One Loving Mother Ch. 06


Jesse was fairly out of it, the sex compounded with being drunk wore him out. When Gwen crawled over, he grabbed her, pulled her close.


He held her tight, wouldn’t let her go as he drifted to sleep.

“G’night baby.”

Once Jesse woke up, he had a serious hangover that demanded his attention, it wasn’t until he was mostly awake, he noticed not only was he home, but somebody was sleeping with him, she laid with her face nearly buried in his armpit, arm across his chest. Slowly he realized who it was and started to freak out.

“Mom! What the fuck,” he yelled and held his head.

Gwen was startled awake and sat up.

“Why are you yelling? Don’t you have a hangover,” she spoke low.

Through squinted eyes, he looked at her. “Yes. Why are you in my bed and naked?”

“Oh, you wanted me in here. I tried to leave but you cuddled up and it was so cute.”

“Why…? How did I even get here? Why were you really with me naked?”

“I guess you got here on your own. I had some wine while I waited for you, but I went to sleep. You woke me up blaring Seinfeld in the living room.”

“Still… the naked in bed part‽”

“I went to see what the noise was and get you to bed… you were calling me some girl named Kenzi and next thing I know–“

“Please don’t tell me the next thing you know is you had sex with me,” he demanded through gritted teeth.

She smiled thoughtfully.


“Jesse… you can’t blame me, dear. You wanted it and came on to me to take it. Remember?”

“No, I couldn’t have. This is a sick game of yours.”

“You were so out of it that you thought you were still at your party. I actually just wanted to get you to bed, I was too tired and a bit buzzed myself. You wanted it and you got it. Twice. If that’s how you do it drunk, I’d like to try it sober.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“I’m being honest. Sure I’ve been after you, but why would I lie? It was you, Jesse.” She reached for him.

“Stay back,” he yelled and winced. “Don’t touch me!” He covered himself up.

“This isn’t my fault. This was all you. At least… let me help you with that hangover.” She got up. “Try to remember.”

Gwen came back shortly with some pain killers and a PowerAde. He knew what they were so he took them. She disappeared into the kitchen to cook, while he tried to remember last night. It was bits and pieces, drinking, dancing, friends, sex with Kenzi, then somehow driving home–or so he thought, but still at the party? He remembered having sex with her again, but being at home before it. The pieces started falling in place. He did drive home, but the party, no, not a party, he turned on the tv. Yet he had sex with Kenzi again when he got home. He tried to remember her; the sex was good both times, yet, he only can fathom doing it with her once, since he drove alone. Remembered that he thought she looked like his mom, he wanted the sex, he realized he had sex with his mom and hard to deny that it wasn’t bad.

Gwen was just finished cooking when he came in the kitchen with some pants on, found her still naked. She turned and looked at him.

“You’re right.”

“Figure it out, Jesse?”

“Yeah… I… we… I forced myself on you and we had…”

“Had sex, yeah, you can say it.”

“But it’s wrong and you let me do it.”

“You were really persuasive.”

“You’re sick in the head, Gwen.” He gave her a nasty look.

“I know that.” She agreed with a nod.

“And you’re making me sick in the head! I don’t wanna be like you!”

“You’re not like me, I promise.”

“I think you’re trying to make me crazy and head-fucked like you.”

“I’m not try–“

“Don’t give me that! You’ve been trying to hypnotize me, I read it in your stupid crazy journal!”

“And clearly it’s not working like I hoped.”

“You keep giving me dreams!”

“What? No I haven’t. You can’t control another persons dreams and stuff, that I know. What dreams?”

“N-never mind! Just stay outta my head and take your stupid pills! Why aren’t you taking your damned pills‽”

“Why don’t you calm down some, before you make that headache worse.” She sat a plate of food in front of him. “I hate those pills, they don’t work right.”

“They work fine, they make you better.”

“You make me better! You fix me! The stuff in my head… sometimes I don’t know which voice is mine, on those pills it’s too quiet, I can’t even hear my own self think. I feel normal when we’re close. Since we had sex last night; I haven’t heard anything but my own thoughts. I don’t know how long I laid awake last night in your arms, but it was peaceful… I felt… felt whole and… normal.”

“There’s nothing normal about you! Don’t think I haven’t seen those new cuts either. Take your damn meds.”

“You’re my meds, Jesse. I know we’ve been aggressive, but that’s not there right now, we got a taste of what we wanted and she’s gone for now. It’s me… the woman who raised you. C’mon… you know I’m not like that. keçiören escort She’s just trying to help us get together.”

“Ewww, no! That’s sick! Having sex with you was sick! This… bullshit you’re saying is sick!”

Gwen looked like she was going to cry as her eye twitched.

“You’re just mad and confused at yourself, because you liked it. Probably loved fucking with me.” Her voice had an edge to it.


“You heard me Jesse-boy! Everybody knows drinking loosens a persons inhibitions and a drunk never tells a lie. You’re in denial!” She walked closer to him. “You just can’t be honest with yourself. You loved fucking your mommy! You wanted it and took it! What’s the problem, ehh? Torn about it, oh no it’s wrong because everybody else says so‽ Fuck everybody else, who’s more important? You love me already, so stop being stupid and love me all the way.”

“Your mind games aren’t working on me!”

She made an exaggerated frown. “You sure? I mean… you did willingly fuck me, you have been dreaming about it.”


“Maybe… maybe–you know mental issues run on our side of the family. There’s a chance you’re just as crazy as me.” She teased him.

“I’m not crazy.”

“Not yet. Could be starting up… happening… maybe it’s not, not yet, but not all the way, yet. I dream about you too, ya know. It’ll be easier if we just do it already, before you do start to get as crazy as me. I’m trying to save you and you won’t save me– you want me like this.” She sighed. “You’re gonna lose it and then we’ll finally be together, like we should be. I give it a few weeks before it happens. I can wai–“

Jesse smacked her. “Stop lying to me! I’m nothing like you! I’m not crazy!”

Gwen held her face in shock.

“You’re too far off your pills, you can’t see things right! Leave me alone until you get together, or I’ll call the hospital.”

“If that’s–okay, fine. I get it.” Tears filled her eyes.

Gwen moved the rest of her food from the stove and went to her room. He heard her crying, forced himself to eat and wanted to leave, hangover or not, the fresh air might do him good. With his clothes on from last night, he took a drive, cleared his head, cleared his hangover. What bothered him was that he couldn’t talk to anybody about it, not at a zero possible risk. It was near night time by the time he got home, as it usually was, when he needed to get out. Gwen was found still in her room, nothing cooked. I didn’t take long for what he did to sink in; there was no excuse for what he did, knowing she wasn’t well. Jesse decided to let her be and apologize the next day.

Gwen got off work before he did, Jesse walked in to the smell of cooking and prepared himself for her to snap.

“Mom, smells good. About yesterday… I was out of line and should’ve known better. I wasn’t in a good state of mind either. I’m sorry I slapped you.”

She didn’t respond or even face him.

“Hey… mom… you hear me?” Then he thought about it, “oh yeah, Gwen.”

She moved as if he wasn’t there.

“I forgot, sorry; Gwen, are you okay?”

She stopped for just a second but carried on.

“Gwen, if it helps, you can hit me back. Gwen I’m sorry I hit you, don’t you understand?”

He thought she was finally going to face him and speak, but it wasn’t such. She just happened to make her own plate and he was standing near the refrigerator. After grabbing something to drink, she went to the living room. Jesse couldn’t make out the expression on her face. Not too much longer he had his dinner and sat next to her.

“It’s our favorite show.”

He had never gotten the silent treatment from her before, he was worried and after a few bites in on his food, he waited until a break in her eating to grab her face.

“Gwen. I’m sorry I hit you, don’t you get it? It won’t happen again… I should’ve known better, okay? I mean it.”

She had the same empty expression, her eye twitched a few times before she calmly removed his hands, pushed them slowly away, grabbed her things and went to her bedroom.

“I really fucked up, I guess. I have sex with her and slap her the next day. I guess if I was in her condition, I’d be feeling whatever she is, too. Who knew she was a wildcat in the sack? Stop it Jesse, that’s your mom… even if it… was… good. Fuck–no not fuck, I mean damn. Damn it.”

After eating, he put up the leftovers for her and washed his plate, spotted her come to the kitchen.

“Here… I’ll wash it.”

Gwen sat it on the counter and went back to her room.

“How long can she do this? No way she can hold out that long with her lust and cartoon ass ideas.”

It had been three days since he heard her voice speak directly to him, three days of trying to give her space, three days of erotic dreams filling his head, he summed up as guilt from what he did and however she was feeling. Jesse might not have liked her advances and plans, but at least she was somewhat happy.

He kelkit escort came in the house and greeted her, she said nothing as she watched her show.

“Gwen… this is getting old.” He sat next to her. “I’d rather you keep trying to make me fall in love with you, than keep giving me the silent treatment. Say something!”

Gwen didn’t make so much as an audible breath, before she got up and walked to her bedroom.

“This has gone on long enough, Gwen, I’m tired of it.” He followed her.

She tried to shut the door in his face but he stopped her and forced himself in. She sat on the bed and wouldn’t look his way.

“Say something! I need to know how you feel, I need to know how to help! You can’t ignore me like this forever. I’ve been trying to make it right.”

She seemingly ignored him.

“Fine. I guess I’ll need to make you talk to me.”

Jesse sat next to her, took her face and kissed her on the lips.


No response.

“I’m just going to keep going until you talk to me.”

He pulled his shirt off, then hers and she crossed her arms over her chest.

“I mean I’ll go all the way if I have to.”

Once again he kissed her uncooperative lips and fed her his tongue, lowered her arms and hugged her, he kissed her as passionate as he could, knowing deep down she really wanted it, with their bodies pressed together. His lips went from her lips to an earlobe, down her neck where he got a tad rough- not even a noise from the pain. Jesse gave her love bites down her chest to her breast, the most he got out of her was a slight twitch here and there. Took his time with each breast, kisses, bites, sucked and tugged on each nipple. A glance here and there revealed she wasn’t even watching.


Jesse laid her down and pulled her pants off, on his knees, face was buried in her bush and the smell was actually intoxicating. Started slow, tugged on her labia with his teeth, pushed his tongue deep. There was no way she could stay silent, he thought. Lifted and spread her legs, lapped from her tight sphincter up to her clit as a thirsty dog. Her legs shivered just slightly, her breathing increased, each lick made her body jerk. It won’t be long, he thought. Pressed on with it, her crotch was soaked from him. He wanted to hear her voice, any sound would do, but there wasn’t any. Slowly he focused more and more on her clit. Gwen’s breath grew ragged, her body convulsed. He knew she had to cry out or at least a gasp. The way he licked her clit, Jesse was surprised his neck didn’t cramp, or his jaw. When she did climax, the only tell was her deep exhale followed by her body going limp.

“There’s no god damned way,” he whispered to himself.

After repositioning himself, he went back to licking her clit like mad, worked to fingers in her like a jackhammer. It wasn’t long before she started twitching, her breath started getting that hitch.

“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” he thought.

There was no change in her when she climaxed. Not even her face when he looked.

“I guess we’re really doing this? We’re supposed to be making love right now.” He gave her a disappointed look while pulling his pants off.

Jesse pulled her up on the bed, took his position and pushed deep in her. Determined to get a sound out of her; hard and fast was the choice. He put her legs on his shoulders and pounded her best he could.

“Gwen, I don’t know how long I last with this… please say something. I want that scream from that night, sexy momma.”

There was no noise other than his reciprocating in her and their heavy breathing. The challenge made him give it all his worth. Gwen’s eyes rolled in the back of her head, mouth started gasping.

“I’m kinda proud you held out this long… but you can do it… scream for me. Gwen… I love you, please.”

Her back arched, legs tightened, mouth gasped like a fish, hands grabbed her breast.

“Please mommy,” he begged.

Before he knew it, she sucked in a large breath, sat up best she could, eyes widened, a crazy sound blasted from her mouth that sounded like two trucks backing into the room, startled him.

“What the fuck,” he screamed himself awake.

The noise persisted and he was quickly reminded it was the alarm on his phone. Reached to turn it off, he sat up and caught his breath.

“I think I’m losing my damn mind.” He looked around.

He opened his door and headed towards the bathroom, meeting Gwen in the hallway.

“Have a good day at work. Love you Gwen.”

She didn’t acknowledge him as she left. Every waking moment in that house with her was hurting him more and more. He’s e even tried to text her and she never replies.

Jesse couldn’t do nothing but worry, he even called her job to see how she was doing, to be told that she was doing fine, not as chatty, but nothing out of the ordinary. He surmised it was just him she ignored, so she wasn’t completely shut down. Then a thought ran across kemer escort his mind; maybe it’s a trick.

“Another of her tricks to get me to fall for her… I bet it is. I know she’s probably still hypnotizing me so I have these dreams, too!”

All the concern went out the window, he was nearly fuming most of the day. When he got off work, he sped home ready to confront Gwen about this new plan.

“Gwen,” he yelled and slammed the door. “I know what you’re on!”

She was actually startled, but quickly calmed as he marched in the kitchen.

“This is just another crazy plan your lunatic mind thought of!”

She ignored him and kept cooking, he turned her to face her.

“No more. I figured out this silent treatment shit; get me used to not hearing you, so that hypnotizing shit works better! You got me feeling all kinds of ways about you, sex dreams and shit.”

She didn’t say anything and tried to walk away.

“No, you can stop now, clearly I figured you out.”

“I haven’t done anything but what you asked.”


“I refuse to take those pills, so I’m leaving you alone. I haven’t tried to hypnotize you, I even threw that book away. It’s hard but I’m trying to ignore them, I know how this goes.”

“Huh‽ Then… the dreams…? The way–” He let her go and ran out the house.

Jesse flung the top open on the garbage can, ripped a bag open and found the book.

“Then why am I feeling like I do?”

Once back in the house he confronted her while she was carrying laundry.

“Mo–Gwen, were you right? Am I starting to lose it? Say something! I need to know if I’m like you… please,” he begged.

She didn’t say anything and simply went to her room.

“Gwen! Wait, how does what go‽”

Back to the silent treatment she went. Jesse had to know if she was right and he knew there was one sure fire way to get her talking again; he had to play her game. To do it, he would need to read her journal again, he had to get in her head.

That next morning when they both woke up for work, he made sure to catch her before she left, the dream he had that night was another sex dream seemingly produced by Cheech and Chong.

“Have a good day at work.” He gave her a hug.

Even if it didn’t seem to change anything, it felt good to him to show her affection again, especially without her trying any funny business. Gwen didn’t fight back or resist like she had been, simply waited until she was free and went about her way.

Jesse knew she seemed to be functioning to some degree, so he didn’t worry too much about her, the bigger quandary was the unanswered question of if he had her same mental affliction? Or was this a game of hers, not in getting him to fall for her, but to understand her more. Despite the things she’s dealing with; she was never of low intelligence. Jesse remembered when she told him what was wrong with her, how she thought she could outsmart it and he encouraged her to do it. He started to realize that something was off with his mom and dad, here and there, how his dad had started spending less time at home, especially on her low days. He took responsibility to make sure she was okay, learned and grew accustomed to when she was on her medication or not. One day Damon never came back, she hadn’t taken any medicine and it wasn’t a good time, he couldn’t tell how she was coping until he gotten her refill. It took a few days before she could think straight. He remembered the day well, the day her medicine kicked in; she cried over Damon. He looked for his dad, found him and the truth. Damon still lived in the city, but he ignores his dad and his new wife, although he understands why he left, it still angers him to a degree.

Jesse had scheduled himself a doctors appointment for testing his own brain to make sure he wasn’t going to end up like her, on his lunch break. He thought about a lot of things and what he could do with her. Things started to make sense, he had to be sure to try and get Gwen to open up, to really know, but he had an hunch and an idea. Jesse got off work earlier than usual since she works and gets off before he does. He had showered, changed clothes and waited.

“I hope this works… shit… I hope I can convince her to do it,” he told himself out loud.

When she walked in the door, he jumped up to greet her with a hug.

“Welcome home. I hope you had a good day at work, I know it was probably hard.” He backed off and held her shoulders. “Don’t worry about dinner tonight, Gwen. I wanna take you out, I know it’s been a while. Can you get cleaned up for me? It’s nothing special, but… ah dunno… I think you need this.”

Of course she didn’t say anything, so he let her go on her way in hopes she would humor him. Jesse did hear her in the shower and a smile crept on his face. After her shower he had gotten curious if she was actually getting ready and wanted to check, although hesitant.

“If she’s naked… it’s not like it’d be the first time,” his mind thought about the nudes she sent, times naked, and of course when they had sex; both times.

Jesse found her door open and found her not getting dressed.

“Mom… please.” He walled inside. “Don’t you wanna go out? I got off early to do this. Can’t you see I’m trying to make up for how I’ve treated you?”

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