Ashley’s Pees Where She Wants Ch. 03

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Ashley is a 19 year old high school student, one of the last in their school’s grade 13 program which is now ending. She found a tablet she was able to translate and now she has the ability to control minds. She has used this power to fill her growing pee fetish she discovered one evening when she pissed into her 18 year old sister’s favorite teddy bear.

Since then she has also used this power to get sexual services from a few boys. She also got another naughty idea when she followed an annoying boy into the change rooms and peed over the clothes of the boy and his friends. He showed up and caught her in the act but he only managed to add to her fun in the end.


Ashley became more and more bold with the use of her new powers. She discovered that people will follow any command she gives or answer any question she asks when using the discovered techniques. The only possible issue comes when giving commands in the form of questions in which case the target will answer the question rather than follow the command. This is what happened when she said to her sister

“Would you mind nestling the face of your cute little bear between my labia for me?” On the other hand putting a command as “I wish you would” or “You’re going to” would be taken as a command and followed exactly. This would help if she wanted to command someone around without it being suspicious to anyone who might overhear that she is ordering someone around.

Now she was on a quest to fill her desire to pee in new places, preferably those where it is not wanted. She thought long and hard about where and decided if she was going to pee on someone’s stuff she should at least start with people she held a grudge against. Her first target was to be a girl named Meghan Peters.

Ashley blamed Meghan for spoiling her chances with a boy she was attracted to named Chris. She was talking with him and seemed to be getting his interest when Meghan walked by in a pretty blue blouse and completely distracted him and stole her chances. Especially annoying to Ashley was how Meghan seemed to act like she didn’t even need to show off all that much, usually wearing more conservative clothing, so when anything was even a little bit revealing it was quite noticeable. If anyone was a target Ashley deemed worthy it was Meghan.

It was afternoon immediately after school when Ashley marched staight over to Meghan’s house. She was downing a bottle of water on the way to quench her thirst as she had almost nothing to drink until then. She was determined to carry out her twisted plan and have some fun with it at the same time. On the way over she spotted Chris heading into the park. If only her bladder would give her the time she could just walk over and have her way with him right now, but she was on a mission and nothing would distract her now.

She was starting to feel the need for relief as she reached Meghan’s house and rang the door bell and shortly her mother answered the door. “I would like you to let me in so I can see Meghan.” Ashley subtly commanded and was immediately let in without a second thought. She walked upstairs to see Meghan just leaving her bedroom, too distracted to notice who had just walked into her house.

Ashley immediately told her “Meghan, I want you to go to back to your room and wait for me. We’re going to talk for a bit.” Once the two of them had entered the room Ashley closed the door behind her.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Meghan who was just about to call out for her mom when Ashley gave a silent command with a gesture to be quiet stopping the call.

“I’m here to settle a bayburt seks hikayeleri little issue I have with you. You see I can now get anyone to do what I say, as you must surely notice by now, and since I’m pretty sure you’ve taken away my chances with Chris you’ve put yourself on my to-do list of people to have some fun with.”

Ashley looked at the skirt Meghan was wearing, a nice skirt but like all of her clothing it was quite modest as its length was below her knees, but that was going to change very soon. “That’s a nice skirt Meghan, but why are you always so stingy about showing off. I think we can get that skirt improved quite a bit. Do you know how to sew?” Meghan shook her head. “Does your mom know how to sew?”

This time Meghan nodded. Ashley smiled as she gave her a new command to wait up there for one minute before heading down and giving her mother a request; a request that Ashley had dictated to Meghan before heading down to have a word with her mother first.

Reaching her mother downstairs she told her “Meghan is coming downstairs soon and she is going to ask you to do something for her. You are going to fulfill her request and in fact you will believe that this is something that she should have done a while ago, and that she has simply been too afraid to do it before. You know this change is going to be for the best however strange it may seem for either of you.”

This was when Meghan came down the stairs, walked up to her mother, and slipped off her skirt right in front of them like it was no big deal. “Hey mom, could you do me a favor? This skirt is a bit too long could you shorted it to say; 7 inches?”

Ashley had to giggle a bit at the request she had forced Meghan to make, 7 inches would be barely long enough not to be a wide belt, and also how her mother also under her control accepted such a request with a smile.

They all moved to the sewing machine and Ashley could still see a hint of shock creep through on Meghan’s face through her control, as the majority of the skirt was shorn from its waist which was then re-hemmed at its new length. Meghan thanked her mother when she was handed back the skirt. The two of them went back up to Meghan’s room as Ashley began to hobble and shift, her bladder was beginning to reach its limit.

Looking Meghan over to finish preparing her for the outing Ashley now had planned she now noticed her rather everyday looking underwear. “Awe, don’t you have anything fancier than that? Surely you have something you would wear if you thought a boy might see?” Meghan dropped the tiny skirt onto her bed and fished out a nice looking pair of pretty lace panties. Ashley could hardly believe Meghan would own anything like that and asked her about them.

“I snuck out and bought these when my parents weren’t around; I would like to be prepared just in case.”

“Well if you got them for the day you would be seen in your underwear then today’s the day. They will go well with that skirt, put it down next to the skirt.” She needed only one final thing before the two of them would be headed out, she needed that blue blouse. Meghan fished it out of her closet for Ashley and handed it to her.

Ashley commanded her to take her clothes off as she opened one of Meghan’s dresser drawers full of her shirts and placed the blouse and the newly hemmed skirt on top of the clothing. She got one final naughty idea as she was about to place the underwear in with them but decided instead to slip them on herself. She stepped into them and pulled them up to her exposed crotch under her own skirt, she rarely wore underwear these days as it made it so much easier to pee without wetting her clothing, but these panties weren’t hers.

She told Meghan to sit on the bed and watch as she held her skirt out of the way and hovered over the blouse in the open drawer. Ashley loved watching Meghan’s expressions as she let out the first couple drops into the underwear, visibly moistening them.

“I’ve made a special batch for you, Meghan. Have you ever noticed how the first time you pee in the morning it is darker and stronger? I’ve been drinking very little this past day and this is going to be my morning pee because I haven’t gone all day.” Smiling she let out a stream of nice yellow pee quickly soaking the underwear and passing through to wet the blue blouse.

Ashley slowly shifted over so that her stream went from hitting the top to the bottom of the blouse, then when it was thoroughly soaked she aimed her stream at the skirt. She loved watching Meghan’s blouse and skirt get soaked and enjoyed watching the extra piss soak through or run off onto the other clothes in the drawer. She looked up at Meghan’s appalled expression her mouth hanging open watching her things getting soaked in another girl’s piss, and almost shoved her back onto the bed and to direct her stream into that open mouth with her concentrated load of pee but was having too much fun with the drawer.

She finished urinating into the drawer and turned around admiring her handiwork. The drawer began to drip with pee; and Ashley casually decided to pull out the drawer beneath it, which had a few pairs of pants in it, to catch the drops. She slipped off the underwear and put them on top of the skirt.

She bent forward with Meghan directly behind her sitting on the bed “lick my pussy dry.” She didn’t like the idea of spending all that time making strong pee and not having someone at least taste a little of it to see their reaction. Meghan gagged as she gathered the droplets of dark yellow pee with her tongue as Ashley with her head over the drawer was able to admire just how strong the smell of the pee soaked clothing was.

Standing up Ashley commanded Meghan to put on the blouse, the skirt, and the underwear. She giggled at Meghan’s expressions as she put on the pee soaked clothing with a squish. Ashley then looked her over. The skirt was so short that even when Meghan tried her best to cover herself with it the skirt only barely succeeded at covering her crotch, and actually failed at covering the bottom curves of her ass. Her blouse was still a little too conservative for Ashley though.

“I want you to undo: actually I want you to remove the top two buttons on that blouse.” Meghan reached up and holding onto the button pulled hard several times before the button snapped off in her hand, and repeated the process with the next one. Having done this Meghan was now showing a considerable amount of cleavage. Ashley never noticed this before since Meghan had always dressed so conservatively but she was fairly well endowed compared to the other girls and this cleavage was surely to be noticed by any guys that saw her.

“Wow Meghan you look so much prettier that way. You are going to have to dress more like this regularly.” Meghan nodded unconsciously at this last statement, possibly not even aware of the subtle change that had just been placed upon her.

It was now time for their outing, but first Ashley wanted to refill her bladder so the two of them went to the kitchen for some water. Between glasses Ashley asked Meghan if she had to pee.

“Well actually I was about to go when you got here, so yes I do but I can still hold it so far.”

“Perfect, I’d like you to drink a couple glasses of water and follow me outside.” They walked out and headed straight for the park. Ashley’s current plan depended on something to work right but she could always adjust it if need be, she just preferred it if luck was on her side and so it was. The two of them stumbled on Chris still in the park, sitting on a bench reading a book. This was when Ashley whispered out the rest of her plan to Meghan, whose pallid look told Ashley that this was going to be really fun to watch.

Following commands Meghan strolled out past Chris who glanced up at her for a second before going back to the book. Then with great surprise he looked back up at Meghan, then down to her skirt obviously admiring her exposed bottom. Meghan turned around and began talking with him.

Ashley was watching from behind a tree as Meghan flirted with Chris. She reached under her skirt and teased her clit with her finger watching the scene she orchestrated play out before her. Her plan continued to work as Meghan sat down in his lap just as Ashley told her. Meghan’s clothes still wet with Ashley’s pee began wetting Chris’s clothes. Ashley stared closely at the short skirt as her moment of triumph approached. Chris was about to get a lot more wet.

Meghan closed her eyes and Ashley could see a stream appear from under her skirt. She held onto Chris tightly; not allowing him to move away. His pants became soaked with Meghan’s stream of pee pouring out of her. Meghan smiled and appeared to enjoy while internally she was screaming at herself to stop peeing, move away, don’t do this to him we’ll never get over it especially if he tells anyone at school.

Then completely unexpectedly to both Ashley and Meghan Chris put his arm around Meghan, pulled her closer, and kissed her. “He likes it!” said Ashley, almost giving herself away to Chris. She quickly ducked behind the tree. This wasn’t going to Ashley’s plan, but she couldn’t help but be turned on by the fact that Chris was enjoying what Meghan was doing to him.

Ashley looked back at the couple to see Meghan with one hand under her skirt rubbing herself and still peeing and the other opening Chris’s pants; the two of them kissing heavily with his hands slipping into her blouse. These two were really getting into it. Her finger moved faster and she repeated quietly to herself “He likes it; mmm; he really likes it; ooh mmm.”

By now the new water had made its way through her and she began peeing a little as she neared orgasm watching the two teens making out on the bench. Her pee splashed quietly against the roots of the tree and soaking into the ground below her.

Meghan was rubbing her pussy along Chris’s shaft avoiding actual penetration but wetting him from top to bottom. Ashley was pushed over the edge as she could just make out the white liquid spurting out of Chris onto Meghan’s belly.

Then whether out of sympathy, whim, or just to mess with Meghan’s life even more she made the decision to leave her here with Chris to deal with the result of their encounter in the park. She would have to see the results of this herself in the near future. Ashley walked away from the park, keeping the tree between her and the other occupants.

Ashley contemplated getting a relation like that herself as she headed home. She might one day want that, and can get it from anyone she wanted at any time, but for now she preferred finding someone a little less willing. She also made a note that some day she would have to try getting back at someone by having them drink a whole bladder of a special batch of her pee.

Ashley smiled as she began gulping down the water she re-filled her bottle with at Meghan’s place. She was definitely going to need to keep an eye out as she walked the streets to her house, her next opportunity could come from anywhere; or anyone.

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