Forbidden View – Part 4 – Testing Cindy’s resolve

Missionary Position

* Note: This story details the actual progression, and events, Cindy went through as she pushed her own boundaries. Part-1 is mostly background detail. The erotic content starts in Part-2, and the primary sexual content is in Part-4.





If you skipped Part 1-3, here’s what happened.

Cindy felt like her sexual reawakening and pleasure might come to an end if she didn’t find a way to become as irreplaceable to me as I was to her.

She began by secretly filming her daughters getting out of bed one the morning since Hanna often slept in panties and a tank top. After that tease she purchased a hidden camera pen and started leaving it in the bathroom. Over time she captured a few videos featuring their ass and breasts,

One evening Cindy found topless selfies of Nicole, her youngest daughter, on her tablet. By giving me those pictures, Cindy entered into the next phase of her tease. Instead of offering me a brief glimpse of her daughter’s nude body while doing mundane tasks, now Cindy was presenting Nicole as a horny teen that sends nudes to her boyfriend while masturbating.

During all of this we neither spoke about the images she gave me nor what I did when looking at them. To Cindy, all that mattered was the fact that she was doing something few mothers could even consider, and that made her feel both empowered and irreplaceable.




Cindy hadn’t been at my place too long when she asked, “Where’s your laptop?” Thinking she needed to do something for work I pulled it out and offered it to her, but she didn’t take it from me. Instead, she reached into her pants pocket then handed me a USB drive. It was one of the drives she used to bring me new videos, but she was giving it to me shortly after arriving, instead of when she was preparing to walk out of the door.

What I didn’t know at the time was that Cindy was still conflicted about the videos she gave me. Yes, it made her feel empowered knowing she was doing something few other women would do, but it also felt wrong.

Part of what made it feel so wrong was the fact we never talked about it. In the beginning Cindy had said, “I don’t want to know what you do,” and that practice had never changed. The problem was, she wasn’t just filming a panty-clad wake-up call anymore. She was leaving a hidden camera in the bathroom when her daughters showered. She was using her own phone to take pictures of her daughter as they got dressed. She was routinely checking her daughters’ electronic devices in case they failed to delete their nude selfies.

Even though Cindy was pushing the limits more and more, she couldn’t talk about it. The fact that she barely even acknowledged these videos existed made the whole thing seem very wrong and dirty. The videos were taken in secret, given in silence and then never discussed, as if it was something vile and disgusting

No matter how many times Cindy told herself there was no reason to feel guilty about what she’d done, she had trouble believing it. She told herself it was ok because she had never endangered her daughters. Yes, she had brought over their worn panties, but that was only fabric. Yes, she’d let me see photos of them, but those pictures showed them doing normal, everyday tasks. Cindy even told herself that the hidden pictures and videos amounted to nothing more than indulging a fantasy. She trusted me and knew I’d never do anything to harm her, or her daughters. So if some fabric, stories and bare skin turned me on, then why was sharing any of those things wrong?

It was true that what Cindy did was unconventional, but she was also tired of letting “others” tell her what was normal, acceptable or too far. Cindy had lived most of her life unable to do more than missionary sex because she’d been told, at a young age, that anything except missionary sex was wrong and would make her a bad person. She was tired of living up to someone else’s standard, and for once she wanted to be the one to decide how far she could go and when it was time to stop.

She wasn’t sure what would happen if she stopped pretending like these videos didn’t exist, but she needed to find out. She didn’t want to wake up one day and suddenly discover that the guilt over what she’d been doing made her hate herself, and me. Cindy knew she had to face her actions so she could deal with her emotions.

Cindy sat down next to me and said, “Take off your pants”.

Memories of her sitting on my lap as she asked me to masturbate to a bikini-clad picture of Hanna came back to me and I wondered if we were about to have a repeat of that day.

I slipped my pants and boxers off and then plugged the USB drive Cindy had given me into my laptop. On the drive I saw a single video file with the same file format and naming convention used by the hidden camera pen.

Cindy slipped her pants down, and pulled her shirt off but left her bra and panties on. She reached out and moved the laptop next to me as she said, “I didn’t watch all of it, but I saw enough.” She took a slight breath before she continued by saying, “I’m not leaving the USB drive with you today.”

Perplexed, I looked at her and instead of explaining she moved off the couch and knelt on the floor in front of me. She placed her hands on my leg as she continued, “You have until the video ends to cum. No rewinding or going back. Once something plays, that’s it. This will be your only chance to see this video”.

Just like the first time Cindy brought over Hanna’s panties, Cindy was being uncharacteristically dominant. I didn’t really know, or care, if she was doing this for me or her, but I understood she was “asking” to see my reaction to the videos she’d been giving me.

Cindy reached over and double-clicked on the video. The video started in much the same way as the others, with the image of Cindy walking away from the camera, flushing the toilet and turning off the light in the bathroom. After disappearing from view a brief conversation could be heard in the hall right before the bathroom light turned back on and Hanna walked in. I watched Hanna lay her clothes down by the sink and out of view of the camera. This was good. Since her clothes weren’t near the pen, it’d be less likely to be blocked, covered up or turned.

As the first few moments of the video played out, Cindy’s hand touched my cock. She wrapped her Anadolu Yakası Escort hand around me and started to move it up and then down. I stiffened rapidly as I began to understand that, unlike the time I masturbated for Cindy, this time she’d be the one trying to make me cum.

Cindy had needed to do this. She needed to know, once and for all, whether the hidden videos were something she could keep doing or if this particular fetish had run its course. Giving me videos and then acting like they didn’t exist wasn’t working for her so she had to stop ignoring the videos and she had to openly acknowledge the effect they had on me.

The problem was, she had delayed facing this truth for so long that simply acknowledging the videos, and my reaction, was no longer good enough. She had to be absolutely certain that neither my watching the videos, nor cumming from them, bothered her.

Cindy had considered different ways to find that out, but every method she considered felt inconclusive. Even the extreme idea of watching me masturbate to a video felt like it left room for doubt. The one thought that Cindy kept going back to was, “If these videos aren’t a problem then making him cum as they play wouldn’t be a problem either.” It was very unconventional, but Cindy knew that’s what was she had to do. She needed to know how she felt if she helped me cum while my every thought, and desire was focused on her teenaged daughter’s bare flesh.

Cindy stopped stroking my cock and took me in her mouth, thus fully committing herself to the path she had set in motion. Her eyes glanced at the screen and she saw her daughter walking to the shower. The image of her daughter didn’t turn her on, but as she sucked my cock with increased intensity, we both felt her unspoken words….”I want you to cum as you stare at Hanna’s body.”

Hanna hadn’t wasted too much time once she undressed before getting into the shower and during those moments she’d only given me a brief view of her breasts and ass. As she walked to the shower to disappear behind the curtain, her ass gave a slight sway with each intoxicating step.

With the curtain closed, I fast-forwarded the video in short segments so I could skip past the uneventful sounds of water running over her bare form.

I was both excited and nervous to see Hanna emerge from her shower. I loved feeling Cindy’s mouth around me as I stared at Hanna, but Cindy’s threat loomed over me.

Cindy had told me I had to cum before the video ended. The problem with that threat was that this was my first time seeing the video. I never knew how quickly Hanna or Nicole would get dressed after a shower. Sometimes they remained topless for a long time, sometimes they remained in the bathroom to primp while fully dressed, and sometimes the bathroom was empty for several minutes before Cindy could come back to stop the video. I had no way of knowing whether Hanna was going to get dressed 1-minute before the video ended or 10-minutes before it was over.

I knew that if I delayed too long I might end up having to cum to Hanna brushing her hair, while fully clothed. Alternatively, I could play it safe and cum right after she emerged from the shower, but then I might miss the most erotic part of the video. The very fact Cindy was only letting me watch this video once made me believe there it captured something so private she couldn’t let it out of her sight.

Cindy sucked my cock in deeper and she could tell how hard I was. I felt harder than normal and she didn’t know if that was because of the video, her mouth or both. She hoped that both things were affecting me, and not just her daughter, otherwise her own growing arousal would be harder to justify.

Cindy hadn’t known how she’d feel being around me when I watched a hidden video of Hanna in the bathroom, but now that she was doing it, she couldn’t deny the fact she was turned on. There was something incredibly naughty about knowing what I was looking at while she sucked my cock. She felt like a horrible mother for recording the videos, and she didn’t know what kind of woman could suck a man’s cock as he lusted over her own daughter; however, the longer the video went on, the more her pussy throbbed, the wetter her panties became and the less she wanted to stop. Cindy had failed to anticipate how much this taboo act would affect her physically, and mentally.

Cindy’s motivation for doing this was no longer centered on her need to see if she could handle me watching these videos, somehow she had transitioned into wanting to make me cum as I watched it. Surprised, Cindy suddenly found herself genuinely hoping that I’d complete her challenge and cum while I watched the video.

If you had asked her before she arrived if she’d have anticipated that mental change, she would have said “no”, but her own unexpected arousal and sexual need was becoming a “problem” that was demanding attention.

Listening to the video, Cindy had heard the water stop and the curtain open a couple minutes before. She’d watched enough of the video to know Hanna spent more time than normal, naked, and in full view of the pen camera thanks to its new location, so she had an idea of what my eyes were being treated to at that moment.

Cindy fought the urge to slide her hand into her own panties as she relaxed her jaw and went down further onto my cock. She swallowed all of my cock, hoping her own eagerness wouldn’t make me cum just yet, after all, I had several more minutes of her completely naked daughter to watch, and she wanted me to see every second of that taboo flesh.

As she retreated slightly and then went back down on my cock once more, Cindy made a decision which made her pussy throb the moment it entered her mind. She couldn’t believe she was thinking it, but she was. She told herself that, “if he cums before it’s over, I’ll let him finish watching the video….with me”,

That thought made Cindy feel like she was the worst mother in the world, but that feeling was being overshadowed by how turned on she was in that moment. It felt so naughty knowing she not only wanted me to cum as I lusted over her daughter, but she also wanted to see my reaction and watch as I came to those thoughts.

Cindy hadn’t realized it yet, but she’d just made another decision.

Cindy’s mouth retreated again and she wrapped her hand around the base of my cock. Her mouth was still around me as she moved her head up and down, her tongue rubbing the underside of my cock as her hand stroked my shaft at the same time. She reached my sensitive head and started to go back down as she sucked harder and gripped my cock tighter.

Feeling my cock somehow get harder she released my cock with her Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan hand and forced her head down as far as she could, swallowing me until she felt my cock on the back of her throat. Cindy realized that she didn’t just want me to cum from the video; she wanted to “make” me cum as I stared at Hanna’s near perfect body.

Cindy sucked my cock harder, hoping her actions would convey the message, “I want to make you cum from what you see,” but not even that felt like it was enough. Somewhere in her haze of arousal, that unconscious decision she made moments ago, formed into a conscious thought. As Cindy took a quick breath, so she could continue her blowjob, she decided that today she wasn’t going to swallow my cum.

Cindy wanted to memorialize this event. She wanted to memorize the expression on my face as she made me cum to her daughter, so she was going to “watch” me cum. In exchange for the sins she was committing, Cindy’s face would remain close as she stroked my cock, allowing her to wear the indecent fruits of these acts, on her face, like a prize.

Cindy knew, without a doubt, she was a terrible mother, but she didn’t care. She was too swept away in this taboo act. With the sounds of her daughter moving around the bathroom filling the room, all Cindy could think about was her need to make me cum.

I continued to watch the video Cindy provided and even though it was similar to ones I’d seen before, this one felt like much longer. When the shower curtain had opened there’d been a couple of seconds where Hanna had stood there, completely exposed, offering a full frontal view of her thin teenage body. The lighting in the bathroom was still poor and the tiny pen camera amplified that problem, but as Cindy engulfed my cock, I could easily confirm that Hanna’s pussy was naturally hairy.

Those few seconds of seeing Hanna completely naked had made my cock twitch and I wanted to cum from just that. To make that desire even stronger, Cindy was sucking, stroking and gagging on my cock as if her life depended on my orgasm. It was tempting to just let go and cum, but if I’d gotten a brief, but distant view, of Hanna’s pussy already, I feared that if I came, I might miss my one chance to see her pussy clearly and up-close. And what if the reason Cindy wouldn’t let me keep this video was because Hanna’s fingers lingered between her legs? Could I really risk missing that?

I watched as Hanna went about her bathroom routine, without a care in the world or a towel to cover her body. She turned to get something more than once and as she stepped away from the counter she offered me a nice view of her ass. As Cindy continued to suck my cock I watched Hanna turn to the side and bend over, causing her long brown hair to hang down as she dried it with a towel. As Hanna stood in that position, for what felt like an eternity, my cock throbbed in Cindy’s mouth while I was treated to a close-up view of Hanna’s breasts, dangling directly in front of the hidden camera.

Next I watched Hanna as she walked to the tub, bending over as she leaned in to grab something. As she bent over for me I wondered if she’d like being fucked doggie style as much as her mother or if she was more of a missionary girl.

The view was too far away and grainy to see the slit of her pussy as bent over, but it didn’t matter, just seeing her like that was enough. Cindy’s mouth was making it nearly impossible to hold my orgasm back, but knowing this was my only chance to see this video, I felt like I had to try.

Hanna walked back to the sink and I was treated to more frontal views of her body during those few steps. However, my brief full-body glimpse soon ended and I found myself cursing the height of the counter as it blocked my view of her pussy, even though the camera was pointed directly at her.

This video certainly wasn’t the first time I’d seen Hanna’s breasts and ass, but having Cindy give me a blowjob at the same time made the experience far more intense. In fact, as Cindy sucked my cock harder I began imagining Hanna slipping her hand between her legs and masturbating just for me.

Thinking about Hanna masturbating was both too easy, and dangerous, to imagine, especially since Cindy’s mouth was trying to coax my orgasm from me. I tried to not think about Hanna moaning as I stared at the top half of her naked body. Those thoughts were causing my orgasm to build within me and I wasn’t sure if I could stop it if Cindy’s mouth kept going the way it was.

Cindy felt, and sensed, the change in my reaction. It was a hundred little queues she’d picked up on, but she knew what they meant…I was about to cum. More importantly, she was about to make me cum.

Mercifully I felt Cindy’s mouth fully retreated from my cock as she switched to stroking me in preparation to wear my cum. Her hand felt good, but it wasn’t the same all-consuming sensation that her mouth had given me since her hand was more focused on my shaft than my sensitive head. The shift in stimulation, and pleasure, offered me the break I needed to hold my orgasm back just a little longer

Cindy gripped my cock harder and stroked my shaft as she continued to fight the urge to reach into her own panties to make herself cum.

She could see the pre-cum on my cock and knew I’d be cumming soon, and by the way her pussy throbbed, she had little doubt that she could make herself cum almost as easily; however, her own orgasm would be a distraction. As much as she wanted relief, she refused to touch herself so she could savor the experience and watch me cum.

Once more Hanna stepped away from the counter. Walking to the tub she placed a bottle of lotion down before lifting a leg up to place it on the side of the tub. I watched as Hanna began to rub lotion on her thigh and then down her leg. She bent over as her hands worked their way down her leg and I found myself staring at her breasts and ass as her hands massaged her calf.

My mind detoured and I began imagining her applying lotion to her breasts as she faced the camera. From there I imagined her hand sliding between her legs, only to find that area already wet.

The little control I had regained when Cindy switched to stroking my cock vanished as my mind wandered. I felt my orgasm starting to build again and this time I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stop it.

Cindy felt my cock react and she knew that was my final orgasmic warning. She eagerly watched pre-cum form and drip down my cock while her eyes kept darting between my cock and my face. She moved her face closer to my cock to ensure she could wear every sticky drop she was owed.

Fuck, she was a terrible, horrible woman, but dammit, Escort Anadolu Yakası she needed to feel my cum on her and have it drip off her face, only then would it prove how much of a dirty and horny woman she’d become.

Hanna finished lotioning up her first leg and then turned to prop her other foot up on the side of the tub. By switching legs it was now harder to see her breasts, but the new angle gave me a near perfect view of her ass as she bent over and slid her hands down her legs. From this new view the only thought filling my mind was, “I’m going to fuck you bent over the tub….while Cindy watches.”

I’d felt Cindy move closer but hadn’t given it much thought because I was lost in my own fantasy and need. As I stared at the screen I only wanted one thing, and that was to fuck Hanna.

I imagined my cock sliding between her legs as her tight pussy welcomed me in. I could almost feel myself going deeper into her wet teenage cunt.

Hanna’s pussy was the only thing I wanted. Her cunt was what I needed, so why was Cindy using her hand on me? I didn’t want Cindy’s hand, I needed Hanna’s pussy. I had to fuck Hanna.

I didn’t look down. My eyes stayed fixed on Hanna as my hands reached for Cindy’s head. I wrapped my hands in her hair and pushed her down another few inches, until her lips pressed against my cock.

Cindy had seen my hands moving towards her and at first she thought I was going to take over stroking in order to cum on her face, but she soon realized she was wrong.

Cindy felt herself being pushed towards my cock and she understood what that meant. She parted her lips and took me in, prepared to start moving and sucking my cock. If I wanted to cum from a blowjob, then she’d make me cum by giving me the best blowjob she could.

I felt my cock sink into Cindy’s willing mouth, but in my mind, I was plunging into Hanna’s pussy. My fingers closed into a fist as I gripped Cindy’s hair, determined to hold her in place.

I remained fixed on Hanna’s ass and the slight gap between her legs. That gap was where my cock was going, and nothing could stop me.

As I held Cindy’s head still, my hips began to move.

Cindy gagged as I forced my cock deep into her mouth, which made her realize that I hadn’t lowered her to my cock for a blowjob. She understood what was happening, and what I wanted. Having no other choice, she relaxed her jaw and opened her throat as much as she could.

With my cock being forced ever deeper, Cindy knew my cock was playing out its desire to fuck her daughter, and in doing so, her mouth had just become Hanna’s pussy.

In Cindy’s aroused state she decided that if I wanted to fuck Hanna that badly then she would help fuel that fantasy by trying to make her mouth as tight, deep and wet as I imagined Hanna’s pussy should be.

I held Cindy‘s head in place as I thrust and pushed myself into her mouth. I didn’t hold back because I was fucking Hanna’s pussy, not Cindy’s mouth, and Hanna cunt could take my deep and hard thrusts.

Hearing the sloshing and gasping as I abused Cindy’s face only added to the experience. It told me Hanna was wet and her pussy wanted this so there was no reason to pull out. Hanna wanted me to fuck her and I wanted to fill her pussy with my cum so it’d be leaking out of her, and into her panties, for the rest of the day.

Cindy couldn’t believe how rough I was being as I fucked her face. I never “abused” her mouth like this, but she loved it. The intensity in the way I fucked her matched her own need and somehow that intensified those conflicting thoughts of “I’m a horrible mother” and “I need to cum”.

Cindy didn’t have time to think about those thoughts, or anything else, because the head of my cock was expanding and my own gasps were becoming louder.

Holding back never entered my mind as I attempted to breed Hanna. As I slammed my cock into her pussy from behind, I pushed myself in as deep as I could go, to ensure my cum filled every part of her fertile womb. I was defiling Hanna in her own bathroom, bottoming my cock out in her as I began to cum..

Salty warm fluid hit the back of Cindy’s throat. She loved the way I tasted, but that was a treat she wouldn’t get today because I was too deep in her throat which meant, there was little need to even swallow.

Cindy’s eyes watered and she tried to divert her eyes up so she could see my expression as I came, but it didn’t help because I was holding her head firmly against my body.

Cindy’s own body felt alive and in need. There was nothing more she could to make me cum so she reached down and placed her hand between her own legs. The simple act of acknowledging her own need and pressing her hand to the outside of her panties caused her to plummet over the edge and into her own orgasmic relief.

My cock had yet to finish spasming and unloading its last wave of cum when I felt Cindy’s throat open as her body convulsed, gagging on me once more. This time I let go of her head, allowing her to withdraw her mouth from my cock as she cried “Fuck!”

Cindy gasped once more and a droplet of my cum fell from my cock and onto Cindy’s body. I watched Cindy’s eyes shut tight and then open again as she gasped for air, as if she’d been drowning..

She was breathing hard as she looked up at me and asked, “Did you like that?”

I honestly replied, “I did. And to thank you, I feel like I need to make you cum now”

A wry smile crossed her face as she admitted, “I already did,” thus confirming what I already suspected

I looked back to the screen and watched as Hanna returned to the sink and picked up her panties. The fully nude portion of the video was coming to an end and there’d been no up-close pussy shot or masturbation scene like I’d hoped. It didn’t matter though because Cindy had just given me one of the most intense blowjobs of my life.

I reached down to see how wet Cindy was, and her claims of having just cum appeared to be true, because her panties were soaked. I moved off the couch and pushed her to her back, because it was my turn to show her how good my mouth could make her feel.

*Note: Cindy’s threat of only letting me see the video once had been done for practical reasons, not because the content was more taboo than normal. Her reasons were:

1) She needed to experience me cumming as I watched the video, so telling me I could only watch it once ensured I wouldn’t try to hold off and then cum as I fucked her afterwards.

2) If she couldn’t handle me cumming to those videos then she wouldn’t want me to have that video. In that scenario, she would have eventually asked me to delete the other pics/vids I had.

Finally, true to her word, she didn’t leave the video with me that day. However, she didn’t delete the video from the USB drive either. The next time I was given that drive the video was still there, and at that point I made a personal copy, before wiping the drive clean

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