Borrowing From a Friend

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Even fifteen years after graduation, my old college roomy, Lisa, and I are still best of friends. We e-chat, go to school reunions, and sometimes make visits to each other’s home. Mine is in Michigan; hers is near Tampa, Florida. Back in college, Lisa was the innovative, daring one, and I was more conservative and inhibited. However, over the course of four years, she persuaded me to get bolder and enjoy life, which made me mature into a more interesting woman. One of the fun things we shared was our habit of borrowing items from each other: clothes, class notes, books, music, even boyfriends. The borrowing, of course, is past history. That is, it was until last April.

My husband was sent on a ten-day business marketing trip to Germany, so I decided to chase away the late-winter blahs and go to a warm climate at the same time. I arranged a visit to Lisa’s home, while my in-laws stayed with our two children. Unfortunately, on Thursday, one day after I arrived, Lisa received a telephone call informing her that her father, who had retired to Arizona, had suffered a heart attack. Lisa and Ron, her husband, decided to fly to Phoenix, to visit her father and comfort her mother. My Super-Saver airline tickets required that I lay over the weekend, so I was forced to stay at their house until the following Tuesday.

I was quite disappointed that the trip did not work out the way I had dreamed. Visiting Lisa had more meaning for me than a simple get-away from cold, blustery Michigan to the idyllic April warmth of Florida. I was thirty-eight, and part of me felt that my life had slid into the dullsville pit of the prototypical middle-class suburban wife with a no-challenge job. When I decided to visit Lisa, I was hoping that together we could somehow re-energize my inner batteries, so to speak. But that wish and our activity plans fell apart after Lisa’s phone call.

“I’m sorry that I’ve spoiled your vacation, Gail,” Lisa said tearfully. “But I really have got to see Dad and Mom.”

“I understand,” I replied, trying to comfort her in any way that I could. “Don’t you worry about me; you take care of your family. I’ll find plenty of things to do by myself.”

“Thanks for being so understanding, Gail. You may as well use our master bedroom instead of the guest room. You’ll be more comfortable. And feel free to use whatever is in the house.” She smiled through her tears. “You know, like you borrowed from me when we roomed together.”

I laughed at her little joke and gave her a reassuring hug.

“Don’t you worry about me, Lisa. You go and take care of your dad and mom. I’m sure that I can find enough to do on my own to make my stay here pleasant enough.”

Little did I realize at the time how true that statement would turn out to be. Lisa and Ron took a late flight to Phoenix on Thursday night, leaving me to fend for myself until they returned the following Monday. I pondered what I would do with my time. Driving around an unfamiliar spread-out city was too confusing, and I wasn’t ready to do the night life scene on my own. Other ideas came to mind, but eventually I decided to simply relax in Lisa’s and Ron’s very nice house. I also determined to take Lisa up on her offer to borrow anything I wanted to make my stay pleasant.

Thursday night, I slept in Lisa’s luxurious king-size bed in the master bedroom, wearing a filmy nightgown of hers that looked so sexy that I simply had to borrow it. On Friday morning, on another impulse, I borrowed a pair of her low-cut jeans and a midriff-baring tank top – something I have wanted to wear, but never had the nerve. With my borrowed sexy outfit, I courageously made a trip to a suburban mall, and showed off my belly button, ass, and boobs to shoppers while I purchased gifts to bring back to my two kids and Gram. I returned to Lisa’s house after lunch, and the brilliant sunlight streaming on the secluded back yard pool inspired me to get a head start on my summer tan. That, however, required a swim suit and some book to read at the poolside — two things I hadn’t packed. Easy enough, I thought, I’ll simply borrow one of Lisa’s swim suits, and she and Brian had plenty of novels on their bookshelves that I hadn’t yet read. After all, I kept telling myself, Lisa had said that I could borrow whatever I wanted.

I searched the built-in closet in the master bedroom, where I discovered Lisa’s collection of swim suits in the third drawer on her side of the dresser case. I knew that Lisa prided herself by being on the leading edge of styles, and this was Florida, but somehow it’s shockingly different to discover an assortment of very skimpy bikinis in your best friend’s dresser. My curiosity and desire to do something totally out of character got the better of me, and I dared myself to wear the skimpiest bikini in the drawer. I think that all women have a secret desire to be an exhibitionist at times, and I was no different. After all, I argued with the inhibited side of me, who would even see me? I stripped off my clothes and slipped on a yellow thong bikini bottom with matching string tied mardin escort top. It felt different, but kind of nice, I concluded, after I looked in the full-length mirror in Lisa’s bedroom. I was satisfied that my caloric cutback and workouts at the fitness center left nothing to be embarrassed about. That is, if you don’t feel embarrassed about having your ass cheeks totally bare, and the globes of your breasts covered with just two little triangles.

The sun felt warm and comfortable on my body, and the padded chaise lounge next to the pool was ideal for relaxing while catching my rays. I got comfortable with my tiny bikini in the privacy of the back yard, but the sun baking on my skin eventually had me hot and perspiring. I left my book and towel next to the chaise and waded down the built-in steps into the shallow end of the pool. The water was cool but refreshing, and I began to leisurely swim to the far side, practicing my crawl stroke and rotary breathing. After the first up-and-back, the physical workout felt good, and I continued swimming laps like I do at the Y back home. The routine is like repetitive yoga for me, and my mind went far away, dreaming idle thoughts. I was oblivious to my immediate surroundings, while my arms and legs propelled my body up and back in the pool.

Eventually, my workout energy was consumed, and I swam one final lap, heading for the shallow end of the pool. I stood up, gathered my wet hair behind my neck, and wiped the dripping water from my eyes. That was when I noticed a young man in swimming trunks was standing next to my chaise. He was in his early twenties, I judged, and had a swimmer’s physique: slim, hard muscles, with little hair on his chest. The look on his face told me that he was just as astonished as I was to find someone else in the pool. I had no idea who he was, and demanded an explanation as to why he was there.

“I think that I should ask you that same question,” the young man replied. “My name is Todd Dwyer. Brian, the owner of this house, is my father. And who might you be?”

I recalled that Lisa had told me that Brian is nine years older than she, and this was his second marriage.

“I’m Gail Tobias.” I replied to Mr. Todd Dwyer. “Your step-mother and I were college roommates, and I’m visiting her. Or, rather, was. I presume that you know that Lisa’s father had a heart attack, and she and Brian, er, that is your father, went to visit him.”

This explanation must have satisfied him, and he relaxed from his tense, defensive posture. My concern abated as well, and I took in more of his features. He was just over six feet tall, with brown hair cut medium length, dark eyes that sparkled, and chiseled cheekbones and chin. A very handsome young man, I concluded, who obviously was cast from the southern Florida mold. I noticed that he was checking me out as well. I looked down my front, to see what interested my young acquaintance. I gasped with the realization it was me in that itsy bitsy bikini. I, too, saw plenty of cleavage on display between my breasts, and their nipples were somewhat enlarged. I attributed that condition to the pool water, at least partly. And the bottom half barely covered my pussy, which still was a lot more coverage than my backside. My towel was behind Todd, draped over the chaise lounge, so I didn’t have much choice other than to brazen out the scene.

When he finally looked up after taking me all in, he said, “My dad left a text message about Gramps on my cell. I’m a student at the University of Tampa, and I live in an apartment near the campus. Dad’s been nagging me for weeks to take what I want from my old bedroom. I had only morning classes today, so I thought that I would beat the rush hour traffic, have a swim, stay overnight in my room, and take what I wanted from it tomorrow. What he forgot to tell me was that a very beautiful friend of my step-mom would be a house guest. May I ask, is it Mrs., or Ms. Tobias?”

It flattered me when he called me beautiful, and I answered, “It’s Mrs., but I would feel like a very old woman if you called me that. Please, call me Gail.”

“Gail would be friendlier,” he said with an attractive smile. “And you should call me Todd.”

“Now that we know that neither of us are trespassers, Todd, why don’t you enjoy your swim? I just completed my five laps, and I was going to make some iced tea. Would you care for some? “

I saw Todd’s attractive smile and he said, “That would be very nice. Thank you.”

I was walking toward the patio door when I realized that my thong had my derriere completely bare and in full view of Todd. Modesty and propriety should have made me to go back to the chaise and wrap the towel around me, but I didn’t know what got into me. Perhaps it was endorphins stirred up in my body from the lap swimming; maybe it was my pent up feelings of being dull and uninteresting; or it might have been that Todd was a fit and tanned young male that I wanted to impress. It was probably all of the above. In any case, I saucily continued my march to the kitchen, flashing nevşehir escort my naked buttocks by wiggling my hips to give Todd something to think about. When I was near the door, I turned my head to see his reaction. It felt kind of kinky, but it turned me on to observe a guy in his early twenties admiring my thirty-something body. He obviously hadn’t expected the sight, and he was frozen like a deer in headlights. Our eyes met, and Todd became embarrassed that he was caught staring at my naked ass.

“So, you’ll have to tell me how I rated when I return, Todd,” I said with a teasing smile. “Not a perfect 10, I realize, but close, I hope.”

Todd blushed — he was even cuter then — and I noticed a bulge forming in the front of his trunks. He noticed his condition, too, and he abruptly spun around to run into the pool to energetically swim to the deep end. Like all women who meet an attractive man for the first time, I speculated on his possible attachment to someone, or if he might be available and interested. I tried to dismiss those thoughts, mentally arguing that this young man was my best friend’s stepson, and he was over ten years younger than me.

The internal debate between my sensible/mature side and the have-some-fun/sexy side continued while I made the iced tea. It occurred to me that there might be some neighborhood gossip that could harm Lisa or Brian, if someone misconstrued the fact that Todd and I were going to sleep under the same roof that night. I opened the door leading to the garage and noticed, with some relief, that Todd had put his car inside the garage. That, at least, would not be conspicuous.

When I returned to the patio with the tea and glasses, plus some cookies I found, Todd was leisurely swimming free style to the far end, where he executed a graceful racing flip to push off the side with his feet. There must have been several years of swim coaching in his background. He swam the length of the pool, back to the shallow end, where I was standing near the edge. As he stepped out of the pool, I gazed at the water running down his firm belly, past his trunks, which no longer had that nice, masculine bulge. I was disappointed that it was gone. I handed him a towel and invited him to join me for some iced tea.

We sat in chairs at a round table with an umbrella, and soon were cozily chatting over iced tea and cookies. I learned that he was twenty-one, an only child, and his parents divorced when he was eight. His mother had been granted primary custody, but after Brian married Lisa, and they bought their house, he lived part-time with them, until he went to college. We learned that we share a common major: business administration. His eyes had that sparkle of youth, but also a serious, deep look, that somehow reassured me that I could trust this young man, even though I had just met him. It wasn’t too long before I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t thinking conventional motherly thoughts about him, especially when quite often his eyes would wander over the female parts of my body while we chatted. I giggled at the ludicrousness of the situation, and glanced up into his eyes, to share that feeling.

“I apologize, for staring at your, that is, er, at you, Gail,” he said, somewhat flustered. “But I’m enjoying talking with you very much. In fact, I’m more comfortable talking with you than I am when I’m with girls my own age.”

“Ouch, that makes me feel like I’m your aunt or some other ancient. I am a mother, I’ll admit, but can’t you think of me as a friend? It would do my ego lots of good.”

“I definitely am not thinking of you as the motherly type right now, Gail, especially when you’re in such a sexy bikini.”

“Almost out of it might be more accurate,” I teased, looking directly at him to observe his reaction to my flirting.

At first he chuckled and shared the humor of the scene with me. But then, suddenly he stopped sipping from his glass, obviously thinking of how best to say what was on his mind to me. I waited for his response, and then noticed that the witty sparkle in his eyes had transformed into an emotion altogether different. He continued to stare directly into my eyes, almost pleading for understanding and comfort.

“I shouldn’t feel this way about you,” he whispered. “But I can’t help it; I do.”

I was sufficiently experienced to have seen that look in a man’s eyes before: Todd wanted me. His feeling had come on so suddenly, I wasn’t prepared for it. My mind went into its own mood swing. It had been quite a while since I had seen that kind of look. Husbands of fifteen years have mostly forgotten how powerful a force that kind of stare can be on a woman, and they take too much for granted. My body was convincing me that I should respond to Todd’s desire, while my mind was warning me this was dangerous. Perhaps I would have done otherwise, if I had lengthened my internal debate, but at that moment, I pushed my wet hair away from my face, which thrust my breasts out to tease him, and then placed my hand over his. All the while niğde escort I locked my eyes onto his.

I softly asked, “Todd, do you know what a MILF is?”

“Uh huh; it’s a Mother I’d Like to Fuck.”

“Your step-mother, Lisa, said that I was free to borrow anything in the house to make my stay more pleasant. Right now I’d like to borrow you, Todd. I want to know what it’s like to be a MILF. Let’s go inside to the bedroom, where it will be more comfortable.”

I rose from the table and offered my hand to him. He hesitated a moment, a debate going on in his mind. I didn’t say anything; he had to decide, regardless of my desire at the moment. My insides tingled when he stood up and took my hand, trying to communicate that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Neither of us said a word as we walked through the sliding door into the master bedroom. Once inside, I lifted up my chin and asked him to give me a kiss. His pressure was light and tender at first, but then I felt the urgency rise up in his kiss. It felt perfectly natural to part my lips and invite his tongue to explore — first the edge of my teeth, then teasing the tip of my tongue with his. My insides felt as if a bonfire had just burst into flame, and my knees were shaking. I broke off the kiss and knelt in front of him to tug down his trunks, exposing his manhood for my pleasure.

My sexual eagerness must have triggered a second salvo of hormones within Todd, for, in an instant, his cock filled and stiffened. I watched it continue to gorge itself with blood, fascinated as if it was a snake rising to a charmer’s flute. His head and shaft elevated until it was vertical and tight up against his groin. Oh, my God, what a thrill it was for me to see an erection like that once more! It triggered memories of my feelings when I had just become sexually active. A hard cock like that simply made my insides burn with desire, and I could feel my moisture lubricating my vagina. Right then, regardless of whether it was right or wrong, I knew that I wanted that beautiful, youthful cock for myself.

“You have a most beautiful cock, sire,” I said. “This maid definitely is interested in your charms.”

Todd grinned but said nothing as he stepped out of his trunks. He kissed me on the lips, walked over to the bed and pulled off the blanket and top sheet. When he had prepared the bed for lovemaking, he stretched out on his back, stroking that luscious cock of his.

“And this sire is very much interested in seeing the charms of his lovely MILF,” he said.

I grinned in agreement, and untied the strings of my top, tossing it on the floor Next went the bottoms, and I stood naked before this young man I had only just met. I smiled and looked deeply into his eyes, which were bright with desire. To further excite him, I cupped my breasts with my hands and pinched my nipples, which were already hardening. After letting him stare for a while, I knelt on the bed, in between Todd’s legs, and brushed my breasts against his rigid cock.

“Oh, God,” he said softly. “How beautiful you look.”

“And so do you, my handsome young stallion. Your virile cock looks too delicious not to taste. I want to suck it for a while before I feel it fuck my pussy.”

“I’d like nothing better, as long as you let me taste you at the same time, Gail.”

I re-arranged myself on the bed so that my ass and pussy almost smothered Todd’s face, while I supported myself on my knees. Todd’s tongue hungrily went to work, licking my pussy lips and his nose burrowed between my buttocks. Whatever reservations I still harbored about having sex with Todd vanished with the first sensation of his tongue and finger exploring my pussy. He definitely knew his way in and around a woman’s erotic spots. It felt so good that I arched my back to sit on his face more completely, relishing his tongue flicking over my labia and teasing my clit. My hips reflexively wriggled and rotated to elevate the feelings, and I mewed with contented arousal.

“Oh, God, that feels so good, baby,” I exclaimed. “Keep sucking my clit and licking my pussy; it’s really getting me hot.”

Todd’s hand pressed on the back of my head, pushing me forward, inching my mouth toward his full erection. It was only fair that I give him some pleasure while he was working so hard to give some to me. I grasped his hardness around the shaft, and began to lick the head of his cock, tasting his sweet/salty pre-cum that was leaking from the tip. His cock was too large for me to take it all in my mouth without gagging, and I used a combination of hand job on the length of his shaft, and mouth fucking for three or so inches of his head. Todd must have appreciated the feelings I gave him, as his ministrations to my pussy parts became even more active and arousing.

I adore the sixty-nine sex position. I think that each partner gets to really express his/her feelings toward the other, even more so than fucking. What is especially thrilling is if both partners can cum at the same time. It only happens for me about a quarter of the time when my partners (now Ken, my husband, but two others as well) seriously go down on me. Todd and I nearly scored a perfect 10 on our first try together that afternoon. Of course, I was horny as hell, and Todd, being just 22, could fire off without much stimulation.

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