Martha, June and Me


Early in our marriage, Martha and I both had good jobs and no kids, so we had money to spare. We bought a big house out in the sticks and gave lots of parties. After one particularly drunken night the two of us ended up at the end of the evening sprawled on the floor with our drinks in front of the fire. The only other person left was one of her friends from school. June was a stunner. Martha had only renewed contact when she tracked her down for the wedding. She was delighted to find she had recently moved back to her home town.

It seemed that at school and university the pair were real hell-raisers. I could believe that seeing June in action. Almost six feet tall before she put on her spike heels, she had the figure of a gymnast, well muscled with tight buttocks, flat stomach and pert breasts. She knew she looked good and dressed to show it. On that night she was in a very tight short skirt and a low cut blouse. I could see through the loose fabric and knew she had no bra. Almost every time I saw her she had on equally provocative clothing, which covered but hid nothing. Watching her dance was quite an experience. Dancing with her was unforgettable. More than once she had pulled me up to dance and left me exhausted by her sheer energy and aroused by her sensual grace. I have seen other men quickly excuse themselves from a dance so that they could adjust their clothing to hide highly visible erections. June of course knew exactly what she was doing and took great delight in the effect she had. Wives and girlfriends were less happy, although some were amused by their partner’s discomfort, especially those dragged from the room a few minutes later for a robust quickie in a quiet corner. Others saw her, and frequently described her, as a lowlife tramp. Such people were not invited to our parties again if Martha had anything to do with it.

At work she had a similar impact, although she wasn’t quite so outrageously dressed. Normally she wore a trouser suit. Had you seen it on a hanger, it would have looked suitable for a man, but once she was wearing it, any thought of masculinity, other than your own, vanished. The jacket would emphasise her slim waist then flare out over her broad hips. It was almost always cut short, emphasising her hard firm backside, each cheek clearly defined by tight fitting trousers. Typically she wore the jacket buttoned, fastening just below her breasts. I could never see a bra, but somehow the breasts would be uplifted, making them even more magnificent, with a deep cleavage.

Meeting her for coffee in town was always fun. When she walked in every man’s eyes would follow her across the room as if magnetised, and not a few women too. She simply oozed sexuality from every pore. She knew it but would blithely ignore all the looks and stride over to me, bending forward to hold my head in one hand before kissing me on the cheek, flashing her cleavage at me as if by accident, but we both knew better. I could feel every eye on me then, radiating sheer hatred that I was the one with her, the one she touched.

On this evening we lay sprawled on the floor with our drinks, staring into the fire. The party had finished long ago, but we were comfortable and still had that pleasant buzz that comes from just enough alcohol, taken at just the right interval. I was especially relaxed, with Martha on one side and June on the other, their heads leaning against my shoulder. Whichever way I looked I saw a sexy woman. From my angle I had a splendid view of June’s breasts, standing firm without any sign of sagging. Looking the other way I had a similar view of Martha’s, slightly larger but softer and fuller. June’s skirt had slid up, so that almost her full length of leg was exposed. I could just see the briefest sign of her panties. Martha had on a long soft summery dress, very sheer and by a trick of the light I could see her long firm legs through the soft fabric, again with the tiny triangle of her panties visible. I could have sat there all night, my arms around these glorious women but the music stopped. Neither of them made any move, then Martha nudged me to change the CD. Reluctantly I got up, and moved to the CD player. I turned round to ask what they wanted and saw that the two of them had shuffled up leaving me no room. They lay back against the sofa, arms around each other, Martha resting her head on June’s shoulder with her eyes closed. I left them to it and put on something soft and smooth.

As I turned back I saw that Martha was idly playing Ankara bayan escort with the fabric of June’s blouse. It had come out from her skirt and rumpled up exposing her firm flat midriff.

“Oh my God,” said Martha suddenly, “you’ve got a belly button ring. Let me see, let me see.”

“That’s not all,” giggled June. “I have other piercings too.”

“Show me, show me.” June unbuttoned her blouse and took it off altogether, to reveal that her left nipple had also been pierced.

“I also have one here,” she said, pointing to her crotch.

Martha’s eyes widened. “What? I have to see that. Didn’t it hurt?”

June looked over to me, still holding the CD case in my hand, open mouthed, then at Martha. “Are you sure?” she said. Martha nodded excitedly, her lips parted and slightly engorged, her breath coming quickly and her nostrils flaring.

“What about you?” said June, looking at me. I simply spread my hands and shrugged before pointing at Martha. “It’s her call.” There was no way I was going say no to this gorgeous creature stripping off in front of me.

June stood up and dropped her skirt to the floor, before stepping out of the tiniest pair of briefs I had ever seen. She turned to face us, revealing her neatly trimmed pubic hair before gently spreading the lips of her pussy and exposing a ring through the hood of her clitoris and two others through the labia.

I winced, but Martha sat up with fascination.

“Can I touch?” she said, her voice husky. I recognised that tone, it meant she was highly aroused. June simply nodded, breathing harshly. Martha knelt in front of her. Neither of them were looking at me, June was watching Martha intensely while Martha had her whole attention on the rings in June’s pussy lips.

June sat down on the sofa, legs spread wide. Martha reached out and gently twisted June’s nipple ring. June cupped one of Martha’s breasts in her hand and tweaked the nipple. Martha’s nipples were very sensitive and doing that normally moved her very quickly into high gear so I was surprised and not a little turned on to see the same thing happen when a woman did it. Martha moved closer, looking up into June’s face then drew it down towards her and kissed her deeply.

The two pulled apart again, breathing hard. Martha sat back on her heels and gently parted June’s pussy lips before leaning forward again and blowing across the clearly engorged clitoris. She flicked at the clit ring and June shivered with pleasure. She leant forward and flicked again at the ring, this time with her tongue. I could see it flicking in and out, probing into June’s pussy, working at each piercing in turn. Both of them were breathing heavily by now and fully aroused. I could see a flush spreading across June’s neck and down across her breasts. I moved slightly to see better and could see that Martha’s nipples were hard and full, standing out like marbles. I rarely saw her so aroused. Without looking at me Martha stood and pulled June up from the sofa and led her to the door without a word. It was as if I had vanished from the room. As they went out, June looked over her shoulder and held out her hand for me to follow, which rather sheepishly I did. Martha led June up the stairs. I stood back and savoured the view as they went, arms around each other’s waist, Martha caressing June’s tight naked backside. It was an entrancing sight, but I wondered if tonight I was to be just a voyeur.

We got to the bedroom, Martha still ignoring me, entirely focused on June. She threw back the covers on the large bed, took June’s hand and pulled her down so that they lay side by side, facing each other. From my position I could see them hip to hip, groin to groin, breast to breast, face to face. I stiffened as they slowly caressed each other, each movement mirrored by the other.

June ran her fingers lightly over each of Martha’s nipples in turn while Martha gently squeezed June’s breasts in her hands before running her hand down June’s flat firm stomach and sliding a finger gently between her legs, teasing at the clit ring. June was panting already. She laid back, parting her legs to allow Martha’s questing, probing fingers to work their way further into her. Martha drew them out then kissed and tasted them one by one before gently feeding them back in. I watched open mouthed as June writhed with pleasure, her skin flushed, nipples hard and labia swollen.

I could take no more so stood up and undressed, freeing my rigid shaft, swollen Escort bayan Ankara almost to bursting and began stroking it gently in time with Martha’s own increasingly frantic fingering. By now June was trembling and I watched as an orgasm grew to possess her whole body. She threw her head back, keening in ecstacy. Martha did not let up though and kept her at this level for several minutes before slowly allowing her to subside. She didn’t stop entirely and soon had June groaning with pleasure again, her body rigid. Martha brought her to orgasm four times more, before relenting and letting her collapse exhaustedly on to the bed. I watched in amazement as Martha, admittedly a very passionate woman, showed such skill in bringing her friend to such heights of pleasure.

“Now it’s my turn,” said Martha. June looked at her wide-eyed.

“I don’t know if I have the energy,” she gasped.

“Nonsense — a good orgasm gives you energy.” Martha threw herself back on the bed, legs apart. I could see she was thoroughly aroused, her labia as engorged as June’s and her chest was flushed.

June sat up and looked across at me. “I hope you are enjoying the show,” she laughed, before kneeling and gently stroking Martha’s breasts, pinching one nipple while kissing the other, tongue swirling around the erect nipple, lapping at the soft skin just under each breast before gently blowing on the engorged nipples again. As she bent forward to do this, her bottom rose up, exposing her own pussy, still warm and moistly pink from her exertions. As she kissed and tickled her way down Martha’s body I watched her buttocks swing from side to side. In the end I could stand it no longer and stood up, moving towards her.

Martha saw me as if for the first time and seeing her glance my way, June looked back and saw me hovering, cock standing to attention.

“Go on then.”

Waiting no longer I seized June’s buttocks as they swung in front of me before thrusting my own swollen cock hard into her soft moist pussy, feeling the labia rings rubbing against my highly sensitised shaft. She cried out and redoubled her efforts to bring Martha to orgasm as I in turn pumped away at her. I was so aroused by now I knew I could not hold it in long. Suddenly Martha screamed as she came and as she came so did I, thrusting hard into June, slapping my hips into her cheeks, letting everything go at once. I heard June call out too, then she collapsed away from me and I came out. I stood there panting, my cock dripping as June lay across Martha’s body, Martha’s arms wrapped around her, clasping her tightly.

I was exhausted, although my efforts had been nothing compared to Martha’s, nor had I come so heavily as June. I collapsed onto the bed beside them, looking across at the totally sated and utterly relaxed pair. Martha looked at me properly for the first time since this started.

“Thank you,” she said kissing me. I could still taste June on her lips as she did. She bit at my bottom lip, not drawing blood, but hard enough. My body was so sensitised I could hardly bear it, and groaned out loud. June was smiling with pleasure, almost purring as she watched us, like a very contented cat. She slid up the bed to lie alongside Martha, and we lay there, Martha in the middle of the sandwich, arms intertwined, grasping whatever part of whoever was within reach, before the pleasurable combination of alcohol and sex took us all into sleep.

I woke in the night and realised I was alone in bed. I got up and padded to the bathroom. As I came back I heard the familiar sounds of sex from the spare room. I peered through the crack of the open door to see June spread-eagled on the bed, being brought to climax again by Martha’s expert hands. Martha looked up to see me and smiled happily.

“I didn’t want to wake you,” she said. I was exhausted and still feeling the effects of too much to drink, so left the two of them to their pleasure.

Next morning when I woke again, Martha and June were back, one each side of me, sleeping the sleep of the happily exhausted, their arms thrown across my chest. As I stirred, June’s hand slipped down and caught my morning erection. It stiffened further as she clasped her hand around it, then she apparently drifted off to sleep again. I looked across at Martha. She too was asleep, a happy smile playing around her mouth. I leaned across and kissed her. She opened her eyes and looked into mine.

“I didn’t know you had it in you”, I whispered. She smiled Bayan escort Ankara sleepily, and reached down to my cock only to find it firmly in June’s grasp. She smiled again, cupping my balls instead and hugging me to her.

“Thank you”, she said again, before drifting off to sleep again.

I lay there for another half hour or so, June’s hand idly playing with my cock, my hand gently teasing her ring or slipping into her pussy as Martha snored gently on my chest. I was in heaven.

June stirred herself, stretching her full length. Turning towards me she gave my cock a squeeze, then kissed me full on the lips. I stiffened as her tongue probed my mouth. Martha had slipped onto her back, so I turned gently towards June, reaching out and cupping her backside in my hands, pulling her towards me. I reached down between her legs and found her pussy, already warm and wet. Parting her thighs I slipped gently in. I could feel the clit ring pressing against the top of my shaft as I pushed forward.

“Don’t move,” she said, then she clamped down on me, gripping my cock. I groaned with pleasure and tried to push deeper.

“No,” she said, “leave this to me.” For the next 20 minutes we lay side by side, my cock held inside her, as she clamped down and released it, playing with it as if she had a hand in there. It was incredible. Slowly, ever so slowly she edged me upwards, occasionally dragging a nail down my back or digging it into my buttocks. Once she seized my nipple and pinched it, twisting. I bit my tongue to stop myself making any noise. As I got closer and closer to coming I could see she was on the brink too.

Then I came. It was the most amazing sensation. I had hardly touched her, no gymnastics, just gentle squeezes and yet I felt as if I had been turned inside out. I couldn’t help it and cried out.

As I came, a hand slid around me from my back and caressed my chest.

“Someone’s having a good time,” said Martha. She reached out and teased one of June’s nipples, which had been softening as we both came. It sprang back again, stiff and proud. I looked over my shoulder to see Martha’s face close to me, smiling happily. She kissed me gently.

“I want breakfast in bed,” she said.

“Can’t you see I’m busy woman?” She laughed and bit my shoulder.

“I” — bite — “want” – bite — “breakfast!”

“Alright, alright. I get the message.”

I sat up then climbed out of bed, making sure I climbed over Martha letting my soft, dripping cock drag across her. She laughed again.

“Put that thing away — I know where it’s been.”

I stood and looked at the two of them, sprawled across the bed. Both of them in totally relaxed abandoned comfort. I bent down and kissed Martha on the forehead, blew a kiss to June, who appeared to be drifting off to sleep again, before grabbing my dressing gown and going downstairs.

Half an hour later I went back, with a tray loaded with scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, coffee and fresh juice. I backed into the bedroom with the tray to see them both fast asleep, locked in each other’s arms, although from their sweaty state it was clear that they hadn’t gone straight to sleep.

I gently woke them and climbed in between them with the tray. The two of them attacked the food as if they had not been fed for a week. I wasn’t especially hungry myself, but then I hadn’t been as busy as these two.

“I have to go into work for a couple of hours,” I said.

“I’m sure we can find something to keep us busy,” giggled June. Martha smirked.

I went and had a shower. As I was drying myself I heard the familiar sounds of sexual activity coming from the bedroom.

“These woman are insatiable,” I thought. Sure enough as I came out to dress, they were clasped in an embrace, each with her head buried in the other’s pussy, tongues lapping and probing. I watched in fascination as Martha’s tongue gently played with the clit ring, I pulled on a pair of Levis, with some difficulty in the circumstances, then leant over and gently bit the nearest backside.

“I’ll be back in two or three hours,” I laughed, “make sure you leave something for me.”

I went downstairs, shaking my head. In the year we had known each other, we had made love at every available opportunity so I knew she was a passionate woman, but I had never seen her like this. It was just as well, because even though I was reasonably virile, there was no way I could keep up with her. As it was I would often wake in the morning to find her masturbating herself to orgasm, or hear her in the shower with a vibrator. It made no difference to our sex life. Whenever I was ready so was she — which was fine by me. With luck though, our love life had just stepped up a level.

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