The College Intern 04

Thank you all for your patience as I recovered from a health scare. More chapters to come soon. This is a continuation of the College Intern story. If you haven’t already, I recommend reading the first three stories first.

Thank you again, to my editor, Kenji Sato. His willingness to provide guidance and encouragement has made me a better writer.


Monday morning and I was still wrestling with my decision. Who should I choose to be my intern for next semester? Each was a solid candidate. Kari was the wild card of the bunch. In more ways than one.

Stephan was my right hand in the office; Webmaster, database admin, and all-around-technical wizkid. He regularly beat me to the office and this day was no exception.

“Hey, Boss,” he called out, as I made my way past him to my office. “You make up your mind on the intern yet?”

“Not yet,” was my reply, as I booted up my workstation.

“Guess we won’t have to worry about the one who came in on Friday. She would have been trouble.”

“Funny you should mention her,” I said, with a sly smile on my face.



Finance staff meetings were boring. Sorry, but they were. This one was no different. The agenda covered the usual — monthly budget reports, staffing levels, campus events and finally, intern selection. Normally, each department head had discretion on who they took on. This time, however, my boss took matters into his own hands.

I spent a few moments after the meeting chatting with the head of facilities, when I noticed Coach Collins enter. Curiosity and just a tinge of trepidation hit me. She had never come to the admin building, that I could recall.

“Alan?” Deidre asked, as she came over and placed a hand on my forearm. “JB would like a word.”

Deidre had a soft-spoken way about her. She was the quintessential southern belle — charming, engaging, and dressed to impress. She had gone out of her way to welcome me to the campus when I had joined. A bond had formed between us over time, a friendship that had carried her through her recent divorce. Her smile gave me no hint as to what JB wanted. I nodded to her and headed to JB’s office.

James ‘JB’ Brown was the VP of Business and Finance. He was also my boss. JB was one of those consummate college administrators. He handled the politics of academia with the same ease and grace as he did glad-handing alumni for donations. He also knew how to hire good people and then get out of their way. Not a large person physically, but his personality dominated a room. When you were summoned to his inner sanctum, something big was happening. I entered his office with a bit of unease.

“Alan,” JB called out in greeting, his deep southern drawl rolling through the room.

“JB. Coach Collins,” I acknowledged the greeting with an accompanying nod to both.

“Lillian came to me with a bit of information that I find most intriguing.” His tone and eyes gave no hint to where this was going but my mind has already conjured up a number of possibilities based on the last forty-eight hours of my life.

“I believe you know Kari Welborn?” Coach Collins asked, as she turned towards me. I swore my heart stopped for a moment.

“I do,” I replied cautiously, hoping to keep my voice neutral. “She has applied for my internship for next semester.”

“That is what I wanted to talk to you about, Alan.” JB reached out and placed his hand on my shoulder. My gaze switched back to him, as I awaited his next sentence. I knew so far what had transpired between Kari and I was consensual. There was nothing I was embarrassed about there, however my presence in her apartment Saturday night was a violation of campus protocol.

“Ya’ll know I let my department heads make their own decisions in these matters, Alan. But this here is a special situation.”


My eyes snapped back to Coach Collins.

“I have put forth Kari’s nomination as an Academic All-American for the third consecutive year.”

“That’s wonderful,” was all I could think of to say.

“You see, son, I want to ensure she moves to the top of the list. Adding an internship to the application would be just the thing,” JB interjected, my eyes now bouncing back to him. “I want to grant her that position. I know I am pulling rank on you; I do hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, sir.” I knew it was not a request. “I will submit the final paperwork today.”

“I knew I could count on you!” JB clasped my shoulder again and grinned at Coach Collins.

“Thank you, Alan.” She smiled and took my hand.

“It is nothing, Coach, happy to help.”

She continued to hold my hand; a playful expression seemed to play over her features.

“Please, call me Lillian.” She squeezed my hand then released it. “I know I will be seeing you soon.”

I froze at that statement, staring at her.

“You will be at the GA Invitational in Atlanta next month. Have you forgotten already?” Her voice echoed at a hint of laughter at my expense.

Of course, escort I thought to myself, she had been standing right there when Fred gave me the tickets.

“Wouldn’t miss it,” I said, with relief. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll get that paperwork over to the bursar.”

With a wave of his hand, JB dismissed me. He and Lillian continued to talk as I walked out the door.

Relief flooded through me. The decision had been taken from me and I couldn’t have been happier about that. The question of would I choose Kari based on our relationship no longer needed to be answered. I still knew she was trouble.


“Is Alan here?” Kari’s sweet trill drifting in from the outer office. “He is expecting me. I am Kari Welborn.”

Matty Cather, my current intern, was at the front desk. A fifth-year senior, he wore the bored look of someone just waiting for time to pass. He would graduate in a few weeks and already had a job waiting for him in Atlanta. Unlike Stephan, Matty was never one to let a pretty face leave him at a loss for words.

“He is. But I was really hoping you were here to see me.” His playful flirtation came off as more rote than serious. When she didn’t rise to his quip, Matty continued. “He’s in his office. Go on back.”

I had been listening to the exchange through the open door to my office. I stood to meet her, wondering how Kari would play this out. She stepped briskly into my office and my breath caught in my chest. Her hair was brushed out in golden waves. Her skin was glowing with warmth of youthful vigor. Her eyes locked onto mine, deep pools of blue drawing me into their depths.

“Hello, Alan.” Her voice purred with hidden meaning. “I am so glad you called. I do hope this is about the internship.”

Matty nearly fell out of his chair as he turned to follow her progress. I couldn’t blame him for trying. Kari’s jeans look like they had been painted on, accentuating her ass perfectly. The white Oxford shirt she wore was loose around her trim waist, but gathered possessively across her breasts. She was stunning from every angle.

“Hello, Kari. Thank you for coming.” I was proud that I was able to keep the tremors from my voice. “I am pleased to say that you have been selected for the internship.”

Kari’s eyes lit up with pleasure, her perfect white teeth flashed a thousand-watt smile.

“Oh! Thank you so much! This means so much to me.” She was almost bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.

“You’re most welcome.” My smile was as broad as hers.

She put her hand out and I went to shake it. Gripping it tightly in both her hands, she pushed her body closer to mine, leaned and spoke with a voice for my ears only.

“I want to come to your place this evening to thank you.” Her gaze held me more firmly than her hand.

Words failed me, but I nodded slightly.

Kari’s tongue poked out just enough to wet her upper lip, then she stepped back.

“Thank you again. I can’t wait to share the news.” Her voice pitched so Matty could hear, a level of professionalism back in the tone.

“You will get more information from the bursar’s office and mine at the start of next semester,” I replied, matching her tone.

She turned and, with just a bit of an exaggerated sway to her hips, she floated back through the door. Matty nearly gave himself whiplash snapping back into an upright position in his chair. Kari didn’t give him a second look, as she reached for the outer door. Once again, the door opened before her as Stephan entered.

“Ever the gentleman. I’m going to get spoiled working with you.” Kari smiled at him, touched his hand as she passed through the doorway.

Stephan’s look of terror was almost too much for me, as I struggled not to laugh aloud.

“Boss,” he finally muttered. “She is SO going to be trouble.”


Six o’clock on a long Monday had left me mentally exhausted. I had completely forgotten that Kari was going to be stopping by.

The doorbell chimed. Befuddled as to who it could be, I opened it to find her standing there, hands full with paper bags from Publix.

“Hello Alan.” Kari moved past me and headed to the kitchen.

I turned to watch her pass. I couldn’t help but stare at her as she glided by. Her skintight shorts framed her taut ass cheeks. The crop-top she wore came nowhere near her waist, exposing a broad swath of her toned midriff.

“I hope you don’t have plans. I want to make dinner for you.”

She dropped the bag on the counter and turned towards me. My hands trembled as I encircled her waist. Hers found their way to my shoulders. She looked up at me with those captivating blue eyes and smiled.

“I wanted to thank you.” She kissed my lips softly. “For the internship.”

Kari’s lips always excited me; the feel of them– soft, warm, vibrant– on mine, as they parted to let my tongue enter her waiting mouth. The first touch of our tongues elicited a moan from her chest. Her fingers dug into my shoulders as her hips pressed forward against escort bayan mine.

“And for last night.”

Her eyes darkened to a deeper blue, almost violet. While we had not spent much time together, I knew this was a sign of her building arousal. My cock twitched as memories of last night flooded into my brain. Images of Gina’s face as she spasmed around my cock in climax. The taste of Kari as she rode my tongue to her own orgasm moments later. The sound of Kari screaming out her delight, as I repeatedly drove my cock into her waiting pussy before we collapsed in exhaustion. All that flashed across my mind as Kari pressed tighter against my body.

“Kari, about last night.”

My fingers caressed along her smooth skin at the top of her shorts. Her eyes held mine, waiting.

“I have never had an experience like that.” I kissed her softly, then continued, “Each time I am with you, my world expands. My mind is blown. My body responds to you in ways I have never imagined possible.”

Kari’s smile grew broader, if that was possible. Her fingers tugged at my shirt collar, pulling my face down to hers. Her kiss was loving and tender.

“Alan. I know it has only been a few days. But you have captured me.” Her breath was warm against my face, just inches apart. “You excite me in ways I never knew possible. You have taken me to heights of passion I never thought to achieve.”

Her arms snaked around my neck, her head against my shoulder. I pulled her tighter to me, feeling that I could stand this way with her forever.

She lifted her head, kissing my lips with a soft caress. Then pulled back to stare at me. “Alan, I–“

Whatever she was going to say was cut off by a loud pounding on my front door.

We both turned towards the sound, a confused look mirrored on our faces. Reluctantly, I released my hold on her and moved towards the door. The pounding came again, louder with more force behind it.

I threw back the deadbolt and opened the door.

Standing on my front step was a young man, mid-twenties, broad shouldered, blond hair pulled back into a man bun. His dark eyes blazed with fury. I was immediately wary.

“Can I help you?” I asked, turning to fill the doorway.

Ignoring me, the man shouted. “Kari, get your ass out here right now!”

Kari had followed me to the doorway. Looking under my arm, she gasped when she saw the man on the stoop.

“Kyle! What are you doing here?” her voice trembled, with a hint of fear.

“Get out here, before I get really mad!” He moved towards me. Before he could put a foot on the sill, my palm slapped into his chest.

“Back off.”

My tone was steady and low. My eyes held his, waiting to see if he would take my warning seriously.

“This doesn’t concern you, asshole!” he bellowed.

Kyle tried to push my arm away. As he moved my hand from his chest, I replaced it with my other hand.

“Back. Off.”

I put a bit of steel in my voice, each word delivered in a sharp, clipped cadence.

We locked eyes, his filled with fury, mine with anticipation. I expected him to erupt any second. Kari slid around in front of me, placed her hand on my chest and looked up at me.

“Alan, please. Go inside.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, not liking the smug look on Kyle’s face. He reeked of suppressed violence.

She nodded, then turned to face Kyle. I took a step back, but kept the door open.

“Why are you here?” she asked Kyle. Her arms were folded across her chest, a nervous twitch in her leg, a clear indication of her unease with his presence.

I watched him closely, ready to pull her back inside, if needed.

“Get your things, we’re leaving,” he growled at Kari.

“I’m not going anywhere with you!” she snapped, her voice still tinged with fear. She, too, could sense the violence waiting to explode in him.

“You damn well are!” Kyle roared. He reached out to grab Kari’s arm, when three things happened almost simultaneously.

Kari screamed as she stepped backwards. I pulled her to the side to step between the two of them. But what got everyone’s attention was the third thing. There is something about the racking of a shotgun that gets people’s attention.

“Everything OK here, Alan?”

My neighbor Todd Harper stood a few paces behind Kyle, his shotgun held at the ready, the barrel pointed just over everyone’s head.

Todd was a retired Georgia State Patrolman and head of the condo association’s neighborhood watch. The sounds of shouting, in our otherwise quiet community, had caught his attention.

“Not sure, Todd. I think that all depends on what this young man does next.”

Kyle spun on his heels, glaring at Todd. “Who the fuck are you?” Contempt dripping off each word as Kyle started first at the shotgun, then at Todd.

“Better question is who are you? This is a private community. It doesn’t seem like you have been invited,” Todd said evenly, aware of Kyle’s clenched fists and rage-filled eyes.

“She’s my fiancée, I better bayan escort damn well be invited.”

Kyle didn’t turn, but his finger pointed straight at Kari. I spun my head around to look at her. The misery etched into her face caused my heart to ache.

What the hell?


The rest of the week passed in a blur. Kari had grabbed her purse and slipped past me without a word on Monday evening. She didn’t leave with Kyle. He had been busy with the local sheriff’s deputy and Todd, trying to explain the ruckus. She also never reached out to explain.

I was thoroughly confused and a bit hurt. I knew we had just begun our, whatever you want to call it, but I had felt it had potential to be more. As I had done after my divorce, I lost myself in my work. There was no end to the projects and things that required my attention to keep my thoughts from drifting back to Kari.

Friday afternoon rolled around. Stephan had just sent me the latest wireframes for the updates for the Student Services web page. I was reviewing the summary when a knock sounded on the door frame of my office.

Deidre stood in the doorway, one arm above her head resting along the frame, left leg crossed over her right allowing a broad swath of her bare thigh to peek out from her skirt. She was casually dressed per our Friday office dress code. Besides the short beige skirt, she wore a white blouse, with the top two buttons undone, tastefully exposing her generous bosom. I smiled as I met her gaze. It had taken a while, but she was finally beginning to let her true self come out in her attire.

Her divorce had not been easy, her ex hadn’t done her self-esteem any favors before it. There, she stood relaxed in my door frame. Her blonde hair hung loosely to her shoulders, framing her oval face; just a hint of makeup accented her brown eyes; her full lips held a hit of mirth as she caught my attention.

“Hey, you,” she said, with a grin. “Buy a girl a drink?”

With a quick glance at the clock, I slapped the lid of my laptop down.

“Best idea of the day!” I grinned back at her. “Meet you at the Watering Hole in fifteen?”

Shortly after I had started at SGU, Deidre and I had taken to meeting at a local bar called The Watering Hole for a cocktail on Fridays. Sometimes, we would be joined by other staff members, but mostly it was just Deidre and me, two friends looking to decompress and share a laugh after a long work week. After her divorce, it took a concerted effort on my part to get her to come out, even when it was just the two of us. It had been a few weeks since any of us had met up on Friday, so I was pleased to see her take the initiative.

The Watering Hole was an upscale bar located right across from the Administration Building and a favorite of faculty and administrators. The prices and quiet atmosphere kept most students away, though grad students sometimes took over the back room for study groups mid-week. We took our preferred table, located near the back exit, away from the bar and restrooms.

The waiter dropped off our drinks, a rum runner for Deidre and a Manhattan for me. Toasting each other silently, we each took a sip. She set her glass down and reached across the table and took my hand.

“What’s the matter? You’ve been off your game all week.” Her fingers caressed the back of mine softly. We had that kind of relationship. She was my closest female friend, arguably my closest friend.

“It’s… complicated,” I replied, swirling my drink absentmindedly.

She didn’t say anything, but held my hand waiting for me to continue. There was no one seated nearby, so in a quiet tone I gave her the abridged version of the past week, starting with last Friday when Kari came to my office looking to apply for the internship. Deidre listened without comment and then took a long pull on her drink.

“So, what are you going to do about it?” She squeezed my hand gently.

“That’s just it. I am not sure I should do anything at all.” Taking a pull at my drink, I continued, “If she doesn’t want to explain, she really doesn’t have to. We are adults, after all. I guess I just thought it was something more than a casual fling.”

I looked up and gave her a wry smile. “Guess that is what rebounds are for, to remind me of the good, and not so good, of relationships.”

Deidre laughed and swatted my hand before taking another sip of her drink.

The talk shifted to other topics, her kids, office politics, and sports. Deidre was a huge FSU football fan. Drinks turned into dinner. As the lights in the parking lot came on, we settled our tabs. Standing, I offered my arm to her as she stood. Looping her arm through mine, she smiled, as we left by the back door to the parking lot.

We reached her car first. Deidre turned and placed her hands on my shoulders.

“Alan, I really am glad you are getting back into life. Dating, even brief flings with co-eds is good for you.” She went up on her toes, pressed her chest to mine, her face as close as it had ever been to mine.

I paused, unsure if she wanted me to kiss her. I wanted to– at that moment, I very much wanted to. She was a warm caring woman, with curves in all the right places with moist lips parted just inches from mine.

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