Kelsey’s World Ch. 06


Sharron woke feeling a bit numb from the manhattans. The big pitcher of them Bobby had mixed needed to be drunk, after all. After the wild, sweaty four-way with Kelsey and her parents, they sat around naked, sipping cocktails, talking about life and sex. Sharron had never done that with adults before. It felt so…civilized.

She lay in bed longer than she should. It was a work day, but she wanted to luxuriate in the soft sheets for a while, remembering Bobby’s hard cock inside her. She closed her eyes and nearly drifted off into the dream, but the morning light and the clock beside her bed conspired against her.

Coffee was the first order of business, but there was a dilemma. Clothes, or no clothes? What if she walked downstairs in the nude and the others were dressed? Would it matter? Had she gotten to the point where it didn’t matter, so soon?

When she swung her legs off the bed she felt it — her pussy felt gloriously used. She was sticky, and smelly, and badly needed a shower, but oh God how she needed some coffee! She stood up, a little wobbly, and went down to the kitchen.

“Morning, Honey,” Kay said brightly. Sharron was relieved, and excited, to see that everyone was nude. A goosebumpy tingle made her smile.

“Good morning all,” she said.

“Don’t forget you’ve got your lawyer at noon,” Kay said. “I’m so glad you’re getting things rolling so quickly.”

“Yes, me too,” Sharron said as she poured a cup of hot coffee. “You two are quiet,” she said, eyeing Kelsey and Bobby suspiciously. She hoped Bobby wasn’t having second thoughts about what had happened the night before.

“Daddy’s drinkies gave us headaches,” Kelsey said, her voice deeper than usual.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Sharron said. She walked over and kissed the tops of their heads.

“It’s not as bad as all that,” Bobby said. “It was a wonderful night.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” Kay said.

“Yes,” Sharron said. “It was.” She smiled brightly as she turned toward the refrigerator, glad the others couldn’t see the blissful look on her face. She wasn’t sure why she was hiding it. She was proud of herself, and what she’d done. She guessed she didn’t want them to think she was all goofy happy about it, even though she was. She poured a splash of milk in her coffee and joined them at the table.

“There’s an outdoor shower, over on the side of the barn,” Kay said. “If you ever want to use it.”

“Do I smell that bad?” Sharron asked, already sure that she did.

“Oh no, Honey! I didn’t mean that!” Kay said. “Just giving you the lay of the land, in case there’s a busy morning and you need to get moving. I use it after I garden sometimes, before I jump in the pool.”

“Okay,” Sharron nodded.

“Kelsey, what are you up to today, Honey?” Kay asked. “Wanna help me weed the vegetable garden?”

“Sorry, Mom, I won’t be around today,” Kelsey said. “I’m going to see an old friend.”

“Oh, okay,” Kay said, wondering who and where. It wasn’t like Kelsey to be secretive, but Kay didn’t want to pry.

The two showers in the house drained every bit of hot water as the four scrubbed away all the sticky sex from the night before. Sharron and Bobby dressed for work. Kay was kissing Bobby goodbye when Sharron came down the stairs.

“Give him a kiss, he’ll love it,” Kay said to her, smiling softly. “It’ll be like having two wives while you’re here.”

A nervous giggle slipped out of Sharron’s mouth. Sharing Kay’s husband so thoroughly wasn’t what she expected when she agreed to stay at the house, but she had to admit, if she was going to share a guy, Bobby would be the one. As their lips joined for a nice goodbye kiss she wondered about attachment. How do swingers deal with it? What happens if I really fall for this guy?

Half-an-hour later Kelsey was out the door, still being coy with her mother about where she was going. Her long, red hair was about to be cut off and donated to a charity that makes wigs for women with cancer. There were two reasons for the secrecy — she wanted to surprise everyone with her new look, and, she wasn’t sure how her mother would react to her desire for short hair. She and her mom had always shared the long-red-hair thing, for as long as Kelsey could remember. It was one of the reasons they looked so much alike. It just seemed easier to have it cut first and explain it later.

She drove into the city just before noon, parallel parking the red Jeep in front of Tucker’s studio like an old pro. She pushed the buzzer next to the yellow door and Tucker let her in.

“Kelsey, Baby!” he said, wishing he hadn’t said something that sounded like a Vegas huckster. “How are you?”

“I’m great, Tucker!” she said, giving him a big hug. “It’s so good to see you!”

“Jeez, you’d think you’d been gone a year or something,” he said, “but it’s been less than a month, right?”

“I know,” she said. “It feels so weird to be away from here. How’s everybody? You keepin’ busy?”

“Yeah, we’re doin’ good,” he said.

“Hi, Beautiful!” görükle escort Jamar said when he poked his head out of the editing room, his smile beaming bright. “Did you come to do a scene with me? We can do that, right boss?”

“Sorry, Honey,” she said. “I’ve got business to take care of.”

“You sure you wanna do this?” Tucker asked. “It’s pretty drastic.”

“Yup. I’m ready,” she said, fingering her hair like a security blanket. “Time for a new me.”

She looked at Jamar. He looked confused. She held two fingers up to her hair, like a pair of scissors. “Snip snip,” she said.

“Oh my God!” Jamar said. “Marsha’s gonna cut you?”

“Yup,” she said. “Shorty short short. Something that won’t tangle up while I’m driving my Jeep.”

“You got a Jeep?” Jamar said. He looked excited. “Show me!”

Kelsey took them outside and gave them the tour.

“It’s super cool. My friend Koop built it,” she said as she was showing it off.

“Sweet!” Jamar said. “There’s somethin’ about a hot girl in a Jeep, right boss?”

“Absolutely,” Tucker said. “Come on in, I’ve got just the accessory for you.”

They all went in to Tucker’s office. He rummaged through a desk drawer, and then another, finally pulling out his gift.

“Put this on the back, if you dare,” he said. He handed her a bumper sticker. Got Porn?

“Oh my God, I love it!” Kelsey shrieked.

“What’s all this racket in here?” Marsha said when she entered. She hugged Kelsey. “Hi Sweetheart.”

“Hi Marsha,” Kelsey said. “I sure do miss you guys.”

“We miss you too,” Marsha said. “It’s not the same around here without you.”

After some more chat Marsha ushered Kelsey into the dressing room and sat her in the barber chair. They’d already picked out a style, sending pictures back and forth by email over the past week. A pixie cut on the sides that was long and a little wild on top. It would be easy to manage, look good in a windblown Jeep, and in Marsha’s opinion, look sexy as hell on a petite girl with a body like Kelsey’s. They’d find out if she was right in an hour or so.

Kelsey gasped and they both giggled when the first big cuts were made — twenty-inch-long hunks of silky cinnamon-red hair.

“Oh my God, I just wanna roll around in it!” Marsha said. “Can you imagine what a great tickle stick you could make with this stuff? Maybe I’ll keep a little. Me and Lizzie can use it on Tucker.”

Kelsey giggled, but seeing the carnage in the mirror was a bit overwhelming. She trusted Marsha, so she closed her eyes and let the expert work. She snuck a peek every once in a while, watching the sculpture take shape.

Nearly done — a little gel and a quick blow dry. Some fingers to muss it up. Kelsey was truly a new woman.

“Oh. My. God!” she said, looking at the finished product in the mirror with Marsha smiling behind her. “I love it! I fuckin’ love it!”

“That looks wicked cute on you,” Marsha said.

“I’m kinda freakin’ out here,” Kelsey said, stunned, shocked, amazed and thrilled at the huge transformation. “This is fuckin’ wild! Feel my pulse,” she said, offering her arm to Marsha.

“Deep breaths,” Marsha chuckled. “It’ll take some getting used to.”

“My mother’s gonna shit her pants,” Kelsey said, her eyes still riveted to the new look in the mirror.

“You really didn’t tell her?” Marsha asked.

‘Nope,” Kelsey said. “Shit. Her. Pants!”

Kelsey arrived back in her hometown about an hour before Bobby and Sharron were due home from work. She wanted to surprise her mom, so she drove as slowly as she could on the gravel driveway, trying to keep the Jeep’s big tires as quiet as possible. She walked in the house and let the screen door slam behind her, the way it usually does.

“Is that you, Honey?” Kay yelled from the kitchen.

“Yup,” Kelsey yelled. “Tucker and Marsha say hi.”

“Tucker and Marsha?” Kay asked as she walked around the corner. “Did you go…”

Kay froze in the doorway, her eyes darting all over her daughter, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Kelsey smiled.

“Kelsey! What did you do?” Kay shrieked. Her mouth dropped open and words flowed out at a pitch pretty close to a dog whistle. “Ohhh my Godddd!”

“I told Marsha you were gonna shit your pants,” Kelsey laughed.

“I think I did a little!” Kay squealed. “You little shit! Why didn’t you tell me you were gonna do this? It looks so fucking cute I can’t believe it! Marsha cut it?”

“Yup. I’ve been wanting to for a while, but the wind in the Jeep finally made up my mind. You really like it? I thought you might be mad.”

“Oh, Honey! Why would I be mad?” Kay said, fingering the new cut. “Wow, it’s so soft. God, it’s sexy as hell, isn’t it?”

“We donated what she cut off to the cancer wig place.”

“Oh, how nice!” Kay said. “How are Tucker and Marsha? Still a happy couple, I hope.”

“Still a happy trio. Liz’s still with them. I didn’t see her though.”

“That’s nice. Did you orhangazi escort see anybody else?”

“Just Jamar. He wanted to fire up the cameras and do a scene with me.”

“I’m not surprised, with this sexy doo,” Kay said, fingering the soft hair again.

“That was before I got it cut,” Kelsey said, “But afterward, yeah, he liked it too.”

“You know, the shape of your head is so nice,” Kay said. “And I think it makes your tits look bigger too. Maybe I should cut mine.”

“Yeah, like we need bigger tits, Mom,” Kelsey chuckled.

“No really, it’s like your whole body looks different without all that emphasis on your hair. It’s the perfect cut for you. I really like it.”

“Me too,” Kelsey said.

She spent the next two days happily shocking people. Her female friends screamed, and her male friends all got a ‘Holy shit, you look so fuckin’ hot!’ look in their eyes. The haircut was a success, especially in the Jeep, at speed, with the wind whipping about.

One of her final stops to show off her new look was Koop’s Crawlers. She didn’t wear her usual bikini, opting instead for a ‘garage girl’ look — skin-tight little stretch shorts that looked like faded cut-off jeans, and a white, sleeveless tank top that looked like a man’s undershirt, cut off with scissors a few inches above her bellybutton. She hung a red bandana out of her back pocket, the way Koop and Happy did with their shop rags. Little black ankle boots completed the look, giving her small frame a two inch lift.

She fingered her hair into place when she arrived, smiling back at herself in the rear-view mirror. She loved how easy the new cut was to deal with. Just before walking into the shop she pinched her nipples and watched them grow under the tight little shirt. She wanted the boys to get the full effect of her sexy new look.

“Hi guys!” she said brightly when she walked in.

“I thought I saw something red pull in,” Koop said. He still didn’t know how to greet the gorgeous young woman. She’d blown him and fucked him, but she still didn’t seem real. The added sexiness of her new haircut shocked him a little too.

“Hi, Kelsey,” Happy said, looking over her outfit. “You comin’ to work for us?”

Kelsey giggled, sticking her ass out to the side to give the guys a better view of her ‘shop rag’. “You like?”

“I like it just fine,” Happy said. Kelsey was glad to see him smiling. “You got a big-time haircut, young lady,” he said.

“Yup. What do you think of it? Better from the back?…” she asked as she turned, sticking her little ass out below an arched back, “…or the front?” She turned back toward the men, getting a little tingle as her nipples hardened up firm again.

“I’d say that’s a fifty/fifty vote,” Happy said, still smiling.

Kelsey loved his smile, with the crinkles around his eyes and the lines on his face. She had a powerful desire to fuck him. She was pretty sure it’d be good for his morale — his overall vibe told her he hadn’t been with a woman since his wife had passed away — but she didn’t want to confuse things, what with Koop still being confused and all. The little idea that she’d had a few days before about getting Koop and Happy to one her mom and dad’s swinger parties bounced back into her head. Everybody’d have fun, Happy and Sharron would hook up, and all would live happily ever after. It would take some doing to make it happen, but Kelsey liked the idea. She thought opening up a dialog about sex might be a good way in.

“Did anybody say anything about my pictures yet?” she asked.

“I haven’t heard anything directly yet, but website traffic went up…what was it? Four-hundred percent?” Koop asked Happy.

“Yup,” Happy said. The smile hadn’t left his face since Kelsey got there.


“It goes up higher every day,” Koop said. “A friend of mine called me. He said there’s some talk about it on one of the Jeep forums. I guess you’ve been recognized.”

“I kinda thought that might happen,” Kelsey said. “Is it okay?”

“It’s okay with me,” Koop smiled.

“Did you guys check out the Tucker’s Studio website and see my work?” she asked. Neither man responded, but Kelsey could see in their eyes that they had. “It’s cool you guys. You can tell me. I’m proud of it.”

“Well, you’re sure as hell good at it,” Happy said.

“Tucker said I was a natural,” Kelsey said.

“Yup,” Happy said, glancing at the big, braless tits under the little white shirt.

“Not that, silly!” Kelsey smiled. “I am, though,” she said, giving her globes a playful squeeze.

“So all them amateur women on there, are they…really?” Happy asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Kelsey said. “Totally for real. I met some of them, and watched some of their scenes. It’s super hot. A lot of ’em haven’t had much goin’ on, and when they get with a real porn guy, it’s like, killer hot. Me and the girls wanted Tucker to bring in some amateur guys, but he always said it wouldn’t work out. To many softies mudanya escort when the cameras get rolling, I guess. I doubt if you guys’d have that problem, would you?”

Kelsey winked and smiled at the men. They didn’t know how to answer that one. Koop was blushing and Happy clammed up. Kelsey didn’t want to push things too far all at once, so she backed off, pleased that she’d gotten some sex talk out in the open. It all made her horny though, as it usually did. The logical thing was to get Koop’s pants down again.

“So, I was hoping you could drive my truck,” she said to Koop. “I’ve been hearing a noise. Maybe, like, the brakes or something?”

“Oh. Sure,” Koop said, happy to help her out after all the free advertising she’d given him.

He wiped his hands off on a rag. Kelsey was glad he didn’t wash them clean. They were stained dark from the greasy parts he’d been working on, with black dirt under his fingernails and all around his cuticles. She couldn’t wait to have the sexy things all over her tits. He slipped off his coveralls, but the clothes underneath weren’t much cleaner. Kelsey smiled.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Ready,” she said. “Bye, Happy. Keep smilin’ Honey.”

“Bye, Kelsey,” Happy said. He thought it was odd she was saying goodbye if they were coming back to work on her Jeep. It looked to him like she just wanted to get Koop out of there for a little fun. The fact that Koop hadn’t caught on yet made him smile even wider. “Lucky bastard,” he muttered to himself when he turned back to his work.

Kelsey didn’t offer Koop the chance to drive. She wanted to kidnap him, and thought it’d be easier if she was at the wheel, so she climbed in the driver’s side and they pulled out onto the road.

“It only does it once in a while,” she said, when all was sounding normal. “You got a little time?”

“For you I do,” he said, thinking about how the website was booming with Kelsey’s pictures on it.

She circled north, far from town, staying on the country roads she liked.

“I’m not hearin’ it anymore,” she said. “Do brake noises do that?”

“Sure, they can just go away. Sometimes you get a little piece of grit up inside your pad, or the caliper hangs up a little.”

“Good, well that saves you the trouble then,” she said.

She slowed suddenly and cranked the wheel, turning into the ghost of a driveway at the old abandoned barn she liked. Koop thought she was turning around, but she followed her previous tracks through the tall dry grass and came to a stop behind the crumbling old building. “Wanna fuck a little?” she asked, looking cuter than anyone should have a right to.

“Jesus, Kelsey, why are you interested in an old guy like me?” Koop asked.

“I like you guys. What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothin’. You’re just a…breath of fresh air, that’s all. Yeah, I wanna fuck a little.”

“Oh goodie!” she said, sounding just like her mother.

Kelsey rolled out a new camping pad on the dirt. Koop chuckled. “You do this often?” he asked.

“Just enough to keep good at it,” she said as she pulled her little shirt off. Her big tits jostled back into position, looking spectacular and even more nipply that Koop remembered. “Maybe a little more than that. I kinda love it.”

She didn’t give Koop time to respond. She reached for the back of his neck, pulled his head down to hers and kissed him. Her other hand went to his crotch and found an already hard lump.

It was their first kiss and Kelsey liked it. The other day in the shop was just a quick blowjob and a bent-over-the-desk fuck that didn’t last too long. As her tongue devoured the inside of Koop’s mouth she hoped for a longer session behind the old barn.

“Strip, Honey,” she said, teasing his lips with hers. “We’re gonna fuck right this time.”

She squatted and untied his greasy work boots while he took off his shirt. Koop knew it was nutty to take off all his clothes just a hundred feet from the road, but it was a private spot due to the orientation of the barn and a thick clump of sumac trees. Kelsey smiled when his shirt came off, thrilled to see more tattoos on his shoulders and pecs, frosted with some graying chest hair. She unhooked his pants, pulling them down with some urgency. Koop turned her on something fierce.

His hard cock went between her lips and her hands went to his ass, pulling him into her suctioning mouth, deeper and deeper, right into her throat. Kelsey was burning with desire in a way she hadn’t felt in a while. Koop smelled like the garage, like grease, and rust, and burning metal. He smelled like the sweat of a real man. She looked at his tattooed arms, thought about the dirty hands holding her head, and listened to Koop’s beautiful groans when he was deep in her throat. Her hand went to her pussy. She touched her clit once…twice…a few times more and she came. An astonishing, quick, fire breathing orgasm, her body convulsing as she gagged on Koop’s cock. It was all too much for him. Just as her orgasm started to fade he gushed in her mouth. She pulled her head back so she could see it, wide eyed and open mouthed. A splatter hit her on the chin, and another landed on her tongue. She devoured the throbbing shaft again and Koop groaned, loud enough to scare away the barn swallows.

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