
I liked my life as a senior in high school. I was a straight-A student and excelled in baseball and tennis. I was also doing well socially, going out frequently with my baseball teammates to bars and movies.

When my 18th birthday was around the corner, I invited all of them to a private party at my house. Two friends said they might not attend because Mira had her birthday party simultaneously.

Mira was my classmate and the prettiest on the cheerleading team. She was a 5’6″, 125lbs beauty with a body to die for. Everybody in my class would have been happy to go out with her, but she politely rejected each student who tried. On several occasions, I talked to her about school stuff, knowing she was an outstanding student. She was friendly and smiled, but I was reluctant to try asking her out, remembering my embarrassed friends after she said no to them…

I thought having our birthday parties on the same date was a good excuse; I meant reason… to call her and talk about it.

I called her cell, and she answered immediately, “Hello, who is it?”

“Mira, it’s me, Fred. I heard from friends that your B’day party is on Saturday the 17th. Is it true?”

“Yes, it is. Would you like to join us?”

“Unfortunately, my 18th birthday party will occur the same night.”

“I am sorry to hear that. I hoped you called me to get an invitation to my party…”

Mira sounded so disappointed that I decided to push my luck, “It may sound wild, but please listen to my idea. We have mutual friends who would like to attend both parties. How would you feel if we joined forces and had one big party for your friends and mine?”

“Fred, I think it’s a great idea! I like it a lot. But I have one condition. It’s for our friends only. No family members, either adults or kids. We don’t want to be lectured about how we behave by older relatives or be restricted by children around…”

“Mira, it’s a deal! By the way, what day of the month is your real birthdate?”

“I was born on the 15, but I wanted a weekend party…”

I chuckled, “It’s the same for me too…”

“Listen, Fred; we must sit and plan the party together.”

“Would you rather do it at school or one of the homes?”

“Is it OK to do it at my house tomorrow evening?”

“Sure. What time?”

“I assume your family eats dinner at 6 or 7, so how about 8 pm?”

“Perfect. I only know little about your family. How many will I need to impress to approve of our joined party?…”

She had a lovely throaty laugh, “You do not have to try hard. My father died two years ago, and I am the only child, so it’s only me and my mom.”

“I’ll be at your house exactly at 8 o’clock.”

After school, I shaved, took another shower, and dressed nicely in long blue pants and a light blue shirt with the top button open. Driving to her house, I passed the local flower shop and bought a lovely bouquet of fresh red and white roses. As I was near her parking place, I saw Mira watching me from the window.

I was ready to ring the bell when the door opened. She had on a simple white blouse and a summery skirt. Even with these simple things on, she looked amazing!

Mira smiled, “It’s nice to see that you found the place without difficulty. Some of Mom’s friends complained that reaching the house on the first try wasn’t easy.”

“If I claim that I am a good navigator and driver, it will sound like bragging, so let’s say I was lucky.”

Mira grinned, “I want you to meet my mother. She is curious to know who is the guy I’ll be having my party with…”

We entered the living room. Her mother stood up, smiled, and walked toward me. The face looked like Mira’s, with minimal wrinkles near her eyes. The height was the same, but her body was more curvaceous. Overall she was an attractive woman.

I smiled back at her, “Ma’am, Mira didn’t mention anything about her slightly older sister, but it’s nice to see you. By the way, these flowers are for you.”

She chuckled, “Mira, I like this young guy. He knows already that the way to a girl’s heart goes through her mother… As a psychologist, I can tell a lot already.”

Mira’s face lightened, “Mom, stop embarrassing Fred. He was born on the same date as me, and we will have our party together.” She gave me her hand and led me to her room, “Sorry to drag you like that, but I never bring guys here, and Mom is very curious to find out if we go out together…”

I mumbled, “I wish…”

Mira glanced at me, “You don’t need to flatter me. I understand your interest is to have as many of our mutual friends as possible at your celebration, so you agreed to do it together.”

“Mira, what are you trying to say?”

“Fred, stop pretending. You never showed any interest in me as a person, so obviously, the party you are trying to arrange is not necessarily related to me as Mira. It could have been anybody else…”

“Mira, are you offended that I never ogled you or tried to ask you out?…”


“Girl, şiran escort let’s agree on the party details first. I didn’t know that there was a personal issue we would want to talk about. I’ll leave in half an hour because my mother needs my help. But is it OK if I text you after I finish my assignment with Mom?”


It took us 40 minutes to agree on the number of people, who we disinvite, the place to do it, decorations, food, and drinks. I said a quick hello to her mother and drove back home. Mom wanted me to hang a shelf in the kitchen above the fridge. I was done in 20 minutes and went back to my room.

I texted Mira, ‘You seemed a little upset and felt that my inclusion of you in my party wasn’t personal. What did you mean by that?’

‘You never gave me a second look and never tried to talk to me about anything but school stuff, so clearly, the party together is for OUR FRIENDS. The two of us have nothing more than a synchronized event…’

‘Mira, I am still not sure what offended you. I noticed the faces of 2 of my friends after you let them down. Did you expect me to try talking to you about personal issues so I’ll be humiliated too?’

Mira hesitated, ‘I thought you were smarter, but you are a moron… What would YOU do if you were interested in a certain girl and instead two other less attractive girls offered you to date them?’

‘Are you telling me you’d agree if I approached you to go out with me?’

‘Yes! I tried to give you ‘a look’ several times, but as bright as you are in other areas, you were oblivious… Two of my girlfriends knew about my unsuccessful efforts and suggested you may be gay. Are you?…’

‘Mira, I am very attracted to you. I didn’t dare to get close to you and be embarrassed. I do not want to push my luck now, but if you agree to date each other, why not do it publicly in our party? It’s only five days away?’

‘Freddy, I’ll wait.’

‘Do you want me to pick you up before the party, or do you want us to go separately?’

‘Mom will drive me to the place and back. I would love for you to take me back home, but we will drink too much, and driving back be too risky.’

‘Ok, girl. And I want you to know I am thrilled to date you!’

‘Just think how much time we wasted…’

I chuckled and disconnected.

I googled and searched about her mother’s workplace on several social media sites. It took me only 15 minutes. I asked the secretary when Marylin would have her lunch break. She told me that it’s usually between 11:45 and 12:45.

I called the office at 11:40.

Marylin answered, ‘Whoever you are, I’ll be busy for an hour. Can you call again around 1 pm?’

‘Marylin, this is Fred. I’m sorry to bother you, but I want to buy a present for Mira’s upcoming birthday. Can you give me a clue what will be something appropriate?’

‘Fred, my daughter likes everything about England and its history. I am sure you can find a book about Richard the 3rd, William the Conqueror, or Queen Victoria that she’ll like.’

‘Thank you, ma’am.’

‘Stop with the ma’am. Call me Marylin, and come visit us again.’

‘I promise’. We hung up.

I arrived 2 hours early at the hall where the party would take place. The workers did a great job. The lighting, decorations, music, everything seemed perfect. I sat down and watched the employees make the final touches on the two large tables with food and drinks.

Suddenly I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. It was Mira. She looked breathtaking! It was the first time I got the courage to ogle her. The shoulder-high shiny hair framed her pretty face perfectly. The large eyes, shapely nose, and pouty red lips were terrific! She wore a long white dress. The medium size breasts pushed forward proudly above her slender waist… I was in love already!

She stared at me momentarily and then mumbled, “After our texts, I hoped to see you earlier…”

“Mira, I also wanted it, but I was scared you’d change your mind about us…”

“Fred, you are so silly! My heart is racing now. Can you help me calm it down by kissing me?…”

My lips found hers at a world-record pace. She closed her eyes, and her soft lips gave up. My tongue licked lightly on her upper lip. She moaned, and her mouth opened for me. Our tongues found each other and began dancing together. Mira lifted her hands around my neck, and her gorgeous chest pushed against me. My prick reacted immediately, hardening and poking her abdomen. She groaned into my mouth, and her pelvis began slow gyrations against the tent in my pants.

I had to overcome the naughty thoughts I had. I forced myself to gently push Mira away, “Mira dear, right now, the last thing on my mind is our birthday party. I would love to take you to a quiet place and have you in my arms. But we have guests coming, so we’ll have to wait a couple of hours.”

She gave me a loving look, “I waited for you a long time. A few more hours are not going to kill şirinevler escort me. Knowing you want the same thing makes everything feel like a sweet torture…”

I kissed her lips again and moved away, afraid that if I stayed close to her one more minute, I’d surrender to my urges and undress her right there… I couldn’t remember what I was doing during the one hour we had until the first guests showed up, except that now and then, I saw Mira from a distance gazing in my direction, and we both smiled like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar…

I hazily recall the party. We drank a lot, I started dancing with several girls, and then I found myself on the dance floor with Mira. We glanced at each other and kissed softly in front of everybody. All the guests surrounded us and cheered… The whole charade took about 3 hours.

Time passed very fast, and out of nowhere, Marylin showed up. She saw us dancing cheek to cheek and smiled, “Children, I prayed I’d see you just like that! You look adorable together. You are lovely together! Freddy, I’ll take Mira home now. When do you come to revisit us?”

I blurted, “Yesterday… When is the earliest time you girls let me come?”

Both ladies started laughing. Mira whispered in my ear, “Tomorrow after school. And don’t overdress…”

I gazed at Mira and Marylin, “Ma’am; your daughter is shameless. We didn’t even begin dating, and she is all over me. Is visiting your house safe?”

Marylin chortled, “I doubt it. I have never seen Mira behave like this. Ever! Sometimes she mentioned your name to me, and I knew she was interested, but she behaved like a prey animal this evening. I hope it’s the alcohol and not a new trend now that she hooked you…”

I kissed Marylin’s cheek and Mira’s lips, and they left. I stayed another half an hour, and then a friend, who never drank alcohol, drove me home.

In class, I saw Mira twice. We didn’t talk but smiled and winked at each other.

One hour after leaving school, I was at her doorstep. Mira opened the door and seemed very cheerful, “Mom is out. We have two hours before she’ll be back. Either you get naked in the next five minutes, or I am tearing your clothes with my hands…”

I kissed her gently, “Mira darling, we are just starting. Take it easy. We have all the time in the world. I find you sexy like no other woman I’ve ever seen, but let’s enjoy the ride and not explode prematurely…”

“Freddy, you are so different than any other man who tried to go out with me. Each one of them was ready to play with my body the first minute I let him close to me. I was usually the reluctant one to proceed too fast! And now I am dying to feel you on top of me, and you are the cautious and resistant one…”

Mira’s bed was full size which she thought would be less comfortable, so we went to Marylin’s bedroom. It had a king-size bed.

I chortled, “Your mother won’t mind you having sex on HER bed?”

“As long as I ensure that by the time she uses it, it has a clean sheet, she doesn’t. Occasionally we drink wine and talk like friends about relationships, guys, and sex.”

“Your mother sounds like a modern lady accepting a lot… So why hasn’t she gone out to meet men after your father’s death? You are not going to stay with her forever. She needs company and perhaps an intimate relationship as well…”

“About a year after Dad expired, she tried to meet other men. The first guy turned out to be an alcoholic that wouldn’t quit, the second was too obsessive about her whereabouts when she was not with him, and the third one was both boring and… impotent. She gave up and said that it wasn’t worth it. We’ll see the future, but for now, she quit the game.”

“I understand. Mira, I love talking to you, but we can do it in bed. In school, I saw you a couple of times, and in both cases, I imagined how you looked naked…”

She grinned, “I thought you’d never ask.”

Mira gazed into my eyes and began undressing slowly. Her blouse came off first. She had on a soft pink bra. Her tits were poking, trying to get free. My pecker was impressed and started engorging. Her skirt fell to the floor next, showing her flat tummy and tiny panties that barely covered her cunt.

She whispered sweetly, “Freddy, please free my bra yourself…”

“I’ll be happy to…” Then both my palms cupped her boobs and gently massaged them. “I am sorry, I was looking for the clasp…”

Mira laughed, “You are close. Keep looking.”

I moved closer and pushed my groin into her abdomen as my hands groped desperately, searching for her hidden clasp.”

“Darling, you are doing well. I am certain that you’ll find it very soon. In the meantime, I’ll check your front part. It feels very hard. Is this a dangerous tool you have here?”

“On occasion, it can be. It depends on how much you tease it before it pounces…”

When my fingers freed the bra and exposed her enticing tits, şirinyer escort my member was also released from its cage. Once we were both naked, we stood still, ogling each other’s bodies for 2 seconds before I grabbed her hand and jumped into bed.

We were so horny that no foreplay was needed. Mira spread her legs wide and pulled my body between them. I aimed my penis into her entrance and carefully advanced it. Her pussy was tighter than I thought. My arousal demanded me to go ahead and attack the target, but my brain prevailed. I continued in, gradually pushing my way into her deepest recesses. As I moved forward, Mira groaned, pulling me until my sac met her butt cheeks.

“Fuck me hard!” she cried, “I need you to F U C K me HAAARD!!!”

God knows I tried my best to prolong the action. But I was fast approaching the point of no return. I lifted her legs over my shoulders and began pounding her vagina like there was no tomorrow.

Mira’s groans turned into cries, and a short time afterward, her body shook violently, going into a massive orgasm. Watching her uncontrolled movements and her beautiful tits jiggling wildly from side to side took me over the edge, and I erupted inside her, spewing jet after jet of my seed. My climax lasted about 30 seconds, but Mira’s continued several minutes after mine ended.

I kept my shriveling cock inside her tunnel until it popped out. I stayed between her thighs, enjoying the view of her fantastic body slowly recovering. She was sweaty, and it took a long time for her breathing to return to normal. Then she opened her eyes and mumbled, “I knew our sex would be perfect. I just knew it!…”

I kissed her lips, and she pulled me toward her, whispering, “Honey, you released the beast in me. From now on, I’ll force you to have sex with me non-stop!’

I smirked, “Mira dear, even if I wanted to do it, a man’s physiology does not allow it to happen. But on a more practical note, your mother will be here soon. Shouldn’t we get out of her bed and ensure it’s ready for her the way it was before?”

She grinned, “Mom and I are buddies. She knows everything about me. I told her that when she’d be out, I’d rape you. Do you care to know what her answer was?”

“I’m afraid to ask…”

“She laughed and said it was a great idea, but she warned me to ensure you’re still alive when I was done. Otherwise, it would be a one-time affair…” We both laughed and then dressed up.

Marylin entered the door 15 minutes later, eyeing us thoroughly. It was clear that she wanted to know if our first-time experience was a pleasant one. I chickened out and moved toward the TV set, but Mira chortled, “Mom, don’t worry. We did it, and it was as good as it gets. More importantly, as you can see, Freddy is still alive and well!”

Marylin hugged her daughter, whispered something in her ear, and then added loudly, “Children, I am happy to hear that your first time together was perfect. A reminder, unless you want a baby now, take the necessary precautions.”

“Mom, remember I went to the OBGYN doctor two weeks ago? Well, it wasn’t just for a routine check-up. I asked him to insert an IUD.”

“Mira, usually you discuss everything with me. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t want to hear the pros and cons of getting in bed with Freddy. Now that I conquered his body, we can talk about it. You were saying?…”

Marylin laughed again, “My child is becoming a grown-up, independent young lady. I can die happy now.”

Mira hugged her mother, “Mom, stop the BS. I love you and will continue to talk to you about everything.” She gazed at me, “And I’ll make sure that Freddy here learns to love you just like me!”

In the next three weeks, Mira and I could not get enough of each other. We had sex 2-3 times a day. And then Mira suggested it would be better if I moved to her house. She insisted that sleeping in her bed would be more convenient than driving back and forth multiple times daily.

I talked about it with my parents, who approved, stating that now that I was an adult, I could do whatever I wanted, and they would help if I needed something. Before I left the house with many of the things I owned, my mother kissed me and whispered, “Fred, you are a big boy, and we decided to let you do whatever you wish but keep in touch, you know that we love you… And we are anxious to know which university you’ll enter next year.” I was so consumed with my hot relationship with Mira that I didn’t realize soon I’d find out which of my applications was accepted.

The next day my stuff was organized in Mira’s room. Mira and Marylin welcomed me with a smile and a big sign, ‘Welcome to your new home!’.

In the next 24 hours, everything about my applications was forgotten.

Except when I was in school, I spent all my free time with Mira. Aside from sleeping hours, we were entangled in bed most of the time. Actually, it wasn’t always in bed. We did it on the carpet, on the kitchen table, on the laundromat… We experimented using any position we could think of – Missionary, doggy-style, cowgirl, oral, anal… Sex became so frequent that we were caught naked by Marylin on a couple of occasions. Her reactions varied from turning her head to chuckling to smirking, “Guys, there is more to life than sex…” We just laughed.

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