Oblivion , Doubt Ch. 06


This series is a companion to my story Truth margin-left:0″>

Graduation night had been fun. Her family and Miranda’s parents had both arrived early for the long weekend. In the days leading up to the ceremony, there was a scramble to prepare, but there were also dinners and lots of parties.

Miranda and her parents had joined Leethie’s family for dinner at a local steak house after they had walked. Everyone was dressed up. Her sisters were being silly and running around. Their parents seemed to really like each other, especially their dads who drank way too much; made toasts, and laughed hard all night. That had been surprising for Leethie.

After dinner Leethie’s mother had driven her dad and sisters back to their hotel, the little girls asleep in the back seat, her father laughing loudly even as they drove away. Miranda’s parents had driven them back to the apartment. Miranda’s father had told off-color jokes and told funny stories about Miranda while her mother drove and they all laughed. Getting out to hug them goodnight and say escort kocaeli their goodbyes to Leethie. The way Miranda’s mother had kissed her and peered into her eyes made Leethie wonder if Miranda had told her about them. She’d blushed, and thanked her for the ride.

The two of them had climbed the stairs in silence. Everything had been taken down off the walls. Their beds had been disassembled and their mattresses were on the floor. Their gowns and mortarboards were on Miranda’s mattress where they had thrown them earlier. Open bottles of champagne and red plastic cups littered the kitchen counter. All their things packed in boxes and bags. The shoji screens folded away and leaned against the wall with their bed parts. All of it ready to go to Goodwill.

Leethie checked the fridge, there was half a bottle of champagne left. It still had bubbles. She poured two cups to the brim, handing one to Miranda, and they toasted without saying anything.

They undressed and took turns in the bathroom. When Miranda was done Leethie was sitting on gölcük escort the edge of her mattress in her robe, facing the bed with their gowns, her cup of champagne almost empty.

Miranda kneeled primly at Leethie’s feet. Her cup in her hand.

“The dads…”

“Oh my god.”


They fell silent again. The room felt empty and over-large but suddenly charged. Miranda hadn’t worn much makeup, her face was clean and moist; her hair was a little wet where she’d splashed it. Her lips looked so full. They were the palest color pink.

“So, it’s our last night…” Miranda started.

Leethie felt the heat in her belly traveling into her chest as Miranda rose up and put her hands on her knees, watched as Miranda leaned towards her, lips parted. Eyes hooded Miranda tilted her head and with a jolt of shock Leethie saw she meant to kiss her.

“Don’t make it weird Miranda,” she sneered. Her face was hot and her belly tight as she watched her words hit. Miranda had frozen, and her eyes had gone wide and izmit sınırsız escort unfocused, filling with tears. For a moment Leethie thought she might storm off and was afraid. She wanted to apologize, but Miranda had taken a shuddering breath, bitten her bottom lip, and reached for the belt of Leethie’s robe.

“Sorry. Sorry… sorry,” Miranda muttered. As she opened the robe, exposing Leethie’s nakedness with business-like efficiency. “Let me get this.”

Miranda avoided her eyes as she pushed the robe off Leethie’s shoulders and, with her hands on Leethie’s knees, opened her thighs. Leethie leaned back on her elbows and looked up at the ceiling. She was angry at Miranda for ruining it, felt empty and cold as she began to eat her out. Leethie’s breath was ragged and her eyes filled with tears.

She reached out and pushed at Miranda’s forehead, forcing her away.

“Forget it,” she told her. “I’m not in the mood.”

Leethie rolled onto her side away from Miranda, she let her angry tears soak her pillow, keeping her breath even and smooth as, after a long moment, Miranda stood and turned off the lights. She listened to the sound of the gowns being moved and Miranda climbing into bed. Only when the room was still, and she was sure she couldn’t be seen, did she wipe at her tears.

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