

Subject: The Lobsterback episode 5 (historical, incest) This story is here thanks to Nifty. Though Nifty doesn’t charge, it still has expenses. Please join so many other horny guys in offering them fty Author’s Note: I have approached this as a character-driven story (with explicit scenes). The five episodes vary considerably in tone, content, and point of view, but collectively they tell a coherent story. I hope that this, the last episode, gives you as much pleasure to read as it gave me to write. If it happens to be the first one you see, I urge you to start at the beginning and work your way up. THE LOBSTERBACK Episode 5 So Johnny goes off to cadge a hayrake, and John waits `til he be out o’ sight, and then he grabs me for a long kiss. Some o’t’others would kiss me, but not the way he kisses me . . . I want to kiss him forever. I want his arms around me and his mouth on mine, like we be but one creature, breathing one breath, forever. But I also want him up inside me, and his hands kneading on me back and on me arse get me hot and I get to grinding against him and rubbing up against that lovely prick o’ his. And he stumbles back onto a chair and I keep a-grinding and we keep a-kissing as I straddle him like he be a horse � a stallion for sure, but he be riding me as much as I be riding him if tha know what I mean. I break the kiss long enough to shuck me britches, and I wet me hole and climb back on his lap and slide down on his prick, slow but deep, and we be kissing as I ride him, his prick stroking so sweet and gentle inside me. He be making love to me, not just fucking me, and for all that it ha’ been more’n a month, I still get a mite teary thinking how lucky I be. We dinna have much time and for sure we dinna want to be at it still when Johnny comes back from those tosspots in the place up t’road, so I go to town on his prick, squeezing me arse and riding hard, driving his prick deep up me gut where I can truly feel it. Then he breathes in, right sharp, and I feel the heat inside me and I know he be breeding me and I kiss him that much harder. There be nowt to do but pull off o’ him and put me britches back on, but I wish I could stay there till nightfall, his arms around me and his prick a-throbbing inside me. We just be stepping out t’house when Johnny comes a-running up � no hayrake and looking a right mess. His blouse be torn, his britches half falling off and tearstains all down his cheeks. John takes one look and goes white. He grabs our lad and hugs him tight and rocks him back and forth like a baby, making shushing sounds and stroking his hair and telling him again and again that it be alright now. I canna do nowt but gawp � I feel right flummoxed. Our lad be weirdly still at first, but then the tears start a-flowing and keep on a-flowing. I get to thinking, and I go inside and get me musket and John’s `old Bess’ and shove them behind the truckle bed and come back outside. Johnny be sobbing still, but more quiet-like, and as I walks up to them John pulls me in with one izmit escort bayan arm so our lad be between us and John’s arms be around us both. After a time we go inside and John asks, right gentle, what Mr. Jed done to him. Johnny looks confused and says he just told him to git. John pauses a moment and then asks about Mr. Ben. Johnny looks over at me and then looks at the floor and says in a right low voice, “I think he wanted to fook me.” Now John’s voice gets right low as well, and I can see he be vexed right proper but dinna want to show owt. He asks Johnny if Mr. Ben took his britches down and if he touched his penis or his bum and Johnny says Mr. Ben pulled his britches down and pushed him onto a haybale and licked his bum for a long time and put his tongue and his finger in his bum but Mr. Jed came and stopped him before he put his penis in his bum. John tells our lad what a brave boy he be and pulls out the truckle bed and stays by him till he falls asleep. Then he looks to the fireplace and sees there be no old Bess above the mantle and tells me right low to come to the barn. I be a-feared he’ll send me away, but I be even more a-feared he might do summat he be regretting for all eternity. “Where are the guns?” he says, right off. I tell him that I hid `em, and I’ll bring `em out again if that truly be what he wants. Then I ask him if he ever killed a man. He looks surprised, and he pauses, and says no. And I tell him I have killed a man, more’n one, and it weighs on your soul, and I dinna want him to feel that weight on his soul. He be silent, so I keep on. I tell him what Mr. Ben tried to do was bad � proper bad � but it won’t kill Johnny. He be a good lad and a loving lad and a strong lad, with plenty o’ gumption. I tell him he already be asking me about fucking and making love � he be curious, for all that he be so young. And I tell him me uncle fucked me when I was younger than Johnny, and I wish he hadna but he did, and it right fucked up me life for a time, but I lived. I didna have a loving father to protect me like Johnny does, and what’s Johnny to do if his father hangs for shooting his neighbor? Or if he dinna hang, but the whole town knows the story, and forever after our lad be the boy who got fucked? John looks at me, and his eyes look sad and tired, but he smiles and asks how someone so young can be so wise, and I feel a heavy yoke fall from me shoulders and I breathe a mite easier. We go to bed, and all night long me man holds me close, but we dinna make love. * * * * * The next few days Johnny be unnatural still. He dinna laugh and his smile goes quicker’n it comes. Every time I look up he be close by, and in t’evening when John reads to us, our lad be laying with his arms wrapped tight around his pa. Maybe a week goes by, and I be in the barn and all, and Johnny appears next t’me, looking like he want to say summat but don’t know how to start. I keep at me work but give him a smile, and after a time he says that Mr. Ben wanted to fuck him and I tell him izmit sınırsız escort that I know that and then he says that Mr. Ben put his finger in his bum and it hurt and I tell him that Mr. Ben shouldna done that and then he says that Mr. Ben put his tongue in his bum. After that he be still for a spell, and I get to imagining what it may be he wants to ask but canna. So I ask him if Mr. Ben’s tongue in his bum hurt, and he says it didna. So I ask him if Mr. Ben’s tongue felt funny, and he says it did. And I ask if it be a bad funny or a good funny, and he says it wasna bad. And he asks if it hurts when a man puts his penis in your bum. I need to think careful-like how to answer him, and I tell him that the first time, like as not, it hurts, and if the man just be fucking and not be gentle it might hurt right proper. But if the man be gentle and wants to make love and not just fuck, and he uses his fingers gentle-like to open tha up, then taking a prick in thy bum dinna hurt too bad, even the first time. And after tha get the knack of it, it be a proper treat. And he looks right thoughtful, and thanks me, all polite, and leaves the barn. * * * * * That night John and me make love again, like before. We start on our sides, his chest warm against me back and his lovely prick sliding in and out of me arse, sweet and gentle. And it be a week since I last took his prick, and it feels so good that I be moaning more than I might, and pushing me hips back against me darling, and he starts to move faster and fuck me harder and it feels sooooo good, and the ropes o’ t’bed be creaking, and John grabs me leg and swings me around so we be face to face, his prick still buried in me arse the whole time. The hair o’ his chest be rubbing against me chest, and the hair o’ his forearms be rubbing against me shoulder blades, and his hands be gripping me shoulders from behind, and he be driving his prick hard into me arse, truly fucking me as he be kissing me, and truly kissing me as he be fucking me, and we both be grunting and moaning and our flesh be slapping together and the ropes be creaking summat fierce, and I turn me head to the side � And there be Johnny, sitting on his truckle bed, his face pale in the moonlight, brow all furrowed, studying us. John dinna see him, and I feel that he be close to blowing, and his eyes be closed, and he thrusts three times and holds me tight, his whole body clenching as he breeds me deep. He sags against me, his face towards the wall, and I put me finger to me lips and gesture to Johnny to lay back down, and he stares at me a moment or two and then lays down like the good lad he be. * * * * * The next day Johnny finds me in the barn and asks if Pa and me were making love last night. I tell him yes. He asks if it felt good and I tell him it felt right good. He says it made him think of the sheep rutting, but with kissing, and I dinna know what to say t’that. In a low voice, he asks if I love Pa, and I say I do. In a voice so low kocaeli escort bayan I scarce can hear it, he asks if I love him too, and I say I do. “The same way you love Pa?” he says. Not quite, I tell him � more like the way Pa loves him. But a bit like the way I love Pa. I know I should give a different answer and just say I love him the same way his Pa loves him, nowt more, but I have never lied to Johnny and somehow I canna stop meself. He throws his arms around me waist and holds me tight, and I feel me prick start to chub up. And then he tells me – he tells me that he wants me to make love to him. * * * * * “Our lad fancies hisself in love.” I dinna know how else to tell John. It takes me long enough, too � mayhap a week or so after Johnny asks me to fuck him (because that’s what he be asking for, whether he know it or not). John looks at me and smiles and says he’s noticed, and how could anyone not fall in love with such a wonderful person, and I can feel me face go hot and I feel a tickle of pleasure in me belly even as I know that what comes next canna be a pleasure. “He saw us in bed � fucking � and he wants me to do that t’him.” Me face is aflame, I know, and I canna look in his eye. I stare very hard at a bit o’ tackle in the corner o’ t’barn, but I be listening right close. John be still. I need him to say summat. I need to know if he be angry � with me, with Johnny. I need to know what this be changing. Can he still love me? I need to know if I be staying here, or if me life be fucked again. At last, he says, “Not yet.” And he smiles at me, and takes me in his arms, and I know it will all come out right, somehow, in the end. * * * * * And that is how we come to be where we be � not an end, not a beginning � somewhere in the middle, I guess. I find meself in the middle often enough, these days. Johnny now be taller’n me and taller’n John, but he still likes me prick in his arse, and sometimes John may slide into me while I be in Johnny, and I rock me hips back and forth, savoring the feel of arse on me prick and prick in me arse. But more often I be on me back with John or Johnny pounding me hard, the way I come to like it. I like it especially when they take turns, one o’them fucking me till he needs t’rest, then t’other taking over and fucking me till HE needs t’rest, and so on back and forth till me arse be dripping seed and me head be too addled to think. We got right daring just last week, and they figured a way to put both their pricks in me at the same time. It be too much for me, such a stretching . . . but I want t’try it again for sure. I wonder how John felt, with his prick sliding against his son’s. . . . They never ha’ fucked – they touch each other a bit, and kiss a bit, but not like the kissing they do with me. I wager Johnny would let his pa fuck him if he asked, but John will never ask, and that be just fine by me. Besides, I know Johnny sneaks off t’the Polks from time to time, and I dinna think he tells me all that he gets up to with that pair o’ tosspots! Thank you for reading all the way to the end! I really, really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. My thanks to those who have written to me � I very much appreciated hearing from you. If you liked the story, I’d love to hear from you. Randolph

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