Neighbor to Neighbor Ch. 04


(This story is a work of fiction and contains elements that many people do not enjoy, such as small penis humiliation, cheating spouse, paying for sex, and various other fetishes and oddities. If that doesn’t appeal to you, you may want to skip this story.)

“Was Elizabeth just playing with me? That has to be it.” That was the first thought I had when I woke up the next morning. “Certainly, she was just making it up, telling me a story to turn me on… but what if she wasn’t?”

I heard the blow dryer running and realized Elizabeth was already up. A few seconds later she came out of the bathroom dressed, with her hair done and make-up on, it was the first time since the baby came she was looking like her old self again.

“Where are you off to this morning?” I smiled.

“Did you forget already?” She asked, “April said it was your idea for us to spend the day together doing girl things.”

“Oh um, of course, yeah I forgot that was today.” I had no idea what she was talking about but figured it was part of April’s punishment.

“There’s plenty of milk and diapers, and if you need anything… Well, figure it out. I am taking the day off.” She kissed me on my forehead and scampered off excited about her day.

Between the crying, rocking, diaper changes, and feedings there were some long stretches of alone time. I decided to pull up the camera feed and see if there was anything new I’d missed. The first recording was on April’s side, she barged into her studio as if on a mission, and I realized she was looking for the camera, it took her a few minutes but finally discovered the hidden camera, obviously certain of her find she waved at me, pulled up a chair and redirected a couple of her work lights.

I sat up waiting to see what she would do. April put some music on, looked over her shoulder at the camera, and began to seductively sway. Holy shit! April was going to give me a striptease. She quickly bent over, her ass toward the camera, looked over her shoulder, and sucked her finger. Spun around, letting her hair fall over her face as she gyrated her hips, slid her hands up her young firm stomach, and gripped her perky tits. She sat down on the chair and popped her legs apart, lifting her arms over her head before slowly bringing them back down and pulling her top off, and pressing her breasts together shaking them at me.

“Alright, Todd, pull out that tiny dick and get ready to jerk it for me.” She scolded and made a jerking motion with her hand. I quickly obeyed, I knew this was a couple days ago but it didn’t matter she was doing this for me and wondered if she had forgiven me.

I pulled my dick out and slowly stroked it while watching April on the screen slide her hand into her yoga pants and diddle her clit while instructing me to tug my little dick.

“You have the smallest dick I’ve ever seen Todd, I want you to just use 2 fingers to tug yourself, slowly, you better not cum until I tell you to.” She instructed. “Seriously, do you really think Elizabeth has ever gotten close to cumming from that tiny thing? Keep stroking Todd, spit on your hand and cover your pathetic twig in your spit.” She smiled and reached over to the cabinet beside her and pulled out the dildo I had seen her use. “Look Todd, this is a man-sized cock.” She held it up showing me the length and girth. “Let’s see how big this is,” She mused and grabbed the tape measure, “Look Todd, this thing is 9 inches long!” She smiled wide, “what was your little guy… 3 inches or something?” She laughed and held it to her lap like it was her own dick. She stroked it encouraging me to jerk mine too.

“Come on Todd! Stand up and jerk that little nub for me!” I did exactly that, “Do it like this Todd!” She jerked the dildo between her legs. “Wait, you can’t. You can’t even wrap your hand around it like this can you Todd? Your pathetically small penis just isn’t big enough to even jerk off properly.

I was getting close to cumming, and didn’t care if I came all over the floor.

“Stop Todd!” April snorted on the video, “You better stop, you don’t deserve to cum, not like this. I want you to text me immediately, send me a thumbs up.” She commanded. I knew she would have no way of knowing, but I listened anyway and quickly sent April a thumbs up and waited for her reply.

Moments later I was getting a FaceTime from April, I answered it and tried to act chill.

“Hey,” I said

“Show me, Todd.”


“You don’t have much time, Elizabeth is on the other side of the store. Show me your tiny pecker.” She whispered. I tilted the phone down and showed her my still hard dick.

“Good boy, I like seeing your little guy throbbing hard. But you need to shave it, Todd, I don’t want to see any hair down there the next time I see you.” She hung up.

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I am still in good shape, much better than most of the guys in this neighborhood, but now, after seeing April with so many real guys, and all of them with bigger dicks than mine, I couldn’t sakarya seks hikayeleri help but feel inadequate.

I scrounged around and found a nose and eyebrow trimmer that I had gotten a while back and carefully trimmed my groin. I stretched my dick out and trimmed as close as I could around the base and up my small shaft. Once satisfied with the results I looked at myself in the mirror again. “Fuck, I look like a toddler.” I sighed.

I cleaned up and checked the Find My app to see where Elizabeth was. She was in a shopping center I wasn’t familiar with, so I did a street view on Google maps. There were only two things in that center, a title loan place, and Adam&Eve adult novelty shop, and I was certain she was getting a loan.

What was going on? My sweet, naive wife was at an adult book store with a girl who sucks off men for money in our shed. And just as I was wrapping my head around that the baby started crying and I was back to reality, changing diapers, bottle feeding, being a dad, and catching up on some work.

Hours later the garage door was rumbling open signaling that Elizabeth and April were back. I wondered if they would both come in, I wondered if Elizabeth had bought anything at the adult store, I wondered what all they had talked about, and I wondered if they had talked about me.

They came in talking fast and loud, giggling like old friends the sound of shopping bags swishing together echoed through the house. The garage opens to the kitchen and the kitchen to the family room where I’d been sitting, I greeted them in the doorway but didn’t get much response from them, My eyes darted around the bundle of bags in my wife’s arms but didn’t see anything that would suggest she bought anything spicy at Adam&Eve, but maybe they’re discreet or maybe Elizabeth is sneaky.

“Looks like you’ve had fun!” I spoke up a little louder than normal. They quieted down and looked at each other then busted out laughing, obviously sharing an inside joke.

“Oh, we sure did honey,” Elizabeth smiled and put her things down on the kitchen table. “Listen, um I know this may sound weird, but I’d really like you to help April with something.”

“Okay, what can I do for you?” I directed to April who was looking like a sexy schoolgirl. Her hair was a bit truffled and pulled up, she wore a pair of dark-rimmed glasses, a white button-up with a short plaid skirt, and knee-high socks.

“Well you know I’ve been trying to get into an art school, well I need help with an admissions test. I want to focus on realism, and need to submit a timed drawing and need a subject.”

“April and I were talking about it, and I thought maybe you could help her. It sounds like a great opportunity, but the admissions test is very specific.” Eli interjected.

“Yeah, well this is the kind of awkward part Todd.” She paused, “I need to submit a portrait…a human form… a nude.” She finally said, giving me a devilish smile.


“Todd, she doesn’t really have anyone else to ask, she doesn’t have the money to pay a professional model, and it just wouldn’t be proper for her to ask a classmate. So, I really think you should do it for her.”

“Please Todd, I’ll owe you.” She winked at me behind my wife’s back.

“Umm, I guess, I mean how could I say no.” I blushed at the thought.

“OH THANK YOU!” April squealed, bouncing over to me and wrapping her arms around me. “We’ll come over tomorrow around 2, I know that’s usually a good nap time for the baby.” She smiled.


“Oh, yeah, April’s mom will need to be here too. You know, she’s a young girl, I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. Thank you for doing this.” Elizabeth smiled wide and gave me a sultry kiss and took her things to our bedroom leaving me alone with April.


“That’s Ms. Somerset, Todd.” She corrected me with a stern look, “look I haven’t forgiven you, but this will make things equal, you violated me and my trust, so I am going to embarrass you in front of your wife.”

“Is this even real, like is the entrance thing real?”

“Absolutely, I mean… it didn’t have to be a nude, but it was an option to choose from. Eli doesn’t need to know that part.” She chuckled, that was the first time I heard her call my wife Eli.


“We’re pretty tight now, Todd. Seriously, both of you see me as a peer, you guys really need to make friends your own age.” Elizabeth came back to the kitchen, she and April talked a little more, and then she left.

“What are you doing?” I snapped as the garage door closed.

“What?” She feigned ignorance.

“You know what, you want me to get naked in front of April?’

“Well… she’s really been so sweet to us, and she told me about the test, and I just wanted to help her. Besides, I’ve seen how you look at her. I am not mad, she’s a cute girl, and…” She stopped herself.

“And what?”

“And, I don’t know Todd, I am feeling something… something different, I guess I’ve never thought that much about sex before. I mean, it’s nice and all, but for the past several weeks it’s like something has awakened inside me. You’ve been different to Todd, this isn’t just me. I mean with all the penis talk, and asking about Jamal… I thought it would be kind of naughty and fun to see you naked with her.” She smiled and hid behind her hair.

Elisabeth went and took a shower and I checked our bank account on the app and saw she had spent almost $100 at Adam&Eve. Later we ate dinner in front of the tv.

“So… what did you guys do today, did you get anything special?”

“We got our nails done,” She held out her hands and feet showing them to me. “Then we went to a couple stores that April likes to shop at.”

“Show me what you got?” I tried to sound only mildly interested.

“Oh, just a pair of shoes, a purse, and some odds and ends. You know I am still not able to fit back into my old clothes, but the pregnancy clothes don’t fit right either, so I got a couple things to help get me through, some workout clothes and stuff.”

“That’s it? Nothing just for fun?”

“You know sometimes when I am with April I feel like we’re best friends, but then other times she can make me feel so old.” She shared. “Some of the things she does… I don’t know if it’s age or just different personalities.” She shared skirting the question.

“Like what?”

“Well, she flirts with almost everyone, guys, girls, old and young, it’s like a game she plays with everyone. She’s just so… adventurous and free. I admire that.”

“Eli, last night… Was all that talk about Jamal real, or were you just messing with me?”

“Hmm, I think I’ll keep that a secret for now.”


“There’s nothing wrong with a couple having some secrets.” She teased and got up from the couch, “I am so tired honey, I am gonna go feed the baby and go on to bed, we have an exciting day tomorrow.”

The next morning I woke up with a throbbing hard-on, I reached down and felt my prickly groin and remembered I’d shaved the night before, and now in just a few hours would be fully naked in front of April, my wife, and April’s mom.

“What ya doing?” Eli asked suggestively, as she sat up bracing her head under her arm.

“Just scratching.”

“Um-hmm,” She pulled down the covers, seeing my hard dick pressing against my pajama bottoms. “That looks like quite an itch you have there. Are you excited about this afternoon?”

“Babe… I don’t know if I can do this.” I whimpered. “I mean… I am going to be completely naked right? In front of April and her mom? I am feeling a bit self-conscious.”

“Oh, you’re going to be fine. Don’t worry about it, and try to have fun. After all, April and Ms. Somerset are both pretty women, I am sure there are tons of guys who would love to be naked in front of them.”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, I did get something yesterday… it’s pretty naughty, and I think you’ll really like it, but you’ll only get to see what it is if you help April out.” She bribed.

“Okay, but you can’t get mad if I… you know, get excited around them.”

“Mad? I am counting on it.” She ran her hand over my small dick before getting out of bed.

The next few hours crept by, I must’ve checked the clock 1000 times, my stomach was anxious and I kept getting chills thinking about what was about to happen. About noon I decided to take another shower.

“Todd? Some guy named Trent just texted asking about using the shed, what should I say?”

“Um… sure just give him a thumbs up,” I called back hoping she wouldn’t probe any deeper into those texts. I got out and wasn’t sure how to dress, should I put my clothes on, or just a robe? I decided to just go with a robe and sidestep the awkwardness of undressing.

Finally, after waiting for what felt like forever the doorbell rang. Elizabeth answered and let them in. April carried a large easel and pad with her and Maggie, Ms. Somerset had a supply tote. They all talked like it was just a normal day, just neighbors getting together, but my heart was pounding. I was afraid I was going to get instantly hard and afraid my little dick was going to hide and look even smaller than normal.

“Hey Todd, thank you for doing this.” Maggie offered. “I know this might be awkward, but please don’t be embarrassed. I am no prude, I’ve seen my share of naked men.”

“Thanks, Ms. Somerset.” I couldn’t bring myself to call her Maggie, she was a real grown-up, and not that much younger than my own mom.

April got set up in the dining room pushing the table out of the way.

“Okay so this is a timed test, I have an hour from the time I put my hand to the canvas with two five-minute breaks. So Todd I need you in a position that you can stay in, and one that’s easily repeated when we take a break.” April instructed, taking this more seriously and professionally than I thought she would. “I know sitting would be easier, but I’d love to have a standing pose if you’re willing.”

“Um sure, whatever you think is best.” I agreed.

“Elizabeth, thank you for letting April do this, it really means a lot.” Maggie offered.

“Oh, no problem… that’s what neighbors are for.”

April placed some masking tape on the floor and adjusted the lighting. Elizabeth pulled out her camera bag from college and started getting it set up.

“What are you doing Eli?” I asked

“Oh, I was telling April that I took photography and video in college and so she asked me to film.”

“Okay, can you stand on the tape please?” I got into position, while Elizabeth fiddled with her camera.

“Are you filming me or April?” I asked

“Umm, both,” April said. “I have to prove I did it in real-time and that you’re a live model, not just a photograph. So, we’ll go for 20 minutes and take a break, but we can’t stop the camera. I’ll have to submit the video along with my drawing.” Eli propped the camera on a monopod to hold it still.

“Oh, okay.” I shrugged.

“Ok Eli, are you ready? I need to give an intro and then after that, I can edit the video and put music behind it, so feel free to talk after that.

Elizabeth gave her nod and counted down 3-2-1, and the red light came on.

“I am April Somerset, and today I am drawing a male nude with a live, amateur model. I have two witnesses, Maggie Somerset – my mom. And, Elizabeth Shipley, the subject’s wife. It is… 1:23 pm,” She held her phone up to the camera. “And we will start as soon as Mr. Shipley disrobes. Mr. Shipley.” She gestured toward me indicating it was time to get naked.

“Well…” Elizabeth whispered and snapped her fingers. Ms. Somerset came over and held her hands out. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, untied the robe, and slipped it off.

“Oh my!” Maggie accidentally blurted. “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I am just… oh my God!” She flubbed, obviously caught off guard. I opened my eyes and looked down, my little trimmed wiener was a small pale lump that barely resembled a penis, it was more like something you would find in a joke shop sold as an eraser.

“Elizabeth?!” Maggie continued to jabber. “I mean, honey, look at it. It’s just so small.”

“Mom!” April giggled trying not to laugh, “Can you please be a little more professional.”

“It’s okay April. Yes Maggie you’re right he is small. Is he the smallest you’ve ever seen?” Eli asked.

“Oh yes honey, yes, that is the tiniest little thingy I’ve ever seen.” Maggie clutched her chest as she spoke. And just like that my dick went from flaccid to rock hard. Normally my hard dick sticks straight out, my short shaft plumps and my head gets a nice rosy hue, but now… in front of Maggie, April, and my wife… I was the hardest I’d ever been, my dick curved up toward my stomach exposing my balls, and my head turned purple.

“Oh my God!” Maggie snorted again, “It’s so small it’s cute, isn’t it April?”

“Yes mom, it’s very cute. Thank you Todd for doing this, it is a very cute, very small penis.” She smiled, “But, I have to get to work so please mom.” She motioned for her mother to move away and stay quiet.

“Todd, did you shave for April?” Elizabeth asked, “Maybe you were hoping it would make it look bigger for her.” She razzed.

“Now Todd, I need you to find a spot on the wall, something like that picture over there,” She pointed, “Focus on that so I can get the eyes right. I’m going to sketch an outline and then work on the head, hands, feet, and groin while I have fresh hands to grip with since they have so much detail and small parts… well you know what I mean, small details.”

The house seemed oddly hushed, I could hear the sound of April’s pencils on the tablet, she had a collection of them in a brown leather case that she kept swapping out from. She seemed focused and single-minded.

“Eyes on the picture please,” She coached.

“Maggie, I hope you don’t mind my asking?” Elizabeth started

“He dumped me.” She said plainly, “That’s what you were going to ask right? April’s dad was a handsome man, but being faithful was not his strong suit. Then when I got a little too old, too saggy, too routine he traded me in for a younger model.”

“I am so sorry,” Eli offered.

“Nah, I should have left him years before that. But, God, that man could make me weak in the knees for days.”

“Really, mom.”

“Oh, you’re old enough to hear this now, you know my mother used to say ‘it’s not the size of the pole but the wiggle of the worm’ but my Kevin had a big pole and could wiggle the worm.” She overshared.

“Maggie,” Elizabeth chuckled.

“What?! It’s true, I mean Todd’s little guy is like an appetizer, you know something to get you ready for the main course. I just want to go over there and suck the head off that little thing, but then I’d want a real one to ride.”

I let out a small whimper and my dick throbbed.

“Look at you working your worm.” Maggie snickered.

“Todd, I need you to hold still,” April teased.

“I’m sorry I’m trying,”

“And no talking Todd.”

“I think maybe he likes all the attention.” My precious wife prodded. “After all, why would he go through the trouble of shaving down there if he didn’t want us to notice?”

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