How to get a girl to like you?

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Disclaimer: voyeurism, stalking, woman on woman, profanity, drinking, dirty talk.


It was a cloudy day outside, leaves fell from the trees and danced around the campus. Wendy peered at the sight through a nearby window as she sat in her boring math class. Her short jet black hair tucked behind her ears, as her hand rested upon her book, her slanted monolid eyes swept around the room. She had lifted her arm to her watch, it was almost time to leave. She fixed her glasses as she impatiently waited, anxiously jiggling her leg.

“I can’t bare another class.” She thought.

Wendy had attended this college to appease her asian tradition of good education. Her parents had always pressured her to excel beyond her means. She just wanted to read that was it, that is all she ever cared about. She was an awkward weirdo with no friends, she never dressed to impress. She always dressed like a sack of potatoes, but underneath she had a very slim body. She was average height, as for her bra size she had small A-cups if barely any.

All of this was Just enough for no man to look at her, it was perfect just how she wanted it. Wendy didn’t end up getting into a good college, just a below the bar college to spite her parents. She could have gone to Harvard if she wanted to, she used to always say.

She was so lost in thought she didn’t realize that the bell finally rang, she got up and grabbed her belongings, skipping down the sidewalks to her school library. Wendy loved this particular library…well not for the right reasons.

“Hey Vanessa.”

Wendy leaned on the reception desk, with a big grin.

The librarian receptionist looked up.

“Don’t call me that, I’m Miss Sawyer to you.”

“I don’t really know…should I call you miss or misses. If I call you miss, it means you aren’t married.” / Wendy replied

“I never said I was or wasn’t.” / Ms. Sawyer grumbled.

She typed away on her computer her curly black hair emanated. The computer monitor simply couldn’t hide her beautiful curls.

Wendy moved to the far left of the reception desk so she could get a better look at her. Her brown beautiful skin glistened as usual. She sat her face on her palms watching her. She was utterly and completely enamored with Ms. Sawyer.

“What do you want child?”/ Ms. Sawyer responded while typing.

“Nonsense I’m completely legal, you aren’t even that older than me you know.” / Wendy replied with a sly smirk.

Ms. Sawyer slowly turned her attention away from the computer screen and completely turned her body to face Wendy, placing her leg on the other, hands clasped together on her legs.

Wendy locked eyes with her beautiful dark brown eyes, and her thick glossy lips, before blushing and quickly looking away while scratching her head.

“I’m just checking out books.”/ She murmured.

“Will you stop bothering me then?”


Wendy smiled and walked off into the crowd of books that awaited her.

This wasn’t their first encounter, Wendy had recently started coming to this library just 2 months ago.

( 2 Months Ago )

Wendy had decided to finally visit the school library since her favorite one had gotten closed down. She held a map of the campus to direction her to paradise.

At Last she had gazed upon the home of books, pushing the doors in to a new beginning. The smell of books wafted her nose, she strided right in and began seeking books.

She decided to check out the comic section, her favorite. Wendy carefully moved the books aside looking at each one with awe. She saw a couple of books being moved down a few shelves, feeling mischievous she decided to scare the person who was stocking the books.

She crept over and crouched down and whispered.


Wendy had caught the woman’s attention, she knew it was a woman because she saw her cleavage.

“Nice boobs.”

She thought to herself.

The woman looked up and replied, still stocking books.

“Very scary.” / The women replied

The woman grinned.

Wendy was quiet, she had never seen anyone so gorgeous in her entire life of living. The woman walked over to get a few more books, bending down in her bright purple dress.

Her ass protruded outward, it was an amazing ass Wendy thought.

Wendy quickly caught herself and slapped both of her hands on her face, in frustration.

“What am I thinking? Why am I looking at her ass? I didn’t even know I was into women. God am I really that starved?”

Curious, Wendy walked over to the other side of the book shelf to greet the woman.

“Sorry about that miss, that was rude.”

The woman still bent over looking for books, she replied.

“Ms. Sawyer.” / The woman said.

“Uhh…what?” / Wendy replied while looking puzzled.

“That’s my name.”

Wendy blushed beet red.

“Oh…haha, duh of course you’re talking about your name… I’m Wendy Lee by the way.”

The silence grew loud…

Wendy didn’t notice one of her thoughts managed to leave her mouth.

“That’s a really sexy name.”

“That’s Gümüşsuyu travesti not appropriate.”/ Ms. Sawyer said coldly.

Wendy was shocked from her own words, she quickly tried to lighten the situation to not seem creepy.

“Oh sorry, you’re just really pretty.”

Ms. Sawyer stood up and placed some more books on the shelf, turning her head to Wendy.

“Thank you, Wendy.”

Ms. Sawyer smiled and rolled away with the cart of books.

Wendy watched her ass sway with her dress.

“What can I do to sleep with this woman?”

She thought.

( Present Day )

Wendy had checked out her books and had gotten to her small apartment. She threw everything down and plopped her face down on her bed.

She felt pain, an aching in her lower regions. She was so horny she wanted to die.

“Fuck! how am I going fuck her? She’s so cold to me, I might as well be a ghost.”

Laying on her bed she grabbed her phone and decided to search on the web.

-How to get a girl to like you?-

She gazed upon countless forums. Engage in small talk? she scoffed at that advice. She had already tried it and nothing came of it. Buy her gifts? Wendy thought about it.

“Ive got it! I will just buy her gifts, if I spoil her to death she’s bound to let me fuck her.”

She soon dozed off, dreaming of the day that Ms. Sawyer lets her lick and tease her ass.

( The Next Day )

Wendy sprung out of bed, she was ecstatic and ready for the new day. She had quickly gotten ready and rushed out the door.

As she rode down the sidewalk she was on a mission, she rode her bike straight to the a local flower shop.

She picked out a beautiful lavender bouquet, the same color of the dress she wore when they first met.

An older lady at the register smiled and uttered.

“That’s one lucky man.”/ The old lady responded with a smile.

Wendy corrected the lady.

“Woman.” / Wendy smirked with a pointed finger.

The older lady gasped but Wendy walked out the store grinning ear to ear. She grabbed her bike and peddled straight to the library.

When wendy arrived she walked straight to the reception desk, placing the flowers down.

Ms. Sawyer looked up, alerted by the crinkling noise of the plastic, looking annoyed at Wendy’s presence.

“I’m not even going to ask.”

“They’re for you.”/ Wendy said with a mischievous smirk.

She placed her elbows on the desk, looking back at Ms. Sawyer as she payed no attention.

“I wanna eat you.”

Ms. Sawyer quickly whipped her head up in shock.

“That is no way to talk to an adult.”

“We’re both adults here, besides I wasn’t mentioning you I was saying the title of a book I wanted you to order.”

Ms. Sawyer squinted her eyes at Wendy.

“Don’t get banned from the library.” / Ms. Sawyer said with a stern look at Wendy.

“Sorry, I just want to be friends thats why I bought you these flowers.”

Ms. Sawyer sighed and looked at Wendy.

“How thoughtful of you, I would like to not be bothered now.”

Wendy grumbled in frustration.

“Ok fine.”

She sighed and walked away.

“It didn’t work. DAMMIT!”

She felt hopeless, down in the dumps.

Then she thought of something, maybe it was just the environment she was talking to her in that was the issue.

Wendy decided to wait until Ms. Sawyer ended her shift to talk with her.

Well she went outside and sat on a bench and waited…and waited some more…and then some more.

“Ms. Sawyer sure does stay here late.”

She thought, while watching videos on her phone.

After what seemed like eternity at 7:00 o’clock, Ms. Sawyer exited the building. Wendy felt happy, but that’s when the happiness quickly faded.

Ms. Sawyer was chatting it up with a coworker, and they would not stop talking. All Wendy could do was listen to them talking and walking to their vehicles.

She got up and walked a safe distance behind the two.

“You should go to the Golden club with us, you need to get out more Vanessa.”

“I know, I know, I didn’t come last time but I promise I’ll come tonight. I will be there at 8. ” / Ms. Sawyer replied

That was all Wendy heard, she could use this opportunity to chat with Ms. Sawyer at the club tonight. Wendy quickly rode her bike home, she scanned her closet for something formal.

She had absolutely nothing formal in her wardrobe, so she decided a black jacket with jeans would work.

She then called a carpooling service to arrived to the Golden club, as Wendy arrived she checked her watch.

She was a little late but that didn’t matter, she just hoped Ms. Sawyer didn’t leave yet.

She paid her way in, and began to enter the doors the sound of loud music filled her ears unpleasantly. She put her hood over her head and scanned around the club.

Wendy wandered over to the bar, hoping to get out of the claustrophobic crowd.

She sat down and looked around, and by the grace of horniness she spotted Ms. Sawyer sitting down drinking further down the bar.

She threw her hood down Gümüşsuyu travestileri and walked over and sat near her. She decided to play it off like she had no idea Ms. Sawyer was there.

“OH MY GOD! Is that you Ms. Sawyer?!”

Ms. Sawyer turned and looked at Wendy, and tried to get up from her seat, looking embarrassed.

Wendy hurried to talk.

“I didn’t expect you to be here.”

“Neither did I.” / Ms. Sawyer replied.

Wendy giggled, and placed her hand on Ms. Sawyer’s shoulder.

” Where are you going? c’mon drink with me.”

“No I can’t you’re a student.”

Wendy rolled her eyes.

“C’mon this isn’t school.”

“Well I guess you’re right about that.”

Ms. Sawyer sat back down, Wendy ordered shots of tequila.

“I can’t drink that.” / Ms. Sawyer said with a concerned look.

“Uh, yes you can, don’t you have a mouth?”

Ms. Sawyer laughed at Wendy’s smart reply.

Wendy grabbed the shot glass and knocked it back quickly.

Ms. Sawyer laughed and did the same.

“So where is your friend? “

“How did you know I came with someone?” / Ms. Sawyer said.

She looked at Wendy questionably.

Wendy paused for a minute, trying to look for a reasonable response.

“Oh, I just assumed you came with someone”

Ms. Sawyer was going to say something but has gotten interrupted.

” Actually I-“

Their conversation was interrupted by a woman with long brown hair, a face full of makeup with and large grin on her face.

” Vanessa guess who’s number I got-“

The woman turned her attention to Wendy

” Oh who is this?”

” One of the students.”/ Ms. Sawyer replied.

The woman laughed.

“Hello…”/ The woman said to Wendy.

Wendy raised her hand a little in response.

“Wendy! my names Wendy.”

“Hello Wendy, my name is Emily, better known as Ms. Will. “

Ms. Will seemed like she was in a hurry, she patted Ms. Sawyer on the shoulder.

” Well I’m probably leaving with someone as we speak.”

Emily grinned and danced off into the crowd excitedly.

Wendy turned her attention to Ms. Sawyer again.

” She’s nice.”

Ms. Sawyer bursted out laughing.

“You’re so awkward, but it’s refreshing.”

“So you don’t hate me? “/ Wendy said with a sigh of relief.

The conversation continued on and Ms. Sawyer kept drinking and talking to Wendy. She slowly opened up to Wendy, it started off appropriate and then it progressed to past relationship troubles.

Wendy saw Ms. Sawyer progress from buzzed to completely drunk.

It was late and people were starting to leave the club, Wendy tapped Ms. Sawyer who had her head down at the bar.

She groaned in response.

” Can you drive?”

Ms. Sawyer didn’t respond.

Wendy helped Ms. Sawyer up and walked her outside, she spotted Ms. Sawyers freind kissing a guy.

” Hey Emily do you know where she lives.”

Emily turned her head around, and went back to kissing the guy, speaking between kisses.

Wendy rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed.

“Oh its you…she lives on Easton Lane in those apartments… room 204.”

” Thanks a lot.”/ Wendy replied.

Wendy dug through Ms. Sawyers purse and found her keys. She pressed the unlock button and pointed it at any car.

One if them eventually beeped, Wendy staggered over to the car with Ms. Sawyer on her arm.

She put gently sat Ms. Sawyer in the passenger seat and got in the car.

Wendy drove around struggling to find the apartments.

After 15 minutes she founds them she parked the car, got out of the car and helped Ms. Sawyer out.

Ms. Sawyer let out an utter, but still clearly drunk.

” Where are…we?”

“Your place.”/ Wendy said while trying to hold Ms. Sawyer upright.

Wendy helped Ms. Sawyer on the elevator, and to her apartment. She reached for the keys to get in, after trying all the keys she finally made it in.

The smell of lavender scented candles filled her nose.

Ms. Sawyer had a nice apartment, it looked modern and simple but very clean.

Wendy kind of guessed where the Master bedroom was, and she was right. She laid Ms. Sawyer down on her comfortable bed.

She was planning on leaving but she couldn’t bring herself to. She sat on the bed next to Ms. Sawyer who seemed to be sleeping.

Wendy decided to be nice so she took off Ms. Sawyers shoes for her.

Then she just sat there and stared at her…for a very long time

“Should I just kiss her? This will probably be my only chance. Just a quick peck won’t hurt.”

Wendy leaned in to Ms. Sawyers face, as Ms. Sawyers breathing touched her face she melted.

“She smells so good, I’m going to lose it.”

Wendy closed her eyes and planted a soft kiss on Ms. Sawyers lips.

Wendy opened her eyes, checking to see if she ad awoken.

“Oh, thank god she didn’t wake up, I got lucky.”

She thought.

As Wendy was backing away slowly, she felt two hands on her head, smashing her lips onto Ms. Sawyers.

“What’s going on?! I thought she was sleeping!”

Wendy Travesti Gümüşsuyu placed her hands on Ms. Sawyers shoulders in an attempt to pull away, but she was so much stronger than her.

“Her tongue is forcing my mouth open, what do I do?!”

Ms. Sawyers tongue bursted into Wendys mouth, licking around her insides. They began sucking and licking each other’s mouths.

Wendy’s body began to heat up.

“Ms. Sawyers groans are so sexy.”

Wendy completely lost it, she was completely soaked, she climbed on top of Ms. Sawyer and stripped completely naked.

Wendy began kissing and licking Ms. Sawyers neck, she moaned in response.

Her moans were all Wendy wanted to hear, and she wanted them to be louder.

She moved quickly, she took off Ms. Sawyers dress and tossed it on the floor, Wendy began kissing Mrs. Sawyer everywhere.

She unclasped Ms. Sawyers bra and tossed that as well.

She licked and sucked her breasts for what seemed like forever. Up and down, side to side, any and every direction.

After what seemed like eternity, Wendy decided she wanted the main spot of pleasure.

She stuck her tongue out and licked along Ms. Sawyers body all the way down to her panties.

She slowly took them off, and smelled them.

Even her pussy smelled like lavender.

She couldn’t wait to taste the real thing, she quickly tossed the panties aside.

She parted Ms. Sawyers legs and as her hot breath got closer and closer to her pussy, Ms. Sawyers moans got louder and louder.

She licked her pussy slowly up towards her clitoris.

Sawyer whimpered

“Yes…right there.”

Wendy had completely lost all reason.

Her fingered spread her pussy wide enough for her tongue to fill her hole.

She thrusted her tongue in every direction that it could possibly go.

She tasted amazing, her scent filled Wendys head.

She kept a steady pace until she heard Sawyer panting really loudly, and breathing unevenly.

Then she let out a very long moan that filled the room.

Her juices gushed out on Wendys tongue and face, she swallowed and savored, licking every drop. It covered her face like a hot shower.

Wendy couldn’t stop her body was screaming for more.

She kept going and going, Sawyer came uncontrollably over and over.

Her screams went on for hours until she completely passed out.

Wendy eventually left Ms. Sawyers apartment afterward, not wanting to intrude.

( The very next day )

Wendy was on top of the world, she couldn’t wait to see Ms. Sawyer.

Wendy practically tripped running to the library today.

She plopped her arms on the reception desk.

“Vanessa, wasn’t last night amazing.”

Ms. Sawyer typed away and replied.

“Last night…what are you talking about? and it’s Ms. Sawyer for the last time Wendy.”

She sternly said.

Wendy tilted her head in confusion.

“How can you not remember? you were so loud…”

Ms. Sawyer looked up and smiled at Wendy.

“Oh the drinks, yeah that was fun.”

Wendy looked at her disappointed.

“It wasn’t just drinks…”

Ms. Sawyer looked off into the distance for a moment, before remembering the sounds of moaning and the beads of sweat that dripped off her body last night.

She proceeded to look at Wendy with the face of complete terror.

Ms. Sawyer darted out of her chair and paced over to Wendy and squeezed her arm.

W”Ow you’re hurting me! “/ Wendy whimpered

Ms Sawyer lead Wendy outside the library.


“I kissed you but it was a gentle kiss.”/ Wendy held her hands up in defense.

“WHAT?! “/ Ms. Sawyer yelled

“But then you grabbed my head and started tounging me.”/ Wendy replied

“No, this was a mistake, this whole thing! “

“Forget this ever happened.”

“I can’t forget, it was amazing. “

Wendy smiled brightly.

Ms. Sawyer put her hands through her hair in embarrassment.

” No wonder why my neighbor told me to tone it down next time.”/ Ms. Sawyer grumbled lowly.

Wendy laughed.

But Ms. Sawyer did not think it was funny, not at all.

” What’s so funny? “

“Nothing I-“/ Wendy said nervously.

Ms. Sawyer didn’t say another word and stormed off back inside.

After a while of sitting outside thinking, Wendy wandered off back inside after getting her head straight.

The gates were already open, and she couldn’t let them close again.

As Wendy entered the library she didnt spot Ms. Sawyer anywhere. She figured that she might be in the bathroom.

Wendy walked in that direction.

When she entered the bathroom she spotted Ms. Sawyers black shiny heels under the stall.

Wendy wanted to talk with Ms. Sawyer but she wasn’t being compliant.

Wendy knocked on the bathroom stall softly.

Ms. Sawyer whispered at Wendy in a furious tone.

“What is the matter with you!”

“I just want to talk.”

“How about you wait until im done?”

Being impatient, Wendy slipped under Ms. Sawyers stall.

Ms. Sawyer yelled and struck Wendy on the arm.

“Are you crazy get out!”

” We are the only ones in here, I knew you weren’t going to talk to me willingly.”

Wendy looked down at Ms. Sawyer bare thighs.

Ms. Sawyer quickly covered herself.

Wendy gave her an annoyed look.

“It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

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