Alicia’s Foray Into Bondage


Alicia was in her 3rd year at college, located within the busy city, when she noticed a change in her sexual desires involving deviant fantasies. Soaking wet, the petite, shy girl weighed in at 110 lbs. With long, coal black hair and matching eyes, she had an attractive round face, full lips, perfect white teeth and a slim figure. Her ample breasts were beautifully curved, sporting wide areolas and long, dark nipples. Typically halter clad, Alicia caught the stare of many boys but seemed disinterested in their advances.

One evening, after a relaxing bubble bath and lounging in a favorite pink robe her roommate, Karen, seduced Alicia in the romantic quiet and privacy of their shared apartment. With spiked, bleach blonde hair Karen had a muscular, boyish frame and a pretty face dominated by alluring, daring green eyes. Having the bolder, more aggressive personality, Karen swept the girl off her feet and introduced Alicia to the many nuances of female to female pleasures. They soon shared a full time love affair.

Nimbly, Karen’s lithe figure hovered over the awaiting Alicia kissing and licking across her nude torso. Slowly, her wet tongue slithered in and around all of Alicia’s sweet spots eliciting deep, lustful groans as the recipient of Karen’s affection. Laying between outstretched, quivering thighs Karen expertly teased her lover, darting and flicking the point of her long tongue around Alicia’s mons.

“Mmm…someone’s aroused. Your sex…smells…so wonderful…”Karen whispered before fastening her open mouth over Alicia’s succulent labia and tasting womanly juices. Pursed lips captured Alicia’s swollen clitoris and Karen rhythmically suckled the pearl in and out, bringing Alicia to a gushing orgasm.

Face and chin covered with dew, Karen left a sticky, smeared trail across Alicia’s writhing body, moving up to tenderly kiss an otherwise parched mouth.

“Mmm…my baby…came so good!” Karen lit the half finished joint, inhaling a monstrous toke and placed the paper’s end into Alicia’s lips.

“God…oh God…Karen…you fucking send me…so…” Alicia dreamily whispered in the wonderful afterglow. Karen surprisingly grasped one of Alicia’s wrists lying limp on the pillow over her head. “You know…Darling…one of these days I’m going to tie you up. Make you beg for it…make you beg me to let you cum…” Karen huskily suggested.

Suddenly Alicia felt transparent, as if Karen was looking into her soul and the normally quiet girl opened the floodgates. Like a confession, Alicia launched into an explicit, detailed account of her latest sexual fantasies.

How she desired to be tied up, blindfolded and perversely spanked or humiliated. How she and her teenage older brother had innocently played “Pirates”, stripping away their clothes and took turns pretending to whip each other, taboo rituals exciting and furthering their curiosities. How she had visited several BDSM websites, reading stories, gazing at the pictures of people bound and tied. How she would furiously masturbate during her alone time, envisioning herself forced into a submissive role.

“Wow…my little kinky girl. Even kinkier than me.” Karen replied after Alicia had finished her out of breath spiel causing the shy one to blush.

“Hey…have you ever heard of SADE?” Alicia shook her head as if to say, who…me? “Well it’s this private club, it’s like an old house where people go…you know…to…I guess you’d say…explore bondage and sadism. I’ve never been there but I heard from a friend of a friend about the club. Maybe…if you want…I could find out more?” Alicia’s dark eyes widened intently on the possibilities.

“Do you…do you think you could?”

“Yeah, sure…I will but look…I want you to write down everything you just said. Be as descriptive as you can and I’ll pass it along. Discreetly of course. To her. Okay?”

On a sunny afternoon two weeks later, the Yellow cab stopped at the leaf strewn curb next to the club and Alicia paid the profiled driver as Middle Eastern descent. She looked up in awe at the Victorian building, its ornate classic design and with slight trepidation walked up the worn grey stone steps. Neatly tacked to one of the tall Maple stained doors was a gold rectangular plate inscribed in black Old English lettering: Sade.

With no sign of a doorbell, Alicia turned the cold brass knob and entered into a spacious front parlor decorated with antique furniture, lovely tapestries and a musky scent hidden by sandalwood incense. The door’s loud thud had a sound of finality.

Promptly, from one of the side rooms an effeminate young man wearing black silk clothing scurried towards Alicia.

“May I help you?” He asked in a girlish voice.

“Yes. I’m…Alic…Alicia Mayhew. I have an appoint…I mean…I was told to be here…at 4. She stammered, unsure and out of her element here.

“Oh yes. Miss Mayhew. Oh yes. Please…would you follow me?” His smile was courteous but resembled a smirk. As he floated soundlessly up the richly carpeted stairway, Alicia’s palm slid along the mahogany handrail Kartal Sınırsız Escort and she had time to admire the framed artwork. A la Marquis De Sade, they were lavishly drawn, illustrating a series of sadistic scenes: instruments of torture within a medieval dungeon, whips in mid-air about to inflict pain, the grimace of those receiving and the lust of the givers.

He ushered her along the short second story hallway, opening a door on the right and courteously held it open signifying that this was the room. Her heart beat quickened.

Dimly lit, Alicia quickly appraised the plush, roomy boudoir. To the left was a massive oak four poster bed where two flickering candles sat upon a matching nightstand. There weren’t any windows visible which seemed to make the air feel heavy, warm and soundproof. Alicia carefully walked into the central, open part of this quiet room. Gazing up at the high ceiling, a chrome hook attached to a length of chain and secured into a rough sawn beam, dangled ominously overhead.

Her mouth was dry and glanced sharply to the right at some metallic, gleaming items upon a table with two padded high backed chairs on either side, idly wondering, just what had she got herself into? Behind the table, a smaller door opened from an adjoining bathroom and the stunning woman who entered literally took Alicia’s breath away.

The tall brunette’s hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her eyes glinted and smiled at Alicia. Like something from Frederick’s of Hollywood the laced red corset covered her hourglass shaped midsection, uplifting plump, exposed breasts and garter clips dangling over wide hips. Alicia gulped and stared at the juncture of her thighs, a clean shaven vee, long legs and immaculately groomed body.

She held out her hand, “Hello. Alicia is it? I’m Monique, Miss Monique.” Alicia self consciously wiped moist palms against her skirt, “Yes, I’m Alicia. I’m so very pleased to meet you.” Their eyes locked while their hands firmly shook.

“Well. I’m familiar with the interests that you so carefully wrote of. Your curiosity, willingness and desire to become an obedient slave. We shall explore these things, this submissiveness that you long for. To begin, strip. Place your things in one of the chairs and of course, tie your hair back. You will address me as Miss Monique or Miss.”

Alicia hesitated.

“Shall we continue? Or?”

“Y-yes…Miss.” The woman closely watched Alicia’s every movement as she stripped, laying her blouse, bra, skirt and panties onto the chair and slipping the simple black flats underneath. Undressing in front of this beautiful strange woman felt humiliating and scintillating at the same time. Timidly, Alicia stood in front and looked up at the taller woman, fidgeting and ineffective at covering her privates.

“A slave should never be ashamed of nakedness. You’re a pretty young thing, your body is for others’ to admire and use.”

“Yes Miss.”

“Always keep your eyes lowered, slave, unless told otherwise. Shoulders back, breasts forward, feet apart and palms facing Me. Good girl.” The stillness of the private area was broken as another person entered from the small bathroom and Alicia fought back the urge to turn and look.

“Beverly will be assisting me today, keep your eyes lowered slave. Good girl. Bring the collar Bev.” Alicia caught a fleeting glimpse of Bev, only her legs and bright red fingernails. The black leather 3″ wide collar was embossed with silver lettering: Slave, and Alicia trembled as Bev stepped behind her and attached the collar firmly about her neck.

“Isn’t she pretty property Bev?”

“Oh yes Miss.” Bev whispered, her sultry, warm peppermint breath puffed against Alicia’s ear. Fleece lined restraints were snugly clamped around both of Alicia’s dainty wrists, connected by a short length of chain.

“Arms over your head slave.” As Alicia complied, Bev’s strong arms encircled her waist, lifting the tiny girl up and fitting the chain neatly over the hook’s edge. Like a carcass of meat, gravity pulled Alicia’s torso down. Arms and shoulders strained vertically while the bottoms of her tender feet barely touched the floor.

Immobilized further, fleece lined restraints were snugly clamped around both of Alicia’s ankles, connected by a four foot iron spreader bar. Below, Alicia watched the kneeling duo efficiently truss her ankles and finally provided a better look at the mysterious Bev, her mind racing from the inextricable position she was in. She had let herself get in.

Over freckled shoulders thin lacy straps hung, Bev’s corset fuller than Monique’s and covered smaller breasts. Her curly hair was flaming red with a marvelously painted white streak across the top. Bev’s smoldering look met Alicia’s excited face and simply nodded.

To better admire their handiwork, they stepped back a few paces. Tethered in this fashion, the blushing Alicia felt helpless and embarrassed by their open inspection.

“Look at that blush. My, what a pretty thing. Doesn’t she look like a slut Bev?”

“Yes Miss, Kartal Suriyeli Escort very slutty.”

“Tell us slave, are you a slut?”

“Yes Miss.”

“Yes Miss…what?”

“Yes Miss, I am a slut.” Monique reached between Alicia’s spread crotch, palming her warm vagina. Nimble fingers searched out her clitoris. “Oh dear, you’ve an unusually fat pearl slut. I imagine that you’re a bad girl, unable to control yourself from self-pleasure. Tell us slut, do you masturbate a lot?”

“Yes Miss. I am a bad girl and cannot control my desires. I masturbate often.” Alicia confessed, reddening. Bev again moved behind the pony tailed girl and slowly raked her painted nails along Alicia’s taut, exposed ribcage and sides. Alicia gasped, aware of the building sexual excitement now racing over nude skin. Her long nipples were erect and goose bumps emerged along arms and back. Bev’s hands boldly cupped Alicia’s breasts, thumbs and forefingers gripped the turgid nipples, squeezing and pulling the teat flesh outward. Monique quickly moved forward and applied rubber tipped alligator clamps around each elongated nipple.

“Do they feel nice slave?”

“Y-yes Miss, they feel nice Miss.” The clamps hungrily bit down on her purplish nipples and Alicia could not differentiate between exquisite pain or delicious pleasure.

“Now my pretty slut, I’m going to silence you…for a time.” Miss Monique held the golf ball sized red ball gag under Alicia’s gaze, “I don’t know…exactly…your limits so let’s agree: if you reach a point, where you want me to stop, simply cross your fingers. We’ll recognize that as a secret signal. Understood?”

“Yes Miss.” Alicia stared, fascinated by the object about to be placed in her mouth, the several spidery strips that will secure it criss-crossing her face. Alicia’s jaw opened to accept the synthetic round ball, lips closing and tasting the antiseptic item. Her nostrils immediately flared sharply, inhaling like a form of inverted snorkeling.

Carefully pulling one of the high backed chairs closer, Miss Monique sat, crossed her legs and viewed the spread eagled, tethered portrait of her girl. “You look good slave. I like you restrained this way. Bev, spank her.”

“Yes Miss.” Bev’s open palm initiated the contact upon Alicia’s derriere. Slap! Slap! Her arm swinging freely, alternating from left to right and back again. Slap! Slap! Slap! Alicia closed her eyes, the sharp stinging swarmed over each lily white ass cheek. Slap! Slap! Whatever she did to deserve this mattered not. Slap! Slap! Slap! Beverly did not miss a spot, spanking from top to bottom. Slap! Slap!

“Stop for a moment. Tired, Bev?”

“No Miss.”

“Slave, look at me.” Alicia’s eyelids fluttered up at Monique’s glazed eyes. Her legs were spread apart, fingers tracing imaginary lines up and down each bare thigh. Alicia focused through watery eyes the full shaven mound and glistening inner lips.

“You’re turning me on slave. Bev, give her 10 more and make them…harder. Eyes on me slave.” Slap! Slap! Slap! Monique delightfully watched Alicia’s eyelids quivering from the harder spanks, fingers moving ever closer to her quim, stroking along outer lips. With the final slap, a deep warmth saturated Alicia’s numb derriere flesh and the temperature through the private room seemed to increase.

Monique tore her hands away and with a flourish strode to the table selecting a favorite crop. The triangular shaped swatch of leather was dark brown, folded over and riveted to the end of a short, glossy black rod.

Alicia’s eyes bugged out as it pressed upon her stomach, the crop feathered its way down, touching Alicia’s mons. Monique swished it back and forth against tense inner thighs. “You’ll learn to…love the crop and understand…that…I do this with love.” And the beating began.

Monique’s expertise is unparalleled. Her crop would kiss, lick and strike every inch of Alicia’s exposed skin, whenever and wherever she pleased. Effortlessly she walked around the bound girl, the leather’s tip snapped tender flesh, flicking without a rhythm, finding Alicia’s unsuspecting targets and particularly harsh on her backside.

Inside Alicia’s mind, she moaned, envisioning what she must look like while unseen, until now, virginal switches toggled. Pain. Sweet lovely pain. Its what I want, what I’ve always wanted. Punishment. Yes. Connected to Miss Monique’s arm. Her crop. My naked skin. Oh fuck, more.

The blows came faster. She spent ample time on the backs of near cramping legs, darting like a swarm of stinging bees. Alicia’s perspiring body absorbed them, losing track of time. The dosage of pain was perfect; Alicia flinched uncontrollably from the multitude of random strikes, her flayed skin spinning into a state of arousal she hadn’t experienced before. With oxygen at a premium, she felt lightheaded. Then it stopped.

“You take them well slave. I’m impressed.” Monique stood before her, a line of clear drool spilled over Alicia’s bottom lip and dripped onto a breast. Two long fingers easily slid into Alicia’s Kartal İranlı Escort tunnel, “God, you’re cunt is soaking wet slave. I think you like my crop.”

“M-m-m-m-phh!” was the only capable sound she could make until Beverly undid the bindings and eased the ball gag from her teeth. Tiny stars sparkled as Alicia gulped in huge mouthfuls of air and felt a school girl lust for Miss Monique.

“Y-yes Miss. I…love your crop…” She gasped.

The two moistened fingers were held under Alicia’s nose, “Slave, your arousal is thick. Tell me slut, do you like your sweet cunt juices?”

“Yes Miss. I am a slut and do like my sweet cunt juices Miss.” The two moistened sticky fingers were slipped into Alicia’s mouth. The soft digit’s tips slithered around touching her teeth and a willing tongue swirled around knuckles.

“Did I tell you to lick them slave?” Monique quickly pulled them away.

“No Miss. I just…thought…”

“You don’t think cunt. You must obey.” Monique pushed her long fingers deep against Alicia’s tonsil area causing her to gag and mildly retch. “Now, lick them clean slave.” It felt like piranhas feasting as Beverly reached around to unclasp the nipple clamps. Sharp needlelike pain shot into her breasts as blood returned to the aching, sensitive tips. “Oww!” Alicia yelped twisting against her bonds.


“I’m sorry Miss…I couldn’t help that…”

“Poor slave. You’ve done quite well and perhaps you deserve a reward…” And she bent to suckle each of the tender points bringing relief and intensifying Alicia’s already aroused state. Her wet tongue traveled lower, trailing across her stomach, dipping into her navel and knelt before Alicia.

“Your slave pussy looks wonderful. Pouting and swollen and dripping and…well…looks good enough to eat.” Monique used her teeth to teasingly pull a few pubic hairs out.

“T-thank you…M-Miss.” Alicia swooned. Oh God. Oh fuck. I could cum in two seconds. Please. Oh God please. Just lick my clit or touch it. Fuck, I need to cum. Should I beg? No. I can’t do anything…but wait. Oh please Miss.

In answer to her prayers, Monique’s lips softly kissed Alicia’s outer petals; the tip of her tongue sliding into Alicia’s slit, barely touched the engorged pearl. Before she could focus there, another, wilder sensation assailed: hard talons gripped her ass cheeks, pulling them apart. Beverly’s tongue languidly snaked its way along Alicia’s ass crack, seeking her perineum.

“Oh-h! Miss-s!” Alicia blurted, supple lips coaxing the fattened clitoris out from its thin delicate hood. Firm teeth carefully chewed the stalk as the tip of Bev’s tongue vulgarly pressed past Alicia’s sphincter, daubing inside the crinkly anus.

The tandem had done this before. Orally assaulting a captive in sync. Their wicked mouths ebbed and flowed like a tide maximizing pleasure and controlling the orgasm. Alicia’s hips bucked towards Monique’s suckling “O” and backwards against Bev’s nether probing. The spread eagled puppet writhed against her maddening restriction manifesting her desires vocally.

“Oh please! Don’t stop…Oh God…eat me!” And of course the mouths, in unison momentarily ceased their efforts. Alicia could only whine as their timing alternated: Bev laving her backside while Monique rested, then Bev resting while Monique made love to her front. As if in signal, Alicia’s thighs quivered, Monique locked her sweet mouth over the girl’s pussy and she began climbing toward ecstasy again.

The expert tongue intimately tap danced between Alicia’s urethra and the underside of her erect clit. Wafer thin inner lips fluttered like butterfly wings. Slowly. Rhythmically. Swelling. Anal muscles clamped tightly on the invading pink member.

Alicia was climaxing, at last. The most wonderful, intense orgasm she had ever experienced coursed through her soul. Taut as a bow string, her muscles strained and vibrated threatening to break but stretching their limits. She screamed in a high pitched voice unfamiliar until today. Waves of glorious pleasure passionately wracked her tethered limbs, her vagina spewing. Spasming. Urinating into a bottomless vessel.

She was fading, close to fainting as the two cared for her, unbuckling the four restraints and catching the collapsed, spent Alicia with strong arms. She was literally floating across the room. Extremities in a gelled state, Monique and Bev carried and softly deposited her onto the bed. For all she cared the comforter could have been concrete. Alicia slid down into oblivion and the puffy cloud of satin.


A steamy draft of warm air and the pleasant aroma of Minty, herbal tea tickled her nose. The fragrant bouquet was just like Bev’s warm breath and what was that…hours ago?

“Here you go…baby. Try some of this…” Alicia’s head pleasantly buzzed lifting off the pillow. Arid lips sipped from the offered cup of brew.

“Welcome back.” Monique smiled down at her. The tea was soothing and helped to revive her. She was sore as if she’d competed in a strange marathon of sex and the satisfied glow deep inside overrode any unpleasant ache. Monique carefully brushed back a strand of loose hair from Alicia’s forehead. She stared sideways at the beautiful woman and the startling erect, black phallus sprouting up, covering her vagina and secured with straps around her thighs and hips.

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