Girls of Alpha Beta Delta Ch. 59


Waking up alone in an unfamiliar bed, Jenny panicked for a moment. She could tell it was late and was worried that she had slept through her Lit class. All she had to do was hand in her paper, but she needed to be there to do it.

But it was only 1:30 and her class wasn’t until 2. She pulled the covers up over her head and breathed in the smells underneath, thinking back to her delightful tete-a-tete with Eva. Jenny had been with quite a few women by then, but Eva was really something special: a generously curvaceous body, deliciously soft skin, and an insatiable appetite.

Jenny was tempted to rub one out before getting out of bed, but knew that she really needed to get going. After getting dressed she grabbed a cup of tea and a scone, quickly printed out her paper, and headed out to class. She felt elated as she handed in her paper, confident that it was the best thing she’d written in her young life.

Afterward she immediately got to work studying for her Econ final the next day. She already knew the material, but she had gotten fired up with the idea of not just doing well, but doing the best she possibly could. She studied until 11 P.M. and then turned in, wanting to get a good night’s sleep.

She plowed through the Econ test quickly and confidently, had lunch, and then hunkered down to study for her Biology final the following day. By the time she had finished that test, late Wednesday afternoon, she was ready for a break. She walked into town and treated herself to dinner at a cheap Italian place where she and Kristin had eaten together a few times.

She also treated herself to a couple glasses of red wine — though she was underage, she never had a problem getting served at this particular restaurant. So as she walked home she felt warm inside despite the frosty temperature. She felt even warmer when she thought of what awaited her when she got back to Alpha Beta Delta: a cozy house full of friendly females.

Suddenly she felt so horny she could barely stand it; she quickened her pace and got back to ABD House in record time. But when she stepped through the door it was deathly quiet. All the Sisters were either holed up in their rooms studying, or at a library or cafe, or God knows where doing God knows what. There was no one in the living room, no one in the kitchen.

Jenny arap porno headed for the basement hoping to find April. Her pussy was dripping as she imagined feasting on her ex-roommate’s naked body. But April wasn’t around, and Jenny threw herself down on the couch, frustrated and annoyed. She was about to give up and just start playing with herself when she remembered Lindsay.

Rousing herself, Jenny began to climb the stairs. When she passed Kristin’s door she paused, wondering if there was anyone inside. She put her ear to the door; no sign of life. Just as well, she thought; she wanted to give Kristin space this week.

After climbing the last flight Jenny knocked on Lindsay’s door. No answer. She waited a minute and tried again, and was just turning to go when she heard a voice behind her.

“She’s not around right now.” The voice was familiar; spinning back around, Jenny was surprised to see Hana leaning in a doorway at the end of the hall.

Feeling suddenly shy, Jenny shrugged. “I’ll come back.”

“You can come wait in my room,” said Hana.

“Oh,” said Jenny, “um, that’s OK.” She wasn’t quite sure why she said that, but something about the way Hana was looming there in the darkened doorway intimidated her. She had started to leave when Hana spoke up again, louder this time.

“I really think you want to come in here.”

Jenny hesitated. As a non-Sister, Hana had no authority over her. At the same time, something in her voice compelled Jenny to obey. After a few seconds she reversed course and walked toward Hana, who stepped back from the doorway to allow her to enter.

The show Hana had played a few nights before had been the final one of her tour, and since she had no clear next destination, Lindsay had invited her to stay at ABD for awhile. The room she was crashing in had been used as a storage closet for the last few years; she had cleared out enough space for a single mattress and small desk.

Immediately upon entering Jenny felt her hands being pulled behind her back and tied there. Hana pressed up against her from behind, squeezing her breasts, running one hand down to her crotch. “Up here for a little booty call?” she purred into Jenny’s ear. “Pussy a little hungry maybe?” But before Jenny got a chance bedava porno to answer she felt a ball-gag being pushed into her mouth.

After tying off the gag, Hana bent Jenny forward over the desk, lifted her skirt, and pulled her panties down around her knees. Jenny sighed and surrendered herself; she had put herself in this position, and there was no point being a baby about it.

Hana disappeared for a moment and when she came back into Jenny’s line of sight, she had something in her hand: a piece of wood about three feet long, with the Greek letters for Alpha Beta Delta carved into it. Jenny’s eyes went wide when she saw it, and Hana smiled. “I just found this in a box back there,” she said, nodding her head toward the far corner of the room. “Nice, isn’t it?” she said, smacking it loudly against her palm.

Jenny studied the implement curiously: It wasn’t the kind of heavy paddle you might see at a fraternity, but more a kind of glorified ruler, maybe a quarter-inch thick at its widest point. Hana touched it to Jenny’s exposed ass, then tapped it against her a couple of times — measuring the blow, and making Jenny think about what was coming.

Just then they heard footsteps coming down the hall, and then Lindsay’s voice approaching. “There’s nobody around at all,” she was saying as she came closer. “It’s weird.” What Jenny didn’t know was that, over the last few days, Lindsay and Hana had been indulging their appetites with various underclassman who had no choice but to comply. But today Lindsay’s fishing expedition had come up empty.

When she turned into the doorway and saw the scene before her, Lindsay froze. “Look who came to say hi,” said Hana.

“Well, well,” answered Lindsay. “Our favorite freshman.” Seeing the paddle in Hana’s hand, she asked, “What’s that?”

Hana held it up. “I found this in a box over there.”

“Give it to me,” ordered Lindsay, and Hana handed it over. Lindsay turned the paddle over in her hand and wobbled it in the air. “Hmm,” she murmured. “Well, seeing as how I actually belong to this sorority, I think I should get the first turn.”

Hana shrugged. “I can’t argue with that.”

Jenny quickly learned that although the paddle didn’t look like much, its thinness made it flexible, and it really cüce porno stung. She moaned into her ball-gag as Lindsay and Hana took turns punishing her. What made it worse was that she hadn’t actually done anything. When you knew you had done something wrong, punishment could be satisfying; this was just random.

Even so, Jenny found herself responding in the usual manner. Her pussy had already been wet, but now the liquid was streaming down her thighs. When the punishment was over, she experienced a feeling of relief bordering on ecstasy. She sat back on her haunches and closed her eyes, the pain of the spanking transmuting itself into a kind of warmth.

When she opened her eyes again, Hana was laying on the mattress naked with her legs spread wide. Her pink pussy was open and beckoning, and Jenny didn’t need to be told what to do; she spun around on her knees, bent down between the older girl’s legs, and began slurping away with gusto.

After a minute Jenny felt movement behind her, then her legs being kicked apart. She glanced over her shoulder to see Lindsay standing over her equipped with a long, upward-curving pink strap-on. She tried to relax as Lindsay sank down to one knee, grasped her by the hips, and plunged in.

Now Jenny found herself in the exact opposite of her position of a few days previously: Eating Hana’s pussy as Lindsay fucked her from behind. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was aware that Lindsay was violating ABD rules by using a strap-on; only seniors were supposed to have them. But at the moment she didn’t care. She was a creature of pure, wanton pleasure, reduced to nothing but her tongue and her cunt.

Next thing Jenny was aware of, she was laying with her head on Hana’s chest. Hana was stroking her hair and both of them were sweaty, sated, and a little drowsy. But Jenny’s work for the night was not done yet; soon she felt Lindsay’s hands gripping her shoulders and rolling her over onto her back. A few seconds later Lindsay’s warm, wet crotch descended onto her face and she obediently stuck out her tongue, pushing it up between the soft folds above her.

Hana took this opportunity to go down for a taste of Jenny’s pussy, which was every bit as delicious as she remembered. After a few tentative licks she found herself diving in with abandon, spreading Jenny’s legs wide, penetrating her with fingers and tongue, and lapping at her clit.

It was getting late by the time Jenny finally staggered back downstairs to her bed. She’d gotten everything she was looking for and then some, and had no problem slipping off to dreamland.

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