More Than Expected


When I first arrived at his house, I was a bit nervous. I always feel funny arriving at someone’s house for the first time. My heart always beats faster as I walk up to the door and either knock or ring the bell. I don’t know why, but it happens every time I first visit someone, even when the person has been a friend for years. I suppose it is the fear that somehow I will get the wrong house or someone strange will answer the door. This time, I was doubly nervous as I got out of my car. I had met you for lunch a couple of days earlier. And this was probably not the wisest thing I had ever done, meeting you at your house, but you seemed harmless enough in our email, online, and telephone conversations.

Walking to the front door, I try to burry the knot of fear that is building within my stomach. When the front door opens before I even have a chance to knock, I am more than a bit relieved. You are just as sexy as when you met me for lunch. Your light brown hair is freshly washed and combed back with its side part, its softness apparent in the errant lock that drops down onto your forehead. You grayish blue eyes sparkle as your smile dimples both cheeks. You open the door for me and I enter the house.

You direct me toward one side of the house, explaining that you rent a portion of the house, and that you have been remodeling for the owner. You warn me about the missing wood on the parquet floor and take me into a room which is long and narrow. I see your computer on a desk opposite the door and a futon couch and a leather couch situated about the room. Along one wall is a bookshelf which dominates one wall of the entire room and has a television set into it. We sit on the leather couch that faces the book shelf.

We talk about nonsensical things for about fifteen minutes until you reach out and take my hand. You hold my hand flat in yours and gently massage the back of my hand, my wrist and forearm, and then ask me if I would still like a massage (the supposed reason for my coming to your place). I had been looking into your amazing blue eyes, and had to mentally shake myself out of my semi-stupor in order to respond, “of course!”

“The bathroom is the first door on the left, there is a robe hanging on the back of the door, why don’t you go change and I’ll meet you in the bedroom at the end of the hall in a moment” you say. When you said massage, I figured I’d turn around on couch (or even lay down), but I had never dreamed you would want to do a full body massage.

I try to choke out a response and end up just sort of stumbling over several words in a non-compressive remark. I give up trying to speak and head to the bathroom. Once I get to the bathroom I realize I have a dilemma. I know you are trained in massage therapy, and I had had professional massages in the past, but I’m still not sure I was comfortable enough with you to get even partially naked and let you do a full body massage.

Recently, our conversations online had taken on a more erotic nature, talking about our erotic fantasies. Standing in the bathroom, looking in the mirror at my own reflection, I blush as I recall mentioning that I have a fantasy about getting a massage, and how I would be naked and he (the masseuse) would notice and would hike the sheet up a little too high so he could look right up my pussy as he massaged my legs and feet. Just thinking of it, makes my pussy tingle with desire.

“Dang,” I think as I ponder the dilemma (already deciding to go ahead with the massage) of whether I should leave my panties on or to take them off. I’m totally unsure of how I should proceed. On one hand, you might be a professional and would rather I leave my panties on… maybe your just living up to request I placed when I learned you were a massage therapist, or maybe you are hitting on me and you’re going to help me live out my fantasy. And if you wanted to help me live out my fantasy, was I ready for a near stranger to do that with me?

I finally decide to leave my panties on. They are the new style that Victoria Secret revealed earlier in the season. They look like daisy dukes meet hip hugger bikini panties with a decidedly erotic flare to them. They are perfect for women with round asses, which I defiantly have. I fold my cloths up and put them on the back shelf of the toilet. I grab the slightly too large dark grey bathrobe and pull it on. I look in the mirror, my green eyes sparkle with desire as I realize I may get to live my fantasy…I slip a breath mint from my purse into my mouth and then head out of the bathroom into the hallway.

I easily find the bedroom as you’ve left the door open. I see you are still spreading a sheet over your bedspread. When you see me, you tell me to lie face down on the bed, with my head at the foot of it, and that you will return shortly. Then you leave the room.

Still feeling a bit of trepidation, Tipobet I remove the robe and lay it across a small table in the corner of the room, I slide between the sheets and adjusted the top sheet across my back. When you return, you are carrying a bottle of massage lotion. You walked over to the dresser and pressed play on a cd-player, hypnotic like music fills the room, gently rolling over me in soft waves.

The soft music begins to relax me so that I let my eyes drift gently closed as I feel you fold the sheet down, exposing my back to just at the top of my panties, you move to stand at my head, your hands sliding down my back from neck to my hips, spreading a wonderfully scented lotion across the muscles of my back. Your fingers glide down to my panty line and under the edge of the waist band, going a bit lower than normal, but not so much that I am concerned.

Even though I was nervous from the situation, I begin to relax into the familiar flow of the routine of a professional massage. So far you have done everything the same as if I had paid you for the massage. I begin to let my mind wander as your hands and fingers work their magic on my back. As I begin to let go… just allowing that wonderful sense of deep relaxation to spread from my neck down through the rest of my body. I begin to experience those subtle feelings of deep physical relaxation, deepening, and deepening… so my mind is relaxing, unwinding, wandering, enjoying a pleasant almost hypnotic like state. You defiantly know what you’re doing as your thumbs trace a path down either side of my spine, your splayed fingers sending curls of pleasure through my body. You rub each shoulder kneading just deeply enough for it to relieve tension, but not enough to cause pain.

I fight with myself to not moan out in pleasure. What you’re doing is so wonderful, but I always feel funny expressing myself during a professional massage, I mean what would they (other therapists) think of a moaning client? I’d never had the nerve to ask one. As for you, you’ve treated every aspect of the massage in such a professional manner, that I suspect you are not trying to turn me on but are simply going to massage me as I requested. I try to relax enough to allow my moans of pleasure to escape, but then I begin to worry that it may sound false…so I decide to keep quiet after all.

You finish massaging my back and pull the sheet up and straighten it over my back. Letting your finders trail along my body, never losing contact, you walk around the side of the bed to my legs. You arrange the sheet to expose my leg. You pull the sheet a little higher up on my ass than I expected and over a bit further than would normally be acceptable. Desire begins to build deeply down inside of me, as I mentally try to picture you as you sit down on the end of the bed and begin to massage my foot, ankle, and calf.

I try to imagine where your gaze rests, suspecting it is probably concentrated on my now throbbing pussy, I imagine that my wetness from my arousal must be visible to you, and that only makes me even more excited. I can feel the erotic tension curl down the muscles of my back. With my eyes closed, I am able to concentrate on the erotic feeling flowing through my mind, spiraling me down making me shiver just slightly with your touch, feeling a little flutter deep down as I recognize the feeling, the anticipation….the arousal.

You adjust my leg as you stand so you can rub my thigh. You pull my knee out to one side and stretch my leg upward, the position shift the already snug panties against my pussy, causing me to mentally groan. Then you adjust my leg as you begin to massage my thigh. As you massage my leg your fingers rub right up to the edge of my panties. My pussy aches to have your fingers so close and yet still, you do no touch me.

You work on the first leg for a little more, teasing me along my panty line, until I begin to wish I hadn’t worn them, wondering what you would have done if I hadn’t. You put my leg back in its original position and then you pull the sheet back over my leg. Your fingers again keep contact with my body as you walk around to the other side of the bed. Again the sheet is adjusted in the same manor. I wonder if you notice how wet I am getting or if it’s just fanciful wishing on my part.

With my eyes closed, I try to envision your hands sliding up my leg to my thigh, trying to attach the mental vision to the feelings of your hands on my skin. This time when you get to my panties, you let your fingers slide under the edge of them and you follow the edge of them down to my pussy. You massage along the outside edge of my pussy, forcing my panties to ride even higher into my wet slit.

I suck in a breath as your fingers rub along side my mound. I try to move, to draw your fingers to touch me where I want to be touched, but instead you Tipobet Giriş pull your hands away and adjust my leg so that you can rearrange the sheet back over my body. You move to stand next to me and tell me to roll over. You hold the sheet in place as I roll beneath it.

You walk away from me for a moment and return to my head, laying a black silk scarf over my eyes. You carefully knot it and adjust it so that my eyesight is completely blocked. I recall telling you that I love the comfort I get when blindfolded, and I sigh deeply as I allow the darkness to envelope my mind. Somehow having a blindfold allows me to relax even more deeply than just shutting my eyes. I guess because it signals to my brain that I am no longer in control so I can let go of everything and just allow myself to feel.

I let my mind wander and flow with the music. As my awareness fades and I begin to just feel your touch. You pull one arm out of the sheet and begin rub my hand, rubbing it and pulling each of my fingers. As you stretch my arm out straight to make working my forearm muscles easier, my hand brushes up against your crotch. I open my hand and caress your cock through your jeans. Now I know you’re aroused too. You rub my forearm, separating the muscles and rubbing deeply. You work your way up my arm to my shoulder. All the while, my fingers caress you thought the fabric of your jeans.

Your hands rub my shoulder, your hand not quite caressing my breasts, yet I am aware of how close your hands are beneath the sheet. You lay my hand back at my side on top of the sheet and begin rubbing my other hand. This time you’re careful of where my hands are when you straighten my arm, not allowing me to touch you. You finish massaging my other arm and move to stand at my head and begin rubbing my shoulders, collarbone, neck, and my face.

You tell me to relax for a moment, that you will return. You turn up the music a bit and I lose your orientation in the room. I assume you leave, but part of me feels that you may still be in the room, watching me, lying beneath the sheet. Knowing I’m completely soaked from your attentions. I jump when your hand touches my fingers.

You take my hand in yours and gently lift it from the bed, brining my palm to rest on your thigh. My mind focuses on the feel of your heat beneath the jeans. I hear the sound of Velcro and then I feel something around my wrist. “Just relax” you say. I try to comply but now my mind whirls as I consider the implications of what I am about to allow you to do.

You lay my hand down at my side and move to the other side of the bed and repeat the same thing. Because of the blindfold I cannot see exactly what is around my wrists, but my mind spins with the possibilities. You pull the sheet aside for my legs and begin to massage first one and then the other. As you finish massaging each, I hear the sound of Velcro again and then feel something fastened around my ankle. As you finish massaging each leg you rotate it so that my knee is bent and turned out to the side, leaving you an open view to my panty covered pussy.

You move back up to my head and lean over me, taking both of my hands into yours. You bring our hands together over my head, bending them down behind me. CLICK. I hear the sound and react instantly, trying to raise my hands back over my head and I cannot. While I realize what you’ve done at my head, you quickly go to each of my feet, securing them with a click of some sort of clip. In under 30 seconds you have taken me from totally relaxed massage to pure helplessness. My mind reels as I realize my position.

You pull the sheet away from my body, exposing my nearly naked body to your view. I shiver as the cool air of the room caresses my body. I feel my nipples harden, though if it’s from desire or the change in temperature I am unsure. “Now, my submissive little pet, how beautiful you are lying there, totally helpless.”

Mentally, I shutter at the change in your voice. I can tell your really enjoying my helplessness. I pray that I haven’t made a mistake in trusting you, because you could easily do anything you want with me and I am in no position to fight you. Your hands touch me near my neck and then rub downward, your fingers splaying widely over my breasts. Your finger close over my breast, coming together at my nipples, you gently squeeze. When you get no reaction, you increase the pressure until I softly cry out.

I feel your mouth close over one nipple, the fingers of your other hand still work the other nipple rolling it an pinching it to get a reaction out of me. I cannot help the desire that builds within me. You are playing me like a violin, the vibrations echoing throughout my body. To me there is nothing more arousing than being taken and controlled and you have managed to do so without so much as my lifting a finger to help. Tipobet Güncel Giriş I love your inventiveness and your forethought.

As I lay there, I let my mind go, giving myself up to you, to the longing………giving up my free will, feeling the tendrils of submission pulling at me, tugging from deeply down within my mind. I reach down… into my mind letting the sensations build deeply down, surrendering my self to the sensations of submitting.

Your hand slides down my stomach and curls over my mound, your fingers rubbing the lacy fabric of the panties. I realize these panties may be the best things I’ve ever purchased as I feel the sensation of your fingers rubbing over the top of the fabric. You grab the fabric and pull it, pulling it up tight against my ass and in between my wet pussy lips. You run your fingers inside the fabric both pulling the fabric from my slit and letting your knuckles graze my throbbing lips. I moan out loud. With that moan, you push the fabric aside and plunge your long fingers into my pussy. Opening my wetness and making me cry out in pure pleasure. You pump my pussy several times and then pull the panties back into place over my slickness.

“You shouldn’t have worn those pet, now I have to get rid of them,” before I can figure out your meaning, I feel something cold slide against my upper thigh. It only takes me a moment to realize you’ve got scissors and are cutting away my panties. When you pull them to remove them, they get caught for a moment in the crack of my ass. When you tug them with more force I lift my hips, “very nice pet, don’t move.”

I try to stay in the same position hoping that you’re enjoying the view. Then I feel your hand on my lower back lifting me up higher, I feel one of the massage wedge slide beneath my back, tilting my pussy up even more, but allowing me to relax against the incline of the pillow. Thus tied, exposed, and at your mercy I find myself, and I love every moment of it… it is where and how I truly belong. Again, I let my mind go, feeling that little flutter deep inside, this time craving a release. Isn’t that what submission is, a release? A giving up of free will? And I do it, give up my will as I feel that flutter continue to grow deeply within me, I follow that feeling down within the quiet darkness of my mind to that place deeply down within me…wanting release, needing to just let myself slip away into total submission.

I feel you climb onto the bed, and position yourself between my legs. Your fingers reach out and touch my pussy. You grab one pussy lip between each thumb and forefinger, pinching them gently and pulling my pussy lips apart. “Your pussy is so pink” you say almost in a groan. I moan as you roll my lips between your fingers. Spreading me open, exposing me to your view. I let the feeling of your examination float down into my head space, and I revel in it. Loving that you explore me, and there is nothing I can do to stop you.

I feel your tongue lick from the lowest part of my pussy to the nub of my clit. This is almost my undoing. You lick me a few more times, your tongue curling up to flick my clit and then thrust two of your long fingers deep inside of me, pressing deeply, your whole hand pressing against my pussy as your finger probe. As you explore me, I feel you find my g-spot. You begin to pay close attention to that as you softly lick my clit. Within minutes you bring me to the edge of orgasm and then with a flick of your fingers on my g-spot you send me over the top. Even in my orgasmic fog, I am amazed as I feel myself, not just cum, but gush juices all over your hand. I cum and cum and cum as you continue to rub that button deep inside my pussy. Finally you stop.

In my mental fog, I hear the sound of paper, and realize it’s a wrapper, moments later I feel you position yourself over my body and then I feel your thick cock as you plunge it deeply inside me. You’re longer than I thought from my brief feel, and a perfect thickness. You groan as you feel my pussy muscles squeeze down around you. At first you go slowly, but very soon you’re fucking me deep and hard. With the pillow beneath me, you are able to penetrate me deeply, your cock hits my g-spot with almost every thrust and soon I am at the edge of orgasm again. I beg and pant for you to go deeper and harder and you oblige, as I crest over the top you pound me mercilessly. Moments later you stiffen and groan as you find your release. You quiver as I contract my muscles around your cock and squeeze the cum out of your cock. You surprise me when you don’t stop fucking me after you cum. You slow down, but you don’t stop. After building yourself up again, you pound my pussy until I cum a third time, then you let yourself have your second release.

You unclip my legs first and then move to my arms, gently helping me to raise them back above my head, massaging the circulation back into them. I reach up to remove the blindfold but you don’t let me. You reach up with your hands and carefully untie the knot and pull the blindfold away from my eyes. Your eyes sparkle with desire and mirth as you ask me, “So how did you like the massage?”

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