A Car, 1 Woman, 2 Hours, and 3 Young Men.

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A Car, 1 Woman, 2 Hours, and 3 Young Men.I drove there alone that day, I cant say why really, but it was a day full of promise and a day away from the riggers of work, stress of constant demanding, and a loveless marriage.The sky was clearing with promise, the clouds parting to reveal the blueness one comes to expect on a Summers morning, and I put my foot down on the accelerator and sped through the glorious Scottish scenery, the warmth of the sun accentuated with the hot air coming from the vents of the heating.In reality, it was still cool outside, under 10C, but sitting behind the wheel and feeling the power of the engine, now I know why men think of it as a cock extension.I smile inwardly, even I, as a woman, can feel my own sex organ respond, was it the early morning thing and my sexual urges, or the sense of control over a wild b**st, touching the pedal with my big toe, made such a powerful roar?There is an overwhelming sense of freedom behind the wheel of a sports car, something I always felt I deserved as a hard working intern in the cities main hospital.At 24 one could forgive me for feeling ancient and past it, even though the wolf whistles and reflected imagery would say otherwise. I had married three years back, and the stresses with long working hours and hardly meeting enough to consummate a union, let alone the total lack of sexual activity between us, had driven us apart, if the truth be told, it has been eleven months since my last full satisfactory fuck, and right now I wanted to feel being a woman again, and my heart raced with such a prospect actually happening.I love the open countryside, the basic natural earthiness, the fresh air, and dropping to the ground and just fucking your brains out.The thought makes me laugh out loud, I can scream, ‘Fuck me’, in my loudest voice, and no one will hear it of course, but just doing it wets my crotch in nervous anticipation, and my hand touches myself, as my summer dress rides high atop my long thighs, I begin to masturbate as I drive through the highlands of this beautiful country, if only someone else were here, or at least watching, but still, just doing it feels good.Typical, just as I start getting into a rhythm, a road sign indicates ‘Road repairs’, and as I round the bend, I am met with a set of traffic lights on Red, and not another car in sight, as the road winds away into nothingness.I continue with my masturbation and decide to take my panties off to make everything easier, and no sooner have they been tossed into the back seat, than the light turns green, and I am off again, my frustration being turned into kinetic energy as I speed along the narrowest of türbanlı aksaray escort roads, the exhilaration adding to my bodies cravings.Finally the second set of lights come into view, and as usual, no cars to be seen, ‘Fuckkkkkkkkk’, I scream in my highest shriek, then I laugh and wind down my window.Three figures come from nowhere, all clad in parkas and hitchhikers back packs, I brake sharply and come to a halt, realizing I was driving a little crazy.The three young men turn in surprise as I stop not too far behind them, they are all young guys, mid teens or younger, and they stand there staring at this blond woman in her bright red sports car.I smile nervously and give them a wave of acknowledgement, and they wave back, then one approaches the car.He comes around to the drivers side where the window is open, Good morning Maam’, he says in a well educated and polite manner.’Good morning’, I reply, as he sidle’s up to the open window and looks in, and I suddenly realise I am exposing myself, as I have not eased my dress down.I look into his face, he is embarrassed at what he just saw, ‘Lets pretend you never saw that’, I said quietly, as I covered my bare thighs down to mid way.His embarrassment was cute to observe, I found it refreshing, and felt my body responding to his presence.’What can I do for you young men’, I ask him throatily, as I looked ahead and watched his two friends cavorting around.’Are you guys related’, I asked him? ‘No’, he replied, his voice tinged with anger, a perfectly normal male reaction, when competition to mating with a female is on offer.I laughed, at his reaction, and then realized I was happy with my changing fortunes, boys mid-teen have full developed penises, and three was always my fantasy number, but more darkly, they were young and fresh, that more than anything else, excited me.’We are on our Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme’, he volunteered, ‘three nights out camping and map reading’, he rattled-on, and I nodded, wondering if any of them liked to fuck a woman in her ass, I could live out a fantasy here on these beautiful mountains, away from prying eyes, just being a debauched mother to these boys.I turned back to look at him once he stopped talking, and saw he was focussed on something lying on the back seat, my discarded panties, and I turned around and retrieved them, ‘Not a fucking word’, I said, as I scrunched the flimsy material up into my fist.I could see he was excited knowing my nakedness under this flimsy cotton dress, no doubt my lack of brassiere straps told him there was nothing else beneath to hide my nakedness.’Do you boys türbanlı aksaray escort bayan want a lift’, I asked, my mind racing, my body screaming, and my will weakening, the feeling of the whispy lace bunched in my fist, ached?’Yes’, he replied, this time the discernible change in his voice as he answered told me more and more we were bonding and flirting.’Ok’, I said, I will give you a lift, and if you keep your word until I am long gone, you can keep these, and as I spoke I thrust my panties into his hand, my face contorted, as it does when I tell a lie.’OK’, he said, my panties disappearing into his Parka pocket, something I hoped he would wank into at some future time.I got out of the car and walked around to the boot and opened it, by that time the other two boys had arrived and stood there staring at me, my contours and nakedness under the thin cotton, now moulding to my body with the slightest of breezes, was evident enough, my nipples sticking out and advertising my wantonness, ‘I’m Mariel’, I said, sticking my hand out and offering it to the most baby faced boy of the three.He took my hand, his shyness acting like an aphrodisiac, on my sexually starved body, so much so when he took my hand, I fondled his fingers, and felt no shame in my advanced sexual manner.’I’m Tom’, he murmured quietly, and I released his feeble and soft hand, looking directly at the next boy, who was just as deliciously young and nubile, ‘and you’, I asked in a slightly domineering manner, ‘Harry’, he replied, again his youth and inexperience shining through.I laughed and turned to the boy who started it all, ‘Let me guess’, I said out loudly, ‘you must be Dick’, I said, and they all caught the joke, Tom, Dick, and Harry, but I wondered if they caught my subtle meaning, Dick as in Cock.I turned to the boot and placed one sack into the boot, and as I bent over and pushed it under the low boot opening, I could feel my flimsy dress moulded to my form and clearly show I was not wearing panties. I took my time stowing this bag, as I wanted to let them see me as I was, perhaps I wanted them to rush in and take me there and then, I know I would have liked that.We managed to cram 2 haversacks into the boot and the remaining one between to boys in the back seat. We were now on our way as the road started to climb, we were heading up a mountain, and I hoped the car would make it, as the interior of the car was crowded.’Are you a model, or an actress’, one of the boys in the back asked me, and I reached up and adjusted my mirror to see who it was asking, it was Harry?’What makes you think that türbanlı escort aksaray Harry’, I retorted.’You’re beautiful and have a great body’, he replied.I was glad he was asking, I needed these boys to be thinking and talking sex, ‘Does my body turn you on Harry’, I asked him, I was driving with my dress hem high on my thighs, and my legs open, something Dick was finding hard to deviate from?The car was straining in forth, so I needed to drop a gear, and my hand went out to the gear stick and changed down one gear, my fingers brushing Dick’s leg, which was up against the gear stick.I looked across at him, ‘What about you Dick’, as my hand lingered over his thigh, he looked at me, like a Rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, ‘Do you want a fuck’, I said it, and all the boys heard it.The silence and awkwardness inside the car was as deafening as the sexual vibrancy we were all feeling, ‘What do you boys think’, I poised for a moment, before asking them, ‘Shall we find a quiet spot and let you fuck my brains out’?I felt light-headed, so much so I nearly went off the road. I was giddy and to add to my own internal confusion, I had taken Dick’s hand and placed it on my exposed thigh, the inner sensitive flesh that almost made me scream and feel sick at the same time.I was squirming so much so, my dress had risen high enough to expose my cunt, that Dick was now gleefully fingering, and seeing this going-on in the front, the two boys in the back seat had lent forward and were engaged in having their handful of forbidden flesh, my breasts pulled free and exposed, my aching nipples tugged, twisted and tortured, only added to my lusting.The car was brought to an abrupt halt, and I felt that last piece of cotton torn from me, the sound of the cloth being ripped, made me yelp in orgasmic lust, I craved secretly to be forcibly taken, pained and marked, and seeing both boys from the back seat, clamp their mouths and teeth onto my half-inch nipples, the shock waves of pain and pleasure were too much for me to bear, I wanted to feel them inside me, as I was dragged from the car and towards the clump of trees about 10m from the car.I never felt the pain of the sharp stones and broken glass ripping my soft flesh, or the chocking sensation of taking Tom’s cock deep into my mouth, I was in a sexual delirium, the focal point in my cunt, where Dick was deeply penetrating, with Harry toying with my anal entrance, his fingers showing no mercy, even when a small trickle of blood was induced with his violent fingering, by now all the boys were naked, and I must have resembled a sow with her piglets sucking her dry.Of course a naked beauty with three naked and inexperienced boys having their virginal toying with a willing woman, needs more words and descriptive prose. Two hours had taken us to this point, but a fully six hours was to pass before my body was returned to my control, if you really want this sordid story to have an ending, Please just ask me, and I will tell you everything. Love Mariel

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