Every Mother’s Son First Test

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I always thought I came from a normal home. My folks used to fight and argue in the evenings, then they would go into the bedroom to “make up”. My mom was 5’3″ and around a 135 pounds. My dad was 6’3 and 200 pounds. From what I saw in the usual course of home life, he was very well hung. The sex must have been great with them, even if they didn’t get along almost any other time. Mom kept coming back for more and she never wasted an opportunity to get serviced nightly.

It was during the months before they got divorced that I found out that both had been swinging with other couples and mom had gotten jealous often.

I was 18 when they got divorced and mom was 36. She wasted no time in getting back into the dating thing. She was horny to the max and still couldn’t get enough to satisfy her.

As I said, she was small and had a great body. When they were married, she used to wear a full slip and a light bathrobe over it around the house, but still occasionally, I would get a peek at her boobs and she frequently showed a lot of leg. As a very horny 18-year-old, I really appreciated a great body, even if she was my mom.

There were times, when dad was away on business, I could hear her in her bedroom after we went to bed, accompanied by a low buzzing sound. More than once I peeked in hoping to see something erotic, but never got a good look at anything.

I was a strapping kid at 6’1″ at 18 and still growing. Fortunately, I was hung like my father, maybe even larger

I noticed when they got divorced that mom spent more time with me and would have me go out in the summer and work in the yard or mow the lawn. I also noticed that she began leaving the robe off, and just wearing her slip around the house in the evenings.

I’d come in from working on the yard and shed ask me to fix a couple of steaks on the stove. She said I made great steaks. Then, she’d sit and talk to me and watch me cook. I usually came in without a shirt on and a little sweaty, but she didn’t care. I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was studying my tanned and muscular back and abs carefully.

We’d eat dinner then watch some television during the week, but on weekends she’d usually go out drinking on a date. She always dressed well to go out on her dates. When she came home, she was either frustrated and drunk, or just drunk. I got to the point where I could pretty much tell if she got laid that night by her clothing and her attitude.

If I was awake when she got home, she would sit on the couch with me and watch the late show. Frequently, I’d have to try and hide the huge bulge in my jeans where my cock was trying to antalya escort rise out of my waistband of my jeans. She would always go in and get into her slip before settling in beside me.

I decided to see what would happen if she saw me naked. That Friday night, I ran and got into bed when I heard her car pull in, then listened to make sure she was alone. She would stumble in if she had been drinking, then walk by my room and peek in the door. With the light behind her I could see her outline in the hall light. This time, I was prepared. I was naked under just a sheet, with one leg sticking out and my dick just barely covered up but erect, causing the “tent” effect pretending to be asleep. I could see her shadow in the doorway as she stood there for several minutes. I hoped she was looking at me and thinking about that hard cock sticking straight up under the sheet. She quietly closed the door and went to her room, where I heard the buzzing I used to hear when dad was gone. The problem was that I didn’t know if that noise was because of me. So, I decided to repeat the experiment the next night.

Same thing as before, she stumbled in, then came down the hall to my room. I was in the same position with my leg uncovered and my cock barely covered but erect like a flag pole. This time, she quietly opened the door and staggered slightly against the door frame. I heard her tiptoeing into the room and could feel her standing over me. I kept my eyes shut, pretending to be asleep. I felt a gentle tug on the sheet as it slid off my cock, exposing it long and hard. She stood there for several minutes again, with neither of us moving a muscle. Then she moved quietly to the door, closing it behind her. Again, she went to her room and the vibrator started. This time, I crept out of bed to her door and heard moaning coming from her. I could have sworn I heard her say “oh, baby” several times.

I went back to my room and beat my meat like it was a stepchild. Best orgasm I ever had up til then.

The next day, I decided we needed to take this to a higher level.

My mom knew I hung around with the other guys and that I occasionally drank beer. She always told me that if I wanted to get drunk, to do it at home, and not out on the road.

The next Friday, she had planned to go out drinking again and I put my plan into action.

After she went out, I drained five beers into the kitchen sink and left them laying next to the recliner in the living room. I waited until I saw her headlights pulling in then checked to make sure she was alone. I watched her as she stumbles across the yard and up the front steps. artvin escort She was seriously drunk.

I had stripped down and pulled a blanket out on the chair. Just before she came in. I carefully wrapped myself in the blanket, so the slightest touch would cause it to fall open, exposing my rock-hard cock. I had carefully placed the empty beer bottles around the chair and had a half-full one the light stand beside the chair so it looked like I had been drinking a lot. I then closed my eyes as though I was passed out. The trap was set.

She came in stumbling and kicked her shoes off as she came into the room. She walked over to me and touched my shoulder as though to wake me up. The touch was enough to get the blanket to fall away from my monster hard-on. I could hear her gasp slightly when she saw it. I stayed with my eyes shut, pretending to be passed out. She shook me gently a coupe of times, but I didn’t stir. Then… she walked away and into her room. I was cursing myself for not having reacted when she shook me, thinking I had blown it. Then, I heard her door open. In the dim light, I could see that she had changed into that slip that I loved.

She came over to the chair and stood for a minute, then bent over and shook me gently. This time, I pretended to wake up and smiled at her. I didn’t reach to cover myself up, I just sat there exposed and hard, like I hadn’t noticed it was out. She asked if I had been drinking and I acted guilty, like I had been caught and said shyly, “Yeah..”. She just smiled.

Then I asked her if she had been drinking and she smiled and said, “Oh, yes… quite a bit.” As she bent over, I could see by the lamp light, her beautiful breasts heave as she breathed. As she bent a little further, I could see her nipples, extended and hard.

She said, “We’d better get to bed, it’s late.”

As I pretended to be drunk, she helped me stand up. As I was swaying, the blanket dropped away leaving me completely naked.

We leaned on each other and as we approached the hall, I said “I think I have to pee.” I had planned ahead. We stumbled into the bathroom where I pretended to not be able to stand without leaning on the wall and the shower door. I kept reaching for my cock but pretended to lose my balance each time.

Finally, she asked, “Do you want me to aim it for you?” Perfect.

I said shyly, “Yes, please.”

She reached down and grabbed that very hard cock and I heard her gasp. “Oh, my! That’s really hard! I see you got your father’s genes!” and she laughed.

As her hand tightened around it, I swayed a little more, then said, “I don’t think I have beylikdüzü escort to go.”

As we lurched out of the bathroom, she still hung on to that erect cock, even tighter it seemed. With my arm around her tiny waist we headed for my room. I would have settled for either room at this point. As we got next to the bed, I turned to face her with the bed behind me. She has relinquished her grip on my massive dick and had her hands on my shoulders. I hugged her, feeling her thrust her pelvis towards my raging cock.

Then, I pretended to fall back onto the bed, dragging her with me as I fell. I hung on to her waist and as we fell on to the bed, she straddled me and ended up with my hard-on between her legs. She struggled for a minute, confused on what to do. Then, she felt my cock between her legs. At that point, she melted. She positioned herself so that my cock was now up against her pussy. It was then that I noticed she had taken her underwear off when she got undressed earlier.

She took a few deep breaths and gyrated her hips slightly, nestling my cock up against her now hot, soaking wet pussy.

I pulled her down to me and whispered how beautiful I thought she was. She told me what a man I had grown up to be and that I looked a lot like my father. Now she was moving her hips and breathing heavy. She added, “You’re every bit the man your father is, maybe a little larger!”

With that, she wiggled a little and my cock slipped in to that soaking wet pussy. As it went in, she moaned and gasped, “Oh my god, you’re even larger that your father, and harder too!”

I began long, slow strokes, pushing it a little farther in on each stroke as she pushed back and drove it even deeper, until she was moaning uncontrollably. I reached up to feel those gorgeous tits, and her nipples were rock hard. As I squeezed them, she gasped, “Harder, harder!” Since I didn’t know if she meant the tits or the pumping, I did both. By now, it was like fighting with a mountain lion. She was moaning and gasping, flailing about like she was having a seizure, back and forth, side to side.

Now I have had some great sex with girls my age, but nothing like this. She was a wildcat. She moved in ways I had never felt before. I came too soon, but she continued to move her ass and pussy in such a way that my erection came back immediately. We fucked for an hour, until we both had several orgasms and were exhausted.

I fell asleep and she crept out of bed and into her room. She woke me up with breakfast in bed and we started all over again, this time, for close to two hours. She taught me things about foreplay that I had never heard of.

She doesn’t go out drinking any more, instead choosing to stay home and have a few drinks with me. Then, the night of fun and fantastic sex begins all over again, every night, just like she did with dad, but without the fighting and arguments.

More to cum!

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