How I Found Love in Prison Ch. 10


It’s the final day, and I’m there to pick up my Jake from prison. I wait in eagerness as they process him. Gosh they are taking so long. What the hell is wrong, I thought. Eventually a guard comes up to be. “I’m sorry sir, but there’s been an incident.”

“What incident?!” I frantically reply.

Before he can respond, I run passed him to see my Jake. As I round the corner, I see the blood on the floor, doctors all over him, blocking everything except his lifeless legs…

And then I wake up, hot and flushed gasping for breath. What a horrific nightmare! Gosh, thank God it wasn’t real!

I got on my knees and prayed, and then it dawned upon me. Jake and I are not good people. We’ve done some terrible things, and rather than punishment, we’ve been rewarded with each other in prison. In the end, he’s still a thug, and I’m still a thief. After a life of crime and theft, we’d live rich and happy every after? That’s not how it works. That’s not right.

I need Jake out of that place right away, but justice is justice. It will never be for free.

I decided to look further. I looked back into the cases that Jake was guilty off. He traumatised many people’s lives in the past. Reading his record stoked the same fear in me that I had for him at my first night in prison. But I reminded myself where we’ve come and how we’ve changed for the better.

I decided to meet the families and people whose lives he had ruined, not disclosing my true relationship with him of course. I spoke to them all over a few weeks. They were gracious enough to meet Jake in prison. He apologized sincerely to them. With the money I had stolen, I compensated them for Jakes misdemeanours, paying his restitution. The rest of the money I kept safe, with the intention of eventually compensating everyone from whom I stole. I just wanted us to be clean, and safe, and put prison behind us.

With restitution paid, Jake no longer had to serve the remainder of his sentence. He was a free man! In two days I prepared for his release. I demanded he be held safely till I pick him up. I reached the prison to thankfully find him alive and well, and ready to depart with me.

It was an awkwardly long drive home. We glanced and smiled at each other, joked and laughed, trying to control ourselves and hide our passion for each other till we were safely home. To add to the difficulty, the weather was bitingly cold.

I brought my man home, cooked him a good dinner and we ate. We kissed occasionally, but still controlling ourselves. It was unspoken, but I think we both wanted to do things right. We both resisted the urge to grab at each other wildly.

He expected to get in the shower with me, but I declined. I showered first, got into my white gown and then called for him.

“Jake!” I called.

“Uhm, yes Daniel?” he replied. I hugged him deeply, grabbed his hand and rubbed it down my body.

“Take your time. Wash and dry yourself. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re out. Oh and put this on when you’re done. It’s cold baby, I don’t want you getting sick,” I said as I gave him a black gown. With Jake busy in the shower, I quickly got to prepping myself.

It’s different when one is with a man. When I dated women, I made sure I was crisp and clean of course. A lot of factors were non-existent however. I didn’t always care for being clean shaven. Women generally like a bit of stubble on a man. I had manly scents and certainly didn’t bother about having to be well scented. Lots of women like a man’s natural scent, I thought. And I certainly didn’t care about having a couple of hairs on my body or down there either. She aint going to be inspecting there either, I thought.

I didn’t think that the love of my life would be a man, and that too a man as loving as Jake. For him, I need to be clean everywhere, especially clean deep in my bum, and I certainly didn’t want Jake having to deal with any hair down there while he loves me. Being tongued down there is something I never imagined in my wildest dreams! Most people would think it gross. But that is what escort şişli my man lovingly does for me. I need to make myself good for him.

Prison had its restrictions. Surely I could make myself even more beautiful for my man out here in the world, I thought. I prepared in advance for my Jake even before picking him up. I removed all of my body hair. I left no square inch unaccounted for. The only hair I have, was on my head. I also took great care of my skin, moisturising often, and exfoliating closer to the day. Where appropriate I powdered myself to keep moisture down, and keep my skin smooth and milky. I even learned some basic make up just to cover any blemishes that arise, and make my lips just a little extra rosy for him. I quickly repeated all of this while he showered. I wanted to be beautiful for him.

Make no mistake, I’m not gender confused or anything. I’m happy in my body, happy being a guy and having guy tastes. But when with my Jake, submissiveness overcomes me. I love him taking charge of me, treating me well, making me feel safe. He’s the only man I’d ever love, the only man I was even attracted to. I desperately wanted to be perfect for him and submit to him.

As he continued showering, I got out and quickly got the room ready. I wanted our first time in freedom to be special.

As Jake walked out of the shower and dried up and put on the black gown I had bought him, he came into the bedroom to find me. I sat at the bed waiting for him, candles burning around us, white and red petals on our sheets.

“What’s all this?” Jake asked, smiling excitedly as he walked up to me.

“I want to do things right. I want it perfect, with my perfect love,” I replied. I kissed his hand and looked down modestly, my milky body ready for him, soft, well powdered and sweetly scented, blemishes covered, ready to be loved by this beastly, hairy, strong brute.

Jake stood and gently caressed me. He held my chin to point my face up to him. “You were always perfect.”

And he knelt down, got on his knees till his face was slightly lower than mine. He opened my gown and buried his brutish hairy face into my silky chest and neck, just holding me sweetly, gently. “Every day in prison without you, no matter how bad it got, no matter how beaten I got, I made sure I’d survive for you. All I thought of was you.”

He leaned up and kissed me, opening my legs to get closer and hold me. He felt my dick get hard for him. “Ah! Oh thank God! Ya know you’re looking so beautiful I got worried, maybe this little guy is not around anymore!” he teased as he grabbed it in his warm big hands.

“Hah!” I smiled sheepishly, “Well if you want that, then maybe. I know you’re more into women…”

“Don’t you ever! I love you as you are. I’ll never accept you changing like that for me,” Jake asserted very seriously. He held me tight and I wrapped my arms and legs around him, nearly covering his upper body in my gown. From beneath my gown I heard him. “Every square inch of you is sacred to me.”

I felt as if an electric current just shot through me. I pushed him away and climbed and backed myself onto our bed, laying on my gown. “I’m only sacred when you’re in me.”

He promptly followed me and got on top of me, his black gown covering me. I enjoyed his warmth in this cold weather. “Nothing has been in me since our last moments in our cell together. It might be a bit tight. Please…”

“I’ll be gentle my love,” he whispered in his gruff manly voice.

He suspended himself over me, kissing me deeply, sweetly all over my face and moving to my neck and ears. He wasn’t in me yet. His large hairy dick just dangled upon me, hot and hard. I grabbed it gently and massaged it as he kissed me. My sweet perfume contrasted well with his brutish smell.

“I love what you’ve done, but I’ll love you no less if you didn’t,” said Jake, appreciating my soft skin and sweet smell. I had one or two pimples on my face that I had covered up. As he kissed off whatever concealer I used, he made sure he kissed my pimples. escort nişantaşı I hugged him and forced him lower upon me, and felt his warm, heavy, hairy body, that reassuring firm weight that made me feel invincible whenever it enclosed me.

We were close, his face right in mine, our breaths embracing each other, our eyes locked on each other, down there his dick rubbing gently against mine. I reached and held our dicks tight together as he kissed me and caressed my ears, his big delicious tongue invading my soft lips, his saliva flowing into my mouth, his nose strongly breathing on my cheeks. He invaded me so completely, I had to turn away just get space to breathe. Yet all he did then, was invade my neck, pecking me, sucking my neck.

“Leave your mark on me,” I begged childishly as I pressed his head into my neck. He sucked and sucked my flesh into his mouth, nibbling hard. “Mark me Jake. I want all to see. Mark me good,” I pleaded. “Ah! Ah!” I groaned in pain. Jake would lighten up. “Keep going! Mark me good,” I asserted. It was a beautiful pain to me.

After he left a big red mark upon my milky neck, he moved lower, lifting my arms and kissing my smooth clean armpits, enjoying my rosy perfume. His breath upon it made me giggle like a little girl. Caressing one nipple, he suckled the other, his rough beard brushing my delicate skin. I just laid back, my head tilted back into the pillows, enjoying my man! He went lower and lower, kissing my tummy and belly button, tickling me sweetly, and occasionally pausing to gaze at me.

I was getting impatient and guilty. He was doing too much, I felt. I wanted to love him back. “Jake, get up here!” I commanded.

“What? Why?” He asked.

“You’re spoiling me too much. Now get up here!” I commanded again.

“That’s too bad,” he said cheekily. And he started licking my dick. He was as amazing as ever! He wrapped his arms around and up my back, moving them up and down to caress my waist. And he licked my throbbing dick and sucked the head of it. I laid back restlessly, going crazy.

“Baby you’re so beautiful down here. Where’s your hair? And you smell amazing!” he remarked. I scented myself down there as well. Jake was initially sceptical of how much I did to prepare myself for him, but seeing my silky soft, hairless dick and bum, well scented, it made his heart pound more. “I feel so guilty. I didn’t do much to prepare for you. Not like this.”

“You need no such thing! I told you, I love my hairy man!” I teased. Truly I did. Not just his hair, but everything, his roughness, his natural manly smell, he was to die for. And I didn’t even make him sweat yet! Mmmm!

The sight and scent of my crotch made him go crazy. He sucked and sucked me dutifully, obsessively, madly. I often sat up in excitement, unable to stand his electrifying love. He titled me up and teased my bum, kissing around my hole for the longest time, before tonguing me. He was so wild, French kissing my bum deeply, as wildly as he kissed my lips. My body got incredibly hot, my cheeks fiery red.

“For God’s sake get up here you beast!” I moaned desperately.

“Shh, now now, easy,” he teased, climbing back up atop of me. He was so calm and confident. I was already panting heavily, holding that instinctive sexual frown as I tried to regain myself.

“Freedom has made you cheeky, too cheeky for your own good,” Jake teased.

“I’m sorry,” I couldn’t think whether he was serious or not. I hope I didn’t ruin the romance.

“Haha,” he laughed dismissively. He hugged me deeply. “You’re so adorable baby. God, I missed you.”

I looked deep into his eyes. “Not as much as I missed you.” It’s not just sheer lust that made me impatient. It was just so long that I was with him, serving him, being devoted to him. After the nightmares I had of everything getting destroyed, I was incredibly stressed out. “It’ been too long Jake. Much too long. It’s been very difficult without you.”

Jake kissed me again, “I’m not going anywhere. We won’t be apart again.”

He escort mecidiyeköy kissed me deeply as I teared. He then got into position. He gazed at me as he pushed into me, slowly. He was gentle, pushing only slightly at first, getting me used to it. It’s been months since he was in me, and since I’ve been with him, I never went back to using dildos or anything else. To me, it was his domain and nothing else is allowed in it except him.

The head of his firm dick pushed at the lips of my bum, going ever deeper with each push, until the entire head was in. “Ahh! Ohh Jake!” I moaned silently, breathing heavily. It pained initially, but as he moved further in and began loving me with his whole shaft, the pain subsided surprising quickly. I was so proud of my body, never forgetting him. After so long, inside I was still moulded well for him, and I took him in easily.

I opened like a flower for him. My legs slowly and gently wrapped around him. Our gowns engulfed us and we were fully covered, sheltered from the cold, from any prying eyes, in sacred union. He moved slowly in me at first, romantically, kissing me as he moved. I was losing myself in his love with each thrust.

He moved harder and firmer, with hard vigour, moaning like a soft lion. Soft but deep moans. I went crazy as the head of his dick ravaged my sweet spot inside. His hard muscular torso glistened with sweat as he began to perspire. He lifted me with his incredible strength and I rode him in his lap, completely covered in our gowns, my silky smooth legs wrapped around his rough hairy body, his sweaty bum, his hairy legs outstretched. I love the adorable look on his face as he enjoys me. My sweet man!

With our first time my beast drowned me in his sweat until I smelt like him, but this time, our sweat combined, his manly scent and my rosy one combining to form a new scent. Our love had its own scent now. His hair caressed and tickled my soft skin as I rode him. We baked in our gowns, in the heat of the candles, despite the cold weather outside.

He got louder and so did I as we kept losing control. As I got tired, he rested me back down on my back and took charge, ravaging me harder, deeper, dominating me with his thuggish charm. I’m so glad he didn’t lose that! I dug my nails into him to force him in closer, deeper and deeper.

“Ah! Ahh! Ohhh Daniel! Ahhh!” my man roared as he gushed forth deep into me. I felt his deprivation, his pain and tears, his heartache for being apart for so long. He flooded me like never before. He collapsed upon me, my thick heavy iron man, his sweat gushing onto me and bathing me. Under our sheets and in our gowns, we had our own atmosphere of love to breathe in. He buried his head in my neck, breathing heavily upon me. I turned and kissed him as I felt my bum fill up with his seed. I felt his heat and his juices as I breathed in his scent. I kissed him and welcomed his tongue in my mouth. He invaded me in every way, his sweet tongue satiating me, his pungent sweat bathing me, his seed gushing forth into me, his brutish scent filling my lungs, his beastly groans ringing in my ears, his broad strong glistening body filling my sight, his strong arms gripping me. I’m so powerless and at his mercy, yet his seed made me feel honoured and sanctified. I’ve fulfilled my duty to him.

My dick was still hard while his was getting soft. Jake laid upon me, stroking it till I reached my limit in his big hands. As soon as he felt me shudder, he quickly got down and drank me as I erupted. In our depression for being apart, we did not even pleasure ourselves in all these months. We were so deprived of each other. My load was the biggest I ever gushed forth. It filled his mouth and he drank quickly. He kept sucking my dick until it became tiny. He then came up to rest with me, kissing softly, gently. I could taste my seed in his mouth. Our soft dicks squeezed against each other. We were so tired. My Jake then took me in his arms as we rested facing each other. I closed my bum as tightly as I could, keeping his loving sacred seed safely in me. He helped me and held my bum tightly closed. I felt so protected and safe and honoured. He made me feel so beautiful and sacred! My amazing man!

We gazed at each other till the candles burned out. No more nightmares, he is mine and we are free. At last we could sleep well together, in peace and beautiful love.

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