Beth’s Place Ch. 02

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Author’s Note: This story continues the exploits of Beth and Brett. Reading the first chapter is recommended, but not required to enjoy this submission. It is my sincere hope that the reader finds this stimulating and satisfying. Please leave comments — good or bad — if you feel this tale is deserving of doing so.


Summer wore on. The daylight, once extending well into the evening, was beginning to come noticeably sooner with each passing week. A chill crept its way into the September air. A singular event stood out in my mind as the defining moment of the season. Beth Clark had not become my lover; no, it was something else entirely. Something much more difficult to put my finger on.

Countless times I had played that evening over in my head. I couldn’t erase from my mind the hungry, sinful look in her eye as she instructed me to do something so nasty and profane. And then she followed it by doing something even more shocking and obscene.

After our indefinable encounter, I didn’t see much of her. Either embarrassment or intimidation kept me away. I’m not one to run from an uncomfortable situation or allow others to daunt me, but that night at Beth’s place was so unexpected, and so electrifying, that I didn’t want to ruin our little secret by confronting her about it.

She must have felt the same, because things became awkward between us. Once so friendly and outgoing, she became withdrawn around me. Or maybe I just perceived it that way. Her greetings were cold when I would come around to help her out around the house. She always made up an excuse to leave or busied herself with mundane tasks in another part of her home. She allowed me to spend some quality playtime with her two little girls, which was a huge relief. At least she didn’t think I was so much of a creep that I couldn’t be a good role model. It would break my heart to have those little ones think poorly of me.

To temper our mutual discomfiture, Beth would leave me an occasional tease. The underwear on the bedroom floor, of course – like last time – where I could see them, was a regular enticement. Pink, black, gold — she left a variety of kinds and colors. But she got creative too. On one of my Wednesday visits she asked me to unclog the drain in the master suite bathroom. As I walked in to do so, I noticed she had conspicuously left her nightstand drawer open. Out of curiosity, I peeked in to see an understated silver vibrator inside. It was obvious that she wanted me to see it, as it lay there in plain sight on her stack of magazines next to her fingernail polish remover. One would think that something so private would be kept hidden. With my curiosity getting the better of me, I picked it out of the drawer. I inspected the eight-inch piece of reflective plastic. I twisted the black knob at the bottom and it sprang to life. Startled, I nearly dropped the humming device. I turned it off and placed it back where it belonged.

Another time she left a single wrapped condom at the foot of the bed, its blue wrapper lying in contrast to the white bedspread. On one of my visits on a steamy August day, I walked outside to find her sunbathing face down in a lounge chair with the strings of her two-piece top undone. Feigning embarrassment, she had clutched the bikini to her chest and scurried inside. But she knew exactly what time I came over on Wednesday and the display of immodesty was undoubtedly a charade.

Despite these hints, she remained coy. Never following up like she had earlier in the summer. After what she’d been through, I was happy to let her go at her own pace. She’d been burned recently. Who was I to rush things? After all, it was my son of a bitch friend who left her.

So I waited. I had time to be patient. I continued to date other women. As far as I knew, Beth was seeing other men. If she was playing hard to get, that was fine with me. But I didn’t know Beth as one to play games. She was just being demure. It was kind of sexy to have to wait. The built up anticipation was palpable. But anticipation of what, exactly?

Before, I saw Beth as a friend, but now, after she’d expressed a sexual side of herself I’d not seen before…now it was something else entirely. I lusted after her. It was like night and day. I longed to touch her, to kiss her, to make love to her. I wanted to take her in my arms and protect her. I was experiencing all kinds of unexpected feelings. She was in my head.

Finally, toward the end of September, when I’d nearly abandoned all hope of more physical contact with Beth, she broke the ice.

I’d come in from finishing trimming her yard, covered in grass clippings and smelling like lawn mower exhaust. She was sitting at the kitchen table, balancing her checkbook. She had her brown hair up in a clip and it fell messily across her forehead. She had a pair of reading glasses perched on the end of her nose and a pencil clinched in her teeth. Taking it out of her mouth, she looked up at me.

“Well, I’m all done,” I bitlis seks hikayeleri reported, leaning against the counter with a styrofoam cup of coffee. I wiped the sweat off my brow with the sleeve of my cotton box-woven shirt. “And after today you probably won’t need me to cut the lawn anymore this season, I can’t see it growing much more after the weather turns. It’s getting chilly already.”

She turned from her work and brushed a strand of hair out of her forehead. Her face fell and she frowned with a pout. “Okay,” she resigned. “I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve appreciated you coming around this summer.” The twinkle returned to her eye as she continued. “But I was hoping you’d do me one more favor.”

She rose to her feet and walked across the kitchen toward me – her bare feet softly sounding on the hardwood floor.

She sauntered over to me and stood on her tip-toes to speak into my ear. She leaned into me and I could feel the soft mounds of her breasts against my chest through her thin white tee. Her lavender perfume tickled my nostrils and her hair brushed against my cheek.

“Be here tonight at eleven,” she whispered. Then she leaned in further and took my earlobe between her lips. As she sucked it into her mouth, I felt her tongue swirl around, teasing and flipping it. Then she lightly placed an open hand on my crotch and gave it an ever-so-slight squeeze – just enough to let me know it was there. She rocked back on her heels, letting go of both my earlobe in her mouth and my growing cock in her hand.

She looked up and her eyes met mine. As she gave me a playful grin, spun around and walked away, I could swear she put a little extra sway in her hips as she crossed the kitchen floor and sat back down at the table. She resumed the work on her calculator.

I closed my jaw and pretended to play cool, stammering a goodbye and casually leaving through the garage. But my pounding heart would have betrayed me had she been able to detect the thumping sledgehammer it had become.

I hated leaving in such an aroused state. Had I kept my wits about me (and had the girls not been boisterously playing in their bedroom), I would have ravaged her right there in the kitchen . I would have ripped her clothes off and forcefully violated her against the oak cabinetry. Normally, I didn’t play the submission game. I like to be in charge and I felt oddly vulnerable to be flummoxed by the confident vixen she had become. Especially when I knew her to be so mild-mannered and reserved most of the time. The sensation was confusing yet liberating and exciting. She made me feel helpless to my own emotions and responses.

I could barely concentrate on the road on my short ride home. I needed to clear my head. Or clutter it. I honestly didn’t know what the fuck I needed. So once I got home, I fixed myself a generous pour of bourbon and dozed on the patio chair.

I awoke around sunset. The crickets had begun their nightly chorus. Fireflies flashed and glowed in the backyard. All around it had turned into a perfect early autumn evening.

I brushed and flossed, showered and shaved, paying extra attention to parts that may or may be not be used later in the evening. If it was going to come down to using them, I wanted to leave Beth a good, clean impression. My nerves were jittery with anticipation, so I downed another shot or two of whiskey to balance them out. I tidied the house and killed time before it was time to go over. Minutes seemed like hours. Hours like days. Finally, the clock inched its way to the time to leave.

The door was unlocked when I arrived. The lights were off. I knew where to find her. I slipped off my shoes on the welcome mat and slinked through the kitchen. The bedroom door was cracked and I crept down the hallway to avoid waking the girls.

Like before, the nightstand lamp provided the only light. And like before, Beth was on the bed. Only this time, she was lying on her stomach on top of the bedspread wearing nothing but a sly grin. Her hair was still wet and face flushed from a recent hot shower or bath. She was propped on her elbows with her chin rested on her interlaced hands. She allowed me to regard her for a moment before speaking. Words from either of us would have shattered the tension and ruined that introductory moment.

I could just barely see the tops of her ample breasts cleaved between her arms below her exquisitely sculpted collarbone. Her head and the top of her shoulders hid the rest of the view so I leaned my head to inspect her body. Her smooth back led down to a generously apple-shaped bare bottom. Her slender legs were bent at the knees and her crossed ankles swung playfully through the air.

“Glad you could make it,” she finally said. “Like what you see?”

Dumb question, of course I did, but I managed an affirmative nod. She unclasped her hands and motioned for me to close the door behind me. “We wouldn’t want to wake the girls,” Beth winked.

I obeyed and quietly shut the door.

She regarded me for a moment and smiled. She was much more playful than the last time we were together in her bedroom.

“Brett,” she began. “I’ve come to the conclusion that you know how to take instructions fairly well. And I can see that you’re a bit at a loss for words — and that’s good, because for what we’re going to do, I don’t need you to speak. In fact, I’d rather you not.”

She went on, “We’re going to continue our little charade. Last time, you did a wonderful job doing what you were told. And if you want this kind of rendezvous to continue, you’ll repeat that performance similarly.

“You violated my trust by sneaking around in my bedroom, and for that, you must be punished.”

There it was…the elephant in the room. I squirmed a bit and turned red at the mention of how our last encounter started. But I was intrigued by this ‘punishment’ scenario. I wondered what she had in mind. And where all this was going.

She continued, “I’m assuming that you came back here tonight because you’re attracted to me, or you’re curious, or maybe you just want to fuck me. In any event, I don’t care about any of that for now. You did a very bad thing, and you’re going to pay the price.

“I’ve had a rough go of it the last few years. You know what I mean when I say that. But you’ve been good to me and my daughters. That’s why, when I caught you red-handed last month, I didn’t call the cops and have you arrested for sexual deviancy. But to be perfectly honest, after the initial shock of catching you, I was strangely flattered. No, it was more than that — I was more turned on than I think I’ve ever been.”

I shifted my weight and put my hands in my pockets and sheepishly blushed.

She continued, “So here’s my ultimatum — if you don’t like it, you can leave: You are going to please me. I’ve gone nearly two years without a man in my life. That’s a lot of making up for lost time. You’re going to help me get that time back. And because I have the leverage of catching you in a compromising position, I’m going to use that to my advantage. For the foreseeable future, you are going to do what I say. It’s like a test. If you pass the test, then you will be rewarded. Your reward will be me. And I will do anything you want – no holds barred. But you have to agree — right here and right now — that you will do everything I want. Everything.”

My mind was racing. I could tell that she had thought out this little soliloquy. Of course I wanted to please Beth. And I wanted her to please me. And I didn’t particularly want to wait for that, but what man is going to say no to a wet naked siren sprawled out on her bed, demanding that I do what she wants. I gave her the only answer I could have.

“I’ll do whatever you want.”

She smirked, “I thought you’d say that.” Her tone turned serious, “Well, I suppose there’s no better time than now to start.”

I made no effort to hide the rising bulge in my pants. Her eyes trailed down to where my cock was threatening to split open my zipper. She seemed pleased.

“I won’t mince words – I loved the taste of your come. I’ve never been much for that sort of thing, even when I was married. I did it out of duty because I thought that’s what wives were supposed to do for their husbands, but it was never by choice. So I don’t know what came over me when I ate yours. All I know is that I’ve never been so aroused as by the thought of your sperm in my belly. And I’ve been craving it.

“So tonight, you’re going to give it to me again. But not in the same way you did last time.” She paused and her pensive face melted into a wicked grin. “No, this time will be different.”

She nodded at my crotch. “I see you don’t need much in the way of inspiration.”

I looked down at the awkward tent growing perpendicular from my groin.

“Take it out.”

I did as she asked, unbuttoning the metal clasp and unzipping. I fished my cock out of my boxers and pushed the waistband down under my testicles. My erect penis pointed stupidly back at Beth. It was hot and stiff, throbbing with anticipation. It leaked a bit of fluid from the tip.

Beth smirked , “Stroke it for me. But don’t you dare come yet.”

I obeyed, grasping the warm sheath of flesh in my fist. I gingerly rubbed it between my palm and fingertips.

“Now come around to the side of the bed.”

Her eyes followed me as I continued to rub my engorged member. Each stroke was bringing me closer. It didn’t help that Beth was encouraging me with her fabulous voluptuous back side staring back at me from the bed.

I stood at the bedside, awaiting my next instruction. She scooted over to the edge on her belly. She lifted her head from her hands and rested her face on the bedspread. She slid her hands down her sides and took hold of her supple buttocks, one cheek in each hand. Her breathing became heavier as she spread her ass lewdly. Her cheeks parted to reveal a hairless crevasse and perfect ring of cracked muscle. Her pert asshole was pink and clean — an unspoiled circle of wrinkled flesh.

“Come on my asshole,” she sighed, her voice muffled by the bedspread.

I was shocked at the vulgarity of her command and the crude expression of her request. I hesitated, but leaned closer over the bed and positioned myself over her bare rear. I propped myself up with my knee on top of the bed and took aim at my target.

I began to tense as I felt the orgasm approach. Her chest was heaving and she squirmed and writhed in anticipation of my hot seed. The tension in my testicles begged for release and I thrust my cock into my fist over and over. Finally, the stimulation gave way and the pleasure coursed through my body. My cock started to spasm and the come rushed through my shaft. The long organ contracted and shot the first load across Beth’s bottom . The string of opaque fluid splashed her outstretched fingers and trickled down into her crack. The next cord of thick semen hit the mark, pooling on her quivering asshole. I suppressed a groan as another spurt gushed out and joined the dense puddle of goo forming on her beautiful anus. I milked a fourth jet of cream onto her and then a fifth. Beth was now face-down on the mattress, stifling a yelp of pleasure as she was overcome by her own orgasm.

She had reached climax just by feeling my come on her body.

I had sprayed her backside with my spunk and now only a few drops trickled out of the head of my penis. I patted her bulbous cheek with my dick and wiped the excess on her hip.

“I thought you wanted to taste it,” I panted. Her face was still buried in the mattress, her body still heaving in contentment.

“I do,” she said. “But not before you have a taste.”

I started in protest, “Wait a minute…”

She lifted her head and I could see the fierce determination in her eyes. “Listen, fucker,” she sternly hissed through clenched teeth. “We had a deal. You do what I say. And you’re going to lick all that come off my asshole and spit it into my mouth. And I want it ALL.”

I was taken aback by the harsh rebuke, but unequivocally excited by her obscene order. I knew about snowballing and swapping and all that crude, hardcore stuff, but had never experienced anything like it. And I’d never tasted my own come. It wasn’t that I found the idea revolting necessarily, I just hadn’t thought about it.

I looked down at the criss-crossed pattern of sperm starting to liquefy on her body and in between her ass cheeks. It was decision time. I could leave now. But then I wouldn’t have the opportunity to ever be in a position to have my way with Beth. And I wanted to have my way. If I just did this act and got it over with, who knows what kind of depravity I’d be walking into. I hadn’t even had sex with Beth, but she was revealing herself to be a cum-hungry sperm slut.

And I loved it.

So I kneeled over the bed. As I lowered my face to Beth’s ample bum, I could feel the heat radiating off her body. She had left her hands fall to her sides and she was no longer holding her ass open. I placed my own hands on either side. Her soft flesh was incredible. It was the first time I had ever put my hands on Beth’s skin in a sexual way and I knew at that point that it was all worth it. Her body trembled as I ran my tongue over her warm, smooth bum.

I paused as I reached the first spot of my own semen. Fuck it, I thought, and went forward. At first I thought that the gelatinous stuff had no flavor. But I was just tasting it with the tip of my tongue. As I sucked the whitish-clear cream off her body, I realized that it was a bit salty and smelled quite musty. Not entirely unpleasant. I sucked off a little bit and swallowed. It wasn’t so bad.

“Save some for me,” Beth breathlessly requested. She had craned her neck to watch and was studying my movements lustily.

I parted her ass with my fingers and surveyed the puddle of quivering sperm on her taut hole. Suppressing my initial gag reflex, I slurped the goop into my mouth. As I did, I realized two things: One, I had a mouthful of my own come and didn’t really mind. Two, I was chin-deep in Beth Clark’s ass. The latter consideration far outweighed the consequences of the former.

“Okay, now bring it to me.”

Beth tilted her head back and I hovered over her face. She opened her mouth expectantly. I lowered my lips to hers and opened them. My come drooled out of my mouth and down my chin, most of it making its way into her and the rest spattering her lips, cheeks and chin. With all of it gone, I pursed my lips and spit the rest into her mouth. She lifted her finger to her face, wiped the excess off and greedily sucked the finger into her mouth, wiping it on the back of her hand. She reached down to her backside and did the same with the surplus I hadn’t slurped up.

Then she lifted her face to mine and kissed me. A wet, sloppy, slimy kiss. Our tongues jockeyed for position inside each other’s mouths. We released with a smack and she looked down at my flaccid cock, still hanging rudely out of my pants.

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