Memories of a Holiday Slut Ch. 03


My name’s Ellie — and I’m a slut.

Well, I must be — if you look in a dictionary, it describes me just right. Well, some of the time anyway. Most of the time, the dictionary is wrong about me. But then, every now and again, I get a deep aching in the base of my belly, an aching that reaches up to my breasts and down to my pussy, an aching that makes my nipples hard and my breasts and pussy tingle, an aching that will only go away if I behave like the slut I really am.

So when the aching comes, I book a holiday — and I ease that ache.

This is what happened the last time that ache came along, and I went away for a week. This is what happened on Wednesday, the third day of my holiday.



It was another late morning by the time I woke up. I stirred and stretched, before rolling over and looking around. I was alone — Tony had left in the early hours, but not before fucking me one last time. I thought it was probably just as well he was gone, as I got up and out of bed a little gingerly, feeling a little sore in certain places. But still, a wickedly delicious smile crossed my face as I thought about the night before, as I caught sight of myself in the mirror.

“Naughty girl,” I told myself with a grin as I saw the smears of dried cum down my back, and across my belly and breasts, as well as on my thighs.

I ran a bath, and lay back in the warm, bubbly water to relax and ease my aches. I thought about the day ahead, and decided it was time to hit the beach. I washed carefully, enjoying the feel of my soapy hands running over every inch of my body. I stood up and switched the shower on, letting the water cascade over me to wash away the soap and bubbles.

I got dried quickly, before pulling on a bikini that was little more than four small triangles of stretchy material held together by some thin laces. I tied my still damp hair back in a pony tail, and then sorted out the bits and pieces I would need before dropping them into my bag.

I wrapped a sarong around my waist as I stood in front of the mirror, vainly checking myself out. Already my skin was looking more tanned, the effect looking good on my full breasts and firm body. With a smile, I slipped on some flip flops, grabbed my bag and a towel, and headed out of the hotel.

I wandered down to the local supermarket first, and picked up something to eat to make up for my missed breakfast, and a couple of bottles of water. I slipped the bottles into my bag, and munched on my breakfast as I walk to the beach. It wasn’t far — just across the main road, then a hundred yards down a wide sandy path.

As always, I enjoyed the sun on me as I walked — as well as the appreciative glances from men and women alike. I felt good, my breasts bouncing slightly in my skimpy bikini top, my ass barely hidden by my bikini bottoms and the thin sarong. I saw a young woman, perhaps around my age walking towards me, her eyes on me, on my breasts. As she passed me, I smiled brightly at her, feeling her eyes on me as I continued past her.

Once on the beach, I wandered along until I found a relatively quiet section, away from the crowds and the children playing. There were rows of sun umbrellas, with a couple of sun beds under each one. I dropped my bag and towel on one sun bed, and dragged the mattress off the other and dropped it on the sandy beach so that I could lie in the sun.

I undid my sarong, and dropped it onto the sun bed with my towel. I glanced around and saw that there were plenty of topless women on the beach, and even a few nudists. Moments later, my bikini top joined my sarong, and I was enjoying the freedom of being topless, the sun beating down on me, as I walked down to the sea.

The sea was delightfully warm, and I swam for a good while before making my way back up the beach. I flopped down on the mattress without bothering to get dried, letting the sun do the job of my towel. Once I was dry, I reached for my bag and dug out the bottle of sun tan lotion I’d brought to the beach with me. I pulled it out, then cursed quietly as I realised that I’d brought the wrong bottle, one I need to rub on rather than spray on.

I thought about heading back to the hotel to get the spray on stuff, but instead used what I’d brought. After all, it was only my back that would be a problem. I sat up and dripped some of the lotion onto my outstretched legs. I rubbed it in gently, all the way from my ankles to the tops of my thighs. I did my arms and shoulders next, before rubbing more across my belly.

As I began to soothe the cool lotion onto my breasts, I felt my nipples stiffening into erect points that began to demand more attention than I could give them on the beach. I started to try and rub some lotion onto my back, my breasts thrusting forward, teasing my nipples even more, as I twisted and turned.

“Can I help?”

I looked up, shading my eyes with my hand. He was tall and lean, his short hair bleached by the sun, his skin tanned a deep golden brown. He was wearing nothing gaziantep escortlar but a pair of tiny swimming trunks that bulged enticingly at the front.

“Or maybe I can?” I twisted the other way, my eyes opening wide in surprise.

He looked exactly like the first man who’d spoken. Same build, same colouring, same trunks and bulge, same age – that is, in his early twenties.

I heard them both laughing as they dropped down onto the sand each side of me.

“We always get that reaction,” the first one laughed, “and we’re not even brothers, let alone twins.”

“Sorry,” the second one said, “I’m Tom and that’s Matt.”

“Ellie,” I said, able to get a word in at last.

“Can we then?” Tom asked, “Help that is.”

“Come on, roll over,” Matt told me, “We can’t have you getting burnt in this sun, can we?”

I was suddenly very aware of my bare breasts, of the two men I’d only just met sat feet away from me, of the way my nipples were tightening again. I quickly laid down on my mattress, which Tom and Matt took as a “yes” to their offer.

The next thing I know I can feel their strong hands sweeping lightly across me, smoothing the lotion into my hot skin. Their hands moved across my back, then up onto my shoulders and neck, then downwards to my waist, then confidently across the top of my ass and onto my cheeks where they lay exposed by my bikini, and then finally back up the sides of my body, their fingertips playing lightly across the outside of my breasts.

I could feel a shudder going through me as their hands played across my hot skin, tingles running from my breasts to my pussy as if they were joined up by my pleasure.

After that, Tom and Matt spread out towels and joined me, one of them laying each side of me. We chatted a bit, but mainly we were happy to lie quietly as we soaked up the sun. It must have been an hour or so later when Tom dug around in his bag for someone to eat, but without much success.

They suggested that we head down to a snack bar a hundred yards along the beach, so I reached for my bikini top and slipped it back on, well aware of their lingering looks. They insisted on treating me as we picked up something to eat and some cold beers. It was only as we walked back to our towels, eating and sipping at the beer, that I realised how hungry I was.

We chatted easily as we ate and drank, before Tom pulled a beach ball from his bag, blew it up and suggested a game of football. We were soon running around like idiots in the hot sun, kicking the ball around. As we played, I became more and more aware of them watching me, watching my full breasts as they moved around as I ran, my bikini doing little to stop them. I could feel their eyes on my ass as I ran. I stopped and bent over from the waist to pick the ball up, their eyes burning into me as my pussy throbbed.

The ball ended up in the sea, and we followed it. We played around for a while, before I left them to it. I thought they would stay in the sea a bit longer, but as soon as sat back down I saw Tom heading my way, Matt a few seconds behind him.

Tom glanced anxiously over his shoulder before speaking.

“Ellie,” he said quickly, “Do fancy coming out later, with ….”

He broke off, realising that Matt was just behind him. The look on Matt’s face said it all, and I realised straight away that he had been about to say the same thing. Before I knew what I was thinking, I spoke to them.

“Hey guys, do fancy a meal tonight? My treat. You’ve fed me now, and looked after me, so it only seems fair….” I asked them, my mind made up.

They looked at each other, the tension of the last few seconds gone as they nodded their agreement.

“In which case,” I told them, “I’d better be going. A girl needs to look her best you know.”

With that I stood up, their eyes raking over me as I leant down to pick up my sarong and tie it around my waist, and then again to grab my bag and towel. We agreed to meet outside of my hotel at eight, and they looked suitably impressed when I told them were I was staying.

I leant close to them and kissed them each on the cheek, well aware of the effect it was having on both them and me. I glanced down at their bulging trunks and smiled to myself as I walked away. Tonight was going to be a lot of fun!

Back at the hotel, I took another long soak in the bath before sitting out on the balcony to dry off. I brushed my hair as I sat, thinking about the evening ahead. They were both so hot! But both of them? Why not? I told myself, a deliciously wicked smile playing across my face.

I went back inside and sat on the bed to cool off for a while. I tried to read, but my mind kept wandering back to Pete and Tony, then forward to Matt and Tom. I found my hands easing my towel apart, then drifting down over my body, over my breasts and belly, then lower onto my mound. I rubbed my clit lightly, nudging the rubbery flesh from side to side, then around and around. I sighed, my other hand reaching lower, a finger slipping between my lips and then inside my pussy.

Without thinking, I leant over to the unit by the side of the bed, my sticky fingers leaving a smear of my juices behind as I pulled the draw open. I fumbled about inside, searching for what I wanted amongst the jumble of items. Then I had it — my favourite vibrator. I looked at its thickness, its hard length, for a second, and then switched it on, enjoying the feel of the vibrations on my hand.

I played the buzzing toy across my clit, shuddering as the sensitive flesh sent shockwaves in all directions. It slid lower, along my lips, seeking a way between them as I coated it in my juices. I moved on the bed, slipping a little lower and pulling my legs back. I changed my grip on the hard plastic as I began to slide it into my trembling body. I eased it in slowly, teasing myself, savouring every inch of it as it slipped deeper.

By the time it was buried inside me, all eight vibrating inches of it, I was on fire. I clamped my legs together to hold it inside myself while I cupped both breasts, pinching and pulling at my swollen nipples, while my pussy gripped around the toy. With a groan I threw my legs apart, one hand flying to grab the toy, to fuck my wanton pussy, the other to my clit.

I thrashed around on the bed as my climax crashed through me, only dragging the toy from me when I couldn’t take any more. I rubbed my pussy gently as I sagged back on the bed, the edge taken off my need — at least for now.

I rested on the bed for a while longer, before going to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I walked back into the bedroom still naked, and searched through my wardrobe. With a smile, I pulled out a long tee shirt that I often wore as a dress. I dropped it over my head, and then tied a belt around my waist.

The dress clung to my breasts, showing off a hint of nipple. I pulled a pair of knickers out of a draw as I turned to check myself in the mirror. The dress reached half way down my thighs, and I could see how it clung softly, but not tightly, to my ass. The material was quite thick and didn’t really show a thing, so with a shrug and a grin I dropped the knickers back in the draw.

Tom and Matt were waiting outside the hotel when I appeared shortly after eight o’clock. They greeted me with hurried kisses on the cheek, their eyes wide open as they looked me up and down. I’d brushed my hair into a glowing auburn mass that tumbled around my shoulders, and I knew I looked good. They seemed to agree as they each hooked an arm through mine, and we headed off towards the mass of restaurants that lined a nearby street.

We chose an Italian restaurant, and happily sat down out a small, round table set out on the patio. They both shuffled their chairs closer to mine, so that we were all very close together. We ordered some cold beers, and sipped at these while we read through the menu. We all went for the same — pizza to be followed by Italian ice cream. The food came quickly, though it seemed to take ages to eat as chatted quite happily.

Over the meal, they told me how they were students about to start their final year at University. I had thought that they were a couple of years younger than me, but it seemed the gap was a few more years than I thought. I smiled to myself — Pete and Tony were both older than me, so this should just about even up the score!!

After dessert, we ordered coffee, and it was only then that Matt and Tom seemed quieter, a little uncertain. I finished my coffee, and excused myself. I headed for the bathroom, leaving them to talk — and no doubt plan. I smiled to myself — if only they knew what I had planned! Even as that thought entered my head, I could more wetness springing from my pussy.

When I got back, I settled the bill as I had promised, despite their protests. Without anybody really suggesting it, we decided to take a walk along the deserted beach. I took my sandals off, enjoying the feel of the still warm sand between my toes. The tide was in, so we were soon walking along the edge of the sea.

It wasn’t long before Tom and Matt were splashing around, kicking water in all directions. Some caught me on the back, and I could feel it running down as it soaked into my clothes. As it got wet, I could feel the material clinging to back and ass. Distracted, I missed Matt’s warning shout — and then I was gasping for breath as a mass of cold water meant for Tom hit me in the chest.

I stood cursing, shaking water off me as they laughed. I glared at them, but stopped as their laughter faded away, as they stood and stared at me. I looked down — the way my tee shirt dress was now clinging to me, it may as well have been see through. It was moulded to my breasts, my dark, erect nipples clearly visible. I knew then that my ass was probably just as much on show to them — but to no one else as the beach seemed deserted.

With a groan of pent up desire they stepped towards me. Matt reached me first, our lips crushing together as we kissed, as our tongues fought together, as our hands explored. I could feel their hands all over me, on my breasts and belly, on my ass. I twisted towards Tom, kissing him for the first time, hot juices flooding my pussy as I felt their growing cocks through their shorts.

We stumbled up the beach as I took turns kissing them. They grabbed some mattresses from the sun beds and dropped them onto the sand. And then I was lying down, my dress high up on my thighs, my look of lust mirroring theirs. I reached for them, pulling them down with me. Tom was kneeling at my side, so I reached for his shorts, undoing them quickly to release his cock. It sprung free, long and slender – and rock hard.

I felt Matt tugging at my dress, groaning as he saw my naked pussy, my wet lips glistening in the moonlight. I caught a quick glimpse of his cock bobbing in front of him — and then he was against me, then inside me. I moaned loudly as his cock filled me deliciously — but then my moans were muffled as Tom pushed his cock against me, as I sucked hungrily on him.

I knew they wouldn’t last long, but the night was young, so I let them fuck me – hard. Matt drove his cock into my pussy, driving my ass hard against the soft sand with every powerful thrust. Beside me, Tom fucked my mouth, only my hand around his strong, hard shaft stopping him from forcing his cock deep into my throat. As it was, he was reaching deeper and deeper as he matched Matt, powerful thrust for powerful thrust.

My body screamed out as I came — and so did they as cum erupted into my mouth and pussy at more or less the same time. I wrapped my legs around Matt, pulling him close to me as he buried his cock inside me. I tugged on Tom’s cock, pulling him closer as I sucked hard to make sure that I had every last drop of cum he had to offer.

We clung together as we caught our breath, but eventually slipped apart. They both stared at me, perhaps overwhelmed at how suddenly things had happened, perhaps unsure of what to do next. I let them pull me to my feet, and then kissed them both, my tongue sliding over each of theirs in turn. As I kissed them I felt sure that they could taste Tom’s cum, but neither of them said a word as their tongues took turns at dancing across mine.

When we eventually separated, my voice was husky with desire.

“Where are you staying?” I asked, before adding “I hope its close.”

They grinned at me, and I quickly grabbed my sandals and bag. It was only then I realised how wet – and see through — my dress was, and how it was now plastered in sand despite the mattress I’d lain on.

“Here,” said Matt, pulling his tee shirt off and holding it out to me.

I hesitated for only a second, and then quickly undid my belt. I pulled the wet dress up and over my head, and heard their gasps of appreciation as I stood naked on the moonlit beach, my arms above my head, my breasts thrust outwards. Then I dropped my dress, and pulled Matt’s shirt over my head. Without the belt it was just long enough. They both whistled, whether at what I was now wearing or at what they’d just seen I didn’t know, or care! We hurried back off the beach, and few minutes were at their hotel.

“Do you want your shirt back?” I asked Matt as soon as we were in their room, already reaching down so that I could sweep it over my head.

A second later I was naked — and seconds after that so where they. Matt moved in front of me, and our mouths crushed together as I reached down to touch his cock for the first time. His groans met mine as I our tongues explored, as I slid my hand along his shaft, as his hands rested on my hips and pulled us closer together.

Behind me, I could feel Tom’s erect cock prodding against my ass. As he stepped closer, I felt it slip along the tight cleft between my cheeks until it was lying upwards, our bodies pressed together. His arms came around me, his hands cupping my breasts, his fingers toying with my painfully erect nipples. His lips came down onto my neck, my body shuddering from the attention I was getting.

I twisted my head, my lips meeting Tom’s a second after they left Matt’s. As I kissed Tom, Matt was leaning down to suck hard on my nipples while Tom held my breasts. I moaned as Matt toyed with one nipple, and then the other, biting, sucking, kissing, licking. Matt left my breasts and ran his tongue down over my belly as he dropped to his knees. As he moved lower, I pushed my hips forward to meet him as his tongue lashed across my clit before delving between my folds of skin and into my pussy.

Tom was on his knees now as well, his tongue running down between my cheeks. I pushed my ass back towards him, wanting more, moaning in frustration as Matt’s mouth left my pussy. I pushed back towards him, only to feel Tom’s tongue slip away as Matt’s slid back inside me. I rocked my hips, wanting them both, wanting everything.

They stood back up, both their bodies pressed hard against me. I twisted around, holding both their cocks as their hands and mouths moved over my body. Slowly, they manoeuvred me towards a side unit. I didn’t even notice the cold wood as I was perched on the edge, as I pulled Tom between my legs, as I guided his hot cock into my even hotter pussy.

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