A Friend of My Daughter

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Shortly after my daughter turned eighteen my wife and I divorced. It was quite amicable — we’d just grown apart and were heading in different directions. Over the past few years my wife had returned to university, studying to be a lawyer. She’d graduated well and was now working in a lawyer’s office and was earning a decent salary.

For my part I’d gone the other way. I was already quite wealthy and didn’t see any reason to continue chasing the mighty dollar. I sold my company to a conglomerate who had come sniffing around and found myself with another small fortune. I split the money with my ex and started a new line of work.

I had been a keen carpenter for a long time and I was very good at it. When stressed out from running the company I’d go to my workshop and make something, finding that this always relaxed me. The things that I made were good enough to sell and I arranged to do so through one of the local shops. People appreciated my work and I was occasionally asked to do custom pieces, which I’d do if time was available.

I let the shop know that I’d be doing carpentry full time and Andy said he’d be happy to act as my agent and line up more custom pieces. Not surprising as my work was excellent and cost a bit which gave him a nice commission.

So both my wife and I embarked on new careers and all was right with our world. The only person even a little disgruntled about the new state of affairs was my daughter. Theoretically she now lived with my wife. Practically she lived at both our places, spending as much time with me as with her mother. She was of the opinion her parents should be married and dropped lots of hints about the advantages of us getting married again.

Still my daughter learned to appreciate having two places to live in. If she screwed up with either parent she’d just switch over and stay with the other for a while. Her mother found it useful, too. When she was working on a case and wanted some peace and quiet she’d just point Meredith in my direction and get on with her work. (Working with electric saws, hammers, and noisy drills I don’t really need a lot of peace and quiet to enable me to concentrate.)

Meredith came around one Friday afternoon accompanied by her friend, Fee. I think Fee’s name was actually Fiona, but that was just a guess. Meredith informed me that she and Fee were staying with me for the weekend. I just nodded — it wasn’t as though I had any control of the situation.

As a little aside I’d like to explain that I found Fee to be a little irritating. She was in rebellion against her parents, but really, she was now eighteen and should have grown out of it by now. Meredith went through the same phase but now accepted that her parents might actually have a clue. There again, having met Fee’s parents I could understand where Fee was coming from. Her parents really didn’t have a clue, so I had some sympathy for Fee, but not enough to tolerate her trying to urge Meredith to rebel. She’d grown out of that and I really didn’t want her reverting.

After dinner the girls vanished and reappeared an hour or so later, all done up and ready to party. An inquiring look at Meredith drew the information that they were meeting up with friends for an engagement party. (That explained the gift-wrapped presents they were holding.)

“How are you getting there?” I asked.

“Duh, driving of course.” A typical reply from Fee.

“Uh-huh. I assume that alcohol will be on the menu. Which of you is the designated driver?”

“Oh, don’t worry. We’ll be careful.”

“I’m sure you will but that won’t stop me doing a little bit of worrying. If you start drinking then use Uber to get home or give me a call and I’ll come and pick you up. You can always collect your car tomorrow.”

“We’ll be fine. Don’t worry,” Meredith assured me.

“And I can do what I like. You’re not my father.” Fee just couldn’t help herself with snarky comments at times.

“This is true,” I said agreeably, “which is probably fortunate for both of us.”

Meredith giggled at this and Fee just gave me a scornful sniff.

The girls left and I went back to my workshop. I had a project that I was working on that I really wanted to get finished. I spent a few hours working on it, finally calling it a day when I realised that it was past midnight. I was getting tired and if I continued I’d make a silly mistake that might take hours to correct.

I made myself a cup of tea, wanting something to relax me before I retired. If I tried to go to sleep the way I was my mind would continue working on my project and I wouldn’t get any sleep. I was just finishing my tea when I heard a car pull up. Moments later the girls came in, giggling together. They barged into the kitchen and came to a stop when they saw me.

“Are you waiting up for us?” Meredith asked, looking guilty over something.

“No. I stayed up late working on the mirror finish of a wardrobe I’m making. I didn’t actually expect you home this early.”

“If you say so,” scoffed Fee, “but as you Ataşehir Escort can see we made it back safely.”

It struck me that Fee sounded a little defiant which, when added to Meredith’s guilty look, rung an alarm.

“How’d you get home?” I asked.

“Meredith drove,” snapped Fee.

“Were you drinking at all?” Silly question. They were both a little tipsy. Not drunk, but certainly in deep trouble if the cops had pulled them over.

I gave Meredith a laser glare and she went pale. She was now in deep doo doo and she knew it.

“Um, Fee,” she said with a bit of a wail in her voice.

“My fault,” she said cheerfully. “I made her do it. If you’re going to blame anyone, blame me.”

“She still chose to get behind the wheel but don’t worry. There is sufficient blame to spread around and neither of you are going to enjoy the result.”

“Don’t panic, Meredith,” Fee told her. “What can he do? Ground you? All you need to do is go around to your mother’s place. He’s not my father so he can’t do anything where I’m concerned.”

Meredith didn’t look any happier. She knew what was going to happen.

“Meredith, driving after drinking was idiocy and you know it. If you’d been pulled over you have a fine, a DUI on your record, and you’d have lost your license. It’s fine for Fee as she was just the passenger and wouldn’t have suffered any consequences.”

Fee gave me a killer look at that summation as it painted her as a selfish asshole quite willing to get someone else into trouble.

“Hey, I offered to drive,” she snapped in her own defence.

“I’ll speak to you in a moment,” I said softly. “First I’ll finish this little conversation with Meredith.”

I’d had occasion to spank Meredith before, but not recently. The last time had been several years ago, during her rebellious period. She’d heaved a rock through one of our windows while in a temper. The subsequent lecture and spanking and persuaded her to keep her rebellions to verbal retorts and minor disobediences.

I stood up, turned my chair so it faced away from the table, and sat down again.

“But Fee’s here,” she pointed out rather desperately.

“It’ll be an education for her that consequences do flow.”

I reached over and took hold of Meredith’s arm. A quick pull and she was facedown over my lap, protesting all the while. Unfortunately for her she’d chosen to wear Capri pants for her outing and while they undoubtedly suited her the material in them was rather thin and offered no real cushion for a hand that came down very firmly upon her bottom.

As I spanked her I repeated the disadvantages inherent in driving while under the influence, the spanking being added as one of those disadvantages. Spanking over I swung her back to her feet and she stood there, hands clutching at her bottom and giving me dagger looks. I raised an eyebrow, daring her to say something, but she very wisely kept her mouth shut. Not so Fee.

“You’re a brute,” she yelled at me. “How dare you spank her? You’re nothing but a great bully.”

“Actually, what I am is a concerned parent,” I riposted. “I don’t want to find myself explaining to her mother that Meredith’s in hospital because she was driving drunk. Anyway, instead of you worrying about Meredith you should be more concerned about yourself.”

“What do you mean? You’re not my father. There’s nothing you can do to me.”

“Ah, Fee…” Meredith began but it was too late. I’d already reached over and caught hold of Fee and was pulling her across my lap.

“What do you think you’re doing? You wouldn’t dare spank me. You’re not my father and he wouldn’t dare do it either.”

“I think we already agreed earlier that I’m not your father and that that was a fortunate thing,” I said. “However I am a responsible adult, unlike you, and as such it falls upon me to deliver a little bit of remedial retribution.”

Unfortunately for Fee she was wearing a dress rather than slacks. Also, she wasn’t my daughter as she’d so loudly pointed out. I had no qualms about tossing her dress up, leaving her bottom on display. Quite a bit of bottom was displayed, I might add, as she didn’t seem to be wearing much in the way of panties. Oh, she had some, and the essentials were covered, but not much else.

My hand came down smartly on a nice white buttock, leaving a nicer red hand-print.

“In case you weren’t listening when I spoke to Meredith I’ll just repeat my little lecture,” I told her, and proceeded to do so, happily spanking her as I went. She was way over-due for this in my opinion.

Lecture and spanking finished I swung Fee to her feet and now there were two young ladies standing there, clutching their bottoms, and glaring at me.

“Well, unless either of you has something you want to say, I’m going to bed. It’s late, so I suggest you do the same.”

They apparently didn’t have anything to say, at least nothing that they wanted to say in front of me. Undoubtedly they’d have quite a bit to say once I departed.

When I got Anadolu Yakası Escort up in the morning the house was quiet. Not surprising. I doubted that the girls would show before noon. I made myself some breakfast, watching the news while I ate. I was just finishing up when Fee surprised me by wandering into the kitchen, yawning as she came.

She was still in her pyjamas and I idly wondered if she realised how lovingly the silk-like material clung to her. She looked at me and gave me a half-hearted scowl as she flopped down onto a chair.

“Good morning,” I said, and waited.

“Muh,” she grunted, which I suppose was shorthand for good morning. She continued to scowl at me and I could see she was dying to say something. I just patiently waited.

“Why spank me?” she burst out. “It wasn’t fair. I’m not your daughter.”

“True. Tell me, would it have been fair to punish Meredith and not you?”

“You could have told my parents and left it to them,” she pointed out.

“And they’d have sighed and done nothing. Right?”

She knew that was so and so didn’t try to contradict me, just giving me a hard done by look. She still wanted to have a go at me, though.

“Did you have to spank me in front of Meredith? That was so embarrassing.”

“I’d guess that Meredith was just as embarrassed to be spanked in front of you. Besides, it was for your own protection.”

“What?” She gave me a blank look, trying to take in what I’d just said.

“Think about it,” I told her. I turned my chair away from the table and sat down again. “Come here for a moment,” I told her. The trusting little soul did just that.

“Now imagine if I wanted to spank you and Meredith wasn’t here to protect you,” I said, giving her arm a quick jerk and spilling her over my lap. “You being an adult and all I’d just naturally lift your dress or pull your pants down in this case.” I suited my actions to my words, giving her pyjama pants a quick tug, sliding them half off. She was wearing panties, not the same as the previous night but a similar style.

“Now as we’re all alone I’d just naturally take these down, too, for a more adult spanking,” I explained, helping her panties to rapidly descend.

Fee gave a sort of agonised squeal, her hands frantically trying to cover herself. I just calmly pushed her hands aside, resting one big hand on her bottom.

“Don’t panic,” I said. “I’m not going to spank you right now. You haven’t done anything to deserve it. But if I was then part of the spanking would naturally be here.”

My hand slipped between her legs which, for some reason or other, she hadn’t bothered to close, resulting in my hand neatly covering her vulva, which I gave a small squeeze.

“You might find the spanking rather stimulating if that happened.”

From the way her lips were starting to swell and pout she was finding my just rubbing lightly stimulating, not that I was going to do anything more.

“Of course this could lead to more adult pastimes,” I said thoughtfully and Fee gasped and hastily pushed against me, moving off my lap and standing, looking shocked.

“Um, perhaps you’d better pull your pyjamas up,” I suggested, stoking her mons lightly. “Standing there like that you’re giving me ideas.”

She very hastily pulled her panties and pyjamas back into place, her face rather flushed. I just smiled and kindly didn’t point out that her nipples had peaked and were providing little tents. Fee apparently decided that she was safer with Meredith around and bolted back to the bedroom.

The girls were back and forth all day, both of them pointedly ignoring me. I accepted this as par for the course. Come the evening the girls were all dressed up and ready to go. Their lift arrived, an Uber, and off they went. I went to bed at a reasonable hour and was asleep when the girls returned.

The morning was a repeat of the previous morning. I was up at a reasonable hour and made myself some breakfast. Again I was just finishing when Fee came in, dressed in the same silky pyjamas.

“Morning,” I said brightly and got a “Mmph,” in return.

Fee slumped into a chair and looked at me.

“We used Uber both ways,” she said, sounding a little defiant. “You have no excuse to punish us today.”

“And I heartily approve,” I told her, “but you do err slightly.”

“What do you mean?”

“Meredith is my daughter and I would never discipline her without cause. You, however, as you have pointed out several times, are not my daughter. The same rules do not apply.”

She gave me a puzzled look and I smiled.

“Let me show you what I mean,” I said.

I moved around the table and, pulling out the chair next to her, I sat down. That done I just grabbed hold of her and pulled her across my lap.

“When it comes to a lovely young lady such as you this sort of things changes from handing out some required punishment to playing a game.”

With that I calmly pushed her pyjama pants and panties down, leaving her with a bare bottom Kadıköy Escort and a furious temperament.

“Hey, you can’t do that,” she yelled and I just laughed.

“In case you didn’t notice I already have,” I pointed out, my hand coming down in a mild spank. So mild it probably didn’t even sting. What it did do was leave my hand nicely place to slide over her bottom and between her legs.

Fee squealed and tried to push herself up and off my lap but this time I was holding her in place. I ignored her protests and wriggling about, continuing to play with her rather intimately. I started off by just rubbing her pudenda but after she’d reacted enough I went slightly further.

The smooth curve of her lips changed as they pouted and parted, her inner lips starting to emerge. I change from rubbing her to dragging my fingernails lightly along her lips, also dragging a protesting groan from her.

From there I moved on to dipping between her lips, rubbing inside her, my fingers moving perilously close to her clitoris. She squirmed some more, demanding that I stop, but her pleas didn’t sound as though she meant them. (Of course, that could have been me hearing what I wanted to hear.)

Her hands were waving about near where I was working, trying to push my hands away, I think. At one point a hand landed on my erection and closed around it. Moments later she made a horrified squeak as it dawned on her what she was holding and she hurriedly snatched her hand away.

It didn’t take much longer and she started making eager little sounds as her arousal started to grow. Shortly after that her hand closed over me again, which I bravely ignored.

A little more attention close to her clitoris and she lost it and climaxed. She made a very strange sound through a mouth that was tightly closed, apparently not wanting to scream. Unfortunately she also closed her hand tightly, almost crushing my poor cock.

I gave her a moment or two to settle down and then swung her back onto her feet. She stood there, giving me a very strange look.

“You, ah, I, um,” her voice sort of faded away as she didn’t know what she wanted to say.

“I assume that you don’t want to do anything else right now,” I said softly and she gave me a horrified look.

“No way,” she said quickly, turning to run.

“Ah, Fee,” I said quickly before she could leave.

She flung a quick panicky look at me and gasped as she saw I was holding up her pyjamas and panties. She’d managed to kick them off while we were playing and hadn’t realised. She grabbed them and scooted out of the kitchen. I wondered if she stopped to put them on before she reached the bedroom. I would hope so. I’d hate her to shock Meredith.

For the rest of that day Fee tended to ignore me while Meredith was back to her normal behaviour. Fee did give a couple of curious looks and it was just after one of those glances that she approached me.

“You could have forced me to go further this morning, couldn’t you,” she said, and I wasn’t sure if she was asking or accusing.

“I could have,” I admitted, “but forcing you when you aren’t truly willing just wouldn’t be right. It just wouldn’t have been the right thing to do.”

“And what you did was?” She sounded somewhat sceptical.

“Ah, no, but from my point of view it was fun. It was also harmless and taught you something.”

“Oh, really? And just what did it teach me?”

“Not to trust me,” I said, giving her a wink and moving on, hearing her spluttering behind me, probably swallowing some swearing.

Both girls had to work the next day so they went to bed at a reasonable hour. So did I as I’d need my rest. I had a lot of work planned for the next day. I fell asleep almost as soon as I lay down, a reward for clean living, I’m sure.

I woke up at what was probably about midnight. The reason I woke was because someone was slipping into the bed with me. They brushed against me, demonstrating that they weren’t overburdened with a surfeit of clothing. All I was wearing was some pyjama trousers, just in case I had to get up in the middle of the night. I wouldn’t want to shock anyone.

Now it was always possible that Meredith might hop into my bed for a cuddle but she’d be wearing pyjamas and be quite noisy about it, making sure to wake me up. Not that she’d done anything like that for quite a few years. Silence and a lack of pyjamas screamed Fee. She snuggled up next to me, draping my arm around her, resting my hand on her breast.

I didn’t even need to close my hand. It did that totally unprompted, letting me know that Fee had a surprisingly full breast. I lay there, wondering if I was supposed to take advantage of her or wait and see what happened. I decided that waiting was the wiser move and just held her, feeling her body pressed against mine.

Initially I could feel the tension within her as she lay there but as time passed and I didn’t try to take advantage she started to relax. Then she started to, let us say, explore. From the subtle movements I was feeling I suspected that she was gently masturbating, arousing herself. After doing this for a few minutes her free hand dropped between us, seeking and finding my erection. (Not too hard a job. I had no doubt whatsoever that she felt it swelling and pressing against her.)

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