Gay Sexfight in London Ch. 01


For years I labored under the delusion that I knew what I wanted concerning erotic combat with other men. I would refer to it as “first to cum loses” or “erotic wrestling” in my profiles on the gay wrestling websites and during a chat session, but neither title truly encompassed what I was longing for when I envisioned the “sexfighting” I had in mind. I met guys at their home or in motels – driving as far as an hour away in the hopes that the match that awaited me would be as exciting as I hoped, but most of the time it was not.

To be clear, my leaving the match disappointed wasn’t the fault of the men I was meeting. The expectations I had agreed upon were simply not what I wanted, mostly because I didn’t know what I wanted yet. We would meet, we would wrestle, trunks or underpants would eventually come off and we would play with each other’s cocks in between wrestling holds until one of us either submitted or climaxed. It was fun. It was a release for both of us. We would be sweaty and exhausted when we were done but I would leave feeling unfulfilled.

All that changed the night I was in a chat room in one of the gay wrestling websites and met Todd. He distinguished himself from the other guys who had reached out to chat with me that evening by not starting the conversation with “STATS?” My “stats” weren’t very impressive. I had started working out in January (another New Year’s resolution that I had finally been able to commit to) and had trimmed off some weight and built up some muscle but was still nowhere near the “underwear models” that most of these guys professed to be. I was “average” at best and five years past the mid-century mark in age so my prospects were usually disinterested in me or I quickly became disinterested in them.

Todd was different. His private message started with “Good evening! How are you?” I responded and we exchanged a pretty straightforward conversation for a good ten minutes. There wasn’t the pause between messages as he caught up on all the other conversations he had going on which made me feel that he was only talking with me and whether he was or not it made me feel good to think I was the only guy he was interested in talking with.

After chatting for a bit he jokingly said: “I guess we should talk about wrestling since that’s why we’re both in this chat room LOL!” I wrote back that it was refreshing to talk with somebody who didn’t only want to talk about wrestling and – after the first and only pause in our conversation – he wrote back that he felt the same way.

We chatted for an hour which – in itself – was an event that had never happened before. We discovered that we had both been married and divorced and neither one of us were currently in a relationship. I lost myself in conversation with him, ignoring the few other messages that popped up asking “STATS” or “HEIGHT, WEIGHT, STYLE”. I decided to break one of my cardinal rules and invite Todd to call me so we could talk on the phone when he sent a series of numbers in an odd format: xx xxxx xxxxxx. I asked him what that was and he told me it was his cell phone number. It was then I realized that in all the time we had been chatting I hadn’t stopped to look at his profile, which is normally the first thing I do once I get invested in a chat. I went to his profile and my heart immediately sank when I read “LOCATION: LONDON UK.”

“Fuck,” I said. I should not have been surprised. The few guys I was able to connect with that I would want to meet in real life were always too far away to meet in person. The few who lived here in the States were more than a day trip and London was certainly not in my budget. I realized I had rudely stopped chatting and was about to send a message to Todd when he sent “I apologize, I shouldn’t have presumed you wanted my phone number without asking first.” I quickly typed “Don’t apologize! I was one second away from asking if you wanted to talk on the phone!” and sent it – hoping I had not pushed him away.

He wrote back that he’d love to talk on the phone and said he should call me since he calls the US for work and already has a plan so it wouldn’t cost him much. I gave him my number and two minutes later my phone was ringing. I let it ring three times like a high school cheerleader finally getting the phone call from the captain of the football team, took a deep breath, and answered.

Damn, he had a sexy voice. It was deep but not gruff, and his British accent was frosting on an already enticing cake. I was staring at the one photo he had on the wrestling website, a headless photo of him in a t-shirt and boxer briefs standing in what must have been his living room. He was similar in build to me and was a year older.

We talked about the wrestling matches we each had and realized that we were both unsatisfied with what we were experiencing. He asked what I was looking for and I said I didn’t know if I could explain it – which was a lie and I think he knew it. I said I could send him a link to a video of what I thought Üçyol travesti I was looking for and went to Pornhub, copied a favorite video and sent it to him through the wrestling website chat.

It wasn’t a video of wrestling – it wasn’t even “combat” really. It was a video of two bear-like guys in a motel, having rough sex that made the bed shudder and rattle. They weren’t really “fighting” but it was still a contest between the two men, each trying to put the other man out of commission with erotic pleasure. One would be on the receiving end of the other’s hard cock slamming in and out of his asshole while he whimpered and moaned, but then they would switch positions and the stud who had once been in control would be sucked or fucked while he lay on the bed moaning helplessly.

I gave Todd a few minutes to watch the video, wondering what he would think. I’ll admit, I was worried he would come back and call me a “weirdo” and that would be the end of our budding friendship. He was silent while I could hear the video playing in the background and after he watched it for a few minutes he said “so, you want to make sex a sort of contest between us? Like a wrestling match with sexual acts instead of holds?”

I said “yes” – admittedly concerned about what he was going to say next. There was a slight pause before I could almost hear himself grinning as he said: “where the fuck have you been all of my life?”

So … that was how it began. A chance meeting in a wrestling website chat room that led to Todd and me finding an opponent who wanted the kind of a “fight” that was sexual and erotic and more or less rough sex with a “winner” and “loser” at the end.

“Of course, it figures that we have an ocean separating us!” I laughed, but he didn’t. Instead, he said “there’s this new thing… called a plane.” I told him it wasn’t in my budget to fly to London anytime soon and he said: “then I’ll fly you here!” I couldn’t believe he was suggesting it, but he assured me he was serious. My heart had been pounding in my chest the whole time we were talking and now it was beating so loud I was certain the upstairs neighbors in our apartment building could hear it.

“I’ll fly you out here in two weeks. You can stay with me so you don’t need to worry about a hotel or car. I’d suggest you stay for at least a week because those transatlantic flights can be a bitch. Do you think you could take a week off from work?” Hell, for a week of sexfighting with Todd I would quit my job. I told him I would find out on Monday and let him know. We exchanged email addresses and after a few more minutes of conversation (more like a half an hour) we hung up.

I didn’t sleep well, anxiously awaiting Monday. I went into work and straight to human resources. I submitted my request for a week off and it was approved. I emailed Todd from my desk and he told me he would wire me the money for the airfare as it would be easier for me to purchase my ticket than to have him purchase one for me. Thank God I had gotten a passport a few months ago (I wanted to take a vacation in the Caribbean that had unfortunately not come true). By Wednesday I had the money and was searching for flights. I booked a flight that would depart Philadelphia (an hour drive) on Saturday evening and arrive in Heathrow on Sunday morning. The return flight departed Heathrow late Saturday night and would land in Philly around noon on Sunday. That still gave me five full days with Todd and (if I wasn’t suffering from jet-lag) we might have Sunday evening, too.

Now I just had to get through the next two weeks until I boarded a British Airways flight for what I hoped would finally be the kind of “combat” I had been dreaming of.

After what seemed like two years I was walking towards the door of the Airbus that would traverse the North Atlantic and take me to England. I had purchased an economy ticket but was able to upgrade to business class for about a hundred dollars when I checked in so I had a wider seat and a bit more “privacy.” I had brought my iPad on board and once the giant bird was in the air heading east I turned it on and opened the last email Todd and I had exchanged. We took off a half an hour late but the captain assured us we would make up the time once over the ocean.

We had laid out the rules of our match very carefully so that neither one of us would be surprised or disappointed. We would begin in underpants and “wrestle” each other using sexual and sensual tactics to get our opponent aroused and excited to the point where he would either submit or cum. Our aim was not to hurt each other (but pleasurable pain was acceptable) and if we did anything that genuinely hurt the other our safe word was “ORANGE” and we would immediately stop. Any type of sexual activity was acceptable to make our opponent writhe with so much pleasure that he either didn’t or couldn’t continue or force him to cum. The loser would be the one who submitted or came twice. Whoever won the most matches during Alanya Travesti our week together would be proclaimed “sexfight champion” and would hold the title until the next time we were able to get together.

The flight itself was pleasant and ordinary. They served dinner and drinks and I watched a movie when I wasn’t leaning back in my chair rubbing my hand clandestinely against the hard warrior in my pants desperate to be released. Finally, the lights of southern England were beneath us as we started our final approach into Heathrow.

I stepped off the plane and made my way down the jetway into the bright, open expanse of British Airways’ Terminal 5. I followed signs to customs and baggage claim, trying to remain calm at the dual excitement of being in England for the first time in my life and also being mere hours away from having a long-awaited sex-fight with a man I had just met online a few weeks ago.

I followed signs to a moving sidewalk, then an escalator, then to the automated tram that would take us to the main building. I grew more anxious with each step – wanting to finally be at Todd’s house – even though I knew I still had a few hours before we got there.

I arrived at customs (which was blessedly not as long a wait as I feared) and then journeyed on to the baggage claim area to wait for my suitcase to appear on the carousel. As I stood there watching the numerous bags slide by and growing slightly concerned that I did not see mine I felt a firm hand grip my shoulder. I turned and there he stood, smiling at me with a not-so-subtle mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Welcome to the UK!” He opened his arms and we embraced warmly. “Has your bag appeared, yet?”

“Not yet,” I said as I scanned the conveyor belt again. Finally, I saw it appear from the chute and grabbed it off the carousel.

“Any other bags?” he asked. I shook my head and he smiled “good, then let’s get to my car. We’ve got about a two-hour drive ahead of us.”

“Two hours? I didn’t think England was that big!”

He smirked at me and said, “I might make you pay for every insulting comment you make about England!”

“Maybe I’m counting on that?” I said with a grin.

Once inside Todd’s car, we headed out onto the M25 which then turned into the M1 on our way north towards his home. The ride was quiet – neither one of us talking more than asking how my flight was and what I wanted to see when he took me into London later in my visit. I honestly wasn’t thinking about London at the moment – I was thinking about the man sitting in the driver’s seat to my right (which took some getting used to) and how I wanted him out of those clothes and in my arms… had he pulled onto the shoulder and wanted to “fight” in his car, I would have said “yes.” But, we behaved ourselves and continued our drive.

It only took an hour and a half to get to his home. It was a gorgeous home – large and stately. It was furnished with a tasteful mix of classic and contemporary furniture. He showed me to the guest room on the first floor (which was nicer than most hotels I’ve stayed at) and as I put my suitcase and carry-on on the bed he asked me if I’d like a drink. I said “sure” and he offered me a selection of beers, wines and mixed drinks. I opted for a beer. He smiled again and a few moments later we were sitting on a very comfortable leather sofa in his den, beers in hand, relaxing.

Todd took a large swallow of beer, perhaps for courage, and then leaned over to me. He turned my head towards him, pressed his lips against mine and we kissed. I felt my entire body melt and he grabbed my arm, perhaps trying to keep me from escaping, but I had no thoughts of “escaping” from this. We kissed for a long time before he leaned back, smiled at me, and said: “you want to get right at it tonight or would you like to rest after your trip?” I didn’t even need to think about it – the adrenaline had been pumping through my blood since I woke up that morning and I was not about to delay this any more than I needed to.

“I’m fine,” I said. “And I’m more than ready to get to it… if you are?”

He laughed gently and said “I’m more than ready to fuck you senseless, my friend. I have everything set up in the basement. Why don’t I get ready and then you can do the same?”

He went into the bathroom in the guest bedroom and I heard his shower running – a brief shower, just long enough for more than a lather and rinse before he stepped out wrapped in a towel with his hair only partially dried. He motioned to the bedroom and I went in, took a quick shower myself, and then stepped out to dry myself with the towel he had left for me. As I unfolded the towel a black pair of Speedos that had been rolled inside of it fell to the floor. I smiled and picked up the briefs and slipped them on.

When I returned to the living room he was sitting on the sofa wearing only a white Speedo.

“Did you give me black because you want me to be the bad guy?” I smiled Konyaaltı travesti at him devilishly.

He smirked back at me, “I gave you black because that’s what I had but don’t think for one moment that ‘white’ makes me the good guy.”

He had opened two more beers and patted the sofa next to him, motioning for me to sit down. “I figured we’d have one more… to take the edge off… before we go downstairs.”

“Maybe you’re trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?” I said, mocking concern.

He leaned in and said, “I intend to take advantage of you whether you’re drunk or sober.”

Once we had finished our beers he stood up, took me by the hand, and led me towards his kitchen. He opened the door to the basement and down we went.

Now, as far as the “tale of the tape” is concerned – I’m five foot, eleven inches and weight about 200 pounds (or just over 14 stone according to Todd). I am usually clean-shaven but had stubble from the flight and didn’t think to shave in my hurry to clean-up and get ready for our sexfight. As I stated early, I had started working out and was starting to show some results I was pleased with – and from the look in Todd’s eyes, I believed he was pleased with my results, too. Todd was about six feet tall and around 190 pounds (13 and a half stone). He was leaner than I but had a belly from his beer consumption. He was bald but sported a thick mustache.

The basement was set up with four queen-sized mattresses arranged in a large square. He had sewn four bedsheets together to cover the mats with one large, light blue sheet. The mattresses rested inside a frame of wood and at each corner was a piece of wood sticking up with a nylon rope affixed to it so that it encircled the ring. My heart was beating so fast and hard I was certain it was only moments away from exploding, and all I could do was stare at the magnificence of it.

“You like it?” he asked me, shaking me out of my dream-like state.

I turned and kissed him softly on his lips and whispered: “I absolutely love it.”

“Then let’s get this party started.” He stepped into “the ring” and crossed to the opposite side where he got down on his knees. I stepped onto the mattress and knelt.

“Ding! Ding!” he said, the widest of grins on his face, and we moved towards each other…

We locked up in the center of the mat, as I had done so many times before against other men. Only this time, as we wrapped our arms around each other, our mouths were the first target we attacked. We locked lips and were kissing passionately causing my defenses and determination to win to begin to drain from within me. I had feared that once we locked up I might lose myself to the pleasures of finally having the kind of “fight” I had been aching to have for years, but I quickly snapped myself out of my spiral into desire and refocused on the match ahead of me.

Our tongues bore into each other’s mouth, our sucking and kissing so loud that smacking and sucking noises filled the dimly lit basement. I pulled back, running my tongue slowly along Todd’s lips as he panted and flicked his tongue out to try to engage mine. He pulled me in closer and our mouths smashed together, our tongues battling fiercely inside our mouths.

After several moments of holding each other behind the neck to keep our mouths pressed together, Todd’s hand moved down the front of my chest slowly, his fingers gliding between my pecks until it just above my Speedos. He grabbed my cock, now hard and already throbbing inside my Speedos. I sighed loudly and he pulled his lips away from mine and mockingly growled “first blood!” I laughed and said, “let’s see what you do to this!” I slid my hand down the front of his torso and dove it inside his Speedos – wrapping my fingers around the thick snake I found inside. He shuddered as my hand clasped around his manhood and I was glad he closed his eyes so he couldn’t see the look of fear that crossed my face at the thought of the damage his big cock could (and likely would) do to me. Sure, I had seen photos of his weapon… but now that I was here with it in my hand I could truly appreciate just how much of a “weapon” it was.

He reached his hand inside my Speedos and grabbed my cock, squeezing and yanking it out into the open. I did the same to him as we continued to kiss roughly. Sweat was already rolling down my forehead and back and Todd was beginning to sweat as well. We pushed our bodies against each other, our hands releasing our opponent’s cock to wrap our hands around the other man’s body and tried to force the other man onto his back. We succeeded and throwing each other onto our side, still locked together and kissing hard and loud.

We only stayed locked together on our sides for a moment before Todd sprung into action. He released me, got up on his knees and rolled me onto my stomach. He then moved on top of me, pinning me into the mat as his weight pressed onto me. He jammed his Speedo enclosed cock into my butt and began to thrust it into me. “Just giving you a sample of what I have in store for you,” he whispered into my ear. Then he quickly slid down me until he was kneeling between my legs and I felt my Speedos yanked down, exposing my ass to the chilly basement air.

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