Yen Ch. 02: Yen’s Terms

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*Note that this story contains elements of femdom, cuckolding, and male chastity. If that is not your kind of thing, then you will likely not enjoy the following story, and please feel free to skip it. However, if that kind of thing is your scene, then I hope you enjoy it!*

**This story is the second chapter in a series. If you would like to get the full context then it will be very useful to read the first chapter before continuing.**

Yen’s Terms

Yen straddled me once again and stayed in place silently ensuring I had time to take in the view of her exceptional naked body and process the feeling of the cage constricting my cock. “How does it feel Ally? Do you like your new cage?” I didn’t even try to resist, knowing the answer she was expecting, I just nodded. “Hmm, good boy, you are learning quickly! That’s the right answer.”

“Now let’s begin, I know you are probably very confused and a little disappointed, I know you would have been expecting to cum today, but as we have already learned, that’s not what today is about. Today is about reaching an agreement about how our relationship will be going forward. Luckily for you, there’re only two things you have to do for the rest of this conversation. Simply listen carefully to what I have to say, and nod your head to show me that you understand. By nodding your head, you are showing me that you both understand AND agree with everything that is being discussed. Ok?” I nodded. “Good boy Ally!” said Yen condescendingly, while ruffling my hair.

“I’m glad you like your new little cage because you going to see it a lot from now on. But don’t worry, things won’t be too much different than what they already are, you will still get to help me relax, which I know you love doing. And I will even let you have an orgasm occasionally as well, so that’s good right?”

I nodded again, and honestly, I was thinking it didn’t sound so bad, after all, that’s pretty much how life was already.

“Life in the cage may feel a little weird and frustrating at first, but you will get used to it. And because I’m feeling generous, I will let you have your first little treat on New Year’s Eve, which is only a week from now. So this will be our chance to have a… ‘trial run’ I suppose you could call it. On New Year’s Eve, you will get your orgasm, you will be tied to this chair, dressed like you are now and I will give you an orgasm. Sound good?” It did sound good, and I nodded enthusiastically, thinking things could have been much worse.

“Good, it’s important to remember though, that your orgasm will be on my terms, I will decide how and when it happens. You are not to complain or pester me about it. Nor do you get to ask or suggest how it will happen, if I hear anything along those lines, I will be offended and forced to conclude that you don’t think I’m capable of deciding for you and that you would rather not cum at all. Is that clear?” I again nodded, my enthusiasm somewhat diminished and replaced with curious concern. This conversation seemed to be taking a more serious direction.

“After you’ve had your treat, I will put you back in the cage where your little friend will stay. But if you behave yourself, and prove to be a good little boy in your cage, I am willing to let you cum at the end of every month.”

Once a month! I thought as my eyes widened and my pulse started to race. I whined into my gag, but Yen noticing my reaction quickly shut me off “Ah, ah, ahh, now I know that sounds like a long time, and I suppose it is.” She said with a giggle. “So I’m also willing to give you some bonus orgasms for times of celebration. Do you want to hear when they will be?” I nodded frantically, desperately hoping that her list would be a long one.

“Good. Ok, so as you know in January is New Years Day, which we will obviously be skipping this time because of your first treat day on New Year’s Eve, and we don’t want you getting greedy. Also, January 10th is the date that we first met, so I think this will be a nice way to celebrate and at the end of the month you will get your standard treat day. So that’s 3 in total for January. Not so bad right?” She said basically rhetorically. Still, I nodded anyway despite the hakkari seks hikayeleri double negative that it would have meant. But she didn’t care, and barely even paid attention to my response before moving on.

“February is obviously Valentine’s Day and I can’t wait to share a romantic night with my little Ally. Plus your standard treat, so there’s 2 more. March, unfortunately, is not a special month for anybody it seems so you will have to wait I’m afraid. Poor baby. But at least February is a short month so you should be relatively empty after all that action in such a short time.” Yen said with a genuine sense of satisfaction. A satisfaction I did not share, thinking that a few days was not much of a consolation given the topic at hand.

“Ok… then April. You will get Easter Sunday and your standard treat, so 2 more. Which I’m sure you will appreciate after March.” She giggled knowingly. “And then May, which is a real winner for you because you will have your birthday and our wedding anniversary to celebrate, so plus your standard treat that means 3 whole orgasms in 1 month!” Yen exclaimed, again with genuine excitement that was a complete mismatch with what she was suggesting.

Yen’s expression then dropped all of its glow as she stated: “It’s bad news from there I’m afraid little Ally” before falling silent. When I realized she wasn’t going to continue speaking. I settled into my chair and began trying to figure out what she was referring to. I started doing the mental arithmetic in my mind, and the horror rose in me as I filed through the months in my head, desperately searching for a holiday or anniversary or fuck, even a particularly memorable occasion she might latch onto to throw me a bone.”

My face must have betrayed my thoughts as Yen, clearly seeing what I was doing, reasoned “I guess there’s just nothing, in particular, to celebrate during the Summer babe,” She said with a half concerned, half-amused expression on her lips “I mean, I know its the summer holidays, but that’s not a special day, and it would be ludicrous to let you cum every day!” She said with almost exasperation. Like it was some completely inconceivable notion. The irony being especially frustrating to me as I sat there processing her words, considering the fact that she enjoys orgasms pretty much every day at any time of the year, Summer or not!

“Soo… where does that take us next… oh yeah! Halloween, but no wait, haha, that’s at the end of the month anyway so, no dice! haha. Ohh, poor little Ally.” She said, again with a mixture of concern, amusement, and mockery.

“At least, November will be better for you, we will have my birthday to celebrate and your standard treat, so that will be nice for you. To finally get some relief after what I imagine is going to be a very long summer. But hey, at least it will be bikini season during the summer, so you will get to watch me in my bikini, that should take some pressure off.” She giggled.

“And lastly is December, which will be extra special, I mean just think, this time next year you will be sat here again, looking like the beautiful little ballerina you are, and you will be able to think back at when it all began. Are you excited?”

I didn’t… no… couldn’t respond. I just sat and stared at her in disbelief, still trying to get my head around what I had just heard and moreover, how the fuck I was actually supposed to get through it all. The complete matter-of-factness in Yen’s voice though, left no room for any doubts that this was going to happen so I didn’t even try to protest, instead, I just sat there motionless. Unable to move, or reach out to my naked, smoking hot wife sat across my lap, unable even to touch my cock that she had just taken away from me.

“I will let you do the maths in your head as to how many orgasms your gonna have this year, although no need to rush, you will have plenty of time to think about it.” She said with a final condescending snigger before standing up and walking out of the room, again slapping my face as she left.

And so that was that, Yen had her plan and she stuck to her word. From that Christmas up until the present day, I get exactly 18 orgasms a year. To be honest, I can’t even remember what life was like before, writing this is the first time I have really taken the time to consider it. I remember at first that being confined to the cage was hard, but now it just is what it is. Yen and I don’t discuss or even acknowledge the possibility that I might take it off outside of the cleaning and maintenance days.

For Valentines Day of 2013 Yen made me buy her a necklace for the key, which she now proudly displays at all times with the key hanging deliberately just above her cleavage. It obviously draws the intrigue of first-time observers and especially other men whose gaze initially finds said cleavage. But she just casually parries their questions with various stories about how it’s the key to her secret lock, or special fixture, or some other innuendo which seems inconspicuous enough to everybody else but me.

I should mention in regards to the necklace and other gifts, that although Yen earns a great salary from her career in sales, she finds it amusing to have me purchase any and all things related to our dynamic. She claims that it serves as a reminder for me of my situation, and enjoys torturing me with that knowledge. This financial condition was planned from the start of my chastity and is why Yen decided to organize my treat days at the end of the month, because that’s payday for me, and she says that it’s important that I’m in an ‘agreeable’ frame of mind when we discuss any financial issues, particularly her financial issues.

And so my treat day orgasms are strictly only allowed after I have helped with her “financial requirements” for that month. She’s not a gold digger though and I don’t want it to sound like she is, in fact far from it, she’s a very independent woman who absolutely does not need to rely on me or my money. However, she maintains that it is my responsibility to pay for her “entitlements” as she calls them. Nights out with the girls are funded for all from my credit card, sexy outfits and underwear also paid for from my pocket. As are any spa days or massages she desires, amongst other things. I don’t mind paying because it makes her happy, and ultimately it’s my role as a loving husband. And to be honest I don’t need so much money as my needs are pretty mundane. Yen on the other has a seemingly endless imagination when it comes to finding ways to spend my money. However, she is always quick to praise me for helping her financially and often makes a point of telling me how important it is to her that I provide her with security and support. She also likes to remind me that this is why she married me and regularly reminds me that if my dick was just a little bit less useless, I could be the perfect man. (Which by the way is something else that brings her a feeling of security, knowing that other women never show interest in me.)

As I said, Yen works in sales and I myself am a Software Engineer, so between us, we earn a good living and enjoy a very comfortable life financially. We are also lucky that we both get to work from home on multiple days during the working week. Yen on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and myself on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This obviously means that on Wednesdays we are both at home during the day, something that Yen has taken full advantage of.

She sees these times as opportunities to tease me and torture me in myriad ways. For example, I mentioned previously that Yen loves to keep fit, and it just so happens that her favorite workout spot is directly in front of my home desk, it also, just so happens that her preferred workout attire is a skimpy black g-string and knee-high socks. Her yoga mat as well is coincidently positioned so that her ass is pointing straight towards me as she works through the positions. She claims that “It has nothing to do with you babe, this is just how I feel most comfortable when I’m working out, it’s not my fault that you’re such a pervert.”

During the rest of our work schedule, life looks pretty similar most days. I usually get home before Yen as she tends to go straight to the gym after work. So I cook the dinner for when she gets home, then we eat and chill out together for the rest of the evening. As I’ve mentioned before she likes to have me help her relax after work and after the gym. Most of the time this means, giving her an orgasm or two with my tongue while she watches TV or engages with her phone. She also enjoys having me gently lick her asshole from time to time while she lies on her stomach reading, this is usually not a sexual thing she just says it feels nice but to be honest I don’t enjoy this as much. These sessions can last quite a long time depending on her mood and it can get pretty uncomfortable after a while. My tongue and neck usually ache after these sessions, plus the taste is sometimes kinda weird, kind of… salty? Especially after she’s just got back from the gym, or the morning after she’s been out with the girls the night before.

Sometimes, if Yen is feeling particularly horny, we will use ‘Big Al’. A 10 inch, a synthetic-flesh dildo that Yen has me use on her, the details of which were carefully and purposefully chosen by her. 10 inches because that is exactly twice the size of my cock, aptly named “Big Al” for this reason, with me being relegated to “Little Al” much to the amusement of Yen. And synthetic flesh so that she can “Imagine it’s the cock of a real man while you’re fucking me with it”. Big Al comes with several attachments for Yen’s pleasure, which along with the dildo itself, were obviously paid for by me at her behest. There is a strap-on style waistband that she likes to have me use, it covers my caged dick and allows Big Al to be fastened to the front so that Yen can ride it “without the inconvenience of me getting an erection or cumming without permission”.

Another one of her favorite attachments works in a similar way to the strap-on band but wraps around my head so she can ride Big Al while straddling my face. This particular attachment requires a plastic extrusion to go into my mouth, which I must bite down on so that it doesn’t wobble while she rides it. Yen being the opportunistic woman that she is, thought it would be hilarious to have this extrusion molded into the shape of a cock. So whenever we use it, I have to bite down on a 3-inch plastic cock, in order to hold steady the 10-inch plastic cock that Yen does her best to rock, as she fucks it vigorously on top of my face.

I think at this point it goes without saying that during all of our interactions throughout the days weeks and months, I am caged and forbidden to have any release. It’s hard to summarise my emotions on any given day in a single sentence, I do feel that as time has passed, it’s become generally easier for the most part. Although I think the most demanding thing to deal with personally, is the constant awareness of my dick and balls. This sensation is not necessarily horniness, but more of a dull, incessant ache, a heaviness I feel in my genitals at all times. I also seem to have a heightened awareness of anything sexual and get aroused by the most insignificant of things. Simple brushes against passing strangers, or the smell of a woman, or the sight of a panty line. The kinds of things that a hormonal teenager would find arousing, but not a normal married man in his 30s.

My times of greatest frustration obviously come during any sexual interactions between me and Yen, something which she knows full well and takes advantage of whenever she can. She loves the attention I give her because of my constant state, she also loves the reactions of my body, which can be manipulated by the slightest touch from her. She says that the best thing about our ‘arrangement’ for her is the power it gives her over me. She relishes the freedom she has to explore her pleasures without having to worry about mine, and because of the stipulations of our agreement, she truly can be worry-free as she holds all the cards. I can’t take off my cage even if I tried, which I never have because it would upset Yen. And if I complain or try to change the situation in any way to my own advantage, it only leads to punishment.

But all things considered, I have to say that I admire her genius in what she’s done, she really has me tied in an impossible situation. But I don’t feel like a victim, I love Yen and she loves me, which is the most important thing, sex is only a secondary pleasure as Yen always says, a real relationship is built on much more than that, which I find reassuring.

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