After School Meeting


I’m not going to lie to you, I’m wasn’t the most experienced guy in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my fair share of girlfriends. Yet, the farthest I had ever gone was, well, under the bra…if you know what I’m getting at.

Girls make me nervous, real nervous. I never know the right things to say and I usually end up sounding like an ass. If I see a pretty girl, it’s as if I suddenly enter stupidity mode and I start rambling like an incoherent moron. By the way, if you haven’t guessed, I’m not too confident.

All of this changed though when I met Joan. Actually, Ms. Forrest, is what I usually called her in the classroom. I know, I know, having a crush on the teacher is so cliche. But for Joan Forrest, I’m willing to be formulaic.

Around Joan I could be myself, words flowed out of my mouth poetically. I made her laugh, she made me laugh. It was great.

When Senior year finally rolled around, I was ecstatic. One reason, and most obvious reason, was that this was my last year in the torturous realm of high school. The second and most prominent reason was the fact I had Joan for English.

She had been my English teacher for the past two years. I heard rumors that she was going to a different school after my Junior year. Needless to say this news depressed me to the point of wanting to run in front of the bus. Well, to see her name next to English on my course schedule made my day, if not my year.

The first day of school is usually a depressing day for a kid. I’d have to agree with that. Each class seemed to drag on as the teachers handed out the syllabi and lectured us on proper class etiquette and what they “expect” of escort izmit us. I mean I get it already, I’ll make sure to be seated by the time the bell rings.

Finally, sixth period came around, Honors English. I made my way into the classroom and found a seat in the front row. I know what you’re thinking, I’m a teacher’s pet. Well you know what…damn right I am.

The bell rang loudly and we all waited patiently in the room.

“If she isn’t here in five minutes we can leave right?” Tom Higgins asked. I’m not exactly sure how he got into Honors English.

“Dude, that’s only for college,” replied his even dumber friend Jeff. “Besides, I’m not here to learn anyways. I’m just here to stare at Ms. Forrest.”

The two of them laughed and gave each other high fives. I suddenly felt myself boiling with anger. Why was I getting so mad?

“Sorry class, the copier was giving me a hard time,” Joan said in between gasps for air. It looked as if she had run all the way from the office. “Take one and pass it back,” she said as she began to hand papers to everyone in the front row.

“Hi, Ms. Forrest,” I said with a big smile across my face.

“Max, I’m glad to see you took Honors. I was hoping you would,” she said with a smile on her face.

“Wouldn’t miss you…it….wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

She gave me a quick wink and handed me the papers. I suddenly realized I was sporting a major woody. I was never more thankful that I was in a desk than I was at that moment.

I don’t really remember much of what Joan said that day. I was too consumed with watching what she was wearing. Joan isn’t the tallest of women, but she izmit escort has long legs which are well defined from all the running she does. She was wearing a long skirt with a slit up the side. As she sat in the chair in the front of class she crossed her legs, giving me a full view of her beautifully shaped leg. I tried everything in my powers to not cum in my pants right there.

As for her breasts, they aren’t the biggest, but for her petite size they are perfect. Luckily, she was wearing a v-neck blouse which showed her cleavage ever so slightly. She has long brown hair which flowed just a little past her shoulders. Frequently, she would brush it from her face seductively while reading from the syllabus. This was not helping my erection.

“Alright, I’m going to let you guys go early today since you were so quiet. Don’t make too much noise in the hall, I don’t want the principal coming after me. I’ll see you all tomorrow,” she said as she stood up and made her way to her desk.

Most of the class was up and out of the room before I had even packed up my books.

“Oh, Max. Can you come to my desk for a minute?”

I felt my heart begin to beat a mile a minute. “Sure.”

She took a seat in her chair and crossed her legs again, giving me another great view. She looked up into my eyes and smiled. “I was wondering if you would like to join the creative writing team I’m putting together.”

“Uh,” I stammered, staring down at her beautiful silky legs.

She ran her hand slowly across his leg and placed it on her knee. “I would like to put out a literary magazine every few months this year, and I love your writing.”

“Thanks. izmit kendi evi olan escort I would love you…I mean, I would love to work on it with you.”

She giggled and brushed her hair from her face. I felt myself getting hard. “I, uh, need to go.”

She gave me a quick seductive smile and brushed my arm. “Ok hun, could you meet me in here after school?”

“Uh, yes…sure.”

“Great,” she said. “See you then.”

I couldn’t wait till after school. It seemed like the last two classes dragged on and on. Seriously, why do I need to learn Chemistry and Psychology? When will I ever need that shit?

Finally, the final bell rang and I shot to my locker.

“Hey, you wanna go grab something from the Burger Shack?” My friend Anthony asked.

“Nah, I gotta go meet with Ms. Forrest about the literary magazine.”

“That meeting isn’t until next week,” he said with a confused look on his face.

“Oh,” I replied, just as confused. “Well she wanted me to meet with her for something.”

“Whatever, I’ll catch you later then.”

“Alrighty,” I said as I slammed my locker shut and made my way to Joan’s room.

The room was rather dim when I made my way inside. She was busily writing something at her desk when I knocked.

“Hi,” she smiled as she shut the notebook and made her way towards me. “Just have a seat.”

“Ok,” I said, taking a seat in my spot up front.

She made her way to the door and shut it.

“So, what is this meeting for again?” I asked stupidly.

“Well,” she said as she made her way towards me. “There really is no meeting.”

“I see,” I said, feeling my heart beat wildly against my chest.

She took a seat on the desk next to meet and crossed her legs. She slowly unbuttoned the top button of her blouse and gave me a seductive smile. “I hope that’s alright.”

“I…think it’ll be alright.”

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