Delightful Deception


“That’s it my good girl,” he growled, “Cum. Now.”

“Yessssssss!” I hissed as my orgasm washed over me putting me in a daze of pleasure as I lay on the bed.

Derek knew just how to please me since the moment we met last summer. I still chuckled about how one moment could completely change the trajectory of your life. I fell asleep remembering that day…

“What the fuck!?!?” I yelled as sand sprayed all over me and my drink. I was mostly concerned about my drink because I hated sand in my mouth. Well, I hated sand on other sensitive parts of me too, but there had been none of that kind of fun lately, which I am sure contributed to my foul mood.

“Where’s the asshat that belongs to this?” I accused, grabbing the frisbee and standing up. I turned around sensing someone behind me. My eyes trailed up from the large feet to muscular tanned legs, to an impressive package in snug-fitting board shorts bathing suit. I gulped. Oh shit! I was cursing like a sailor in front of the first good looking man to be this close to me in a long time.

“Here,” I grumbled, stretching my arm out to hand him the frisbee, turning away before even continuing to look at him. Best I save myself the embarrassment.

“Wait up there,” his warm voice requested, “Don’t I even get to apologize for being an asshat? That is what you called me right?” I swear I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I hadn’t even seen his face yet, but I could just tell.

“Sorry,” I muttered, as my eyes finally met his, “I am not a fan of sand…” I started trying to explain, but got lost drinking in the rest of him. Dark wavy hair and chiseled chest, pretty much perfection.

“Funny running into you on a beach then,” he chuckled. I was correct, he had an adorable smirk and a devilish twinkle in his eyes as well. For some reason he was still standing here talking to me instead of running back to his friends to continue playing frisbee.

“That’s where the fun is in the summer!” I said lightheartedly, attempting to soften my earlier harshness so I wouldn’t be featured in his jokes later. I hated being the butt of a joke; I knew it all too well.

“Well I was having fun until I ruined your peaceful fun. Let me buy you a new drink to make up for it,” he offered with an outstretched hand, “I’m Derek.”

One drink turned into a weekend of fun, and eventually steady dating. I kept wondering what a handsome guy like him wanted with me, but we had such easy going fun together, I told myself to just enjoy. I knew the other shoe would drop eventually; it always did. But for now I was just going to enjoy, especially the amazing sex I had only read about before meeting him.

Then things got real. One night as Derek was walking me back to my apartment after dinner, we turned a corner into a dark alleyway and he pressed me up against the brick building.

“Here,” he growled and I knew he meant sex.

“No,” I giggled, patting his chest to push him back, “Don’t be silly, people might see.”

“Do you think I care?” he said mischievously.

“Oh I am sure you don’t,” I agreed, still smiling, “But I…”

“Well someone has been teasing me all night with that short skirt and no panties underneath,” Derek explained, sliding his hand under my skirt and putting one finger inside my wet folds. He had done a very good job teasing me, so I was more than ready to have sex, but I was still nervous being so close to the street. It was a warm fall night and I was sure there would be a lot of people out enjoying it. I looked around but didn’t see anyone, so I figured what the hell.

“That’s because someone told me not to wear panties,” I purred.

“My good girl listened nicely,” he praised and I knew it was game on. Throwing caution to the wind, I unzipped his pants and pulled out his beautiful cock. It’s not surprising that he had a perfect cock, considering his body was the epitome of perfection in every other way. I was still in awe of how he fit me so well. Like we were meant to be together. Sometimes I had to stop myself from getting too lost in the what ifs and remind myself we were just having fun. So tonight, I was definitely going to enjoy this little risque exhibitionism.

“Sir, I think you need a little lubrication,” I suggested, sinking down to squat in front of him so my mouth could envelop his manhood. My lips passed over his mushroom head, as my hand held the base firmly. I tasted his precum and used it, along with my saliva, to fully lubricate his shaft.

“Oh yes my good girl. Enough,” he groaned in a strained voice, which I had come to know meant he was struggling to hold back, “Up,” he growled and I obeyed standing up. He lifted my skirt to allow his cock to gain entrance to my eagerly awaiting pussy.

“Ohhhhhhh YES!” I moaned loudly.

“Shhhhhh,” he chuckled, as his mouth covered mine. His tongue reminded me to be quiet, while his hands wandered all over my breasts.

“You like this don’t you?” he beamed, continuing to fuck me ever so slowly.

“It feels Pendik Escort amazing,” I admitted, “but shouldn’t you hurry?” I nervously looked around, but still didn’t see anyone passing by.

“Oh not a chance,” he said devilishly, “You are going to cum too.” He had discovered I could orgasm when he would enter me all the way and then slide out almost all the way; stimulating my outer lips and taking me to a place I had never known before.

“Ok,” I relented.

“Excuse me?” he reprimanded and I immediately knew what he wanted to hear.

“Yes Sir,” I correctly responded. I enjoyed this power play during sex. I held on tighter to his shoulders, as he lifted my one leg to wrap around him.

“I love you,” he said, staring in my eyes. That did it and my pussy contracted while I felt him burst, releasing inside of me. My body was tingling all over as we rode out our simultaneous orgasm.

Still connected, I kissed him and said, “I love you Derek. You are the most amazing person I have ever met.” The look on his face was pure joy.

Once he pulled back from me, I realized without any panties I would now be a dripping mess. Normally I kinda liked the dirty messy part, but I still had to walk all the way home! As I watched his cum drip out of me onto the ground, he handed me a few napkins from his pocket.

“Heyyyyy mister,” I accused grabbing the napkins and cleaning myself up a bit, “Did you plan this?”

“Well, maybe, a little, possibly,” he admitted, feigning an innocent look, “I wasn’t sure if we’d find a good spot. But I did plan this…..”

Oh no, what was he going to do? I was not a fan of surprises.

“I knew that tonight I wanted to ask you to move in with me,” he said with a pleading look.

“Ohhhh,” I reacted, relaxing. That was definitely the most pleasant surprise I’d ever had. “Yes. I’d like that. Very much. As long as you think what we have is going somewhere. I don’t need another roommate.” I wanted him to know that I was content where I was, unless he thought we had something serious. I did feel like it could be, but I needed him to know I had never lived with a man, so it was an important step to me.

When we made it back to my place that night, I started looking for apartments for rent. He told me he’d leave it up to me to find a place, which kind of annoyed me a little. He was always so good at taking control during sex, I was sure he could help me find an apartment. Although I did like that he trusted me to find something good for both of us, and I knew relationships should be 50/50. Or at least I had heard something like that.

I found an apartment in a small building not too far from work for either of us. It was old, but charming, and a bit over budget. Derek loved it, and assured me the few extra dollars wouldn’t matter. His easy going manner always amazed me, as if he didn’t have a worry in the world. I needed that in my life, because I tended to worry about too much.

Living together turned out to be more fun than I could have imagined. No more need to have sex in alleyways, even if that was a little exciting. Having our own place meant sex wherever and whenever we wanted. Toys at our disposal; and we accumulated a lot of fun toys! It also meant spending every special occasion together; Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day. We shared our traditions and made new ones.

When April Fools was coming up, Derek asked me what we should do.

“Nothing,” I replied firmly and maybe too loudly. “You know how I feel about mean jokes and lying. It is not a holiday and I am warning you to not do anything. It is the first of the month like any other month!”

“Geez,” he said with a halfhearted smile, “Way to be a killjoy.” I didn’t usually speak so harshly to him; I never needed to. But I definitely needed him to know for sure that I was not kidding about April Fools. I had bad experiences with being lied to and made fun of, and he knew I did not think pranks were funny. I mean how is making a fool out of someone for your own entertainment, ok? I wouldn’t lie and trick him in the name of a dumb holiday, and I wouldn’t be amused if he did it to me.

I woke up on April 1st hearing a weird rustling sound, but wouldn’t open my eyes. It was a Saturday and I liked sleeping late on the weekends. I didn’t hear any noises outside of the window, so I knew it must be early still. I continued hearing rustling and it sounded like it was on the ceiling above me.

I opened my eyes and screamed, “What the fuck?” and then started laughing. Derek had filled our bedroom with helium heart shaped balloons.

“Happy April Fools!” Derek exclaimed with his impish smirk and puppy dog eyes pleading with me to not be mad.

I leaned over to kiss him and explained, “It’s April Fools Day, not Valentine’s Day!”

“I know what day it is and I am determined to change your mind about April Fools Day,” he stated, reminding me that when he wanted to take charge of a situation he did.

“Derek….” Kurtköy Escort I chastised.

“Don’t you Derek me,” he laughed, “I have known you for almost a year now, and I do believe I really know you. Let me show you that today. Just trust me. Trust that I won’t make a fool of you and I won’t make you feel bad. I only want to show you how much I love and how much fun our life together is going to be.” Wow, he was right, it had been just a few months short of a year. Yet it was tough to remember life before him, and I definitely didn’t want to think about a future without him. So how could I say no to such a sweet request?

“I love you and trust you Derek,” I assured him. He had never given me a reason not to.

“Good,” he said, “I mean good girl…” he said seductively, pulling my naked body closer to his. “Because you know what bad girls get right?”

“Mmmmm hhmmmm,” I cooed as we slid into our favorite role play.

“Excuse me?” he said, letting me know it was game on. He reached over to the nightstand and got out our leather paddle.

“Yes Sir,” I said, assuming the position on all fours, “shall I count?”

“For being such a good girl and offering, you get only ten. Yes count,” Derek confirmed with the first swat on my ass. The delicious tingle that spread along my skin and right to my clit was going to have me begging to cum in no time!

“One,” I crooned, eagerly awaiting the next nine. By the time Derek finished his paddling and entered me, I was a dripping mess absolutely begging him to let me cum.

“Please,” I stammered, “I am ready, I am going to…” He wasn’t into strict D/s play, which was good because I was sure I’d make an awful real submissive. I was not great at obeying, even though I wanted to please Derek more than I had ever wanted to please any man.

“Cum for me baby,” he commanded as he began thrusting harder and harder. He knew once I started cumming, he could pound away and enjoy his release to the fullest, sending me to dizzying heights with my own orgasm. Finally we collapsed in a panting pile on the bed.

Once our breathing slowed I looked up at all the balloons and said, “I guess I could get used to the way you celebrate April Fools….”

“Oh you haven’t seen anything yet…” he said with that smirk.

“Derek…..” I warned as I got out of bed. This time he didn’t say anything until I walked into the bathroom and screamed again.

“What?” he responded, chuckling, now standing right behind me.

“Were you up all night filling balloons and writing notes?” I asked as my eyes wandered around to all the colorful sticky notes hanging around the bathroom. I stood there naked, grabbed a note and started reading aloud.

“There is nothing bad in being foolish. We can always be wise every other day,” I read and then I asked, “Who is wise, me or you?”

“Definitely you,” he said smiling, leaning against the door jam with his arms folded and his semi hard cock against his leg. He certainly was a beautiful sight, but I had many more notes to read.

“Let us celebrate being foolish together because it is fun to do with you,” I read and told him, “You are the fun one!”

“Ok, ok, we are both fun!” he allowed, as I grabbed another note.

“One day of the year we are officially fools, so let’s celebrate it to the fullest together,” I read. “Oh? What do you have in mind for the fullest?” I teased, thinking I might have an idea.

“Let us make it the happiest April Fools Day by cracking the most hilarious jokes,” I read with a laugh.

“It is foolish to not celebrate April Fools Day because that is the day dedicated to the fool inside of all of us,” I read and added, “Heyyyyy, who are you calling a fool?” He just kept standing there and smiling a completely happy, goofy smile. I grabbed another sticky note.

“You are beautifool and wonderfool. I want to be a fool with you,” I read, and this time tears sprang to my eyes; tears of happiness. He had spent so much time making these sweet, thoughtful, funny notes just for me; knowing full well I might not like it. He really was pulling out all the stops to convince me April Fools Day wasn’t so bad, and he definitely did not deserve me to give him a hard time about it.

“Fine, you can be my fool,” I acquiesced, as I took a step towards him to kiss him. I was planning just a sweet peck, but he grabbed me around the waist and pulled my body against his.

“I can be masterfool,” he proclaimed and put on the shower water. I loved his sense of humor, silly but clever.

I also like showering together, and not just to have sex. Washing each other was just as intimate and loving as sex. Of course it usually led to sex, as it did on this morning. I mean how could I not make sure his cock was impeccably soaped and clean?

After the shower, I walked back into the bedroom, still filled with balloons on the ceiling, and noticed a beautifully wrapped box on my dresser.

“Derek,” I called loudly, thinking he was still Maltepe Escort in the bathroom.

“Open it,” he requested, standing right behind me.

“Is April Fools a gift giving day?” I asked with a chuckle.

“It is now!” he announced putting his hands on his hips, “I proclaim it, so let it be so!”

“Oh geez,” I said, rolling my eyes, “Who put you in charge?”

“Excuse me,” he scolded with his demonstrative tone.

“Fine, fine,” I said, “It can be a gift giving day, but what kind of NICE gift does someone give on April Fools Day? It is a nice gift, right?”

“Since apparently I am making proclamations today, I declare it New Spring Dress Day!” he said, proud of himself.

“Then it’s a dress?” I asked, and I saw his face fall as he realized he had ruined the surprise. I didn’t mind though because seeing him make declarations naked was pretty damn hilarious. I opened the box and saw a beautiful yellow sundress with little flowers. Truly the epitome of a Spring dress.

“Oh Derek,” I gushed, “It really is the perfect gift! Thank you!” I started to open the dresser drawers to pull out a bra and panties.

“No,” he said, disapprovingly.

“No bra or no undies?” I challenged.

He put up one eyebrow, and I knew he was not in a negotiating mood. Well, he had gotten me a sweet gift, so the least I could do to repay him was wear it as he requested. Not only did it fit perfectly, but the material was so smooth and soft at the same time, while being completely wrinkle free. He had gotten something especially nice, not just a hastily bought dress from a department store he was in to buy something else. He really was very good to me. I had to stop doubting him.

After we were both dressed, we hit the town. Derek didn’t really say where we were going, but maybe he didn’t have a set plan. Thankfully it was unusually warm for an early Spring day in the city. We stopped by parks and stores, and he was constantly telling me corny April Fools jokes. It was just like the romantic montages in movies.

Eventually we ended up at a nice restaurant for dinner. Actually, much nicer than we usually went to. That must be why he had bought me a nice dress and he was wearing nice gray slacks with a white button up shirt. Casual enough to walk around in today, but dressy enough for this restaurant. We even got a curved private booth so we could be cozy.

I liked the way Derek took care of ordering our drinks and even my meal. He wasn’t being condescending, it was sweet. Not to mention the fact that he knew what I wanted, which was impressive. When he wanted to take charge, he was not only good at it, but he made it seem like it was seamless. I had seen him be vulnerable and full of doubts, but we were all human. Actually maybe that was the sexiest thing of all; I got to know all the sides of him.

“Would you like a dessert preview,” Derek asked pretending to be the waiter.

“Already?” I said laughing, “Our drinks haven’t even come yet!”

“Fine,” he said, rolling his eyes and mimicking what I do.

After our drinks came and we were sipping, he said, “I am not asking this time. It’s dessert preview time.” His hand slid under the table onto my leg, inching up my dress.

“Derek!” I whisper screamed.

He must have seen the look of panic on my face and assured me, “Just a little taste. It’s ok, no one can see. Ok my good girl?” I looked around and he was right. I relented and opened my thighs. His fingers crept all the way up to tease my lips until he sank a finger inside me. I swallowed my gasp as he thrust slowly in and out. Then he brought his finger up to his mouth and completely cleaned it off with a satisfied popping sound.

“I can’t wait for dessert,” he said with a devilish look. As I was smoothing my dress down, Derek had unzipped his pants and discreetly pulled his cock out. With a couple of slow strokes, he produced some precum that dripped down his rock hard cock.

Now it was time for me to smirk, as I said playfully, “Oh? Did you think I wanted a preview of dessert?” I didn’t give him a chance to respond, because he knew I couldn’t resist! I leaned down to swirl my tongue over his mushroom head, tasting the precum at his tip and then licking it up his shaft.

Eventually, I sat up licking my lips to show my pleasure at his dessert preview. He leaned in to kiss me, long and slow with tongues tangling, tasting our own juices on each other’s tongue.

When the waiter arrived with the food, we laughed at almost being caught. Of course, we skipped dessert and headed home. Along the walk home, I noticed the alleyway we had where Derek had asked me to move in with him.

“Hey!” I said pointing to the corner, “Remember that time…”

“Of course,” he responded, and at that moment I realized that he did have a plan for the day. Sure, it just seemed like he was going with the flow, but he had orchestrated this day to please me in every way he could think of. His attention to detail was not only impressive, but more than anyone had ever done for me. I was one lucky girl!

“I have something very important to say to you. Actually a lot of important things so I want you to hear me out. All the way and think before you speak. Can you promise me that?” Derek asked.

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