Davis Twins Ch. 08


Pam and Renee Harris were nothing alike. Renee was a cute, perky redhead. Pam was even shorter, with brown hair, a chubby body, and a perpetual frown. Pam Harris was the most religious of all the women, and was convinced that sexual desire and activity was the work of the devil. Mrs. Harris absolutely couldn’t understand why her husband Jerry was allowing this to happen. Well, she wasn’t about to remove her clothes in front of any of these people. Her friends obviously did not have the strength of will that she did, since they were all sitting there spread with objects stuffed up them. But there was no way that Pam was joining them.

So when she and her daughter were called forward, Pam just sat there. Renee walked over like she was supposed to, but her mom didn’t move. Jerry told his wife to get up off her butt and come over and get her punishment, but Pam just told him that there was no way she was allowing any of this to happen to her. God demanded that she refuse.

The room started to go into an uproar, but Jerry just said that he would talk to his wife. Then he asked Pam to follow him into the kitchen. Mrs. Harris followed her husband, and when they were alone she started to tell him what she thought of all this. As soon as she started to talk, however, Jerry spun her around, smacked her hard on her ass, and told her to SHUT UP!!

With his wife standing there in shock, Jerry told her that she had better do as she was told. He would have a lot more sympathy for this God didn’t want her naked shit, if she hadn’t thought it had been perfectly okay for young Alex Davis to be molested. Now, unless Pam wanted to spend the rest of her life very poor, she’d damn well better get back in that room and get her Goddamned pants off.

Pam didn’t know what to say. Jerry was not making an idle threat. Her husband made decent money as a court clerk. Pam also knew that Jerry didn’t completely share her extreme faith. After all, he had been the one that insisted that she work and bring in some extra money. But, most importantly, Jerry through his work was friends with numerous attorneys. He would have no problems divorcing Pam and seeing that she got nothing. And her job as a waitress would hardly support her.

Dear God! She would have to live in a little apartment. She wouldn’t even be able to hire anyone to help clean. God wouldn’t want that to happen!!! All of a sudden, obeying her husband seemed much more possible. So, when Jerry growled at her, asking if she understood, Pam just nodded sadly and turned to go back into the living room.

Renee had just stood in the room, while her parents were gone. She didn’t really want to do this, but she was curious if her dad could get her stuck-up mom to go along with it. It would almost be worth going through this, to see her mom get taken down a notch or two.

Pam came back in and looked around very nervously. Everyone was staring at her. She just stood there frozen, until her husband glared at her again. There was no way out. The beaten woman knew what she had to do.

Reluctantly, Pam Harris unsnapped her jeans and pulled the zipper down. Then with a last look at Jerry, she pulled them down. Mrs. Harris couldn’t believe it. She was standing in front of this group in her panties.

Of course that wasn’t the end of it. Her husband actually wanted her to lower her underwear so that everyone would be able to see her vagina. Why would he want her to do that? It didn’t matter. She still had to do it. Pam tried to stall and lower her panties as slow as possible. But soon first her bush, and then her entire pussy were on full view. Mrs. Harris just glared back at her husband, as she finally pulled her underpants completely off.

Renee didn’t even bother to complain. As soon as her mother started to undress, she just peeled off her pants and panties. If her mother was going to have to do this, there was no way she was getting out of it. By the time Pam finished peeling, both mother and daughter were standing there bare pussy naked from the waist down.

Pam waited for Renee to be spanked. They always did the daughter first, so she would have time to think. But then Roger Davis grabbed her and pulled her over to Alex. Before she could react, Mrs. Harris found herself bottomless and draped over young Alex Davis’ lap. Then, a moment later, her nice round bottom was being turned a wonderful shade of crimson.

None of the men in that room were stupid. It was obvious that Pam Harris was not at all willing to do this. There was no point in giving her extra time to think it over. So she was quickly put over Alex’s lap first, so that she wouldn’t have a chance to consider what she should do.

After she was draped over that boy’s lap, Pam started to say something. But then the first spank landed on her bottom, and the thought went right out of her head. That HURT!!!! No one had ever dared strike her before. Her mother had forbidden her dad to even raise his voice to her. Now, this puny little kid was whacking her behind but good. And it BURNED!!!!!

Pam amasya escort tried to get away. She wriggled. She kicked. She cried. She SCREAMED!!! The spanking just continued. GOD!! Her butt HURT!!! Please, let it STOP!!!! As she struggled, it was doubtful that Pam even realized what a view she was giving all the guys. But every time she kicked, she spread her pussy open nicely for everybody.

Alex watched Mrs. Harris’ rump turn bright red. It was a particularly nice, soft round bottom. Alex knew he should stop, but for some reason this one was so much fun, he just kept smacking it. Pam Harris’ cheeks bounced so nicely when they were hit, and she made those unbelievable noises.

Renee’s mom was crying and begging, but her behind just kept getting spanked. Pam couldn’t think about anything. The fire burning in her punished bottom dominated her entire being. Please, she’d do anything, only PLEASE!!! STOP!!!!

With Mrs. Harris screaming, Alex did stop for a moment. Her legs were just hanging open, so he just took his spanking hand and rested it right on her furry little pussy. Pam shrieked when she felt herself touched there, and shouted at the boy to take his hand away.

Alex moved his hand back to her ass. Man that thing was getting HOT! The teenage boy had been a little shy about punishing these women in public when this had all started. But now, after all that had happened so far, Alex was starting to get a little cocky. So he just looked down at Pam Harris and told her that he wouldn’t touch her pussy again until she asked him to pet it.

Pam relaxed a little. The boy had spoken a little crudely, but at least he had the sense to obey her. He had no business touching her there. And yeah, like she would ask him to do it. Then SPLAT!!!!

The spanking started again. Pam Harris shrieked. Her bottom was in flames. It hurt. IT HURT!!!! She began begging and pleading again, but the slaps just kept coming to her behind. Please, PLEASE STOP!!!!!

Alex kept smacking that beautiful, crimson behind. It was so soft, and he could swear steam was starting to come off it. He landed a few more good ones, before he quietly told Mrs. Harris that if she asked if to pet her pussy, the spankings would stop for a while.

No WAY!!! There was no way she was asking Alex that. Except that the spanks were still coming. Pam couldn’t move, and her poor behind. Alex’s hand kept landing on it, and she couldn’t get it out of the way. She had to be on fire back there. Oh God!! STOP!!!!.

“All right, you can touch it.” The spanking kept coming. “Alex! You can touch my vagina. Please stop” Alex just told her that she hadn’t asked right, and he kept whacking that big, soft bottom.

Hadn’t asked right?? What did he mean? Please Lord, it had to stop. Her poor rump was being blistered. She couldn’t stand the burning. Between smacks, Pam tried to think. Then it came her. She remembered what Alex had told her to ask. But she didn’t use that sort of language. If that boy thought she would ask him that, well… SMACK!!!

She would ASK!!!! Her poor bottom. Pam was wiggling her ass left and right, but she just couldn’t avoid that hand that kept whacking it, and making her cheeks bounce and wobble, as they turned an even brighter red.

“Alex, please pet my pussy.” SMACK!! SMACK!!! “OW!!!! Pet the Pussy!!! PET THE PUSSY!!!!! PET THE PUSSY!!!!”

Pam almost sighed with relief as Alex’s hand came to rest on her sore bottom, and then slid between her legs. She even made sure that her legs were far enough apart that the boy could get to it.

Alex stroked Pam Harris’ little pussy for a minute or so. He looked up to see if anyone was upset about it, but all the men were smiling. The thing was so soft and furry. It really was fun to pet it, with the woman bent over him like this.

Now he wanted to stick a finger or two up inside it. Alex started to just do it, but then he decided it would be more fun for Mrs. Harris to tell him to do it. So he leaned down, and told her to ask him to plug her pussy. The lady actually sounded confused, and asked him what he meant.

“You know, plug it. Stick my fingers inside it.”

“What?? NO!!! I said you can pet it, and you can. But no, you can’t go inside there.”

Pam couldn’t believe the boy would even ask that. It was so wrong already to allow him to touch her vagina. But to ask her to let him go inside IT!! He had to be joking. Well of course he was. He was just a boy trying to push the limits. There, he was even removing his hand from between her legs. At least this part was over. SMACK!!!!

NO!!!! Her bottom!! HER BOTTOM!!!!! It Burned!! IT BURNED!!!!! She couldn’t stand it. Anything was better than being spanked. ANYTHING!! A couple of fingers up her vagina wouldn’t be so bad. The boy could stick his fingers in if he wanted. If he’d only stop SPANKING!!!!

“Okay, you can put your fingers IN!” SMACK!! SMACK!! “OH PLEASE STOP, IT BURNS!!!!” SMACK!! SMACK!!!! “Please, plug the pussy!!” SMACK!!! amasyaescort.com “PLUG THE PUSSY!!!! PLUG THE PUSSY!!!”

Oh, thank God!! The spanking had stopped. Pam felt the hand come to rest on fiery behind. Then it slid between her legs. A moment later, fingers poked at her entrance. Then two of them slid right up inside her. Mrs. Harris tried not to react as the digits went up into her channel. What had she become? She was actually begging a boy to poke around inside her.

Alex started wiggling around inside Renee’s mom. She was so tight. And so HOT!! It was like the heat from her blistered behind was seeping inside her. Pam just stayed still and let the boy play. As long as he was fooling around inside her vagina, she didn’t get her bottom smacked. And GOD! it still burned so bad.

Just then, Pam heard a little squeak. There was Debbie Davis’ face looking right at her. She was draped over Pam’s husband’s lap, and from the look of things, she had a couple of fingers up inside her as well. Pam could see over Debbie a little, and she could see her husband’s hand moving back and forth. Every time Jerry’s hand moved forward, Debbie’s eyes opened wide. Pam knew she must look just the same to Debbie, with her eyes popping open every time Alex shoved those fingers deep up inside her.

Then Alex was leaning down talking to her. Alex was telling Pam that he would like to see her asshole, so he wanted to pull her cheeks apart. But only if Pam wanted him to. If Mrs. Harris didn’t think that was right and would rather just be spanked, she could say so. Or she could ask Alex very nicely to open her ass up.

The boy wanted to see her ANUS!!! NO!! That was her absolutely most private part. And Alex wanted to pull her bottom apart so it would be completely exposed. She couldn’t allow it. But if she didn’t, her spanking would begin again. Her poor behind just couldn’t take it. Oh GOD!!! She was going to have to let the boy DO IT!! She’d have to let him spread open her bottom. Even though the boy was still holding her there, with his fingers still up her channel, this still seemed incredibly humiliating. But the flames on her behind left her no choice.

“Alex, p-p-please spread my b-b-bottom open, so you c-c-can see my anus.” With that Pam dropped her head down and sobbed quietly. A second later, she felt Alex pull his fingers out of her vagina. Then hands were on her behind, pulling it wide open. The miserable woman knew she was lying there with her bottom pulled apart, and her anus completely exposed to the young boy.

All Pam Harris could do was just lay there and pray for her behind to be closed up. She had no control over anything. But then the boy was leaning over talking to her.

“Mrs. Harris, Uh, I really want to poke a finger up that asshole. You don’t mind do you. Why don’t you tell me if I should do that, or just go back to spanking you. I’ll do whichever you choose. Of course, if you change your mind later, I might have to put two fingers up there.”

As Alex finished speaking, and let out a little laugh, Pam was in shock. PUT A FINGER UP HER ANUS!!!! HOW!!! WHY??? There was no way. Spanking or not, that boy was not putting his finger up her bottomhole. No one had ever even touched her there, and it wasn’t going to start now. Her behind didn’t burn that bad, and she would take any amount of spanking before she would allow that.

“Alex, there is no way I’m going to let you do that. If you have to spank me, then go ahead, but I’m not having you put your finger THERE!!!” Pause. SMACK!!!! SMACK!!!!

Oh GOD!!!! Poor Pam had rested just long enough for her bottom to cool to the point where she could stand it. That had given her the false belief that she could take more spanking. The minute that first slap hit her behind, the fire went back to white, blazing hot. There was no way she could take it. SMACK!!! SMACK!!! Pam SCREAMED!!!! Her bottom was BLISTERED!!!! It was so HOT!!!!!! SMACK!!! SMACK!!!! Pam wanted to crawl out of her skin. It had to stop no matter what. She couldn’t take any more.

“OKAY ALEX, YOU CAN PUT A FINGER IN THERE!!! But please stop!!!! STOP!!!!!”

One more horrid smack landed and then it quit. The hand was just resting on her bottom. God!! Even that burned so bad. Her whole behind was completely scorched. Then the hands were pulling her cheeks apart again. As her anus was exposed again, Pam gritted her teeth against what she knew was coming. A finger was going to go up that hole. Sure enough, she felt a fingertip touch her anal dimple. Then another one joined it. Two??? NOT TWO!!! “NO ALEX!!!!!”

Too late. Both fingers pushed. Then Pam felt her anal ring open wide, and the two fingers go up her ass. Her head popped up so far, and so fast, some of the men watching thought she might have given herself whiplash. Every guy in the room was laughing as they watched the expression on poor Pam Harris’ face. When Alex’s fingers plunged up her butt, Her mouth opened so wide, her jaws must have popped.

Pam couldn’t believe it. She was lying there, with two of a boy’s fingers up her behind. And all those guys, including HER HUSBAND!!! were LAUGHING!!!! How could they? HOW COULD HE??? But he was just sitting there. In fact, he had just stuck two fingers of his own up poor Debbie’s behind, and her head had just popped up, mouth wide open. How could her own HUSBAND BE DOING THIS???”

How indeed? Jerry Harris was an unmitigated bastard. Everyone knew it. His enemies knew it. His friends certainly knew it. The only one who didn’t know it was his stupid wife. Jerry would take advantage of anyone, anywhere. He was fun to be around, he could tell great stories, and would try anything, but you didn’t want to trust him. In fact, Jerry didn’t even try to pretend he was trustworthy.

Jerry had married Pam years go. She had been so cute, and built like the proverbial brick shithouse. How was he supposed to have known she was a religious nut? Pam had refused sex until they were married, but that wasn’t a problem. He had numerous other girl friends while he waited for the wedding.

But after the wedding was another matter. Oh Pam was willing to have sex. The way a dog was willing to fetch a shoe. She’d do it because it was her duty, but it wasn’t enjoyable and she made it very clear that it was done only as a great favor to Jerry. After all, good God fearing women only had sex as a duty to their husbands. Any other way was a mortal sin.

Mr. Harris honestly didn’t know how he would have survived his pain in the ass wife, if it wasn’t for his job. Fortunately, as a court clerk, he had a great deal of control over bail records. He was responsible for whether a prisoner made bail or not. So if a woman came in to bail a friend or relative out, and she was a little short of cash, Jerry would offer to say that she had paid the full amount if she would provide certain, well.., favors. It was amazing how many women would use their mouths and their pussies to get their family members out of jail. No, Jerry had no shortage of sexual outlets.

And of course, Jerry had no real respect for his wife. Debbie Davis was a lot of fun to play with, and watching that stuck up bitch get an attitude adjustment was a riot. No, Jerry definitely would not object to what was happening. In fact, he was very much looking forward to seeing what would happen next.

Pam just cried. Her bottom burned so bad. And that boy’s fingers were still stuck up her behind. Lord!!! He was wiggling them around in there, and pushing them in and out. The distraught woman just continued to lay there and weep. She was so broken, that she really didn’t notice when Alex extracted his hand from her backside. The boy just rolled her off his lap. Pam hit the floor still sobbing. She landed on her well-spanked bottom, and almost flew up to the ceiling. Just having her behind touch the floor was like having hot irons pressed into it.

Mrs. Harris landed back on her stomach, weeping and crying. As her daughter was taken over to Alex she paid no attention at all. She was so completely overwhelmed by what had happened to her, she wasn’t even aware of anything else going on around her.

Renee was taken over to Alex. As she bent over his lap, she actually gave him a little kiss on the cheek. The girl really did feel bad about what she had done to the boy, and intended to make it up to him. She hoped he wouldn’t be as hard on her as he had been on her mom. Although she had to admit, it was kind of nice to see her puritanical mother get her medicine. So Renee just climbed over Alex and waited for her punishment.

Alex was really confused. When Renee kissed him, he had no idea what was going on. Also, frankly, his arm was tired. And he really wanted to get these girls in the other room and play. After the last ones, he hoped something interesting would happen, and now Renee seemed willing enough that it might.

So Renee Harris got lucky. Certainly she was spanked enough to end of crying and kicking, but she didn’t get nearly what her mom, or some of the other girls had gotten. When Alex let her up, Renee’s behind was a nice solid red, but it was nowhere near the glowing crimson of her mom’s.

Alex took both women by the hand and led them away. Renee actually squeezed his hand back as they walked, while Mrs. Harris just followed in a daze. She had gotten up when he pulled, but Alex still wasn’t sure if she really knew where she was.

When they got back in the other room, Alex started to tell the ladies to remove their tops. But Pam Harris still had that vacant look on her face. This wouldn’t be any fun if she didn’t know what was happening. So Alex walked into the bathroom and got a cup of water. Then he brought it out and splashed it right in Mrs. Harris’ face. That brought the sputtering woman back to reality.

The water hit her face, and Pam woke up with a shock. Where was she? Oh GOD!!! She was in the boy’s room. They had finished the spanking, and now he was going to play with her some more. Not only that, but when they were done, a CUCUMBER would be inserted UP HER VAGINA!!! NO!!!! Pam tried to shut off where she was and go back to that dark place, but she couldn’t. Now that she was aware of things, she couldn’t turn it off.

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