“You’ve kept your figure.” He said. “Most of the people who come through here, and bred for the auction. They are usually a lot younger and far more complaint.”

“You are.” He paused. “Rougher round the edges. More real.” He seemed pleased with his compliment.

His hands were lingering. It didn’t feel like it was just an examination anymore. I could feel him opening and closing my cheeks.

“Usually the captured slaves go to the smaller auctions.”

I stayed silent.

“You’ve still got your spirit.” He said, and gave my bottom a little pat.

“Maybe if you helped me escape.” I started.

“That’s not how it works here, girl.” He said, loudly, cutting me off.

I had the feeling that the cameras weren’t just there to monitor me. Without them there, I thought that he would have liked to take things further.

He went on to say, that he thought I would fetch a good price.

I tried asking about my friends, but he told me he didn’t know.

“Get dressed.” He said, collecting my uniform from the hatch.

Where ever it had gone, it looked to have been cleaned.

“One more thing.” He said, coming over with a new device.

He turned my cheek with a finger, and pressed it to my skin. There was a sharp pain. He told me it was a bar code. Something that would be removed once I was sold.

I rubbed my cheek. Without a mirror I didn’t know how it looked.

Once I was dressed, he cuffed my arms behind my back again. The bindings felt different this time. They felt lighter and easier on my wrists.

A door opened at the end of the room, and I was led out.

Our destination was a small cell with only room for me to stand up in. It was more like a cubicle really.

Before he left, he turned me towards him.

“I think I will bid on you myself.” He said, and stroked his finger down my cheek.

He traced it around my mouth, making me cringe.

“I think you would enjoy being broken by me. I’ve got lots of fun toys to make it interesting.”

After getting no response from me, he guided me into the cell and shut the door.

He mumbled again about me fetching a good price.

There were no windows or bars. I just had to stand there and stare at the walls waiting for my fate.


I had made myself as comfortable as possible. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed when I heard some loud noises. There was a hissing of hydraulics, and the whole room started to move. I braced myself into a corner.

Suddenly all the walls became transparent. I was blinded by a strong glare of light. My hands were still bound, so I couldn’t shield my face.

Eventually my eyes adjusted, and I was able to see my surroundings.

I was on what looked like a stage. In front of me was a large crowd. There were strong lights above me, blinding me. I couldn’t see any of the faces.

There was a loud booming voice saying things I couldn’t understand. Then I heard something I did recognize.

“Presenting Captain Emrah Jackson. Former officer in the UEN. Age thirty-nine.” It went on to list my weight, height and my other vitals. The voice changed again. It was cycling though different languages, and dialects.

I had to wait a while, till I heard something that I understood.

“Bidding will start at half a million credits.”

That was a huge amount, I thought. I could never imagine earning that much money in my whole lifetime.

It went on and on in other unfamiliar yıldırım escort languages. I saw a line of red lights at the front of the stage. I guessed these represented the people bidding on me. The price kept rising as bidders dropped out.

Near the end I think it got down to three bidders. I wondered if Hogarth was one of them.

Eventually it finished. It had gone on for about an hour.

“Final sale. Four million credits.” Came the announcement.

It was a dizzying amount.

I heard a smattering of applause.

The walls of my cell suddenly went opaque again, and the noise of hydraulics came back.

This time though they went on for longer. I was going somewhere else.

I took a deep breath. That was it, I was now sold. I hadn’t seen Dex or Talia. I hoped they were okay. Hopefully we would be reunited. Whoever bought me, must have an interest in UEN officers. They might have bought us all together.

The walls of the cell became transparent again.

I was in a new room. A lot smaller. It looked very opulent.

There were people. Some that I recognized.

There was Killian and Hogarth, and some others I didn’t know.

They had drinks in their hands and looked to be having a party.

Killian came over first.

“I never believed in a million years you would fetch such a hefty profit.” He said, smiling.

“Where’s Talia and Dex?” I asked.

He put his hand up to his ear and laughed.

They couldn’t hear me. It was sound proofed. Probably to stop me making a scene on the stage.

Another man joined him. He was almost the complete opposite to Killian. Shorter, and with a softer body. There was a bit of a paunch too, that he was trying to hide under his very expensive clothes.

His hair was black, and slicked back. He looked wealthy, and quite a few years older than me.

They looked an odd couple standing together. A shirtless pirate next to someone so finely dressed.

“You should tell me again how you captured her. I want to hear all the details.” He said to Killian, as he looked me up and down.

There was a mixture of pride and arrogance on his face. Like he had bought an expensive piece of art.

“No trouble, at all.” Killian said, smugly. “I hope you enjoy her.”

“I will.” He said, gleefully.

This was my owner. Suddenly it all became very real.

Hogarth joined them. He looked a little defeated.

“If you need any after sale services. Please call me.” He said, to the wealthy man.

“I will keep that in mind.” He said, taking Hogarth’s card.

“I think you tried to bid too?” He asked.

Hogarth nodded, and shrugged.

“I always get what I want.” He said, and smiled at me.

Killian and the wealthy man walked away. Discussing how I had been captured.

“You’re going to a good home.” Hogarth said, to me privately. “He’s rich. You will be treated well. From what I gather he likes to collect rare things. I’m sure he won’t want to damage you too much.”

Before he left he said he hoped to see me again.

I watched idly as the people in the room drank and shared jokes with one another. All I could do was stand there and watch.

Later on I heard the wealthy man order two of the servants to load me onto his ship.

Before they did though, Killian came over to say goodbye.

“You made me a lot of money today, so much so that I’ve decided not to sell the other two.”

My heart sank. I was hoping we would all be going together.

“I’m going to put the engineer to work in my ship. He will soon learn his place.” He paused.

“As for the blonde. She is already waiting for me in my quarters. She’s going to make a good little pet.” He laughed deeply and walked off.

I slumped against the wall of the cell. I had totally failed.

I heard the group of men joking as my cell was taken away.


My cell was opened on the docks. My new owner’s ship beckoned. I couldn’t see much of it, but it looked like a very expensive luxury yacht. The hull was white with black accents.

The servants led me to what they said were my quarters. They had thin collars around their necks. I guessed they were slaves too. I tried a couple of times to talk to them, but they said they were under orders not to communicate with me.

One of them used a device to remove the bar code from my cheek.

They left me alone in my new room. It looked more like a guest suite on a luxury liner, than a cell.

There was a bed, a couch, and other nice pieces of furniture. There was a little door that led to a shower area.

Some fruit was laid out on a table. It was all very strange to me. I felt more like an honored guest. One that was unable to leave, though.

I was drawn to a large window.

Sadly it was pointing away from the station, so I couldn’t see any of the ships. I had hoped to see the pirate vessel. It would have been my last look at where my crew were.

I checked the door, but there wasn’t a way to open it. I sighed, I was very tired.

The fruit looked good, so I took some and sat on the couch and filled my stomach. My last meal was a distant memory.

The couch was very soft, and felt good. I pulled off my boots and curled my legs underneath me. It felt a bit wrong to be enjoying myself, but It was nice to be comfortable for a change.

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