Mable’s Breasts Pt. 05


Mable smiled as she took my hand and led me to her bathroom. She opened the sliding door of her walk-in shower and turned on the water, leaning in to test the temperature until she was satisfied.

She stepped out of her black, patent-leather pumps and it suddenly struck me that she had been wearing them the entire time we had been making love in the living room. On a scale of one-to-ten of eroticism, that was, for me, a resounding eleven.

As soon as we stepped into the shower and the deliciously warm water began to cascade over our bodies, she took me in her arms and kissed me passionately. We spent a long time lathering one another as we continued to kiss and caress.

I became instantly erect under the tender touch of her soapy hands as she stroked me and cradled my balls tenderly in the palm of her hand.

I lovingly lathered every inch of her incredible body, taking the time to savor every plush and sensual curve of her, from the incredibly smooth sensuality of her shaved labia and the beautiful warmth between her buttocks cheeks to the soft rise of her belly beneath her navel and every single millimeter of her incredible breasts.

I loved the exquisite sensation of our lathered bodies pressed together sensually as we kissed and was forced to pull away on more than one occasion before I lost myself to an orgasm, wanting to wait until we went to bed.

After toweling ourselves dry, Mable led me to her bedroom, where I noticed she had also taken great care to create another romantic setting. The bed was turned down, the lighting greatly subdued and, at my request, the sensual sounds of Gerry Mulligan playing softly in the background.

I set the alarm on my phone to make sure I would be up in time to make it home before my Mom called out the national guard, and we slipped beneath the black satin sheets Mable had selected for the occasion.

We made love only one more time that night, and it was a thing of perfection. We made love very slowly and lovingly, lying side by side facing one another as we kissed and caressed, teasing each other as our bodies moved together sensually. When she was ready, she raised her leg along my side and guided me to her vagina. We continued to kiss and caress lying side by side, teasing each other with little movements of our hips until, in one frantically passionate rush, we thrust together vigorously and came simultaneously.

As we lie in one another’s arms, her head on my shoulder, I kissed her forehead and whispered, “I love you, Mable.” She raised her face and kissed my lips, “Oh, Jimmy, I love you so much.” With that, we snuggled together and drifted off to a night of truly blissful sleep.

The next morning, as my alarm woke us, I smiled to see that neither of us had moved at all while we slept and were still wrapped warmly in each other’s arms.

Mable rose with me, making us each a quick cup of coffee as I dressed and packed away my laptop. We sat on the sofa, she once again in her black robe, as the light of dawn brightened her curtains, and we sipped our coffees and just smiled at one another while holding hands.

Glancing at the time, I shrugged regrettably as I knew I had to leave. Mable smiled sadly and led me to the door, taking me in her arms and kissing me one last time.

Walking down the stairs from her apartment, everything around me seemed somehow surreal in the false light of dawn. I was momentarily tempted to do my best Leonardo DiCaprio imitation, lean over the stairway railing and throw my arms out to scream at the top of my lungs, “Mable Loves Me! I’m On Top Of The World!” But, only smiled broadly at the thought of waking her neighborhood like some kind of banty rooster.

To my surprise, Mom was up and around when I got home and making breakfast. She greeted me with a hug, “I’ve got bacon and eggs happening if you’re still hungry,” she smiled.

My stomach growled as I smelled the bacon cooking, “Oh, yeah,” I said. “We didn’t go out for anything to eat this morning, so I’m starving.”

“So?” Said Mom, once we were seated at the kitchen table, “How did your night go?”

I was completely unable to keep from smiling broadly, “It was amazing,” I answered in complete honesty as I shoveled in the bacon and eggs. “We were really good together last night.”

I helped her clear the table and then, as I always did previously after over-night gaming occasions, excused myself to get some sleep.

Instead of sleeping through, I browsed the Internet for Gerry Mulligan and Coleman Hawkins recordings, smiling to myself as I busily downloaded several albums of each artist onto my laptop.

Then, with headphones on, I lay back on my pillow and just listened to the way each artist seemed to make his instrument weave a mournful tale of lost love or one of swelling passion. This whole genre was entirely new to me and it excited me to find a whole new listening pleasure.

Somewhere along the way, I must have drifted off because my telephone jangled me awake. I glanced at the clock mecidiyeköy escort to see it was nearly 2 pm and that I had likely slept for at least two hours.

“Hey, man,” said John when I answered.

“Hey back,” I returned. “What’s up? How did it all go last night?”

He laughed, “I was about to ask you the same question, my man.”

“I’m seriously hoping that’s not why you just called,” I said, suppressing another laugh.

“No, man. My headset took a dump right in the middle of the Freehold dungeon last night and we almost wiped because of it.”

“Ouch,” I said. “Did you guys make it through?”

“Yeah, we managed to pull it off…no thanks to you, by the way,” he added with a laugh.

“Ooh…twist that knife,” I said with a grin.

“Anyway, I gotta make a BestBuy run for a new headset. Want to come with me? I’ll treat you at Starbucks.”

I smiled, I didn’t really want to, but figured after blowing him off the night before I had better attempt to make amends somehow. “Sure,” I said. “You going now?”

“Yep,” he responded. “Come on over and we’ll go from here.”

I trotted downstairs to find Mom at the kitchen table on her laptop. As I entered, her eyes widened in surprise and she quickly closed her laptop. I thought it odd, but said nothing, half wondering if maybe I had caught her looking at porn or something.

“John just called and wants me to go with him to BestBuy to buy a new headset,” I said. “His crapped out last night in the middle of a dungeon and we almost wiped out because of it.” I smiled at the mix of fact and fiction I had created.

“Oh, okay,” she responded. “Will you be gone long then?”

I shook my head, “Only a couple of hours maybe.” I waved goodbye and left the house, smiling to myself and wondering if she had hopped back onto whatever website she had been on when I had surprised her.

John was waiting for me on his front porch, his eyes looking red and tired from the lack of good sleep, and we set off toward BestBuy.

As we meandered through the store, heading for the electronics section, we happened to pass by the women’s clothing, shoes, and lingerie sections.

“Well, hello there,” said a voice from women’s lingerie. I turned and my eyes widened in surprise.

“Eleanor!” I smiled, “Hello.” She was standing beside a rack of racy-looking teddies, holding one up by its hanger in front of her while she studied her reflection in the nearby full-length mirror. She looked very nice with her hair combed back into a soft ponytail, making her look much younger than her years. She wore a black, sleeveless wide-legged romper with what looked to be six-inch stiletto heels. The dark color contrasted dramatically with her creamy white complexion and her bare legs looked astonishing in those high heels.

“Are you two out shopping for lingerie too?” she said with a smile, looking from me to John.

John and I laughed and shook our heads. “Just passing through,” I remarked. “We’re headed for the electronics section.”

“And…who’s your handsome friend?” She asked, tossing aside the teddy she had been holding and approaching us. She shifted her attention to John and batting her lashes flirtatiously as she looked him up and down.

John had been staring in abject admiration and I nudged him with my elbow to get his attention. “John!” I said, “Put your tongue back in your mouth and say hello to Eleanor. Eleanor, this is my friend, John.”

Eleanor stepped up to John and offered her hand, which John took in his, smiling self-consciously.

“A pleasure to meet you, John,” beamed Eleanor, her voice like warm honey as I watched a flush begin to rise on John’s neck,

“Eleanor’s actually one of my new computer clients,” I added in explanation.

“Is that all I am to you?” Said Eleanor, pouting theatrically as she turned to me and gave me a playful slap on my chest. “And after all we’ve been through together,” she added, shaking her head with mock sadness. I knew she was being facetious, and I smiled in return, but the look of astonishment on John’s face told me he knew nothing of the kind.

She laughed and leaned in to kiss me lightly on my cheek. “See you later,” she said with a flirty smile. “And, nice to meet you, John.”

John stammered something in return and I almost had to pull him away from Eleanor, who stood there and wiggled her fingers at us as we departed.

“Holy fucking shit!” John hissed into my ear, leaning in close. “That is one freakin’, totally off-the-chain hot woman. Man…I’d do her in a hot second. Let me know if you ever need any help working on HER computer…I’d even do it for free too.”

He stopped dead and grabbed my arm just as we reached the electronics section. “Holy shit…wait a second,” he said, his eyes wide as he pulled me to face him. “Was she the one you boinked last night? She WAS, wasn’t she!” He exclaimed gesticulating wildly with a wide grin. He leaned in close, his face only inches from mine and lowered his voice. “Tell me şişli escort the truth,” he said. “She’s the one you slept with, isn’t she?”

I shook my head and laughed, making a rude sound emulating Beulah the Buzzer from the old daytime game shows, “NO!” I cried in my best announcer fashion, “But THANK YOU for playing…we do have some lovely parting gifts for you, however.”

John frowned. “Sorry man,” I said, “it wasn’t her. But she sure seemed to be flirting with you, though.”

“I kinda thought so too,” he said with a smile, looking back over his shoulder to try to see her again. “Maybe I really should go with you the next time you do some computer work for her,” he suggested with a salacious smile as he wiggled his eyebrows.

As we neared the area in electronics we were looking for, he suddenly stopped. He furrowed his brow and pursed his lips thoughtfully. “So…if it wasn’t her, then who was it you made it with? You were going to tell me all about it, remember?”

I realized my mistake too late and groaned inwardly. I would have been completely scott-free if I had just told him I had slept with Eleanor. He would have cheerfully taken me at my word and never broached the subject again. But, no…I had to open my big fucking mouth and unleash his insatiable curiosity once more.

I managed to distract him with the headset mics. He selected the same make and model as the one he currently used, even if it was a shitty brand, saying he preferred the way it felt when he wore it as opposed to other models. He made his purchase and we left the store. I breathed a sigh of relief that we did not run into Eleanor again, I was hoping to keep his mind occupied elsewhere.

We stopped into Starbucks, located in the same shopping plaza and sat down with a couple of lattes. Moments later, John leaned over the table toward me. “So…come on, dude. Inquiring minds are dying to know who you made it with.” He raised his right hand solemnly, ” And, I swear on my mother’s grave, I’ll never tell another soul.”

I laughed, “Ooh, that sounds really sincere,” I said sarcastically. “Especially when your mother’s not deceased.”

He shrugged, “Details…details,” he responded with a smile. “Okay, then…at least just tell me this,” he continued, leaning forward once more. “If you told me her name, would I know who she was?”

I bit my lip thoughtfully, hating myself for allowing him to suck me into his vortex of questions. He raised an eyebrow questioningly and I nodded affirmatively. He was, in complete honesty, one of my very best friends and, in that spirit of complete honesty, I was also bursting at the seams to brag on my one and only sexual conquest.

John smacked the table with the flat of his hand, “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He paused, looking thoughtful for a moment, “So, I would know her name and it’s one of your new computer clients, right?”

Again, I nodded, almost beginning to enjoy the little cat and mouse guessing game.

“But…wait…” He said, leaning back in his chair and furrowing his brow thoughtfully. “How can that be? Because other than that hottie we just met in BestBuy, I don’t know any other women you do computer work for except…” His eyes widened and his mouth opened to form a perfect “O” as he leaned back in his chair and smacked his forehead. “Mable!” He gasped, “It’s fucking Mable, isn’t it?”

“Jesus, man,” I said, looking around us and lowering my voice, “Maybe you should speak a little louder. I don’t think they quite heard you out in the parking lot.”

He leaned forward with a huge smile. “Holy fuck, my man…you actually fucked Mable? For real?” When I nodded once again, he grinned and held up his hand for a high-five and, almost reluctantly, I slapped his hand. “So…” He leaned in again, thankfully keeping his voice low. “How was it? How was SHE? Oh, man…and her with those big boobies too. Man, you totally rock. You’re my hero.”

I shook my head and laughed, “A gentleman never tells,” I said.

“Yeah…right,” He smirked, “the chances of either of us being gentlemen are slim and none…and slim just left town. Did you spend the entire night at her place?”

I nodded, thinking that to shut him up I had to offer at least a few details.

“Ooh,” he groaned, “the entire NIGHT. How many times did you guys do it? Gotta be a lot more than just once or twice, right? I mean, you were with her all night long.”

“Okay, look,” I said, leaning forward and hoping to quell the plethora of questions I knew he was bound to ask. “I’m not going to give you a detailed chapter and verse about everything that happened between me and Mable last night, so you might as well quit asking. I spent the night with her, and we had a really great night together. We had sex, and we did it more than once, okay? And that’s all I’m ever going to say about it, so you might as well quit asking.”

John smiled and nodded, leaning back in his chair. “Sure, yeah, I get it,” he said, sipping his latte thoughtfully. Suddenly, he leaned forward taksim escort again. “Did she give you a blow job?”

I sighed and laughed in spite of myself as I shook my head, holding up my hand. “I meant it, John, that’s all you’re going to ever get from me about last night, so quit asking.”

He leaned back and shrugged, “Hey,” he said, “you don’t have to tell me to shut up. I know when to be quiet. I’m not one to keep running my mouth with questions. I know how to be silent. I know when I’m talking too much, and I know how to turn it off. I won’t keep asking questions. I’ll be quiet.”

We both burst out laughing at his goofy monologue and, thankfully, the subject was changed, and we lapsed into World of Warcraft mode while we finished our coffees. Preparing to leave, I looked meaningfully into his eyes, “Listen, man. Everything I just told you was only for you and in complete confidence.”

John nodded, “Of course, man. I won’t say a word to anybody.”

Walking home, John looked over at me. “I’m curious about something,” he said. “Listen…I respect that you want to keep things private about your night with Mable, but…what’s going to happen now? I mean, you know…is that it for you guys, a one-night kind of hump and dump? Or…is there more to it? Are you two going to be a thing now?”

Fuck. Leave it to John to cut right through the bullshit and get to the heart of the matter. While I wanted to shout it from the rooftops that I was so head-over-heels in love with Mable I couldn’t even think straight, I just didn’t feel it was right to take him THAT much into my confidence just yet, especially when Mable wanted to keep our relationship quiet for a while. I had probably told John too much already.

“A thing?” I countered, wanting to quell any rumors John might be inclined to spread on my behalf. “How on earth could Mable and I ever be a thing, man? I mean, just think about it, she’s probably as old as my Mom, for fuck sake. Listen, it happened, okay? We both had a really nice time together, and yes, it was amazing. Hell, maybe we might even do it again sometime. But, I mean, when you look at the difference in our ages, it’s kind of bizarre to imagine we’d ever end up as some sort of a couple. Don’t you think?”

“Yeah…I guess so, sure,” he said with a doubtful nod. “It’s the whole age thing…Sure, I GET that. But, still…I don’t know, man. I mean, if it was ME, I’m not all that sure I’d feel the same way about it.”

“What are you saying, man? You’d be perfectly all right with it?” I queried, very curious as to what his answer might be.

“Look,” he said, pursing his lips thoughtfully. “Check us out. Here we are, both of us about to graduate, and just look at where we’re at. We’re not exactly setting the world on fire when it comes to the opposite sex, are we? Shit, man, we go to the school dances to check out the girls and end up standing around in the back of the room talking about movies and computer games with a bunch of other losers. Girls look at us and roll their eyes, man.” He shrugged his shoulders, “Hell, I don’t even blame them. When it comes to girls, you and I are card-carrying losers.”

“So? What’s your point?”

“Okay…” He continued, warming to the subject. “So, along comes this woman named Mable. An older woman, for sure…but still, a for-real, goddamn sexy woman, right? A woman that actually appreciates your geekiness enough to go out of her way to help you start a computer business AND even find you work. A woman who also actually LIKES you well enough to want to sleep with you and fuck your brains out. I don’t know, man. But I think if I was you…I’d keep driving that fucking bus until the god-damn wheels fell off. And personally, I wouldn’t give two shits about what anybody else thought about it either.”

I laughed aloud to hear him give voice to the very same sentiments I had expressed to Mable last night, and my heart soared. It sounded as though he was even a little envious of my relationship with Mable.

“You know,” I said, slapping him on the back. “For a geeky nerd, you sometimes come out with some rather profound insights. Hey, and not for nothin’ but, if you’re seriously looking for an older woman who might want to boink YOUR brains out, I’d be happy to put in a good word for you with Eleanor.”

John laughed, “Damn, man…she sure was hot,” he said with a wistful smile. “But…I don’t know…hot in kind of a sleazy way, though. You know what I mean? Sleazy in a way that almost puts me off about her. Nothing at all like the kind of hotness somebody like your Mom has. Know what I’m saying? The kind of woman that’s totally hot, but doesn’t have to work at it.”

I looked at him and smiled, assuming at first that he was trying to be funny. But he was not smiling at all.

“You kind of have a thing for my Mom, don’t you?” I asked, smiling teasingly.

“You’re kidding, right? Shit, man…every guy I know has a thing for your Mom. They’re just too embarrassed to ever say anything about in front of you. And, as long as we’re on the subject, just between you and me, your Mom actually makes your friend Eleanor look like a cheap piece of shit. Your Mom’s like a sexier version of Christie Brinkley, only a lot prettier.”

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