Angels and Demons Ch. 01

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In the late twenty-second century mankind made a startling discovery. Angels and Demons were real. Not myths and legends but two ancient alien races, at war with each other since the earliest recordings of either race. Whereas their eternal battle had once only occasionally brought the two races to Earth, the destruction of each of their respective home worlds by the other race had now left both desperate for a new home. Earth and it’s numerous colonies seemed like the natural choice for both. Desperate for resources, they both descended on the unsuspecting human worlds. However, in the decades since their war had last scarred Earth humanity had united. No longer divided, bickering states, the Order of Humanity had risen to govern them all. Battles stretched on for months, and what at first seemed like an easy conquest for whoever reached it first was now a desperate retreat. Eventually the two bitter enemies even joined forces. But as resources dwindled the starving, beaten armies of Angel and Demon – kind were finally forced to surrender and submit to whatever treatment the Order deemed fit.

But rather than destroying those who had once aimed to destroy them, the Order showed compassion. Colonies were set up all across the human dominion for Angels and Demons to call home. And at a result a lasting peace was established that endures to this day.”

18 year-old Chloe lowered her report and looked around the room at the many board faces of her fellow classmates. Writing a report on the Angel/Demon war was a required part of her graduating class’ curriculum.

She quietly walked back to her seat and pretended to listen as the rest of her classmates read their reports. In reality, she was far more concerned with trying to manage the tiny plaid uniform skirt that the Institute of Non-human Education forced demon succubuses and temptresses to wear. It was barely six inches of fabric and it was all she could do to keep from showing off her bright white panties underneath. Mr. Brunswick, her human teacher was always staring and grabbing at her practically naked ass in the hallways. Her tight white button-down shirt wasn’t much better. It’s buttons strained every single day to contain her large and very sensitive breasts. The only part of the ‘uniform’ that she liked at all were the 4″ heels. From day one, she seemed to instinctively know how to walk in them. Unlike the rest of her outfit, they seemed classy and sophisticated.

Mr. Brunswick yawned loudly, and settled his chin into his palm. Class was almost over. And as much as she hated coming to this place, she hated even more having to leave it and go home. Her father was a Brute, not exactly the best parenting material. On a good she’d only get stared at contemptuously as she did her chores and hurried to her room. Other days she’d have to listen to his drunken ramblings about the war, inevitably get blamed for something, and go to bed sore from a beating.

She looked up at the clock over the door. Just a few minutes left. They ticked away entirely too fast. And then the bell rang, interrupting the last report recital and waking Mr. Brunswick. She suppressed a giggle as his head slipped from his palm and nearly hit the desk. Then she gathered up her purse and began shuffling out of the classroom with the rest of the students. Midway out the door she suddenly felt a sharp tug on her long, whip-like tail. She yelped as she was pulled back into the classroom.

“Ms. Chloe, a word please.”

“Yes, Mr. Brunswick?” she said, turning to face him.

He held onto her tail for an uncomfortable extra moment, letting it slide from his hand rather than simply letting go. He adjusted his glasses and waited until the last of students were gone. Then he cleared his throat.

“You know, I watch you every day, Ms. Chloe. I see how miserable you are to go home. I’ve seen the bruises,” he said, stepping deep into her personal space and putting a clammy hand on her shoulder.

She gulped. “I appreciate your concern, Mr. Brunswick but I- it’s-“

“You know, you don’t have to go back to that place,” he said, placing a hand on her other shoulder. “I could always put you up in my place for a little while.”

“That’s very generous of you, sir,” she said, cringing beneath her touch. “But I-“

“It’s alright. I’m your teacher. I’m only here because I care about you. I’m sure we can come up with some way for you to earn your keep. …A few chores here and there,” he said, running a hand down the front of her shirt and undoing her top button.

She immediately jumped away.

“Oh, stop pretending. I see the way you look at me. Your kind can’t help yourselves!” he said, taking another step towards her.

“I really need to be going, sir. I have chores to do,” she said, ducking as he reached for her again and racing out the door.

She could still hear him laughing all the way down the hall as she left the building. Outside, she pressed her back to one of the building’s brick tavşanlı escort walls and took a deep breath, buttoning her shirt back up. It was never ending with him. And now she would be late getting home, too. That was sure to mean a beating. I seemed no matter what she did in this life she couldn’t win.

She hurried along down the windswept path that lead back into her settlement. Calling it a settlement was an overwhelming exaggeration. Tents, ramshackle houses, and a few crumbling freestanding structures, it was a shanty town. Other temptresses lined street corners, offering themselves to anyone who had the money to afford their ‘services’. Imps scurried here an there, snatching up whatever scraps they could. Overhead a lone succubus flapped her wings, gliding east towards one of the red-light districts.

Being a former Demon Lord during the war, her father had one of the nicer hovels in town. She ducked under a ragged blue tarp and quietly eased the front door open.

“You’re late again!” a deep brooding voice bellowed.

“I’m sorry sir,” she said, closing the door behind her.

Her father, with his glowing red eyes and long jagged horns, was the perfect visage of a demon. His hands were almost as big as his head, perfect for crushing skulls and smashing ribs. He was truly an intimidating sight to behold. Currently he lounged half drunkenly in his chair in the corner, bottle ever at his side. An old, cracked television provided the majority of the light in the room.

“Is that all you have to say for yourself, whelp? I feed you and clothe you and all you do is eat it up and waste your time with friends! Back before the humans stole our dignity, you would already be out earning your keep,” he said, disgustedly and took another gulp from his bottle.

She’d heard the same lecture a hundred times before. But she didn’t dare tell him about Mr. Brunswick. He’d only accuse her of bringing it on herself and then beat her twice as brutally for it.

“There was a test and it lasted past the-,” she began.

“Lies!” he accused and threw his bottle to the ground.

It shattered loudly, scattering glass across the already filthy floor. Hot, steaming spittle dripped down his chin. He stood up, stooping over as his horns grazed the ceiling.

“Lie to me again, daughter,” he dared her.

“I’m sorry. Kelly, asked me to walk home with her. I didn’t think it would take so long,” she said, hoping that if she told him what he wanted to hear that it would appease him.

“Remind me why I let you live here,” he said, coming to within inches of her face.

Then he turned and headed back to his chair.

“It doesn’t matter. Soon, you’ll be earning your keep after all. You may count yourself lucky, tonight. Ravencall won’t pay top dollar if your bruised,” he said, slumping down into his seat.

Both chair and floor creaked under his weight.

“What! No! Father, no! Please!” she begged, suddenly dropping to her knees.

A shard of glass bit into her knee.

Ravencall was the local slave-master. In all of the Order slavery was forbidden, but the local peacekeepers hardly seemed particularly interested in enforcing it. As long as everyone in the settlement kept to themselves and didn’t make too much of a ruckus, the were content to sit in their cozy station on the corner of town. They didn’t even bother sending out patrols. And from what she’d heard, Ravencall was a particularly sadistic demon; the kind that would make her father’s punishments seem like bliss. And the things he was rumored to do to those slaves he kept for himself made Chloe outright cringe. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that was exactly what he’d want her for too. Even among other temptresses, she was particularly desirable. He round ass cheeks, high hips, and particularly large breasts were always getting her the kind of attention she’d rather avoid.

Her father laughed and pulled a new bottle. He pulled the cork from it with his teeth and drank deeply, liquid dribbling down from the corner of his mouth.

“I think not, daughter. As I said, it’s time you earned your keep,” he said.

“What… what if I could earn my keep? I could get a job,” she begged.

“Hah! A job? The only job you could get is out on that street corner, and you don’t have the stomach for that. Not yet, anyway,” he said, smiling drunkenly.

“What if I did? What if I did find a job?” she persisted, deep throaty desperation thick in her voice.

“Fine! Find a job and I will tell Ravencall that you are no longer for sale. You have four days. Now be gone,” he said, waiving her away with his bottle and turning his attention to the television.

He laughed loudly as she disappeared into her tiny closet of a room. He was right. How was she supposed to find a job? The whole planet was a baren wasteland. The only thing to be found was hard labor, and even if she could do that, there were at least ten times as many looking for work as was available. tekirdağ escort It was hopeless! Tears welled up in her eyes.

She unbuttoned her shirt and threw it to the side as she flung herself onto her sleeping mat. Her breasts jiggled and slapped together on her chest as she landed on her back. Her deep red nipples, ever hard, pointed straight up at the ceiling. She rubbed them thoughtfully, trying not to think about her newest predicament. Another hand slid down her perfectly flat stomach and into those white panties. Damn this body! She had to do it at least once a night just to be able to concentrate on her homework and get to sleep. A middle finger slowly circled her clit as she pinched at her nipple and squeezed her breast. Eyes closed, she imagined a long, throbbing cock sliding itself deep into her tight pink pussy. Soon her wetness soaked into the crotch of her panties and she could feel beads of it running down her ass crack. She clenched her teeth to keep from moaning and dug her short little nails into the tender flesh of her breast as she squeezed it. It was all she could do to keep from making a sound as the first of half a dozen waves of pleasure washed over her.

When the last wave had abated, she lay panting on her mat. She could finally think clearly again. And again the tears came. She lay and sobbed until she finally fell asleep.


The next morning she was up earlier than usual. Following his nightly binges, her father was rarely awake before noon. So the mornings were the only time she really had to herself. Usually she spent that time reading or sneaking out to see Kelly. A succubus, she understood Chloe’s need for sexual relief; how it was almost painful to go more than a couple days without release. The two had become experts at satisfying each other’s needs.

But not today. Today she was off to school early. There were a handful of rickety computers there that the students could use when they weren’t in class. The InterWeb, the non-human version of the Internet, seemed like the best place to start looking for a job. Much like the Internet, it was thoroughly clogged with pornographic adds. It didn’t help that the wobbly stool she was sitting on made it impossible to hide her plump ass cheeks from anyone and everyone who happened into the room to check their email. Damned skirt!

A click at a time, she moved from one semi-promising add to another. It didn’t take long before her prospects began to dwindle. She glanced at the clock in the corner of her screen. Only a couple minutes left before first period! She logged off and hurried off to class, all the while wondering where else she could possibly look for a job. Some of the books she’d read had talked about newspapers and agencies to find jobs. But her settlement had none of those things.

The day dragged on, she went home, was beaten in spite of her father’s previous words, and found herself in the same spot the next morning; staring at a green-tinted computer screen, desperately searching for some kind of salvation. The minutes ticked by with even fewer prospects than the day before.

Ten minutes to go… click-click…

Eight minutes to go… click-click…

Five minutes to go… click-click…

Just as she was about to gather up her belongings and head off to class again, her eyes caught sight of a new post appearing on the screen.


Cleaning position available

Requirements: No experience needed. Must be discrete.

Must be willing to perform unusual tasks. Temptresses

and succubuses only. Imps, brutes, harpies and other

demons need not apply.

There was a com-link number at the bottom. She scribbled it down and left. If she was late for class Ms. Burnside would bend her over her desk in front of everyone and paddle her ass until it was too painful to sit on! But if she didn’t hurry up and call, the only chance she had could slip away. Worse yet, the nearest com-link was in the teacher’s lounge. If she was caught in there, she’d be beaten until her ass was black and blue!

She hurried down the hall with the rest of the students but slipped away into one of the side halls and then into the janitor’s closet. She felt so terribly obvious doing it but no one seemed to notice. She waited until the sound of footsteps had died away completely and then cracked the door open to peak out. One last straggler went running down the hall, completely oblivious to her. Then it was clear.

Chloe slipped her heels off and stepped out into the hall. Her bare feet were much quieter than those heels clicking down the hallway. She crept up to the door to the teachers lounge and listened. Nothing. The teachers should all be in class, but that was rarely the case. She’d lost count of how many times Mr. Brunswick had been late. She turned the know, slipped in, and closed it behind her.

Inside, the room was all drab grey with rickety furniture and a slight musty odor. It seemed tepebaşı escort that the teachers didn’t have it much better than the students. No wonder they always looked so miserable. But there it was, in the corner, next to that gods-awful green couch; the com-link. She stepped up to it and dialed in the number.

The screen flickered and went blue. It seemed that this number had the video connection disabled for some reason. A brief moment went by and then a rather annoyed sounding female voice spoke up.

“Hello?” it said, rudely.

“Uh, yes. My name’s Chloe. I was calling about the job,” Chloe said, keeping her voice down and wishing that there was some way she could tell this woman to do the same without ruining any chances of getting the job.

“Of course you are. Which are you, a temptress or a succubus?” she asked.

“A temptress. And a very hard worker, too. I-” she was saying when the woman cut her off.

“I’m sure. Do you have a problem with men and women staring at you?” she asked.

“Well, I’m kind of used to it, actually,” Chloe said.

“I’m sure,” the voice repeated. “You’ll be required to show up on time, every time, in uniform, and stay until all of your work is done. And you may be asked to perform unusual ‘tasks’ from time to time. Think you can do that, demon?”

“Unusual tasks?” Chloe asked.

The woman let out an obviously annoyed sigh. “Look, do you want the job or not?”

“Yes, sorry. Of course,” Chloe said.

“Good. What’s the soonest you can come in for an interview?” she said.

“Tonight, after class I suppose,” she said.

“What TIME?” the aggravated voice said, loudly.

“Sorry. Um, fifteen-thirty,” she said, resisting the urge to add a ‘shhhh’.

“Fine,” the voice said and an address flashed across the bottom of the screen. “Heels and makeup are required.”

Chloe had just enough time to scribble the address down before the screen went blank. The call was over. She took a long, deep breath. It was all she could do to keep quiet. She’d have to hurry to get there on time, but she could make it.

She hurried back out, down the hall, and to her classroom. As luck would have it, Ms. Burnside just happen to be late. Chloe managed to get seated just a minute or two before she walked in the door. Whatever it was she had to teach went right by Chloe. All she could think about was her interview. She wasn’t sure what proper interview attire consisted of but she knew that her school uniform wasn’t it. On her way out at the end of class, she did manage to slip the end of her tail into Ms. Burnside’s purse and snatch a tube of lipstick. It wasn’t much but it meant she had both the heels and makeup covered.

The rest of her classes came and went without incident. Well, no incident except Mr. Brunswick’s suggestive looks. But finally it was over with and she was able to slip out without another uncomfortable confrontation.

She hurried down the road towards the address given, applying lipstick as she went. Her breasts bounced as she ran, threatening to burst free at any moment. All the excitement and fabric rubbing back and forth on them meant that by they time she arrived, her nipples were as hard as pearls. That kind of stimulation wasn’t lost upon other parts of her body either. She could already feel her pussy beginning to moisten.

The building she arrived at was on the outskirts of town. Some sort of crumbling warehouse. Not pleasant looking at all. Suddenly she beginning to have some doubts about this. How easy it would be to post a fake job to lure a young woman like her out there to kidnap and do who-knows-what to. The worst part was that the more her imagination raced the wetter her pussy got.

“Chloe, I presume?” a crisp female voice said.

She spun around to see a woman with short spiky blue hair in a black business suit approaching her. The outfit was form fitting and obviously tailored precisely to her body. It looked expensive. Judging by her tone, she definitely wasn’t the same woman as she had spoken to on the phone.

“Yes, ma’am,” Chloe said hesitantly.

“Forgive the obscure surroundings but my employer insists on it until you’ve signed a non-disclosure contract. Now, let me have a good look at you,” the woman said.

She looked Chloe up and down as if appraising her value or something.

“You’ll do,” she said with a tiny grin on her matching blue lips. “Now, come along. We can speak in my office.”

As if on queue a black car appeared from the shadows. As she followed the woman, it was hard not to admire her perfectly around ass cheeks. That expensive suit hugged them so tightly, leaving nothing to the imagination. As she stooped to get in the car, it was abundantly clear that she was wearing nothing underneath. The woman in the suit got a good look down Chloe’s shirt as she climbed in after her. Judging by the way she licked those blue lips, she liked the view.

The back of the car was very spacious indeed and was setup very much like an office. There were two sets of seats facing each other with a little table in the center, across which were spread several files and data pads. They sat across from each other.

“Drive,” she commanded and the vehicle smoothly sailed into motion.

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